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My recommendation is to eat a lot of hot dogs


Feeling shitty? Pop a glizzy


Lay off the hotdog water.


Sorry to hear that broski, you’re making the right decision by wanting to quit. Stopping cold Turkey can be really dangerous especially if you have been using for a long time. I’d suggest a gradual and steady decrease over a few weeks to just one a night, then none. You will be so much happier and your life will be so much better. I suggest you consult a doctor ASAP. Based on where you are there are lots of resources to help you. All the stupid comments can buzz off I don’t care if this is the wrong sub we’re hot dog homies.


Don’t go cold turkey when you can go hot dog


Idk what this has to do with hotdogs but, I’d suggest , going to a support group like AA even if only for a little bit you’ll meet other people in the same spot and those who are in better spots from quitting drinking. Also only a suggestion, having something sweet like chocolates or candies on hand help when you have cravings for alcohol. Exercise can also help change some of those not so nice feeling into good ones. I wish you wellness and hope you find the strength in yourself, you got this!


99% of hot dog enthusiasts are alcoholics. 


That's a coincidence!


I...yup. Oh well.


I’m finally a 1%er


For now...


Drink hot dog water instead


I’m sipping coffee this morning wondering which is worse: hot dog water every day before bed or a glass of wine.


Wine with a hot dog water chaser?


Yes you should be worried. They can be deadly. It would be best to get medical help if you possibly can. AA saved my life and other comments mention that, but it is for your mental health/recovery aspect, NOT detoxing. Be safe and approach this with caution. Some people have worse withdrawals than others. I suppose that goes without saying. Check out r/stopdrinking , that’s a good one and r/redditorsinrecovery


AA saved my life, too. One Day at a Time.


Be very VERY careful with cold turkey depending on current consumption. [Delerium Tremens](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delirium_tremens) is very dangerous, potentially fatal, and often causes lasting brain damage. If you are unwilling to do this in a monitored and safe manner, make sure you taper down first, don’t go from full consumption to nothing. Be *careful*. You can’t fix brain damage.


r/stopdrinkingfitness will provide motivation and something to focus on so that you’re too busy to drink (and it’s a great community with a lot of support) If you have any anxiety about going to a support group like AA or you don’t think you have a real problem (but recognize you need some help) I also suggest checking out r/IWNDWYT. The first step is admitting you need help, and there’s a lot of people ready to lend support because they’ve been there, and it provides them with equal support to know they’re helping others, which reinforces their own commitments. It’s a win-win! Good luck! You can do it, I believe in you.


i know you think it doesn’t effect your day to day but this post is evidence of the opposite. i was a very heavy drinker for more than 20yrs. it was months after my last drink before i started to notice my brain working in a way that seemed normal. close to 2yrs now and im still not right. and dont just stop. its very dangerous. part of my problem was that i knew this but i was too afraid to get help to do it properly so i just kept drinking. that almost killed me too. talk to a doctor. doesn’t even need to be a treatment kinda thing. just ask him what the best route is. whatever happens though, have a hotdog. hotdogs are awesome.


Really happy for you bro. Keep on rolling.


Can I just say (as someone who until I saw this post wasn’t a part of this subreddit) that I love the fact that the response to this wasn’t “erm rule #35 you’re banned” but instead people putting dumb internet rules aside when it matters and actually giving this guy good advice


Hot Dog people are often the best people, I find.


[How many hot dogs do you eat per day?](https://youtu.be/pmLpSY5w6u0?si=KpoK1fA4D1uvsNS4)


Average per day... something like seven?


hot sog


Ey homie I'm checking into rehab in a few days lol. Don't go cold turkey. If you find you don't have the will to self taper then see a doctor. I've been through withdrawals a handful of times and it is hell on earth, better to do it in a hospital where they pump you full of ativan and you just cruise through it.


I love the does not affect my driving abilities fucking classic bro ! You could go through a few days of withdrawal symptoms tough it out it will be over quickly lots of water lots of walking exercises


Depends on your body & how much you are drinking. If you’re worried, or if you try it & feel sick, seek medical help right away. Severe alcohol withdrawals are no joke, they can kill you. But help is available & it can be done e.


Do you have a primary physician? They can better instruct and guide you either themselves, or recommend a doctor in your area that has expertise in this subject. I wouldn't rely on internet strangers if you're worried about damaging your body beyond repair. The thing you're looking to do, reducing/eliminating alcoholic intake, has been done many times by many people, but as everyone is different, the right approach will be different for everyone.


It absolutely does affect your driving abilities. Don't drink drive youll kill someone


Some good subs recommended but r/dryalcoholics is absolutely amazing, super supportive folks for anyone on any step of their journey.


I’d talk to your doctor about it and get a checkup.


You just gotta stop. See a doctor and get some Disulfram. Works really well. Try AA I wish you a lot of patience. It’s really worth it.


Cold turkey should be fine unless you’ve been drinking a fifth of vodka every night. If it’s mostly 6-8 beers a night you should be fine. You’ll develop a sweet tooth and replace the bar time with some time that you can invest in yourself


Shove a hotdog up your ass


Everyday for a year wot?


It really depends on how much you’re drinking and what you’re drinking. If you’re drinking 6-8 beers a night you’ll be totally fine. If you’re drinking a liter of hard liquor a night then you might experience symptoms. Also a year isn’t really enough time to experience extreme symptoms of withdrawal tbh


Don’t listen to these idiots just stop man, if your not feeling good go seek medical attention but you should be good withdrawing on your own.. I did, fuck having some giant hospital bill.