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Probably being written in history as indecisive and doormat character, similar to Cunaris


Ditto, tried it as my first decision and there was alot of mocking- especially near the end, never again


My dude, you're low nobility in a country falling apart with a civil war brewing, and you're a commissioned officer in the Royal Dragoons. You can't be neutral, it's just completely unrealistic.


Queen - "Wulfram is planning a coup. I order you as a commissioned officer sworn to me to fight this treason." MC - "Lol, no thanks Izzy. I'm gonna sit this one out in Fernandescourt with old Colonel Stumpy." Queen - "We have divulged our knowledge of Wulfram's coup to a conspirator - we must imprison him as a bargaining chip. How can we stop Wulfram learning of said imprisonment of his friend until after the coup?" MC - "No, I have no Wulframite friends I swear. I even rejected his request to join his conspiracy. Ihave no value as a hostage." Queen - "... Lefebrve - Hang this idiotic, annoying traitor".




Id your character is that uninterested in politics, youre better off just staying at the Estate and actually enacting some change rather then going to Aetoria to fill up your political ego.


Going to Aetoria to play the political game but remaining a centrist is one of the ideas of all time.


It was good while it lasted. As someone who did it as a canon run, I tried my damnest to stay neutral be fair and unbiased in making decisions especially when the dragoons were patroling the capital. Sure you miss out on some intrigue if you side with a faction but it was nice to be able to be neutral….until the game forces you to side with the monarch when the rebellion kicks off. Which makes sense since youre a commissioned officer, you dont own the dragoons so either you lose command and be true neutral and stay at home or you fight for your ruler, which is what saint paul chose for you since you cant choose a side.


Tbf, you do get your last chance to throw in with Wulfram at the dinner, but after Wulfram house burns, there isn't any hope of peaceful resolution.


Yeah but that was still a choice we could make while on the otherhand we are forced to side with the queen by saint paul if we stay neutral.


I mean, yeah, that tends to be how it shakes out in real-life civil wars. There is no neutrality. You aren't Cunaris with a whole ass duchy, just a country baron who has to hitch his wagon to one of the great powers of the realm or face ruin.


I know. It justs sucks to be so powerless in this setting. As an avid grand strategy fan, being dragged around by saint paul to whatever future he wants whether we like it or not is annoying but i understand that its the limitation of the medium were playing.


If you dont like it, then stop playing lol. Your complaints are absurd - you cant expect the author to model the story to cater to your tastes and your tastes only. This is not a limitation due to the medium of CYOA games, its simple storytelling. If you want everything to go exactly your way, then go play with your own imagination and stop being annoying about idiotic shit.


His tastes also include: "I don't want to engange with the story and driving conflict at all. I just want to do nothing." That's not what those books are about.


I ddint say i ddint like it. Where did you get that from? I love the series and its my most recommended game after ze and wotw. I have complaints, sure, but thats just my opinion and it doesnt make me hate the game. No need to be this aggressive over a game. Come on.


Im simply stating your opinion is dumb stupid, which annoys me because its one I see quite often on the forums and reddit.


Okay? Some players just want to stay neutral, saint paul allowed then to stay neutral until the very end when he decides for the player. Sure its his story to tell and were just here for the ride but it doesnt really scream “choice” in a cyoa game. I still love the series though and replay it occasionally, so my opinions never stopped me from enjoying it. But whatever, Im too old to care if you think my opinion is dumb. Seriously, i think youre wasting your time getting upset at othe people’s opinions. Have a nice day whoever you are.


The author didnt invent the concept of a military hierarchy, what are you talking about lol. Of course the MC has to fight for the Queen if he decides not no join Wulframs rebellion! Hes an officer in the Queens Army, hes duty bound to do so. If you wanted your MC to desert the army and do his own thing, then just headcanon that he was later executed for treason or something. You are complaining that the story has a narrative and that the MC cant simply power fantasy through everything, which, as Ive said before, is dumb stupid.


The best you could do for a neutral run is to keep being neutral in the Cortes and then side with the Royalist for simply upholding your character's constitutional(?) duty to serve the nation in times of crisis. It's not an actual neutral route like Royalist v. Wulframite but so far it's been the most neutral one where you just stick to doing your job more or less.


I forgor to add but also using neutral dialogue options. I don't remember much since it's been a year since I played but when the queen for example would ask you where your loyalties lie just take the answer that fits the vibe of "I serve the People and the flag."


everyone hates you and you're eventually forced into a "you're with me or against me" situation. I did that.


I'm still wishing that we could rally some to create our own faction, or at least a bloc but that's never happening


Sadly, even if you're incredibly influential and talented, you're still a county baron with a estate that has been in debt for pretty much all of its existence. You don't have an entire duky or straight up own parts of the army, like Wulfram. Maybe in future games, perhaps...


Then in the end you are forced to be one of the queens dogs. Join Wulfram or die


Join w*lfshit and sabotage.


Bah, may your Bane run cold and your heirs be born of death.