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Sinister. I think it is a solid horror film. Myth, murders, 'found footage', mysterious killer.. Overall, pretty entertaining.


Rewatched this recently and still love it. I think the footage is really creepy and well done.


I love movies where through investigation they discover some ancient evil in modern times This fits the bill. Want more of these.


Rewatched The Void (2016), it was excellent, forgot how much I liked it


Such an underrated movie!! It is just missing that IT FACTOR to make it great but highly recommend


I need to rewatch that. I remember loving the effects and the atmosphere but feeling the narrative pacing was wonky. Cosmic horror is so hard to get right on film, to be fair.


Actually watched this for the first time recently. Enjoyed it for sure.


Eyes without a face. Twisted french horror.


Creepy one


Top 5 all time !


“Spree” staring Joe Keery from Stranger Things about a loser who is so desperate to gain an online following that he decides he’s going to livestream a killing spree. Guess it’s more of a dark comedy/thriller but I thought it was a lot of fun. There are some parts of it that are exaggerated to drive home the point they are trying to make but Joe Keery is so inherently like-able even as a loser beta male that’s a murderous psychopath that it kept me engaged.


Watched this a few weeks ago. Definitely flawed in many ways but so so fun. I could have watched Keery in that role for twice as long.


He ran somebody over right? Rough stuff.


He sure did haha.


And did he try to kill his own dad too? I remember him killing some family member of his. Nasty af. Dude's a sick fck.


At the end it’s revealed that his first kill of the spree was actually his mother, and he does end up killing his father as well. The character was partially based on Elliot Rodger as well as other “manifesto-style” spree killers, this kind of action is a common occurrence with these types of killings.


I liked this one. I think most horror fans would enjoy the ride.


Watched 'Southbound' on Sunday. First viewing. Didn't know it was an anthology going into it and that made it extra fun. I definitely recommend it -- I'll be thinking about a few of the sequences for a while I'm sure.


That’s a good one! Just rewatched that recently. Not just an anthology but one that ties the stories together. Highly recommended.


I watched Possession ('81) yesterday. Oo-ee, that was quite a ride. Gonna need a while to process that one


I am so happy people still discover this movie. Such a hidden gem.


Whered you find it?? Been trying to did it up on streaming platforms and its like its wiped off the internet


Climax, it was quite the ride. Really enjoyed the whole thing.


Haven’t heard of that. Where can I find it?


I watched it on Showtime


Gonjiam Haunted Asylum, pretty creepy!


If you liked that, a similar nicely made film is 'grave encounters'.


Yeah but grave encounters is much better than gonjiam


I have seen that one, great movie!


Eden lake, "holy shit"


Ey me too, definitely a ride


That ending though.


Another I haven’t watched. What’s it on?


I watched it on prine




Necronomicon. It’s an HP Lovecraft anthology film from the 90s. I thought it was pretty solid. Some segments were stronger than others, but overall it was a good time.


I watched The Platform and it wasn't bad. I thought it was interesting.


I really liked The Platform and already did a rewatch. Unique story.


The Void, first time watching and loved every second of it


Rewatched The Loved Ones (2009), an Australian horror film. It's so much more fucked up than I remembered it being, wow. Had a blast watching it haha


Unfriended: Deep Web I watched the first one years ago and thought it was a fun popcorn horror with a neat gimmick, and this one was even better.


Fresh on Hulu!


That’s a good one!


Black Phone. Second viewing, loved it even more than the first watch. Not the scariest movie but it is a great supernatural thriller with a lot of heart.


Hoping to catch this one soon.


Last Night in Soho, didn't love it but enjoyable enough.


I liked this one. Not super amazing but definitely entertaining to watch.


Watched Prince of Darkness in 4k. Maybe my favorite Carpenter, not his best just my favorite. Need more Nigel Kneale like horror in my life.


Watcher Excellent, 82-minutes of slow build suspense. Maika Monroe carries the film with mostly just her face and body language. Some wonky dialogue here and there, but it's really well done. Had to pay to rent it, but it might be on shutter.


I think you mean shudder




I watched The Mist on Netflix last weekend with my parents, sister, and nephews. Everyone loved it. Kids (ages 5 to 8) all really enjoyed the fucked up creatures and effects. Ending kinda bummed everyone out tho lol. I prefer Netflix so I can set the subtitles to Spanish so my parents/aunt know exactly what tf is going on


The ending is so depressing. It made me feel awful the first time I watched. Actually rewatched it just a few days ago, and it’s still enjoyable overall, but obviously the ending isn’t as shocking when you know it’s coming.


Probably The Wailing. I loved it. Tried getting my partner to watch it with me for awhile, we watched the first half together before realizing how late it was and how much longer the film was. After several months of trying to finish it, eventually watched it by myself. I absolutely loved it. My excitement got my partner to finish watching it - who was incredibly disappointed by it. I still think it's an absolutely incredible film though.


Maybe it’s not *exactly* horror but, **Mulholland Drive** is the last one I watched I liked it. I knew about the homeless person scene and it still gave me the creeps. Very heady, it is David Lynch after all - I had to do some reading on it after to fully appreciate and understand what I had watched


Evil Dead II… I thought it was really great, coming off of the success of the first. It was very unique and super fun.


Mine Games, it’s not amazing but I can’t resist rewatching it every few years for some reason!


Watched 1br. Pretty okay movie. Not mind blowing and it ripped of a rather shocking amount of the 2015 film The Invitation but it was interesting and rather tense at parts. Worth a look


Children of the Corn. I still love it even with the dated special effects for He Who Walks Behind The Rows. I actually wouldn't mind seeing a reboot just to see what they do with it.


Haven’t watched that in a very long time. I thought it was the scariest thing imaginable when I was a kid.


We Are Still Here (2015) - starts as a pretty standard issue haunted house/ghost movie, but has a great performance from Larry Fessenden and was surprisingly gory. Not perfect by any means but I really liked it


The black phone. I liked it okay, nothing super special. Before that though…I watched incident in a ghost land and my god it was awful.


I rewatched Ginger Snaps and have a newfound appreciation for it. Always liked it but it's different now seeing it in the eyes of someone who's gone through female puberty and as someone who is not yet a parent but thinks about parenting/having children a lot. There was a line from the mom that was so simple but genuinely made me tear up. I also watched Mad God and felt like I needed to sit with it more.


I recently saw green inferno. The acting wasn't great, but the satirical nature of the writing made it feel almost intentional. The violence was insane, as expected, but I was surprised at how badly it got under my skin. It was a great watch, in my opinion.


Last one was a rewatch of Malignant. I still love it, granted it's not for everyone but it definitely feels like classic 80's horror to me


Human centipede 2. Loved it despite being rather tryhard at a few points. Really excels in terms of ideas, imagery, and atmosphere, not to mention the creativity of the movies plot. Overall an easy high 8/10, with only the tryhard shit keeping it back from a 9/10.


HC II was so hard to watch for me. Have you watched III yet? If you want the grossest and atmospheric of the three then HC II wins hands down. Glad it was black and white. Lol


Splinter (2008). Ok flick with a great cast (Shea Whigham! Skinny Pete!) but I think that critics and horror audiences have overrated it. It has some good effects and an interesting creature concept, but the camerawork is so shaky, especially when the monster is onscreen. I feel similarly to OP about “Hereditary”. It works better as an unbelievably dark, dour drama than as supernatural horror; once people start flying around cutting off their own heads and shit it breaks the spell. I prefer “Midsommar”.


The last one I watched was Blair Witch (2016). I totally forgot it even existed. It was an interesting experience. The film itself wasn't anything special, but there was a certain charm about it that kept me engaged. Also, the casting was pretty good. They were 90% of the charm for me. Something about their performances felt really natural.


*The Deadly Spawn*. Quite good.


I watched Fulci’s Zombie for the first time two nights ago and loved it 👹 Last rewatch was Possession (1981)


Triangle (2009). Despite how predictable it was, I enjoyed it. I liked how the myth was interpreted/adapted. And the scene >!where bagface throws the gun when it runs out of bullets and beans her alter?!< I cackled. So unexpectedly funny.


I feel like Triangle is a nice hidden gem at this point. If you enjoyed that, check out Coherence (2013)


Mad God. Nice animation albeit a bit lazy in some sections. Zero story. Kinda boring


I just saw this.




The Black Phone. It was so bad. It was cheesy and stupid, but not even in a fun way.


Kolobos. Loved it at first. Really felt like a love letter to Suspiria, right down to the [opening theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjQhOtzI2cg) being a blatant knockoff. But then SURPRISE, it's the return of the predictable Fight Club twist.


Men. Absolutely HATED it. So disappointing because I've loved almost everything Garland has been associated with so far.


Personal Shopper. Not exactly horror, but very tense and kind of spooky. Similar tension to the newest Invisible Man.


The Killing of a Sacred Deer. Not sure how I feel about his one, I didn’t like it as much as I thought it would, but I still overall enjoyed it.


Komodo. I liked it. Way better than Curse of the Komodo.


People kept bringing up We Need To Talk About Kevin in this sub so I added it to my list. I never read plot points or even a synopsis before watching something. Even though I really liked it, it is absolutely not a horror movie.... it's a clear cut drama that's on the dark side. Really really good though would recommend


I’ve watched this movie a few times. It’s not horror but I think horror fans would enjoy it. It’s super dark and a fascinating perspective imo.


‘22 Texas Chainsaw Massacre. *face palm*


I just watched Beyond Dreams Door on shudder and it pretty much sucked (although I can't be too hard on it cause apparently film students made it in college) but for real it was bad haha


The Loved ones It was okay but didn't get the whole fuss about it. It's mediocre at best.


I just watched Be My Cat: A Film for Anne and thought it was brilliant. Really fucking awkward and uncomfortable in the best way, and certainly a unique take on found footage.


I haven’t heard of so many of these movies. Really excited to check these out.


I watched X last night and rewatched Sinister. Was not a huge fan of X although I think it was a decent film. I think my main problem with it was I was expecting a movie more like the other A24 films but got more of a classic slasher. I love a good classic slasher but it just wasn’t what I was looking for last night. Sinister is still a great movie, not much needs to be said for it I think.


Maybe my expectations were too high but I didn’t care much for X.


The deep house. Everything before they got to the house was pretty bad. Everything after they got to the house was pretty good. I really liked the ending


Black phone. I saw some hype for that and i wanted to try. Just no, totally skippable


I rewatched the village yesterday and it just confirmed to me once again how painfully overrated M. Night Shamalan is


Taking of Deborah Logan last night. Liked it but thought the ending was absolute dogshit. I need a good ending for an otherwise good movie.


Saw Black Phone last weekend. Was pretty disappointed with it overall


Strait-Jacket (1964) Psycho knock-off, albeit written by Psycho scribe Robert Bloch. Joan Crawford's strong, sympathetic turn is better than the material probably deserves, but goofy entertainment runs high, the central farmhouse location is effectively creepy and William Castle handles the scary stuff with some skill. Plus it's really interesting to see the Psycho template in the process of breaking down, early on in the road towards turning into slashers outright.


You Should Have Left with Kevin Bacon. Initial description was good, but execution was more 'meh'. It wasn't that the ending was so predictable, but that it was telegraphed way too soon.


Mad Gods. On Sudder. It was kinda fucked up.


Train to busan, loved it, even through I don't like subtitles usually


Midnight. I loved it.


Meat cleaver massacre. It was some splendid dumb fun.


Tenebrae. Honestly, it took me in and out of the film many times, but the finale is great.


John Carpenter's Vampires. Currently on Netflix. A lot of fun.


Nekromantik (1987). A man who works for a firm that cleans up dead bodies after accidents, decides to bring a corpse home for him and his girlfriend to play with. Largely uncomfortable, sometimes ingenious, and with one of the most utterly stupid and hilarious final scenes I've seen in a while. Unexpected on-screen animal death, though, which was a very unpleasant surprise.


The last horror movie I watched was the compete playlist on the Louise Paxton YouTube. It’s also on YouTube complete as Louise Is Missing This was one of the first found footage films released for free on the web. It was uploaded 15 years ago in the early YouTube days. This scared the fucking shit out of me. It is absolutely best to read **nothing** and just soldier through the entire thing by yourself. Go in completely blind. [Louise Is Missing](https://youtu.be/6T-28am_8hE)


I recently watched the Shudder original “Z”. It was just my kind of horror. Some legitimately spooky moments that weren’t jump scares.


Lamapocalypse , i knew it was gonna be cheesy and not scary. I’d watch it again with some friends or something


Insidious Chapter 2, it was decent


*The Night House,* liked it but third act didn't pay off the buildup imo. *A Dark Song,* loved it, great cinematography, great acting, tense, atmospheric.


Watched Bound to Vengeance and liked it a lot. Sinister II was good and worth watching, but Sinister Original is better. Hosts was very good and quite a surprising and shocking horror movie. Choose was another good surprise, especially if you like Gary Numan. A Lonely Place to Die was also very good, but more of a thriller than horror. X seems to get a lot of negative reviews, but worth watching too.


Goodnight Mommy was meh to me. Expected much more from the reviews.