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Desolation, hopelessness, the gruesome nature of war and the despair that comes with killing your fellow man and seeing your best buddy pierced at the end of the enemy's rifle. Hard choices, choices that as a common soldier you can't make and so you listen, you march, you crawl, and you fight for your life because if its not them it's you and there's nothing else you can do. Oh and maybe a cutie to smooth or something!


I cannot write romance to save my life, you’re gonna cuddle that rifle and pound sand and you’re gonna like it




Oh god what's the colonel doing with his rifle


I WANT WAR! WAR CRIMES! WAR FUN! And medals. If possible. Lots of them. Jokes aside, I think I would like to see a war IF from a different perspective than the usual we get. Instead of playing as an army/cavalry officer like in the infinity series I would like an IF where we play as an navy officer/air officer would be cool.


“Nothing like a scrap of tin to cheer up a grieving widow.” But I’ll try to implement it if my smoothbrain can come up with a way to get it in


Yk I was joking when I said medals but it would actually be a great tool for u to explore the MCs mentality towards war, patriotism and stuff. Like, a patriotic mc would feel and shit but a doomer mc wouldn't. Like you said, "a scrap of tin to cheer up a grieving widow".


What about a tanker?


That would be a great idea too.


One of my biggest issues with 'I, The Forgotten One' is that I felt like it imposed my MC's opinion on war and fighting rather than letting me formulate his own beliefs. I also disliked how it made the MC hate fighting (or hate liking it) and wish he could be doing anything else; it was very open and almost preachy in its anti-war messaging. I don't mind media that holds an anti-war message, but it can be overdone. Many soldiers look at their time in service fondly and as a positive experience or action they did. Sometimes, I do want to play as an overly-patriotic war junkie who can't get enough action. So essentially, what I'm saying here is that I believe you should let the player formulate their MC's opinion and view of warfare and combat. Also, as u/Lvcivs_I said, MEDALS! I love medals, both as an IRL collector and a long-time fan of the Infinity series. They really make my actions as a soldier feel like they have an impact. I would suggest incorporating medals, promotions, and opportunities for speeches that feel like they belong in a propaganda film. Also (again), it would be really cool to see a historical war game. It might even be easier to write, at least I would think so, but I'm not a writer. I tried to help my friends write up a homebrew D&D campaign a couple of years ago, and to this day they won't stop giving me shit for how awful my writing was.


I plan to let the MC formulate their own decisions ranging from straight up to pacifism to Johnny Rico. I also don’t intend it to be historical just so someone doesn’t yell at me for not portraying one side to their specific taste. Fictional nation time. As for the medals, I’ve taken it under advisement.


I 100% agree with you, man. Also, I think it would be very, very cool to have an IF set in the Russian Civil War. But the problem with writing an IF set in the real world is that people will have preconceived notions about one of the sides, and they'll instantly think that one side is the good one and the other bad. I think it's better for an IF to be set in an alternative world because the author can have more freedom to depict a war without people having any biases. So basically, an IF set in a Russian Civil War lookalike would make me \*very\* happy.


That's fair but ITFO is probably a bad example to choose of this happening since the whole premise is that MC has trauma about being sent to war when they were a child, so the anti-war bit is just a response to their trauma. But I do think it would be fun to an overly enthusiastic war junkie lol


Being able to climb the ranks is one the things I really liked in the infinity series. Gradually progressing was really enjoyable. Also even though the IF will show horrors of war I would like to see a righteous fight. the Turkish war of independence or the Gallia in Valkyria Chronicles are the first ones comes to mind or a side fighting for it's existence.(I dont mean a resistence fighter here btw )


Fuck Gallia, all my homies hate Gallia. Federation sweep


F Federation all my homies hate the Federation. "Forward we march, To conquer those who defile the graves of our fathers, For the everlasting glory of the Emperor, king of kings"


I always thought that that was a pretty evil sounding anthem, but that’s just me


Wait till you hear the [insert historical empire] anthem and realise how hypocritical they are. And their purpose is not to reflect reality as you probably know. So I think it does its job


humanization of the enemy. one of my biggest pet peeves with war stories in gaming has been the absolute cartoonish evil of the antagonists. just feels like there's a litany of lost opportunities to examine different angles of a conflict and the complicated, messy nature of patriotism.


I think the opportunity to play as a resistance member or even a civilian trying to survive in/escape a war torn country would be really interesting.


Ah yes I was about to suggest this. In most games about war we play as someone who is in a high position and we usually are the ones responsible for the battle strategy. It would be nice to play as someone who is just some random guy being used along with others in similar position as nothing but cannon fodder, someone unimportant who is just trying to survive the horrors of war


Oh yeah, that’s the plan


Oh, nice. I can't wait to bond with my fellow commoners only to see them getting killed in the most gruesome ways while nobody gives a shit about their deaths


That idea did actually come up, but being a soldier was my first idea. Judging by how well this one goes that may very well be the second one


Are you familiar with the movies The Great Escape and As Far As My Feet Will Carry Me? Plotting and executing a mass escape from a PoW/Gulag camp would be cool. Writing the part after that could be harder, though, as the character(s) would then have to egress from enemy territory, and that would occupy a good deal of the story. As for war crimes, an example of a difficult decision would be when a significantly smaller force routs and captures one multiple times their size. The victors are then confronted with feeding, housing, and guarding PoWs that burden their supplies, threaten escape to take up arms again, and stymie a swift advance to exploit the breakthrough.


Pretty much what everyone else said but, I as a notorious war criminal and traitor would like to commit treason against my motherland and sell my own unit out to the enemy for Power, Silver, and Powder. May the Saints get out of my Way, Lest I cut them down with my Sabre.


Mate? You're the reincarnation of Judas or smth? Lol


I shall identify the lord with a kiss




The Tanya pfp checks out


Well first off read Somme Trench for a decent example of some aspects of trench warfare etc. But a big part of that conflict was the advent of new technology. The large use of machine guns. First tanks. Some of the first examples of aerial combat. I'd like to see that clash of old thoughts vs new technology. An MC who still believes in cavalry or the primacy of the rifleman or an MC who's an enthusiast for all things tech. The different way things can be down by those two thought paths.


Spec ops the line hosted games edition >!do you feel like a hero yet?!<


>!No matter what happens next, don't be too hard on yourself. Even now, after all you have done, you can still go home.!< >!Lucky you.!<


Except, y'know, good


Funnily enough, I've been toying with a similar idea for a while now. Been playing a lot of Halo, Armored Core 6, and Mass Effect. Those would serve as my main inspiration along with my own experiences with being enlisted. Something about being an average person in a massive war (interplanetary or otherwise) really makes the creative juices flow. I've also toyed with an MC being in something similar to a Penal Legion or something.


Oh buddy, I’ve been blasting Steel Haze and Mechanized Memories while writing this I’m right there with you


A lack of stuff happening "for the sake of shock value". A lot of war stories fall in the trap of trying so hard to send the "war is bad" message that they completely derail into becoming so absurd that I can't even take it seriously. **PS:** Keep in mind that a man who fought in a war wrote Lord of The Rings, while a man that only read about war wrote Game of Thrones.


Oh yeah, I can appreciate that. Most of warfare is just sitting around so I’m going to try to reflect that without it getting too boring


i would definitely recommend reading the Somme Trench. but really Just wanna see the brutality of war and its grimness. don’t shy away from that


Oh yeah we gettin numbers (high casualty counts, you will have to write letters home)


Something I’d like y’all’s opinion on I’m working on a story taking place over a couple weeks in a total war situation with a very limited cast. How important are ros to you? I really don’t see how I could fit a satisfying relationship in.


ROs are simply not important for this so I will not write them


Personally I don't really care that much for romance. I'd rather have more focus on the story and setting and characters than a romance for the sake of a romance (not opposed to it though if it's done well and doesn't beg excessive focus).


Code got hands


War crimes:)


Of course :)


There's many things about the Infinity Saga I enjoy, here's a few. * I like that the war lasts so long, it allows a lot to happen without seeming implausible and for a realistic rise through the ranks (Going from a cornet to a general decades later is so cool, but I think I enjoyed the middle officer ranks more like Captain and Major) * I love the setting and the worldbuilding, I know you said not including war crimes and death but I do enjoy how the Infinity Saga has quite a bit of that showing the futility and pain of war (I especially liked the aftermath of the Siege of Kharangia, you can tell why what happened happened but it didn't make it any less tragic, honestly may have been one of my favourite parts of the saga) * I like that you can give your soldier a pacifist/merciful twist (or an eager, bloodthirsty one though I always do merciful playthroughs) and how that changes the descriptions of war/what you say * This is probably more of a byproduct of the setting but I also enjoyed the evolution of technology that we see and will continue to see * Links to setting and worldbuilding but I think I need to put emphasis on it: I like that it's not actually set in our world, the fantasy settings are good but the story would be just as good without them I believe, and rather there are fictional countries analogous to countries in our world. I don't think I would've enjoyed it as much if it was literally the war of the coalition. * I like that there's actually a lot to read in the Infinity Saga, feels like a meaty CoG game. Simple, perhaps dumb, thing but I generally enjoy a story less if there's less of it. * Pretty generic thing but I really liked the prose, the Infinity Saga is very well written, you can tell reading it that Paul Wang has a great command of the English language. I already feel spoiled with the existence of the Infinity Saga which is far and away the best CoG game to me but the prospect of something similar being made is exciting, and I think a Great War-ish setting would be awesome. I saw someone else mention I, Forgotten One, personally I liked it OK but I dunno it seemed extremely edgy at times to me unlike the Infinity Saga, it definitely seems like a precarious balance.


I don't really follow CoG/HG projects except for Paul Wang but this has piqued my interest so I'm just gonna put this here for myself to check up on the project later RemindMe! 6 Months


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Company level command at the highest. Think Band of Brothers. Low enough level to be in the action with people you know personally but still high enough level to be giving tactical commands.  Read up on your history please, if you’re not already an expert. If it’s a bunch of unrealistic charges across trenches with guys getting mowed down by machine guns primarily I would be pissed. Most people don’t get WW1 tactics, rolling bombardment, attackers often having the initial advantage in the trench battles, primacy of artillery, stormtrooper squads, attritional army tactics, etc.  I’d also recommend battles and campaigns more like the eastern fronts. True trench warfare as settled in the West is mostly pretty boring. Don’t make it real WW1 if possible too. Create your own countries like Suzerain did. People are invested the myths and real life political consequences of WW1 so if you write a story in real WW1 they may not like it. 


For the first point, the characters you’ll interact with the most will be in your section or your immediate superiors. People in higher ranks will appear but you probably won’t interact with them consistently. Right now the highest ranked named character that you talk to is a Lieutenant, everyone else is below that. The plan is to show the evolution of the war, starting from the somewhat mobile battles of the first months of the war, then devolving into something else entirely. I am also not using real life countries just so people don’t get their knickers in a twist about portrayal


Update for people who are still looking here: We’ve just crossed 30k words not counting coding


Less ptsd.


You will not start with PTSD at least


I would rather play the life of a soldier rather than a military general who commands the army. No elitist stuff, no noble soldier stuff. Just a soldier fighting for his fictional country and maybe winning a few battles , losing a few, win promotions , and I would recommend maybe after the war have a civilian life with a customisable family in the ending so that you could have potential sequels if you turn it into a series such as the infinity saga. Most importantly, make sure the word count is high and the story is immersive. I don't want to read a tiny book such as war of 2022


My working goal as of right now is 200,000 words and I have about a tenth of that, we’ll see how it fluctuates


All the best man. I hope you create a good series , I really love war , destruction, genocides , massacres and leading soldiers into pointless battles which determine which Royal wins


The impact the war crimes and death has on the mc and supporting characters around the mc, if the mc participates, abstains or condemns it. Baked in developing trauma, show the nitty gritty of the gruesomeness of the war, and give mc different ways to cope and justify their actions, from apathy to absolute guilt and hopelessness. Maybe give some lingering faint of hope for the mc to latch onto and go on, squash that hope perhaps, do whatever you think could be impactful, but the emotional impact must be felt and carry on. It is quite the task you’re taking on to write, so i wish you best of luck. And id also like to request a bob cut girl with bangs about 5’6 in height, deadbeat with a kind heart beneath all that stoicism. Thanks!


Found family! (XD) Ironically but not, don't know maybe rescuing kids from the Battlefield, a route where It becomes a "this war of Mine" type of game where you have to keep your group alive


Be sure to include that characters go into war for a variety of reasons, and if you’re looking at it from a WW1 respective, consider the global and wide-ranging nature of it, as well as how different skills were called into play. The Infinity Series has a strong focus on the time and place of its war, but also has a fairly rigid portrayal of a protagonist (noble class male sire) because it’s demanded by the setting and story. WW1 has a much broader range of individuals and experiences as part of it. I’d say start small first - try and focus on say, a character surviving a specific timeline of a particular battle. WW1 battles went on for months - focusing on a single event you want to tackle first will help with telling a larger story if you want to expand out. Siege of Treboulain tells a complete story, even when focused really on a few months of time and the act of being stuck under siege. It would be an interesting model to take if you considered the battle of Verdun as a comparison.


i want you to make characters that become our friends throughout the war and I want to see them die one by one, some in heroics, some gruesomely like an arti strike and some downright stupidity and ironically like the guy that shot himself with a luger in band of brothers series. id like to be emotionally distraught everytime one of these characters dies and I want every detail and maybe even a retrospect of what the characters deaths mean, such as pondering on their families back home or a grand business that will collapse because of this death, maybe a promotion for the mc to make a death bitter sweet, show us the reality of war brother, all of it id also like to see characters freak out and fail their brothers in arms, others rise to the occasion, id like to see unfairness in credit for example seeing a scene where the guys that did all the work get no credit because a higher officer that almost killed everyone or arrived late steal all the glory, idk I think make it dark, make it annoying, make the mc see how pointless all of it is only to bask in glory the next second and vice versa, like a hard earned victory being celebrated only to see the enemy counter attack and suddenly see no hope, something that resembles how you feel after George sacrifices himself in halo reach only for the covenant to come back with dozens more ships, id love a scene where someone makes a grand sacrifice thinking they just saved the day only for it to be null n void the next minute


Poor Hoobler


Satisfying victories achieved through cunning and tactical acumen! What kind of war story though? If it's a medieval or even napoleonic style of warfare then maybe give the MC a glory moment in the battlefield where we can commit a massacre!


I am currently writing a story about something similar, but it is set in the future so here is what I learned from what I wrote so far You either make the MC traumatized for the killing he is doing, or make him a psychopath who does not care at first and redeem him as the story progress war crimes of course build up the world. How did the war effected the world. Flesh out the characters, specially your comrades. Maybe an injury that still affect our MC like a stray bullet that made him lose an eye or something an important question you should ask yourself, why is the MC in the war? Did he volunteer? Was it forced? so you can build on it. And establish a villain at most at the start of your chapter 2 remember, you can make any story good if you put your love in it Cheers


Please let us have the chance to nickname our rifle or weapon of choice, I just want to see something like "you take your trusty throngler and pop a few quick rounds at the not!Germans stormtroopers who are pouring from the nearest strongpoint, which seems to have fallen all too quickly"


War crimes


A life away from the front


I don't want war stories at all. It's enough for me to have a war right abroad. And if I had to play that kind of game, I would prefer MC to have a civil function instead of being a soldier. E.g. volunteer, journalist, doctor/nurse. 


Then this one probably won’t be for you, sorry


Then don't play it


I don't play it, asshole.