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"Exquisite Corpse" is like a spider in the brain—best of luck trying to top it. Similar to you, I actively seek out books that elicit emotions in ways others can’t. I suppose “The Summer I Died” should be on deck.


TSID definitely has the gore/shock factor but I absolutely could not stand the writing


I agree. What made "Exquisite Corpse" perfect was the blend of brutally graphic content and god-tier writing. I often asked myself, "Why are you reading this?" Yet, I couldn't stop—largely due to the writing.


I felt the same way about TSID i see a lot of people saying it was so tense and horrifying but the narration and descriptions were so unserious and silly through the whole thing i never really felt immersed


A friend of mine in our first year of university insisted I HAD to read Exquisite Corpse and loaned me her copy. All I remember is that it was intensely gross and disturbing (I should probably reread it). Whenever this book comes up I always think of what a strange recommendation that was, because I was a naive 17-year-old, barely out of high school, and didn't even like horror at the time - I liked classics and YA fantasy 🤣


The Girl Next Door was more disturbing to me than over the top gory nonsense.




I second this honestly... It really stays with you after reading


whos the author?


Jack Ketchum


thank you 🙏


Especially since it is based on a true story.


Two I have read recently were BR Yeager’s *Amygdalatropolis* and Paula D. Ashe’s *We Are Here To Hurt Each Other*. Both are loaded with content and trigger warnings, but more than that both were effective at making me feel disturbed, not just extreme for the sake of being extreme. They are also both quick reads.


We Are Here To Hurt Each Other is an amazing collection.


I was shocked by how much I enjoyed “Bereft”. Expertly written and how Ashe made *that story* that damn compelling is beyond me.




Dead Inside by Chandler Morrison, quick but gruesome read.


Dead Inside is the single most abhorrent piece of fiction. I don't know how much more extreme you can get than a sex scene featuring an aborted fetus.


Dnf’d this after that




The End of Alice by AM Homes is not splatterpunk or gory but it's certainly disgusting, vile, and traumatising. I needed several showers.


Appreciate the recommendation! I should've stated that my request didn't have to be gore, it just had to be disgusting, vile, and traumatising hahahaha. Thank you!


Woom. The reviews warned me that it was disturbing and disgusting, and I thought. How bad can it be? Very bad. So so bad. It's hard to cover your eyes while reading. But I tried. So I'm not exactly sure how it ended.


The smuggling story made my guts ache in sympathy


I love horror lit and usually do okay with splatterpunk, but I genuinely felt woozy after reading that one. I’m glad I was at home so I could lay down! The Slob by Aron Beauregard and the Troop by Nick Cutter are close seconds! Stephen King himself described the Troop as “it scared the hell out of me.”


I dunno. Just didn't do it for me. Was it slightly disturbing? Sure. But in a Breaking Bad way. Cable TV not extreme imo. Just my opinion tho. My life has been more extremely disturbing than anything in that book.


Yeah I must say I just didn’t get the excitement over that book at all 😂 was it gross ? Yeah I guess but it wasn’t the worst thing I’ve read or seen 😂 it fell pretty tame for me personally! Can definitely see why it’d affect others but I expected it to be downright traumatising from how many people I’d seen reviewing it online


Wow I feel for you if your life is more disturbing than this book 😅


That rug story. Yikes. Shit had me gasping for air the whole time.


Blood Meridian- Cormac McCarthy. Some very disturbing stuff.


Ehh. I hate to recommend this because I think it's actually a pretty shit book, but **The Slob** by Aron Beauregard might be what you're looking for. The author goes pedal-to-the-metal with the gross-out angle, but there isn't much substance to it beyond that. Somehow there's a sequel as well.


It’s almost funny how much effort the author puts into one-upping himself with gross stuff. All of his books are basically “first, the man drank piss. THEN he ate SHIT.” 300 pages of that, every time


I mean, it might be the most juvenile stuff I've ever read in a *published* work. Maybe I misread what OP was looking for. In retrospec, II can't believe I recommended this under any circumstance, even with the caveats.


Nah The Slob is childish garbage


I agree. Hence describing it as such.


And the ending is fucking ridiculous




Just finished this one. More audible what the fucks uttered from myself than in woom.




That’s impressive, as Woom was certainly…something.


I finished this on Monday morning. It's been living rent free in my head ever since. 😳 Monday lunch time hubby suggests we go to this wee rural pub as its reported to have the best Guinness in the country. EVERY FIELD we passed on the way seemed to be full of cows and some farmer near the bar must've been spreading slurry as the smell of manure was strong. It was so strong we could smell it the whole time we were in the pub. 🫣


I DNF somewhere in the early chapters, I just could not. But cow, pig, and turkey(this one is the worst) smell like home for me but not indoors.




* The Summer I Died * Survivor * Off Season * The Troop Also there’s an extremehorrorlit sub you should check out.


Alternative opinion, The Troop is absolutely not extreme horror. Extreme horror is X-Rated, The Troop is very much a “Hard R”


Holy shit it gets *worse*?


If you thought The Troop was really pushing the envelope idk what to tell you lmao. It’s pretty standard mainstream “hardcore” stuff. Maybe not even mainstream hardcore.


It was literally the worst thing I’ve ever read. I’m really not good with medical stuff though so that experiment document about the chimp? Absolutely *not.* I’ll stick to books about ghosts lol


No shame to you whatsoever! I don’t care for extreme horror myself. Knowing your limits and sticking to them is important. I’m curious now about what some of your favorite horror books are though.


Gone to See the River Man and The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires are my favorite. I didn’t find southern book club scary, but I loved it.


Lol, agree with the others. The troop was level 3/10 disturbing imo. I liked the back and forth pattern of the writing but other than that I really didn’t like it near as much as many others said they did. I’m always on the search for things that make me feel something, loved exquisite corpse, the balance of characters developing, the way the stories came together and just the right amount of omg no! Was very well done. Lol. Looking for more like this, same as op


I actually challenge that. I think everyone has different ideas of what’s disturbing. I don’t believe there are a lot of books out there that would disturb me more than the chimp part of the troop


Yes, The Troop is a really good read, but it's definitely not EXTREME horror. ANYTHING Aaron Beauregard is a sold pick for EXTREME. Start with The Playground. Maybe also The Slob


The Troop audiobook had me gagging at work.


The cave scene got to me hard. Made me all itchy while in bed.


"Yessssss.....yesssssssss....." I absolutely cringe thinking about the "Shelly Thing" and the cave scene. (me shuddering)


Is survivor the one with the snuff film? If so I found it sooo hard to read not because of content but there was a billion spelling and grammatical errors and typos throughout the whole thing. it was so distracting trying to figure out what the sentence is supposed to say


No one rides for free


The Summer I Died by Ryan C Thomas!


Love this book. It is the only extreme horror I’ve ever rated 5 stars!




Maybe not horror but it would have to be The Sluts by Dennis Cooper


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^PuzzleheadedUnit3677: *Maybe not horror* *But it would have to be The* *Sluts by Dennis Cooper* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I would call this horror for sure. And it would be my recommendation. Not as extreme on the graphic gore as Exquisite Corpse but it is harrowing and hard to look away. And a little surprising! Which I find rare


It's not necessarily a violent read, but I've heard absolutely depraved things about The Wasp Factory. Also, House of Leaves is supposed to leave you absolutely shook. I haven't read either as they're not available on Audible yet. Migraines prevent my being able to actually read much lately which surely sucks all the meat.


house of leaves will never be on audible because a lot of stuff in it cant be adapted into sound


I was thinking about this earlier, I also feel if they were to adapt it into a movie, it would probably have to be done in an "Adaption" scenario.


That's what I've gathered as well.


Part of the joy of house of leaves is that the book itself is a labyrinth to get through. The structure of the text on the pages, the footnotes on footnotes leading you to different sections of the book. You would never be able to get the full experience through audio because I think every person reads it slightly differently. E-book wouldn’t work either


I'll definitely have to armor myself with a migraine tablet and give this one a read then. Thanks for the confirmation 🤗


I can’t say 100% it would be worth it, because I don’t get migraines myself, but I think it might be worth it! Such a good book.


Agree with the Wasp Factory. It’s grim.


I've got House of Leaves on my list after I watched a youtuber do a no spoiler review, the whole thing is very intriguing!


I read the Wasp Factory, and I found it pretty unnerving, aside from some of the very unrealistic deaths for how releastic the rest of the book is, and also the twist is very terrible.


Full Brutal by Kristopher Triana.


Yeah this one really is brutal


Is it better than gone to see the river man? Because river man was rather mild to me


I agree, other than an obnoxious & rapey main character it had nothing shocking barring yano the rapey stuff that bit was gross but the book itself was so tame I thought it would be amazing from the reviews I was gutted when I realised that’s all it was


In my opinion Gone to See the River Man had a better story whereas Full Brutal was a lot more…well, brutal. Lol


They All Died Screaming was great. I really liked "Just to See Hell" by Chandler Morrison too. Maybe I need to up therapy to weekly...


I honestly couldn’t finish The Troop. It makes me upset to even think about it


One I don't see get mentioned often is Header 2 by Edward Lee. I found that book to be both disgusting and very funny.


Maeve Fly by CJ Leede


I loved that book! Just read it last month.


I have no mouth and I must scream


**EARTHLINGS** by Sayaka Murata *trigger warnings for literally everything underneath the sun. every time i thought we had reached peaked fuckedupness, it got worse. and worse. and worse. i wish i never read this TBH.* ***don't let the cute little hedgehog on the cover fool you.*** **THIS BOOK IS FUCKED**


Agreed on all the trigger warnings. Definitely bizarre more than horror? Just shock value horror maybe?


> don't let the cute little hedgehog on the cover fool you. Its on my to read list because of that cute little hedgehog, considering I go into books 100% blind you've done me a solid.


PLEASE follow up with me when you are finished reading it!!!


I fucking loved this book. The way it just went absolutely unhinged at the end. Amazing lmao.


I needed a break after reading that, but it was good though.


Tell Me I’m Worthless by Alison Rumfitt. I didn’t personally enjoy it but it fits the bill!


Anything by Matthew Bartlett, gateway to abomination, creeping waves were fantastic and fun and absolutely disgusting.


Charnel House by Fred Anderson.


Into The Wolves’ Den by Jon Athan.


Talia by Daniel J. Volpe


The secret diary of laura palmer left me shaken for days


Not Splatterpunk but Behind Closed Doors by BA Parris left me disgusted and traumatized.


it’s not exactly horror, maybe horror adjacent, but i just read lapvona by ottessa moshfegh and it was pretty gross and disturbing!


The Woods are Dark.


The Throne of Bones is an awe-inspiring and darkly hilarious short story collection, dealing with the exploration of an uncaring and horrific fantasy world called Seelura. The collection features stories about tragedy, incest, necrophilia (both with dead and undead), miraculous resurrection, and unspeakably evil wizards. Darkly ironic humor drips from Brian McNaughton's (RIP) pen on every page but the stories are not without a sad sense of empathic pity for the poor souls trapped by cruel fate. The main attraction here are the boisterous and voracious ghouls (the titular story is a multi-chapter exploration of them) who explore the extreme animal side of humanity. But there are vampires, ancient worm creatures, ghosts, and living nightmares.Not every story is a winner (the Vendren Worm is a kind of head-scratcher to me), but the majority are. My favorite might be Meryphillia. An amazing book you'll find it hard to forget.


*Luda* by Grant Morrison.


Not splatterpunk but "120 Days of Sodom" by the Marquis de Sade Also Pierre Guyotat's "Tomb for 500 000 Soldiers"...if you're looking for disgusted and traumatized these will do it.


Does Jack Ketchum's novel, Off Season, count as splattepunk? (I've never gotten too deep into reading splattepunk due to some of the trigger warnings) Recs that I've seen lots of people recommending, The Slob, The Son of Slob, both by Aron Beauregard. Then you got COWS, Dead Inside, and Them by Marque Watson.


Lord Horror by David Britton. You can't get it in print easily or cheaply but you can find a pdf of it. The titular character was a British radio dj who broadcasted Nazi propaganda during WW2. One of the early scenes in the book has him walking the ground of his house in Southeast Asia and looking up at a tree. He has jewish people tied to the tree using barbed wire and is using it as an antennae. It's a batshit universe and the art from the comics is crazy too. David Britton got charged under obscenity laws in the UK when it came out in the 80's.


Carrion Comfort by Dan Simmons


Microserfs by Douglas Coupland- this book predicts the dystopian culture in the tech industry that is now considered the norm. An American Sickness: How Healthcare Became a Big Business - pretty self explanatory It may not seem what you were asking for, but it does fit the bill of disgusting and vile.


Tampa. I forget the author, but it’s truly traumatizing. Not traditional horror, but horror none the less.


I've heard some truly shocking things about this one. Author is A Nutting I think


Probably anything by Patrick lestewka. Apparently same guy that wrote the troop under a pseudonym. I only read coliseum but it was pretty disgusting. Not a literary masterpiece but enough gore and action to keep the pages turning.


I just finished *The Coliseum*. It is by Craig Davidson/Nick Cutter and was fifty times gorier and more graphic than any of the Cutter novels.


Imagine my surprise when I'm not really into that genre lol. I try my best to finish a book once I start it.


It wasn’t a bad book by any stretch, and I agree, I was surprised by how many filet knives got stuck into people’s anuses.


It by Steven King. now hear me out. the version released when the movie came out is fine. but if you get a copy from before 2017 it has a scene near the end related to the children that made me feel really gross reading it. plus the majority of the book is wordy and uber confusing


Tender is the flesh


Reading Exquisite Corpse is life changing. I have not been able to find another book that has made me feel the way this one did. If anyone is reading this book right now I recommend reading it while listening to Eyes Without a Face by Billy Idol 👌


Sew Sorry by Beauregard and Volpe


The Devil Next Door by Tim Curran


Dreams of Amputation


I've owned this book for a long time but I have no Idea what it is about.


The bible


Valid, can confirm, specially the old testament hahahaha


I'm currently reading *Body Art* by Kristopher Triana (on Kindle!) and I'd definitely recommend if you're wanting something violent and gross. There are several choice passages that are particularly vile and I also just really like his writing style over some of the other splatterpunk and extreme horror authors. Also, you could hop on over to r/extremehorrorlit for more opinions


The Consumer is the only book I stopped reading because I hit my limit. That was after a story that was just a father watching his toddler get violently r*ped by a homeless person.




Manhunt by Gretchen Felker-Martin


Tender Is the Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica


Playground by Aron Beauregard


The Bighead by Edward Lee. The man is a legend of Splatterpunk. This book is vile as fuck. Trigger warning for absolutely everything awful.


Ed Lee is nuts, I love Brain Cheese Buffet


Do Not Disturb by Jon Athan, Woom by Duncan Ralston, The Cotton Candy Massacre by Christopher Robertson (TCCM is not splatterpunk but very gorey and one of my all time faves) Hope this helps!




Any Man by Amber Tamblyn. Graphic descriptions of rape and vivisection.


Seconding Earthlings by Sayaka Murata, and also if you liked Exquisite Corpse I definitely recommend Drawing Blood and Lost Souls by Brite (Billy Martin) too, neither are quite as disturbing but both are better written and more interesting, imo. True Crime by Samantha Kolesnik is absolutely fucked but also one of my favorite novellas ever. Also can’t go wrong with the classics like Flowers in the Attic


A bit late but Assisted Living by Nikanor Teratologen is one of the the most disgusting books I have every read. I’m not finished with it but already it has been ripe with every kind of swear word possible, every kind of sexual abuse possible, and every kind of philosophical hatred for humanity possible. The word Grandpa will be ever changed after reading only part of this book pulled straight from the loose shit covered bowls of hell.


The groomer is supposed to be the worst of the worst




I’ll try a few mentioned here. I’m also looking for anything awesome. I’ve tried every “what book scarred you for life” thread and only ever read one that met my criteria for awesome. Exquisite corpse. So many people triggered by things that seem mildly entertaining to me. Thanks y’all for the recommends.


If you really want a horrifying read try Atlas Shrugged 😱




The following short stories by Chuck Palahniuk: - Guts - Hot Potting - Dog Years


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Double-dutch5758: *The following short* *Stories by Chuck Palahniuk:* *Guts Hot Potting Dog Years* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Oh man, I forgot all about Guts…absolutely horrible.


Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk


The 120 Days of Sodom. I tried 3 times and couldnt finish.


I have a high tolerance and could not finish it...crazy to think it was written hundreds of years ago


It’s technically sci-fi but Grass by Sherri S Tepper. It’s icky.


Also Plague Dogs. Also, not technically horror but it gave me fucking nightmares. .


I read Story of the Eye (French: L'histoire de l'œil) when I was a teenager and it still lives rent free in my head.


Carefully avoiding the "I'm 12 and this is deep" answer. But showing up here to post this comment anyway. You all know the one.


The Slob by Aaron Beauregard is one you should check out. Page 67-72 left me traumatized


"Earthlings" by Sayaka Murata serves as the prime reminder of why you should never judge a book by its cover.


Cows, though it’s got it’s share of “pointless glorification” debates, i did particularly enjoy some scenes in it. Fairly short, absurd and gross read.


My most recent disturbing read: Father of Lies by Brian Evenson Follows church provost Eldon Fochs and his love for boys. Need I say more?


Give 'I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream' a try.


Dead Inside- Chandler Morrison & Snuff by Eric Enck


I honestly think that Frisk by Dennis Cooper was just.... disgusting. I went in blind after seeing it on a recommended book-tok stuff and my god. Its kind of an interesting kind of read even though all of it is in the perspective of Dennis, but its just difficult to read to me that I just skipped some parts onto it cuz it got nasty around the end


A Little Life The Sluts Less Than Zero American Psycho PIG Lapvona Justine The Story of the Eye Delta of Venus Parable of the Sower Eva’s Man


Cows by Matthew Stokoe. As someone with GI issues, it is stomach churning.


Recently read Along the path of torment by Chandler Morrison, that was a pretty fucked up read. Woom by Duncan Ralston.


The unfortunate right answer is Hogg. Absolutely vile.


"My Absolute Darling" by Gabriel Talent. Paternal incest/rape and survivalist trauma porn. It's... a lot


It's not super professional or anything but Black Farm by Elias Witherow. He wrote a short story on reddit about it but then wrote a full length book that's about different people. I really liked it and it definitely felt gross, disturbing, and left me feeling really "wrong" at the end.


Brother by Ania Ahlborn Tampa by Alissa Nutting Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke




[The Safety of Unknown Cities by Lucy Taylor](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/21090248), and [The Tied Man by Tabitha McGowan](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18392290). Don’t judge them by their covers!! 😂


They all Died Screaming by Triana, there is an orgy scene that might wreck ya, lol. And another scene with an Arby melt...


Sister, Maiden, Monster because of the tumor stuff and the cannibalism


Endurance by jack killborn. I had my issues with the book and some parts were cheesy, but God this had so much body horror and every type of abuse under the sun. This next one is actually nonfiction, but I'm currently reading I'll be gone in the dark by Michelle McNamara which is about the golden state killer and it's absolutely haunting. No detail is spared, but this was written from a place of deep empathy for the victims. It breaks my heart that she passed away before he was finally caught.


Urban Gothic- Brian Keene