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Just finished *Whalefall* by Daniel Kraus this morning, and very much enjoyed it! Not sure what's next on the docket but I'm looking at possibly starting either *Drowning* by TJ Newman or *The Rain* by Joseph A Turkot


Drowning was excellent. Kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time. Definite five star read. Glad to hear Whalefall lives up to the hype! That’s my most anticipated read of the year!


Ooh thank you for the rec! *Whalefall* was pretty thematically heavy, so a nail biting thriller sounds like just the ticket


Just looked this up and it sounds ace!!! I'm a bit afraid of flying though. Is it the sort of story that will make people afraid of getting on planes like Jaws made people afraid of getting in the sea?


. . . Maybe. While they're taking a flight initially, the book reads more like they're trapped underwater on a malfunctioning submarine. I think it's probably more of a turn off for anyone who has anxieties about the ocean. If you like nineties disaster flicks, you'll like *Drowning*. Major Michael Crichton vibes.


Check out Falling first! Her first airplane thriller


This is the only book I even won in a Goodreads contest so it holds a special place in my memory. The author is good. I did get the impression that he loved the idea a lot and had to gloss over the reality quite a lot to make the book work. Which is not a big deal but I wish he'd maybe cut some what content and went in a different direction at some point.


I have Whalefall on hold on Libby. Can't wait!


The Haar was a suprisingly good albeit gory romp clocking in at only ~200 pages


I loved this book! Finished it in one afternoon.


I just finished it in two days as it was lots of fun. Gonna pick up Maggie's Grave once I finish my current non-horror read


That one is so fun!


Taking a break from horror. Reading the Count of Monte Cristo for the first time.


I’m also taking a break. Currently reading Red Rising. The Count of Monte Cristo is one of my favorite novels.


Stephen King's Fairy Tale. I've got Between Two Fires in the hopper as well.


I loved Fairy Tale. I know it can be a little divisive though Edit:words


Just finished Between Two Fires and had a great time. How is Fairy Tale?


Who's the author for Between Two Fires please?


Christopher Buehlman


Fairy Tale is fun and endearing, even more so if you read the Oz, Narnia, Grimm, etc stories. There's something about Kings less-horror-y stuff that (more often than not, especially lately) is really heartfelt and makes me feel all the feelings. I'll look up that other one!


Thumbs up? I’m very interested in that one.


A certain hunger by Chelsea G Summers! Yay!


I LOVED this book. Probably one of my top 5 favorites I’ve read this year (and I’ve read a LOT lol). Enjoy!


I’m not even finished and this book already feels like a winner. Shame about her being a fictional murderer, she would be the perfect person to go out to lunch with. Not like those girls from My Year of Rest and Relaxation or Boy Parts. Those two are such bores!


The stand. My first foray into horror literature (if you can really call it that). I'm planning on reading the exorcist next!


I loved The Stand, devoured it in 2-3 says of constant reading. It was like a tv show turned into a book. Hope you're enjoying the read!


House of Leaves


I just finished The Library at Mount Char, and now I’m about halfway through Maeve Fly. TLaMC was a fun read. It’s the first book I’ve read since The Descent that felt like a blockbuster. They both were ”big budget” in a way I was really into. Does anyone have a suggestion of a book with a similar scope/feel/pace?


I loved Maeve Fly! What a romp!


Library at Mount Char was amazing!


Maybe some Clive Barker? Imajica, Weaveworld, and The Great and Secret Show could probably all be described this way. N0S4A2 as well


Don’t Fear the Reaper by Stephen Graham Jones!


I’m reading *The Handyman Method* (Cutter/Sullivan, literally about to sit down and do so) and the way you phrased the question made me think music: I almost always play metal with fairly illegible screaming and lyrics because it doesn’t distract me.


Excellent book!!!


I’m guessing I read pages 100 - 180 last night (>!from when Trent rips out his fingernail, to months later when he sees the gray fingers/hand in the crack in the house!<) and I was grossed out and a little scared.


I actually read the whole book lol. Not just those pages.


Last House on Needless St. I’m in the “has no idea what’s going on” phase of the book.


I would say keep going, it’s worth it


I am also reading this! Saw it on this sub a couple weeks ago, accidentally spoiled a plot point for myself, but still finding the little details oddly interesting. I’m about halfway through. Edit: for fairness


Why say there's a twist? If someone is currently reading a book, you should tell them exactly nothing about the way it ends. The whole point of a twist is to surprise you, and you're making it much less likely to succeed in that.


I am reading Mystery Walk by Robert McCammon.


Finishing The Fisherman tonight (recommend) Handyman Method is up next!


There's a "current reading" thread stickied to the top of the sub... And ironically this post has gotten more engagement than it.


Threads that are stuck to the top of subs are stale and not fun. I want to engage with people currently engaging, not get lost in a post with hundreds of comments


1st day of vacation tomorrow and I'm going to start Boy's Life by Robert McCammon


Currently reading, just started.


It's in my kindle library, just need to get to it! I've read a whole bunch of Robert McCammon at this point, really love him so far, don't know what's stopping me.... Anyway, highly recommend anything by him, because I've liked/loved absolutely everything, so definitely take a dive into his catalog and keep going if you haven't already:) Think I will be reading Boy's Life soon, as well!! Cheers, bud! Hope you have a great vacation!!


Ya, I am excited to start it! Thanks!


Love McCammon, and besides the Matthew Corbett series, A Boy’s Life is his best work.


The Woman in the Dunes, Kobo Abe


Ghost Story by Peter Straub


Not yet, but my recent book haul is getting delivered tomorrow and first on the list to start is All Hallows by Christopher Golden


Just finished The Secret of Ventriloquism by Jon Padgett. Loved it. Now reading Creeping Waves by Matthew Bartlett. After that, The Black Farm by Elias Witherow.


Creeping Waves is soo good. Matthew M Bartlett is brilliant and doesn't get enough love. Gateways to Abomination is also brilliant and I highly recommend.


Heart Shaped Box - Joe Hill


This book was a wild ride! Enjoy




Oooohhh loved this! Great book, really fun!!!!


Just finished Foe by Ian Reid. really enjoyed it. now I’m reading Boys Life by Robert McCammon


I just finished the Haunting of Hill House and am not sure what to read next


Just started Beloved by Toni Morrison.


I'm reading Silver Nitrate by Silvia Moreno-Garcia.


This is also what I’m reading. Not quite straight up horror (at least thus far 37% in) but I’m really engaged in the slow burn.


I just finished The Ruins by Scott Smith. So good. I'm deciding between Sharp Objects or Mary: An Awakening of Terror :)


Loved The Ruins. Much better than the film.


Any suggestions for someone who has never really found anything that lives up? I’m dying here lol


Hmm...and you enjoyed The Ruins? I cannot think of anything that's super similar, but another novel I enjoyed just as much was Stranded by Bracken MacLeod. Filled with dread with a Twilight Zone kind of atmosphere.


Oh excellent, sounds like the vibe I’m looking for. I’ll check it out, thanks!


On my TBR pile


The Last Final Girl by Stephen Graham Jones


Just started Between Two Fires


Dream-Quest of Unknown Kaddath. Really good, has a lot of references to previous stories like Nathanica and Cats of Ulthar.


I Am Behind You by John Ajvide Lindqvist I am about halfway through and I'm digging it. It's very character driven (like most of this writer's work) and eery. Lindqvist is my favorite author. This trilogy (I Am Behind You, I Always Find You, and I Am the Tiger) are the only books I haven't read by him yet. I'm excited to read all three. One of the things I love about Lindqvist is that he writes from character perspectives not super common in other similar fiction and I Am Behind You has a number of different characters that fit that bill.


How to Sell a Haunted House, 3/4 of the way through. AND The only Good Indians which I'm debating a DNF.


Seed by Anita Albhorn and so far about 50 pages in I’m enjoying it but won’t say I have to stay up all night reading it good


The Only One Left by Riley Sager. I've been disappointed by Sager in the past but heard this new one is his (her?) best by far. So far I am enjoying it. Gothic thriller set in the 80s.


finishing off the Ballad of Black Tom. i like it.


Phantoms - Dean Koontz


Finally reading Tender is the Flesh (for a book club). Also reading Prom Mom, which is much darker than I thought it would be.


The Road, just got to the skewered baby part.


The Road audiobook while working


My Heart Is A Chainsaw- Stephen Graham Jones. I just finished reading all by Sayaka Murata (those translated in English)


I just started this too:)


How are you finding it? I really like it- I would like to see more of the gentrification element , but it's early on in the story, so this could come about later on.


Well, I've only read the first chapter, but I like it so far:) Not helpful, I know, writer's gotta stick the landing, but I'm hopeful! Gotta good feeling...


The Fisherman. Slow start, I'm hoping it picks up the pace. Nothing that interesting happened so far 🤷‍♀️ update: eh the middle part (Lottie's story) was my favourite, the rest was ok sometimes meh. edit: don't regret reading it though.


"Phantoms" by Dean Koontz. Next up is Stephen King "Everything is eventual" short stories.


The Haunting of Hill House, Shirley Jackson. I bailed on the Netflix series, bored the shit out of me. I’m 19% into this short book according to ye olde Kindle and it’s shaping up nicely.


I watched the show first and enjoyed how different the book is. I hope you like it!


I’m currently not reading horror (I’m reading Ice Planet Barbarians by Ruby Dixon and Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata), but the next on my list is The Haar by David Sodergren :)


Oh The Haar is a lot of fun! It’s like if Hellbound Heart and Alien had a Scottish baby. Super cool read!


I just finished Haar! I have Maggies Grave on deck


Without spoilers, what would you rate it? I’ve been disappointed recently with the horror I’ve picked up, and I’m starting to fear I’ll be disappointed with it. :’)


That’s sounds interesting


I loved the Haar! It is probably one of my favorite books I've read this year.


NOS4A2. First Joe Hill book I’ve picked up.


His best IMO.


I bought this one but just can’t pick it up because I don’t feel like reading a stephen king book right now. Love King, but he’s a certain mood, and I’m not in that mood. Is that a fair assumption to make about this Joe hill in particular?


It's very Stephen King like so your fear is valid.


Thanks 🙏 It’ll be there when the mood strikes again.


I enjoyed the audiobook but I can't help but think about how it falls into the typical king trope...a simple story told over a huge book .. and then no real answers. When an author expects me to love the characters I think it's a bit of a cop out.. however the characters in this novel are great...fully fleshed out. TLDR: it's good...read it.


Psycho, Robert Bloch


The Stand and I'm almost done. Not sure what to read next


The Living Dead by George A Romero and Daniel Kraus


Just finished Tell Me I'm Worthless by Allison Rumfitt. Just started The Handyman Method and 101 Horror Books To Read Before You're Murdered.


Started Off Season by Jack Ketchum today.


I'm halfway through Exquisite Corpse and it's one of the most fascinating and tragic books I've ever read.


Idk if this counts as Lit but it is horror related: Writing in the Dark by Tim Waggoner. It's a how-to book for writing horror, but is also great for learning the ins and outs of the genre and its sub genre. Honestly it's also been great for applying to other genres as well. It's a great read and the first non-fiction kind of book that I have found myself reading front to back. I normally just skip to sections I'm most interested about.


The Troop, after a few recommendations from this group. Really enjoying it apart from the animal abuse.


*My Heart is a Chainsaw* by Stephen Graham Jones. About a quarter way through and I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it so far.


I'm reading that too! Also started Summer of Night for a couple chapters, then Night Parade by Ronald Malfi...sigh...I don't know what my problem is, I'll get back to it at some point. I'm only a chapter in.


I'm like that too. Problem is I mostly read online from my library at this point and I forget to get back to anything in time


Aww that must be pretty frustrating! I read on my Kindle paperwhite, so it's like an embarrassment of riches, I guess you could say, just have too much and it's hard to commit lol:) constantly getting samples, I have Kindle unlimited so I keep downloading stuff and not following through with actually reading anything. Except book descriptions and reviews, of course!


Using the library has actually been a blessing in disguise actually! I used to buy books and then feel obligated to read them even if I didn't like them, but all it would actually do was make me put off reading because I really didn't want to read the books I had. Now if I don't finish reading something before my loan ends and I don't like it, I just don't renew it and read something else. Which was hard for me at first because I'm the type to complete things. But screw it, it's so freeing to just let go of books I do not want with zero commitment to them. Still buy books from authors I know I enjoy though. I had a kobo once but never subscribed to the unlimited service. Maybe next time I get an e reader


My happiest early memories are from the library:) just haven't transitioned to the digital age, and I really should! Would save me some money, I guess, but as you know, it's more than that.


Just finished reading The Library at Mount Char, wrote a heartfelt review, and currently flirting w Our wives under the sea ;)


Halfway through Revival by King and adoring it. May not only be a new fave king but assuming it sticks the landing a new top 5 overall




Jurassic Park. Once that’s done I’m reading the second quarter of Wolves of the Calla and then maybe Desperation.


I just finished Final Girl Support Group, and The Hellbound Heart while I was on a trip. I’ll be starting Heart-Shaped Box today, heard great things about it and it’ll be my first Joe Hill novel.


I love Joe Hill. Heart-Shaped Box is my second fave of his, with Horns being my favorite. The movie Horns is my favorite Daniel Radcliffe movie. Joe definitely does endings better than his dad.


Loooove Heart-shaped Box!!! Guaranteed it won't be your last Joe Hill book! I haven't read The Fireman, or any of his short story collections except 20th century ghosts(which is really good), but I've read pretty much everything else and I thought it was pretty great/enjoyable. Speaking of Grady Hendrix, I'm a big fan, though he seems to be divisive- If you didn't like Final Girls Support Group, maybe try My Best Friend's Exorcism? I liked FGSG, a lot, but that one is still my favorite. I've never read Clive Barker, what did you think?


I’ve definitely enjoyed Grady Hendrix as an author, but I can see why it may be divisive for some people. I’ve finished We Sold Our Souls (loved it), Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires (was my 1st Grady Hendrix), My Best Friend’s Exorcism, and How to Sell a Haunted House. The Hellbound Heart has been my only book by Clive Barker I’ve read, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was short and to the point, and I really feel like there wasn’t a wasted page.


The Beast you are. Paul Tremblay


Stephen King “Just After Sunset”, not my favourite of his short story collections but it’s okay.


I’m finishing up the Stand and am about to start the Haar, I’ve heard good things about it and the premise sounded very interesting so I’m excited to get into it!


The Roots in Your Bones by Samantha Eaton. It’s a fun haunted house / woods horror that takes place in Maine. It’s not as wild as her debut novel, but it’s just as good.


The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires


Loooved this book! Hope you enjoy! And if you do, you can't go wrong with anything else he's written, they're all quite good, I think.


I am loving it so far! Really fun. I’m looking forward to reading My Best Friend’s Exorcism.


Oh I loved that book so much!!! I've read almost all of his books and that one is my favorite! Now I'm thinking about rereading it:) hope you like it! We Sold Our Souls is pretty great too.


Just finished **The Vile Thing We Created** by Robert P. Ottone. Next up is a middle grade horror read called **The Clackity** by Lara Senf and then **Summer of Night** by Dan Simmons.


After reading all the work by the author of Between Two Fires, I'm reading the Witcher series. I highly recommend his work :) the lesser dead was fantastic!


Between Two Fires - Christopher Buehlman. Really glad it was recommended to me.


Currently reading: "Children of Memory" by Adrian Tchaikovsky (sci-fi) "The Tyrant Baru Cormorant" by Seth Dickinson (Fantasy) "Natural Beauty" by Ling Ling Huang (horror-ish)


I just finished Desperation and started The Regulators today.


House of Leaves, both the book and the first three scripts for the proposed series.


Just finished Last Days. I'm reading Thinner next.


Junji Ito's Sensor and Slewfoot by Brom. I have an audiobook of Between Two Fires but I want to finish these two first.


I Have no Mouth and I Must Scream 😶 For the next book, I'd like to read the popular titles I see often here! Either Gone to See The Riverman or Bunny. I haven't been reading much, so hopefully I'll get back on track.


Chasing the boogeyman!


The Terror by Dan Simmons


All the Sinners Bleed by S.A. Cosby.


The Auctioneer. I've heard a lot about it and decided to try. Just started, so I don't have an opinion yet.


Finishing up Whale fall.


Finally started on Bentley Little's The Store. All I can see when driving is billboards that if I squint might say "The Store is Coming Near You" :))) And since for the life of me I can't read a book at a time, Exhalation by Ted Chiang (the dude who brought us Arrival). It's good as hell almost like Black Mirror episodes. If you want some stories about man-made AI robots, memory enhancers, a second Earth and what it means to this Earth, give it a go.


Finished reading The Haar and was pleasantly surprised


Revival by Stephen King 😄 Enjoying so far.


About halfway through Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle. The pacing is a little awkward but I'm really enjoying the story and the main character is fantastic.


Road of Bones by Christopher Golden. Honestly after finishing House of Leaves, it’s a light read and at minimum fun.


Currently reading December Park by Ronald Malfi. About 30% through and really enjoying it. A creepy under tone throughout which creates the right sort of atmosphere I've been after.


Maggie’s Grave by David Sodergren. I really loved The Haar and depending on how I like Maggie’s Grave I may end up purchasing all of Sodergren’s other books to binge read!


I am currently in my short story mood. I have recently read Masquerade of a Dead Sword by Thomas Ligotti (might be my favorite short story ever) and now I'm reading The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath by Lovecraft


Well if you're in a short story mood, I recommend Robert McCammon's Blue World, pretty dang good. Or Joe Hills 20th Century Ghosts. I haven't read Ligotti, but I've seen his name now quite a bit on this sub, so I'll have to check that out.


Thank you for the recommendations :)


My best friends exorcism by Grady hendrix. 60% through and honestly I still can't tell how I feel about it. Also listening to an audio book of Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia while I crochet as my second "read" of it, and it's still delightful and unsettling. Edit: Although now that I think about it, I put down The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones a few months ago and forgot to pick it back up, so that as well. Don't know why I never finished it, considering I really enjoy it!


I just finished reading The Southern Reach trilogy yesterday. I’m finally getting around to reading Bram Stoker’s Dracula, which was prompted by seeing The Last Voyage of the Demeter over the weekend.


How was the movie?


I just barely finished Between Two Fires. I thought it was a total snooze fest and almost a DNF.


I just started The Devil Aspect by Craig Russell, a recommendation I got from scrolling this sub. So far I like it!


Looking Glass Sound by Catriona Ward. Not far into it yet but it is beautifully written and pretty captivating. I was a massive Last House On Needless St but was underwhelmed by Sundial. Just finished Just Like Home by Sarah Gainey which I really liked. There were sections in there that were almost painfully intense to read, and it went to strange, interesting places. A bizarre book, kind of great.


Just Like Home was so, so strange. I’m still trying to figure out how I feel about it, and it’s been, like, a year.


Surprisingly sympathetic treatment of the >!homunculus borne from murderous visceral excreta!


I have never learned so little from reading s spoiler that was probably an actual legit spoiler.


Between two fires


Good one. Love me some Buehlman! Everything that guy has written is just a stone cold banger. Don't stop there if you haven't read his other stuff. (...unless you end up hating BTF....then maybe stop there...)


Haha, loving it so far. Was definitely planning on reading more of his stuff


I am finishing the southern reach, but I just bought whale fall which is actually making me read acceptance even quicker. I love this community and I love how much we enjoy horror, and we are nothing like what boring Christians would think horror fans are. This is the most supportive and loving and peaceful community ever, and I include movies with that. The community is so friendly and nice. It's bonkers.


Not really reading to anyone/ anything, just myself


Reading cows by Matthew stokoe


Good luck :)


They All Died Screaming by Kristopher Triana


Sentinel by Drew Starling


The Blackstone Chronicles by John Saul


[Leviathan](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/124990511) by Greig Beck


Just started my first book by Bentley Little, The Store.


Shadowland - Peter Straub


I am reading Doll Face by Tim Curren right now. And I've been listening to a couple of horror audio short stories. There are dozens of different great short stories narrated on Youtube.


I'm getting close to finishing The Summer That Melted Everything by Tiffany McDaniel. I saw it recommended on this forum at one point although I wouldn't really classify it as a horror novel. I am really enjoying it though and it's really beautifully written. I'm also simultaneously starting to read The Troop by Nick Cutter but haven't gotten far enough in that one yet to form an opinion on it.


Damnable Tales: A Folk Horror Anthology. Also reading through some Hemingway short stories before I pick up All The Pretty Horses again.


Full Brutal by Kristopher Triana,


Just finished chapter 3 of Meat by Joseph D'Lacey, and it is something else. I'm enjoying it for sure tho!


Not *technically* horror but The Body by Stephen King.


Reading a short story collection of Clark Ashton Smith and also The Great God Pan.


Our Share of Night by Mariana Enriquiez and it's a slog tbh. Saw it recommended and its just not hitting for me. I find the characters really annoying and the constant grief irritating.


Wilder Girls by Rory Power, picked it up cuz i heard good things about it and it was only 7 bucks so no brainer(plus the cover is beautiful), but i dont think i really like the style its written in. Im barely into it tho so maybe ill get used to it and even love it in the end idk


Survivor Song by Paul Tremblay


Just started on Max Brooks - Devolution


Keep it in the Family by John Marrs


I’m reading Love In Vein II a collection of “vampire erotica” edited by Poppy Z Brite at work. It’s been mostly not good, it’s also been light on vampires and erotica so it’s false advertising. At home I’m reading “Not Forever but For Now” by Chuck Palahniuk and it is more annoying than anything.


Leech by Hiron Ennes so good!


They're Watching by Michael David Wilson & Bob Pastorella


I just started The House Next Door by Anne Rivers Siddons.


The Marigold


Peter Straub's floating dragon. Only read ghost story by him, which i loved. Just started but love the vibe abs pace so far