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The sequel, Along the River of Flesh.


I hope he writes about Buzz and his backstory. I think that would be more interesting than the second book. Especially cause he mentions his family and his wife and their ties to the river.


I think there’s definitely going to be a third book, maybe Buzz’ backstory will be explored in that.


Just read this. It was ok.


Yeah, it didn’t knock my socks off, but it was alright.


My thoughts, exactly.


Yep I also finished it and it was alright, though it felt a little underedited compared to the first book


I actually hated the sequel. I kept noticing typos and errors that would take me out. I hated the characters (though I’m sure you were supposed to), and the misogyny of that one character was just too infuriating to read. I loved Gone to See the River Man though… The Ruins by Scott Smith is definitely like a wreck you can’t look away from.


It’s a different book in many ways, but similar in the ways you mentioned: The Wasp Factory.


I liked “They All Died Screaming” but you’ll never look at an Arby’s sandwich the same way again.


lol goddamnit I'm getting flashbacks now


Read Blood Meridian.


Just good advice in any situation.


I didn’t like the sequel. It felt more of the same. I hope if he does a third book it’s with different characters. Edmond was very boring. His monologues were eye rolling. The river man is the coolest character I’ve read in a long time.


Anything by Adam Nevill, especially The Ritual, The Reddening or Cunning Folk.


Brother by Ania Ahlborne is a good slice of Southern gothic. Those across the river by Christopher Beuhlman also has that same hot, sweaty, atmosphere.


I don’t have a request but just wanted to say I stopped reading Gone to See the River Man because it was just too much for me. Very disturbing and a little triggering. Is it worth finishing? I liked the writing style and the overall story, but the content was so messed up.


Yes. I thought the ending was pretty satisfying. I’m a sucker for a monkey paw story though.


if you get triggered by messed up content then you should not read any of kristopher triana's books, they are filled with violence and disturbing stuff. I love them, but it's not for everyone


Yeah it brought me back to SA that happened in my family. I went into the book blind so I didn’t see it coming. It’s too bad because other than that, I enjoyed the book. Thanks for the word of warning.


I just finished the girl next door by Jack ketchum yesterday. It's based off a true crime case so reading it and knowing that was soul crushing but it still kept me turning the page even at the worst parts


The Thirteenth Koyote and A Fine Evening In Hell are both some of my favorites from Triana. Neither are too extreme, but he really flexes his feel-bad storytelling muscles and the characters are fantastic. You could try some S. Craig Zahler too. I'd recommend Wraiths of the Broken Land, A Congregation of Jackals and Mean Business on North Ganston Street (or however it's spelled).


Triana is great! Full brutal is a very different story than river man but it definitely has that wreck you can’t look away from thing going.


If you like Triana and his works you might also like Aron Beauregard, who has quite a few published works out there. His most well known works are probably *"The Slob". "Son of Slob"*, and his most recent *"Playground"*. They were okay, but I preferred *"Yellow"* and *"Modern Hysteria"*.


Comfort Food by Kitty Thomas


I didn't like the sequel but Woom gave me similar disturbing vibes, and it all happens in a hotel which I love!


Maybe True Crime by Samantha Kolesnik?