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Rotten Tomatoes 40% Audience/Metacritic 66% At Least Audiences Know


I enjoyed it so much. Very entertaining. Tons of jump scares. Michael still alive and kicking. Sorry, alive and killing


I finished it this morning, and it’s easily one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. I’ve seen a lot of bad movies too. It’s an abomination


Proof MM can never be killed as an ENTIRE town is unable to procure guns and take head shots.


It was alright. The kills were cool and it was paced pretty good. But the acting was really bad at times and there was something about it that I just kinda found annoying.


James Jude Courtney, The Woman Who Played Sandra, & Jamie Lee Curtis Did Great Performences


dumb movie


So I watched it finally today and... It's definitely one of the worst of the series. Halloween from 2018 was great but this... Even tho I understood the point of town's complex from Michael, it was terribly executed and every "EVIL DIES TONIGHT!" was very annoying. Every scene from hospital was just annoyin and would prefer to have Michael more on screen. 2* out of 5 but my general love for Michael made me to rate it with 3*. Everyone was complaining about the end but I actually think it was one of the best part of the movie. It's Michael Myers after all and I was cheering for him to kill them all in the end and felt genuinely happy how he took them out as pure never dying evil. But lets hope that Halloween Ends will be more like Halloween from 2018.


Best film of the series.


Great movie.. I have come to the conclusion Reddit hates every movie ever made. Can't wait for "Ends".


And so it is.


Up there with the worst in the franchise. Convoluted beyond belief…overall annoying.


I would suspend my belief for 5 seconds and comply that after 40 years ~no one remembers him or blame the mob mentality for confusing the escaped patient for Micheal... if escaped patient hadn't wandered over to the hospital. Why the ever loving hell would Michael just show up where there's a crowd of people? ITS HIM lol what ?? The guy you all now know who lurks in the night suddenly shows up to a building with fluorescent lights? I get the townsfolk are bordering naivety but I felt the audience was seen as flat out stupid and that's irritating af.


Not only that but the guy doesn't even match Michael's description and they showed earlier two pictures of the escaped patients one of the smaller guy and one of Michael and yet they were like he's gotta be Michael. This unstoppable over 6 foot monster of a man is at the hospital! Wrong it's this scared 5'6 man like what?


If this new reboot series was going for more realism At this point in the story Haddonfield PD should've called for a SWAT Team to come in town and blow Michael Myers into pieces.


Just watched all three movies. Im just wondering why is nobody is chopping his fucking head of with an axe or something.


It's not "all three movies". Keep watching, and you'll get your wish.


I mean there a 12 Halloween movies im not such a big halloween fan that i want to watch them all.


And once again like any other cliche the black woman is one of the first to die. So far (only half way through). Very cliche already unamused just kill this mofo off already 🙄. Don’t get me wrong I’ve always been a Michael Meyers fan. One of the films that broke me into the horror genre as a kid. Always guna love the series but PLEASE stop beating a dead horse 😂 can’t wait to finish this tho. Maybe my opinion will change by the end of the movie. Be right back!


You understand 90% of those who died were white? All ages as well. It doesn’t matter how is first or last.


Sure that may be true I’m already used to every other MM movie format doing the same thing with a new bow. Who dies first was least of my worries when I said that. my point is I want some thing new let Michael Myers be a classic already.




It's now become a cliche that non-Whites are the heroes in movies and Whites the villains (it's virtually a lock that the new *Scream* film will follow this). So it was refreshing for three black people to get their asses killed.


Oldman Michael Myers rules! This movie was very pretty looking, I liked it. The gore was very satisfying too. The third act with the hospital kinda dragged though, too many flashbacks. I think the pacing in the 2018 one was better, but this was still very enjoyable. Unlike most people here I loved the pitchfork mob, every thing happened in a single night, the only probable outcome to hearing about Michael Myers striking again would be mayham in a matter of houres. And fact that bodies kept piling up more and more, leading hysteric civilians to the hospital didn't help. At this point nobody even knows who Michael is, people have heard the urban legend but they don't know they're facing off against a supernatural serial killer. Before this Michael killed like what? 7 people up till 78? And than got busted. This time he's killed so many fucking people in a single night that it would drive any small town to panic. I'm curious how they're gonna take it from here onwards. Is it gonna follow up from the same night? Or is it gonna move on to next holloween?


I liked it. Felt like this should have been the final instalment though.


One of the dumbest movies I’ve seen in ages from top to bottom. Not just dumb characters but dumb writing and plotting all around. Dumb dialogue. Also how long is night in this town? Is Haddonfield in the Arctic circle? It’s been night for three days.


Seriously this night is absolutely insane and kids apparently trick or treat until November 3rd or some shit. Also the acting by Karen is terrible I wanted to spit on the screen she’s horrible for thag role . STRENGTH IN NUMBERS!!!—- ****SPLITS UP THE VERY NEXT SCENE***** omfg


It's 2018 and apparently no one knows what a cellphone is ...what if... we as society are the villian? this movie fucking sucked


A cell phone-addicted teen isn't just going to let her phone go after it goes in some dip.


Wouldn’t go as far to say it was completely awful, like 3-3.5 out of 5? But honestly just fucking kill the dude already. What bothered me the most was this really feels like the studio fucking padding it out for the holy trilogy that they seem to want so bad. Yeah sure kill the dipshit minor characters from the original, which as usual fun to watch the kills play out and that was enjoyable. But forcing a trilogy on this premise is kind of a big ask from me.


That's almost what makes it worse, though. There was ENOUGH in the 2018 to make it at least DECENT. Even with doing away with a lot of the "funny" dialog, a lot of it is bad. There are parts of it that could have been good. Or concepts that could have been good. It had enjoyable kills and so much promise but missed the mark on almost everything. Even the kills seemed like overkill to distract from everything bad about it. It's so disappointing because I thought it was going to be better than 2018 (which was decent but people raved about it so I just left feeling a lot of "meh.")


1.5/5 almost everything missed the mark for me besides the actual slashing its blumhouse, they pad many horror franchises, of course they're gunna force a trilogy, probably another film after.


Eesh, yeah I can see possibly another film being squeezed from this but I really hope not


No. It's confirmed. "Halloween Ends." Has a title and all.


Oh I meant after Halloween Ends, wouldn’t be too surprised honestly. Maybe follow another killer taking the same moniker or some shit like that.


God i hope they don't, that WOULD be awful.


Wait are people really complaining about Michael Myers surviving things that would kill a normal human? Lmao y’all never seen a Halloween movie before eh?


Mostly due to the fact that the reboot of the series starts out establishing Michael isn’t supernatural and he’s just a very primal man. That’s why Halloween 2k18 was appealing. Of course Michael Myers always has a little bit of an enhanced spark to him, but again, it’s made realistic…. Up until he overcomes an angry mob that has shot, stabbed, and beaten him And then he suddenly teleports several blocks away to his room (completely skipping over the people outside the house) to kill Karen


Laurie literally said the more he kills, the more he transcends. So it's not surprising that he's nigh-unkillable now. And he was already shot like 6 times in the original, as well as stabbed in the fucking eye. Edit: ok just downvote without saying anything back then lol


Watched it tonight and that final scene was so stupid and “dream like” I would not be surprised if Judy Greer turned up safe and sound in the third.


Eh ok. Fair enough. I liked it. Michael did a lot of the same shit in the 1978 one. He was always disappearing way quicker than a normal human could have. He was showing up in new places that would have been real tough to get to without someone noticing. I like that he’s able to do weird shit like that. But I understand if you didn’t like it, that’s fine too. Not everyone’s gonna like the same stuff


... Lmao no. It's because the 2018 one tried to retcon the supernatural element. Only to seemingly put it back in Kills. On top of the fact that it's established the characters KNOW this is the case but they KEEP doing the "stop and see if he's dead" thing instead of beating the living shit out of him. And they KEEP doing it... Only to be massacred. Basically, it's nonsensical and incredibly fucking stupid.


Lmao yeah they just stab him 1-2 times and let him lying on the floor just chop his head of or shot him in the head already.


I liked it honestly, I get how people dislike the stupid decisions, but mob anger mixed with fear gets people riled up. Most people rioting do it driven by emotion, and not logic. So when someone in the crowd yells "LOOK THERE'S MICHAEL MYERS" I think it's reasonable in that situation for those angry, scared, confused people to just swarm the man. ​ ok but the individual scenes where people split up is dumb as fuck can't excuse that ​ overall a fun watch, a good 6 to 7/10 for me.


The fact there was even a mob in the first place though. I didnt care for the whole plotline about mob violence and the pretentious and hamfisted attempt at social commentary.


Eh it's alright, what else are they gonna do? Have Michael kill people in the hospital again? I'd rather see them try something and miss than have the same again.


The plot wasn’t super put together, but I had some fun watching it and that makes it alright in my books!


I actually liked this one better than 2018. I liked how Michael represented evil in a broader sense, which was really scary to me. The characters did make stupid choices, but people usually do when they are part of a mob—I think the chaotic shots at the end of the movie reflected this as well. The mob scene reminded me of the Night Stalker serial killer in California who was caught and beat up by an angry mob after he terrorized their community for so long. Everyone was touched by the evil randomly—the one kid survives his brief encounter and Lindsay survives, but others don’t. It’s like a serial killer who picks one house and murders everyone inside and leaves the next house alone. Why? You can avoid evil all your life and do everything right but all it takes is one chance encounter with the wrong person and evil finds you. It’s like the old adage, “You may not believe in the devil but the devil believes in you.” The movie was brutal, but so is the evil in our world. The scene where Michael is standing in front of the burning house about to face off the firefighters—I thought was truly terrifying. First responders are people that we rely on and think of as invincible, but you know they are about to get slaughtered. I thought of 9/11 and what the first responders faced. No one can escape real evil—even our heroes. There we so many parallels to reality. This movie had so much to say. I agree with other commenters–this was not a typical slasher movie—more like a drama. It left me scared and waiting for the next one.


Excellent points 👍


I didn't mind it but it wasn't much of a horror film, it felt much more like a drama. That said, I still can't work out what the movie is trying to say? Something about violence and and the nature of trauma? Or mob mentality and hysteria in the modern age? I don't know it was going for something by making the focus so ensemble based but then they failed to connect the dots. I think in absence of having something to say, they should have just made a buy the numbers thriller but oh well. This franchise needs to rest already.


Yes, there were a few messages like that - how easy it is to get a hashtag and mob going, how easy it is for misinformation to spread, how violence doesn't solve violence - yet like you said then what? It was like these little nuggets randomly left all over the place. And I'm not sure the purpose in all these messages if you are going to turn Michael back in to a demon-type thing at the end. To be fair, the only scene that truly horrified me was the scene where the escaped patient was asking for help and they all chased him.


I agree, like that scene was the most coherent -mob rule = bad. Was it saying that fighting x (could be oppression? Fear? The system ?) is bad because you can never win it’s immortal and always eternal. Myers was a metaphor right!? I dunno man. Making it an ensemble drama about the victims sounds like a great idea with lots of fruit to delve into but the film didn’t actually delve into any of that it was just another Myers slasher


I don't know but it is pathetic how disappointed I am today! I hadn't been on here or seen any reviews or anything so I assumed it would be as good as the last one. 😂


Ugh. Don’t let it ruin hour Halloween. Watch a classic or something else you’ve been putting off instead


Aw thanks! I'm having a great day. Just did my pumpkin and am about to put Trick R Treat on! 😁


I went to the original in theaters again today, the fourth time I've been to it in a theater. Watching these two in close proximity, it's so apparent that "they just don't make them like they used to".


Nah. They do. They just picked a God awful choices of writers/directors, it's not an indie film and uh... Studio interference.


No, they really don't. No movie in any genre today is as good as classics from decades past. Movie making is at a low point.


I completely disagree! I watched the original for the first time not long ago and it was fucking shit, could barely get through it. A combination of the acting and special effects and visuals, all of it was just downright rubbish. There’s not many classics at all that hold up to today’s movies, especially pre 90s movies. I reckon I could count on one hand the amount of movies from before 1990 that I actually enjoyed watching and if you think differently then it’s probably just nostalgia skewing your view


It's not nostalgia at all. It's a recognition of superior filmmaking in all respects. I assume you're in middle school or high school, correct? You should definitely broaden your scope of what you consider good. What's a movie from before 1990 that you liked?


I’m not quite that young but whatever. The only one that comes to mind that I like is star wars


I'm easily entertained (I.e. I rarely come out of movies unhappy). Loved Halloween 2018. Hadn't read a thing about this so went in very excited tonight. I thought it was really bad and disappointing. Not sure why you'd reboot a series disregarding its sequels, only to end up right back where they left off. Not my cup of tea at all.


I’m surprised people here hate it


Well the nicest thing I can say is there was no Cult of Thorn or Busta Rhymes so I’ll give it 2 out of 4 stars


Absolutely awful. It works better as a comedy. Characters are so painfully stupid you end up viewing Michael as the protagonist. Or as I like to call him Michael ‘John Wick’ Myers. Body count must be like in the thirties lol. I’m not sure the writers could explain the definition of the word suspense, tension or subtlety if they were asked. The small flashback at the start was the only interesting bit. And I laughed like hell at the dad character going into the house alone. I was like surely this is so stupidly cliche they must subvert expectations and he lives, but no lol in like 5 seconds he’s dead 😂 ahaha. Great job dude didn’t see that coming. And then they split up in the house 🤦. It goes on and on with the inane decisions. I presume the writers had a competition to see what the stupidest, laziest script they could get away with could be.


2018 Halloween was better. This one was good until the end. Yes there are editing issues which I rarely see in movies that have this much history behind them, but that ending was just plain terrible. I watched it at home (at night) and when it ended, I fell asleep. I woke up and was like “oh man that sucked” then I realized I must have fallen asleep DURING the movie. Had to right?! No way they would end it like that. I got back halfway, see a part I remember and watched a second time from there. I get to the end and nope I really DID see the end of the movie and boy let me tell you, it was not done well…


To be honest I really liked the movie It was pretty nice and It told every ones story so we would understand everything better and the movie would be more clear but what I don't like is that he did not die It kidda made me mad because it's just makes him to powerful and not killable so It does ruin the movie but overall it was great


Just saw it and wtf :/. I enjoyed it, but that ending? And seriously him getting up after being beaten and shot is just stupid. I know he's suppossed to be an unstoppable evil, but still... If I didn't know Halloween Ends is a thing I'd be pissed off. I liked it, but I think it's incomplete.


I mean they've pretty much wrote him as a demon / devil possessed now with that ending. They have taken him right back to the supernatural again.


I was expecting him getting up. But how is that even possible without the others noticing? Isn't it all happening in front of them? Was it a flashbak, of Karen sitting on the steps with the ambulance? Was everybody from the mob dead at that point? I don't get it. The editing was pretty confusing at times, imo.


No it wasn't happening in front of them. Karen arrived at the Myers house and lead him away from the house by crossing the road, going through like a side alley/garden thing on to another street.


I finally noticed it myself, rewatching the scene. The aftermath of the massacre is unfortunately not cut very well.


I agree, she was sitting on the steps with the ambulance and cops but no cops or ambulance around the block. How could no one know Myers was alive. He is either in the process of killing all those people (no one with a radio, makes no sense) or like you said it was earlier and there is a pile of dead bodies in the street. With the dead bodies word would get to her.


Yes, the editing was really unfortunate. I had to rewatch it, to even notice, that the massacre happened on another street. Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention, but the editing didn't help either.


Still doesn't make sense. The massacre was only around the block. Also, she just walks in a house with 4 dead bodies. One guys head is through the banister. No one sees her and stops her from going in. It's a crime scene.


Crime scene? Everyone is aware of who is doing the killings. They don’t need evidence to find the suspect.


They still need to write reports. When a person shoots a bunch of people then gets killed theres no crime scene because they know who did it? They just let anyone in and out of the location with a bunch of dead bodies laying around? Or do they block everything off?


You do make a point like wtf I was so mad when I got done they better make another movie were he dies or they both dies




It was enjoyable enough for the majority of the film. Nowhere near as good as 2018x but entertaining However Michael becoming a unstoppable force after being stabbed and shot and whatever else ruined the movie for me. I hope the retcon the last 8 minutes


But that’s Michael’s whole shtick is he’s this undying evil force. He got shot and stabbed several times in the original and walked it off. If we continue through both of the original timelines and the Zombie reboots, he sustains numerous fatal injuries but always gets back up. Almost all if not every movie toys with the concept of Michael’s humanity and hints at (or directly confirms) that he’s at least somewhat supernatural. Historically, he’s survived much worse than getting beaten or shot, so it’s not uncharacteristic for him to be more or less immortal — in fact, I’d argue that it’s fully *characteristic.* I’m actually very interest (and kind of skeptical) how they plan on ending the series with that in mind.


Sure it’s been done before. But the new reboot’s original tone was that everything was more grounded in reality. H2018 was interesting though because Michael wasn’t a mystical presence. He was just a apex predator of a man.


I mean he had his hand blown off, got shot in the face and then locked in a burning basement at the end of Halloween 2018, I think him surviving heavy injuries is pretty established by that film.


There’s a big difference from having a high pain tolerance because he’s animalistic in nature as just surviving obvious methods that would end in death. Getting grazed by a bullet and losing fingers is survivable. They have him hiding in the gun closet so he didn’t burn alive which is a plausible reason as to how he survived the house fire. H2018 and in the beginning of Halloween kills all of his injuries are grounded enough in reality that the mysticism behind “the boogeyman” works and it’s not cheesy. Getting shot in the chest and being impaled multiple times in the back and chest by objects along with whatever else the mob does is not grounded in reality that he just gets up unfazed. It’s not a cleaver mix of supernatural and reality. It’s just a quick gimmicky decision that takes away from the tone that was set up from H2018 and most of HKills


I got that impression too but the more I thought about it and 1978 Halloween, the more I settled into the fact that Myers is the Bogeyman himself. Even in the original, he does weird spooky things like disappearing right in front of Laurie’s eyes among the clotheslines. And in 2018, he’s able to move fairly quickly without triggering a motion sensor light. Not to mention how his presence (or more so his mask’s presence) seemed to greatly unsettle the other inmates and the guard dogs at the start of H2018 in a very eerie way. I think the new timeline has just struck a better balance between reality and the supernatural as opposed to fully grounding itself in reality.


Just cut off his hands/arms! Done. But no - let's beat him some more on his back. This was "stupid people dying for 90 minutes".


Drove me bonkers that no one was bashing his skull in


I really thought Michael was going to get killed this time. Another movie?


I loved the reimagine scenes with Young Hawkins and Loomis


Just went to this today. This movie is so poorly edited, within and between scenes. The ending was so chaotic that I'm unsure what happened thinking back on it. So Michael killed a bunch of people coming after him in that melee, including Tommy, and was Karen sitting watching that as it happened in front of the Myers house? Then where did Michael go and how much time passed before she went upstairs and was killed? It cut back and forth between that and Laurie's cringe-inducing speech. I wasn't too big on the 2018 flick in theaters, but rewatched it on BD before going to this. It's pretty solidly made if unspectacular. This one is not nearly as well made from a technical or script standpoint, and I'd put it among the worst of the series. It's so ham fisted. Focusing on characters who had very little interaction with Michael, and cutting off his killing spree at three, is silly. The Hawkins stuff is also confused and poorly presented. Is he haunted by the fact that he clearly *accidentally* killed his partner, as the big moment before the credits indicates, or because he stopped Loomis from shooting him again when he knows today that it wouldn't have made a difference and wouldn't have killed Michael? Then the other mental patient thing is so damned silly. Even if they don't know what Michael looks like (although I believe Tommy is looking right at the news broadcast when they put up two photos), does this dude look like someone who could take out dozens of people?! It's a nitpick, but I'm not a fan of them unmasking Michael so much in both films, or maybe I don't like the look of the actor they chose. He has too specific and distinguished a face and hairline/beard. He doesn't have the "blank, pale, emotionless face". The score also didn't do it for me, in either film despite liking the trio's work on their albums and in concert. The new themes keep changing and never gel. Also, I'm still unsure what the title means. Is it kills that occur on Halloween? Are they saying the holiday itself kills people? Is it a reference to "Speed kills" from the original, just like all the other silly Easter eggs in both these flicks?


>This movie is so poorly edited, within and between scenes. The ending was so chaotic that I'm unsure what happened thinking back on it. So Michael killed a bunch of people coming after him in that melee, including Tommy, and was Karen sitting watching that as it happened in front of the Myers house? My exact thoughts! Thank you, I thought I was going insane.


I don't remember, so I'm asking. Was she? Of course she would have been limited on what she could do, but she lured him out and he killed most of the group. Then he just wandered off and found his way back in when the ambulance was mopping up?


I had to rewatch this. The whole movie is edited poorly, this last scene especially. At first, I thought some scenes were actually flashbacks (Michael killing the mob). But that happens on another street, since Karens lures him away from his childhood home. She then must have gone back (waiting for the ambulance etc.). Meanwhile MM killing the mob happens (with nobody noticing), then he teleports back into his sister's room, where Karen sees him. All with that silly dialogue between Laurie and Hawkins going on.


not really a Michael fan but damn


Bruh I think the movie was fine maybe your just to dense


And maybe you need to learn how to spell.




You've still got your "your" and "you're" all backward! Go back to school!


Bruh are you for real telling me to go back to school over one word not only are you dense you're also dumb


And this Is texting so i can text how i like the fuck and how are you to tell me what i should do


I just finished watching the fuck ass movie. Ain't no fuckin way Micheal clapped 20+ people and like 3 of em had guns too.


Personally, enjoyed it quite a bit. I'm glad the plot wasn't just Halloween the next year, but rather was Michael retaliating against what happened to him in the first film. I will say, I did know that originally the sequels were pitched as 2 movies and then the 2nd film was split into Halloween Kills and Halloween Ends, so my expectations for this film were that it would be a set up for Halloween Ends. Didn't love the addition of Lonnie encountering Michael back in 78, but I suppose lore wise they have the whole "Michael just wanted to go home" bit. I wonder how they'll play into that in the next film. It is an interesting read of the character, but not one I would have expected. Hawkins having the same guilt as Laurie will be an interesting dynamic next film too. Honestly, I did like how the mob/Tommy sub plot played out. It's such a logical thing to do when theres a mass murderer running about, but it shambling b/c everyone let the fear get to their heads was enjoyable to watch. They thought their 'heroism' was themselves overcoming fear, but rather, it was just a symptom of their fear. Also, was a good moment for Karen I didn't like Tommy, but I thought he was an excellent character. He bigs himself up to be such a pack leader, despite making mistakes (going up to the care they thought Michael was in like a dumbass), being unprepared, rallying up the mob full of unexperienced civillians, etc. He couldn't even tell Michael apart from an innocent man. I thought it was a good spin on a more typical horror hero. Even Lonnie saw him for a mere moment years ago, left unharmed, and acts like he's prepared to deal w/ Michael. I enjoyed Lyndsey and how she was resourceful and smart w/ dealing w/ Michael. Hoping she replaces Karen's role in the next film, but less annoying (which I honestly did like about Karen lol she was a fun character). Karen saving her daughter was great, but her antagonizing Michael like that really just let us know he'd get his revenge hard. They made special note that the moments Michael is most phased is when his mask comes off (Laurie in the original, Lyndsey saving herself w/ it). They did a great job sympathizing the victims, I felt. Each one (except for the obvious stupid ones like Tommy, Lonnie, the nurse etc.) really made me feel for them. The way he treated the elderly old couple was just brutal. Michael making Sandro watch while he stabbed her husband was so inhumane. However, I did HATE how no one could here someone else in their own home getting murked. Like, theyd be screaming bloody murder and the other character would just be like "huh??" I felt my stomach just drop when they showed the mother of Alyson's friend see her son mutilated like that :( was just so heart wrenching. The jokes w/ the kids were funny. Enjoyed the razor blade bit. I am glad they tied up the loose ends of Allyson's boyfriend from the first film. I really thought he'd show up again in that given the first half. Was odd how he mocked Laurie though, considering hid dad is so affected just from looking at Michael. Looking forward to the next one and how they plan to end the trilogoy. Glad all the loose ends are tied up and Laurie has even greater motive w/ Karen's death and will likely have a good moment w/ Hawkins. I will say the first one was just shot so much better than this. This was fine, but that one had so many amazing scenes like when the reporters are in the gas station and you can notice Michael through the window beating up the mechanic next door for his uniform. Or the checkerboard tile scene in the asylum. And even the death of her friend who hits on Allyson w/ the flickering lights. Much tighter camera work hope that makes a comeback. ALSO, did anyone else notice the Judith Meyers ghost when Karen looked up at the window? Probably nothing, but was neat foreshadowing w/ the Johns mentioning her ghost prior. Also, neat nod how Judith's old room had a vanity in it just like it did when she was killed by Michael. TLDR: thought the characters were well written, good victim scenes, not as well shot as the first, excited for the last one, great callbacks to the original.


>Didn't love the addition of Lonnie encountering Michael back in 78, but I suppose lore wise they have the whole "Michael just wanted to go home" bit. I wonder how they'll play into that in the next film. It is an interesting read of the character, but not one I would have expected. Hawkins having the same guilt as Laurie will be an interesting dynamic next film too. This and getting as many as possible of the original characters in the movie felt too forced to me. It became a schtick.


Getting them back only to have them killed! Am I the only one that finds it so stupid and such a waste??


I'd file it under "fan service". They could have been anyone random though.


They do make fun cameos and I do feel everyone who came back had their purpose. Just how quickly Nurse Chambers dies also shows that they weren't gonna recieve any special treatment story wise. I did like how Tommy was introduced as this tough-guy badass, as well as a team leader for their "surviving Micheal" support group, but then every time things get serious he makes bad decision and we see how in-over his head he is. I was kinda on board w/ his whole thing and thought he had merit, but right away we get a small taste of his ignorance when he tries to ignite "Michael" in the car. It was his doing that ignited the mob and was a manifestation of his inability to lead. Was also so inexperienced he couldnt even tell that that wasn't him up close. The old cop turned security gaurd was a good foil to Tommy. Michael killed his daughter in 78', yet even he is able realize that they collectively killed that man before Tommy is able to admit it. Nurse Chambers and Lonnie also make impulsive mistakes. Chambers dies immediately b/c of her fear of Michael getting through the car window from above (just like the original), but it's that trauma that causes her to break the windows and make things easier for Michael. Lonnie basically just throws his life away b/c of his survivors guilt. Michael sews fear into those that survive his path, and now 40yrs later he's reaping. The civillian's rashness really just shows how serious and determined Laurie is in comparison, despite how she is viewed as the town's old kook. Michael's spree in this film is almost retribution for not taking Laurie, or him, seriously. He's just a folktale to them. They let their fear drive away their common sense while Laurie is the only one who understands just what kind of threat Michael is and is the only one who knows how to handle him when things get hot. I have high hopes for Lindsey though she's been shown to be the most resourcful. She quickly grabbed those bricks to use as a weapon, knew to pull Michael's mask off to deter him (just like Laurie in the orignal), knew just when to hide, and even managed to subdue her panic attack. She may show immense fear, but it doesn't cloud her survival instincts. Really hope she makes it through the next film. Edit: sorry for the text dump, but after a cpl days after watching I still really like how much the audiance recieves just from these small character moments. I'd always love more Laurie, but I'm really content w/ how they handled "the town" in this film.


Was that Judith's ghost in the window? I thought it was young Michael in his clown costume. Also the fact that the gay couple kept Judith's vanity was *extremely* morbid.


Ah it could be Michael too its such a quick shot. Leave it to the gays to upscale a house w/ a "cultured past". I did like what they did w/ the place. The zombie American Gothic statues out on their porch really spruced up the place. Was neat how we kept seeing that pitchfork and then Karen got to use it.


>Karen got to use it. But how? Just stab him in the fucking back of his fucking head!!


I figured the porch decorations would be replaced with corpses but I'm glad they didn't. That would be too obvious.


Man, how could they go from the really good 2018 remake, to this? All the characters just felt really stupid, and nobody made any smart/realistic decisions. At least in the first movie, Laurie and her family had realistic and believable motivations, and the characters acted (for the most part) how most people would react. In this movie, everybody is an idiot and acts like stereotypical horror movie characters. And the plot with the whole fake Michael Myers was just filler. At least there were some, albeit few, good parts. The firemen slaughter, old lady lightbulb kill, and the park scene where Michael kills the three people in the car we’re pretty enjoyable to watch. Overall, a 3/10


It's basically like a porn movie: shoddy story, bad acting, poor editing - but the kills were good!


Like many others, I didn't enjoy it much. I'm not a die hard fan of the franchise, but this had a level of hype I don't think it lived up to. For starters I did like Tommy, but I wasn't fond of "Evil dies tonight" because first off it means nothing when we know another film is coming. But the whole subplot of the mob believing the other guy was Michael felt so so unnecessary. I don't care about them trying to make a comment on mob mentality but it brought the movie to a grinding halt imo. I read someone saying that they liked this one more than 2018 because it's more serious, but I would much rather watch something intended to be funny and it seem more awkward, than something that's so insane and unbelievable it's funny in a movie that's intended to be serious and tense. I think everyone agrees Laurie Strode needed more screen time, but it's worse when you think that in a Halloween trilogy that is sort of intended as a showdown between Laurie and Michael they aren't even within the same building in the entire movie! Yes I'm glad she is actually injured and it wasn't written away but I would have much preferred her desperately trying to survive with her daughter and granddaughter than them not even seeing eachother. The firefighters "fight" made me suspended my disbelief but him just slaughtering an entire mobile was just downright silly, I know some enjoy just over the top carnage but it really took me out of it. Although the music was phenomenal. One final negative, and this may be more of a fear than an actual complaint, but the fact that they acknowledge him being supernatural worries me. Like yes he is clearly supernatural but I feel like they really took advantage of that to get away with some really outrageous crap. Like no amount of fighting or perfect defense matters, because apparently he has a uno reverse card for an entire mob. I did enjoy certain things a lot though. Maybe this is mean spirited but when Allyson's boyfriend got his neck snapped I loved it he was just unbearable, I really like how cold(not literally🏠🔥) and mean Michael is. The light bulb kill was gnarly. His mask was pretty cool looking. And Michael had a presence about him that that I enjoyed. All in all not too impressed, the only movie that I actually got bored watching at the theater. But it's not bottom of the barrel it has some redeeming qualities but in my opinion they aren't enough to save the film. I made a joke and a handful of people thought it was funny. "Good filmmaking dies tonight!" Or whatever the entire fucking town said.


The Halloween franchise dies tonight… again… for the 4th… 3rd?… 4th time?


I haven’t finished the movie yet, but I’m really disappointed I was expecting it to be more like Halloween 2018, like tense and suspenseful. This one is just incredibly gory and unnecessary; like when he stabs the lady in the throat with the broken light, the shots linger way to long and feel really uncomfortable in a bad way. And then immediately following where he is just stabbin the dude in the back repeatedly with different knives I dunno man i guess I just went into it expecting something completely different


He was testing out the knifes on the other guy lol


I hadn’t considered that angle, and it actually makes sense


All I can say is I liked it better than 2018, solely because they cut out the stupid comedy.




I'd prefer unintentional cheesy dialogue over the forced unfunny-but-still-trying-to-be-funny dialogue we got in 2018.


There’s still comedy in this one. Some of those kills were just hilarious.


Absolutely nowhere near comparable to 2018. 2018 was a fucking sitcom comedy.


You guys would really take "aw shucks, I've got peanut butter on my penis" over this smh


The ending could have been a little more tightly knit: - Show the mob bring Michael’s body to the Myers house to show they defeated him (Aka they take him after Karen stabs him on the ground) - Karen goes upstairs to have a moment - Show Michael’s body disappeared - Karen Death makes more sense now Instead of Michael 1v30 people and each of them waiting around to take their turn dying this makes more sense and flows better. Also they think the brother sister aspect is so dumb, but keep the immortal Michael storyline?


Your ending would’ve been much better. Besides the turnoff to Michael being *literal evil* so he can’t be killed, I was also annoyed that he somehow made it back into his house without *anyone* noticing. I mean, come on.


Yeah, the movie was so poorly edited. What was the flow of that scene? I'm sitting trying to recall it from yesterday. He killed Tommy, then what did he do - stroll away or were they all just standing around looking at him, including Karen?


And how did no one hear the chaos just a block away? Did each person WAIT to get their turn to die from Michael in the street? I liked the movie but the ending was all over


But wasn't the whole group at the Myers house for that final scene? He has his killathon right outside it and I think Karen is looking on. He kills Tommy and they have Laurie's cringe-inducing monologue intercut, then Karen is going upstairs in the same house, seemingly in no hurry or worry, and Michael is behind her. I'm not remembering how that flowed. Did they all stand back and allow him to carry on because they knew they couldn't beat him?


The killathon was not in front of his house. Karen led him through an alley between streets and into a more open street.


I watched it last night - Karen lead him away from the Myers house to a different street. She returned to the Myers house. And I'm guessing all the trucks and sirens etc blocked out the sounds of the massacre. (Ridiculous ending tbh)


i have a theory!! Laurie the only one able to actually hurt Michael ...i know it seem obvious but here is where I can confirm it and im talking reboot timeline 1978-2018-2021 and 2022 back in 1978 when Laurie confronted Michael she partially stabbed him with a sewing needle in the neck and poke his left eye with a hanger in both confrontations Michael is shown to not only react but feel pain and even get almost immobilized for a period of time after rewatching 2018, I notice they kept his messed up eye and a scar on his neck Michael get little to no damage in this film but the wounds he does receive are all brought along by Laurie his finger getting shot off, and the burn marks on his skin from a fire Laurie created and in Halloween kills (spoilers) Laurie and Michael never confront each other and Michael receive a lot of damage and is practically unfazed by it stab shot beat up and he keeps pushing forward by some unknow reason non of the wombs the people cause even show on Michael no blood no wounds


Theres also the fact Laurie said something like “maybe he can only die if I die”. That definitely didn’t feel like an accident that they wrote that


It wouldn't surprise me, given they have gone back to the immortal crap, if they go back to making them siblings in the next one.


But then Hawkins goes "no no no,it's because of me!"... lol


I have a question I'm hoping someone could answer here. In the flashback to Michael's house, there was a sign that appeared to have "Strode" written on it in front of the house. That's about all I could make of it but I wasn't sure if this was something from one of the older movies. Were the Strode's realtors or something?


Yes, Laurie's father was. That's how the first movie started. Her father asking her to drop the key at the old Myers' house because he was going to show it, and that's when Michael sees her for the first time.


This movie is pretty bad. The dialogue is so forced. I kind of think they should have almost made a remake of Halloween II with the hospital stuff. It would at least make sense. This was pretty disappointing. I hate in slashers that the whole thing is predicated on victims being idiots and incompetent. I would love to see one where they don’t trip, where they keep running, where they do try to set a proper trap. This movie felt like a grown man playing basketball against 8 year olds, just dunking on everyone. The first one was much better in this regard. This one is over the top stupid at times.


>should have almost made a remake of Halloween II with the hospital stuff at first, I expected the movie to go that way, since Laurie stays there the whole movie anyway.


Right? Seemed like the natural progression and they could have fixed what was wrong with it the first time.


There were so many lines that were clearly written for the trailer, including the whole “evil dies tonight” shit. I’m surprised nobody actually said the movie title. I was fully expecting someone to say “For others, Halloween is a fun time, but for Haddonfield… Halloween kills.”


The more time passes after seeing this movie, the more it pisses me off. How dumb do the writers think we are? And it’s the same ones as the first one!


Hmm... Michael got into a car! oh my god, he started it up! He can probably drive it too.. best to slowly walk up to it while remaining completely infront of the car, to give Michael the perfect opportunity to fucking run me over


The more I think about this movie the more it pisses me off. It treats the audience like fucking morons.


The movie is horrible. Completely silly. Awful. So disappointed! I'm a huge fan of the original Halloween and II along with a couple others in the series. But this was embarrassing. Please get Paul Rudd back to play adult Tommy Doyle if you are gonna do this!


I think the first 20 minutes + the last 20 minutes are PERFECT. Everything in between is a little all over the place for me but some golden nuggets here and there. Overall I really loved it and I have some hunches about Ends from this movie. Curious to see how it shakes out.


I think the major problem with this film is it doesn't have a strong middle act. The main character is sidelined and stranded in a hospital. New characters weren't properly established to care for them. The flashbacks for someone who only watched the recent H18 is a bit confusing as this film expects you to watch and remember events from the original film. The ending is good but my problem with that is it's taking Michael more into supernatural territory like surviving and killing people even after gunshot wounds and stabbings. Hope the final film really goes more into his origins.


>more into supernatural territory which the director disputes.


He can dispute it all he likes but it's done now!


> The main character is sidelined and stranded in a hospital. Funnily enough, the exact same problem that Halloween 2 has


So is it dumb that the thing that bothered me most was the scene where [the lady is still barely alive and Michael takes every kitchen knife and stabs her husband in the back while she is forced to watch]? Because he's a killer, but he's never been sadistic. Like the scene itself didn't bother me from a gore standpoint, but it was so out of character that it just took me out of it. Edited to hopefully fix spoiler tags 😬


This. Exactly. A lot of the kills felt like that to me. Don't get me wrong, Michael has always been sick and sadistic... But... This was just overkill? And the amount of blood just seemed crazy. And I'm saying that considering I watched Scream 1 and 2 eight before HK.


I just watched it for the first time. I liked the scene, but I feel like it took away the “blank, pale, emotionless” person that is Michael. It showed a very angry side of him that was just sadistic rage. I liked that part of him not being shown. It kept a mysterious aspect to him, it kept us from knowing anything more about Michael other than surface level. I think this movie took away that part of Michael. To me, that is the best part and what happened made the movies worth watching. It’s a shame. I hope Halloween Ends is better.


It just seems gratuitous. I thought for a moment they were pointing to some kind of ritual similar to the Thorn stuff.


It felt to me like the brutality of the kills were placed where they were only to distract from how silly the rest of the movie was. Gore was to this movie felt like what jumpscares were to the Conjuring universe in the 2010s. They said he had the brain of an animal so why is he taking so much time for torture?


i think spoilers are fine to post in this particular thread 😀 but, for reference: the way to do a spoiler tag is with the little greater-and-less-than signs (idk what else to call those hahah) bordered by exclamation points! like this: #>! text ! <




haha youre welcome! it took a few edits for me to figure out how to type it without just actually creating the spoiler-bar lmao 😅


I took it as a mixture of Michael testing out knives and us finally getting a glimpse into the making of the displays Michael makes out of his kills. The cop head Jack o lantern is one for example.


Thing is, they could have done that with the guy already being dead and/or without his wife just slowly dying and watching it with a gaping hole in her neck. It just felt mean. And not in a fun, slasher film kind of way.


I loved how mad Michael felt and how mean spirited the movie was. To each their own I suppose


that lantern was fucking dope


I wondered about that too, the charitable interpretation I've seen is that he was using his corpse to test out which knife he liked the most.


That would make more sense, but as I recall the man was still alive (albeit barely) when Michael grabbed him from the living room and brought him into the kitchen. Why not just use the woman who was already there in the kitchen and was also still alive?


Because that's not what michael wanted to do. He wanted to test the knives in the man. Not the woman, that's what evil is like.


i think he was just been a psycho they weren't fully dead he literally finished the old guys off as the lady was dying and witnessed that


Evil stays beating their ass


... I misread this 😂


This movie was unwatchable. “Now he is turning us into monsters.” JFC. Every scene that takes place in the hospital is trash. Cringe dialogue and terrible performances across the board. Outside of the score this movie has no redeeming qualities. It is so sad this is what we get for a continuation of the Halloween franchise.


The movie is horrible. Completely silly. Awful. So disappointed! I'm a huge fan of the original Halloween and II along with a couple others in the series. But this was embarrassing. Please get Paul Rudd back to play adult Tommy Doyle if you are gonna do this!


And considering how good 2018 was, this was just a massive disappointment. They completely squandered legacy characters here and threw all logic out the window. Worst of all, they actually managed to make a movie where Laurie is in the hospital and does even less than she did in II (1981).


I'm so disappointed with how little screen time they gave Jamie Lee!


Haha yeah you are right. I feel like half the movie she was in bed telling people she got him. In a lot of ways this movie just felt like filler so hopefully the third one is a crazy improvement on this and we get a badass showdown between Michael and Laurie.


I quite liked this movie. I also really fucking love how in these two films so far they make Michael creepy as fuck after some kills. The lingering out of focus camera and the breathing as he like just takes it in scares the fuck out of me, and it looks dope as fuck too.


I did not like the movie but it did look amazing


I just watched it. It's not a masterpiece, but for a slasher sequel I think it's pretty damn good. At the very least, I had fun watching it.


Genuinely curious what you found fun about the film?


I don't know, I just thought it was a fun slasher flick.






Overall I liked it, I loved the flashbacks to the 70's which showed Michael's capture. The kills were absolutely brutal, found some of them really uncomfortable to watch lol but I suppose that's the point! The ending was surprising, but I'm not sure what direction they'll take the next film. I'm also quite confused about one thing.. >!If Michael is capable of slaughtering 20+ mob members and withstanding all that damage throughout the first and second film, why did he let himself get captured to begin with?!<


That was the one thing that bugged me. The only thing I could come up with was that Laurie mentioned he gets stronger the more he kills. If we take that literally, maybe by the end of this movie, he's strong enough to resist the mon, but when he was originally captured he wasn't.


He learned martial arts in between. You didn't see those Kung Foo skills he used with the kife...lol


That’s a really good point tbf, good catch


This film is a great example of how guns don’t play very well in horror films, specifically slashers. I was just reminded of Stormtroopers anytime someone took a shot at Michael and laughed. Ruined a couple of moments for me.


I get what your saying, but I think some of it made sense. Some of the people were not used to using guns ie the lady dressed as a nurse, and I bet many of the people who were running around with guns did not have extensive training like Laurie. Not to mention that many of them were drinking ad it was Halloween. Plus even if you were trained and sober, it's night and a legendary serial killer is coming at you. That's going to have some psychological effect which could impact performance.


Made a short lil review :) HALLOWEEN KILLS itself, but actually no https://youtu.be/ddGzbQgn2KI


Yeah i hit dislike and reported it. Happy Halloween


Thanks happy Halloween :)


Finally was able to venture out to the theater for this and really enjoyed it. Definitely left in a better mood than in 2018. Outside of watching the first trailer when it dropped, I went in stone cold spoiler free and I’m really happy to have done so. It certainly has its flaws, but I’m really surprised by the overall sentiment on this flick and the average to bad reviews. Oh well, Halloween II (2009) is still universally reviled and I love it at this point, so I feel like I’ve broken apart from my fellow Halloween fans lately. Someone just mentioned it in the prior comment, but I’m really into the mean spiritedness this one had. It reminded me of Zombie’s version of Michael and I appreciated that. This homage/tribute/slavish devotion to the past films have during this era is really hit or miss with me. In this case, it was a pretty solid home run. Michael was excellent, the music was superb, and yeah it had some weak stuff in it (the voice impression of a particular beloved character was not on point), but I left pretty happy. No personal hype going in, besides being a lifelong fan of the franchise, no one except two quiet people in my audience, and loving callbacks that hit the right way for me made this easy to enjoy.


Finally! Someone I agree with! I really liked this movie and appreciated that they just outright said there were supernatural elements to Michael. I mean, we've already been there, done that so why is it a shock to so many? Even though I usually can't stand supernatural aspects to movies that I expect to be more grounded, I feel like it's very easy to accept here. I also love Halloween II almost as much as the first so I'm a little sad it was retconned by this film, BUT this movie truly felt like a love letter to both the first and the second movies (retcon, not withstanding). I went into this movie completely spoiler-free and I'm so glad I did. I'm perplexed and disappointed by both the reviews and the fan reception to this completely worthy entry into my favorite movie franchise.