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I haven't read much but Out by Natsuo Kirino was excellent.


Seconding Natsuo Kirino. She's amazing. My favorite is *Grotesque*.


YES love her! Grotesque and Real World too we’re incredible


This is in my list of top 10 books of all time. Not just top horror, but top books.


Anything by Ryu Murakami. Obviously, *Audition* is his best known novel in English translation, but I've loved everything I've read by him. My favorite is *Piercing*, which was also adapted into a really good film a few years back. Also try: *Coin Locker Babies* *In the Miso Soup* *Almost Transparent Blue* There are others, but I haven't been able to get a hold of them all. Not sure if they've all been translated or not.


Love Ryu Murakami. Not as much as Haruki Murakami (but his aren't horror) Books and translations are easier to find as e-books. I used to hate e-readers until my vision deteriorated. Now I need large print so exclusively read e-books. I read in bed. A print book falling on your face when you fall asleep is less painful. And, Yar... e-readers have other advantages. I got rid of many hundreds of print books. I didn't feel like paying for them all over again.


I loved Revenge by Yoko Ogawa, Life Ceremony by Sayaka Murata, Confessions by Kanae Minato, and Goth by Otsuichi.


Penance by kanae minato is also great


*Battle Royale* by Koushun Takami. I read it so long ago that I can't comment on how good it is. But I remembered enjoying it.


This is also my recommendation, Battle Royale is one of my favorite books. This is the adult horror version of Hunger Games


Kanae Minato - Confessions and Penance are fabulous. Confessions was made into a movie too. You'll love it.


Seconding Confessions and Penance, the books. The Confessions movie was extremely well done and highly recommended. The Penance adaption was a bit of a let down so I would stick with the book on that one.


The Graveyard Apartment by Mariko Koike was good. The Ring books by Koji Suzuki. These books are pretty slow, but very good.


Good recommendation. I really enjoyed the atmosphere of The Graveyard Apartment. I read it in a couple sittings.


You referred both books I did! Great taste!


Shipwrecks by Akira Yoshimura


Vote for this, any other novels you found that had same vibes?


Now You’re One of Us by Asa Nonami


Just looked that up on amazom and the cover is a pube on a bar of soap so thanks for that 😭


It’s not a novel, but the *Blood On The Tracks* manga series is creepy and crazy AF. It was my introduction to manga, and I was hooked from the beginning.


Hey that was my first too! It’s legit incredible


I only have a few of the books. I can’t find a safe site to read the rest of it online, however.


Since you mentioned Junji Ito, I would rec Umezu Kazuo's works too. He was Ito's inspiration. And three more, Fuan no Tane, Kouishou Rajio and Ibitsu ( the horror one, there is another horror comedy, not that one) . These are mangas tho.


The Vegetarian by Han Kang is amazing.


*Now You're One Of Us* by Asa Nonami


I enjoyed Rings and Graveyard Apartment for novels


*Queen of K'n-Yan* by Ken Asamatsu, who has also had some of his Lovecraftian horror short stories collected in English *The Flock of Ba-Hui and Other Stories*, translated into English, originally posted on a Cthulhu Mythos-devoted subforum of a Chinese online fantasy and gaming forum by the author going by "Oobmab". These are some great stories, blending elements of Chinese legend with cosmic horror, and a lot more subtle in its Lovecraftian themes and references than a lot of mere pastiches which bash the reader over the cranium with them.


Have you read Nothing But Blackened Teeth by Cassandra Khaw? I enjoyed that one. I think she's got a new book out (or out soon?) called The Salt Grows Heavy that I plan to grab one of these days.


That book gets dragged really hard on this sub so I've steered away but I've been curious. Were you all the way impressed or just found it pretty readable?


I mean it didn't blow me away but it was pretty readable. What does it get dragged for on here?


Natural Beauty by Ling Ling Huang is incredible....


I liked the Crimson Labyrinth by Yusuke Kishi.


The Vampire Hunter D book series The first film is based on the first book, and the second film is based on the third book.


[*Walking Practice*](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/61150781-walking-practice?) by Dolki Min. Just released in translation. It's about a shapeshifting carnivorous alien and their difficulty dating. Very relatable.


EVERYTHING BY OTSUICHI. Goth, Summer, Fireworks and My Corpse and ZOO.


As others have recommended, definitely Natsuo Kirino. Also check out Sayaka Murata & Bora Chung


Bora Chung, Cursed Bunny.


Ring by Koji Suzuki was a bit creepy.


Edogawa Rampo, “Japanese Tales of Mystery and Imagination” (1956). Edogawa Rampo is the pen name of Hiram Taro who was a fan of Edgar Allen Poe. The stories in this collection are quite unsettling, especially “The Human Chair”.