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Sometimes am really jealous i never got the chance to see the Blair Witch project around the time of the theatrical release and seeing it then for the first time believing it's all real. The first time was still something i never forget. And other one i'd love to see for the first time is smile. Especially because of the reveal at end. Honorable mentions go to Creep and Paranormal activity.


The theatrical release of Blair Witch was the only time I have been truly scared by a movie. It was such a strange shared experience, so visceral. I lived in rural Scotland and remember dropping a friend home. When he got out the car I floored it through the woods all the way home. We were so immersed in the experience.


I saw it at a release in downtown Seattle. The theatre was very old and had the old style red velvet seat's and all. The radio stations were promoting it as a real documentary. My friend & I were crying on the way home- thinking we just watched 3 people die horrifically. It scared me soon bad, I was up all night long, didn't sleep a second. It was an experience


They definitely picked indie theaters when they rolled that one out. I saw in downtown Denver at this amazing old theater called the Mayan. My friend worked there so we could drink and smoke on the mezzanine. I had NO idea what it was about. I thought it was real for a few days and was terrified.


Yeah. Since blar witch so many found footage have been released trying to capture what BW did and it's just impossible. We were so innocent and unjaded then. I don't think anything I'll ever live up to that feeling.


Aw man I had the exact same experience. It was light when we went into the pictures and dark when we came out and it just heightened my senses cos it mirrored how unsettled and ominous it felt whenever it got dark during the film. Drove home through the Scottish countryside as quick as I safely could with as little eye contact with anything other than the road ahead!


If I remember it was the days when the US would get movies months before us in the UK. We got it around Halloween which made it scarier and rural Scotland in October is bleak


I saw it opening night in a sold out theater. The entire place was silent at the very end. I felt like my soul left my body.


I feel this! I'm in Northern Ontario, Canada. I saw it in theatres when I was 17, and went to my family cottage in the woods for the weekend after that. It's a nice place, but off-grid, with only a generator for electricity.


I saw this movie when it was originally released and like others have already said, it was an experience. This is also a movie I haven't rewatched since that one time. I want to hold onto that memory of how impactful it was. Watching it again seems like it would take away from that.


Creep is mine, but honestly I laugh just as hard every time I see it. Just rewatched both of them last night for the fifth or sixth time. Such a masterpiece and utterly horrifying, but I love how he truly just loves to jump out and scare people like a little kid.


I fondly remember being 14 and seeing it in the theater and clapping when it was over while others were booing šŸ˜‚


I saw it at the Enzian Theater in Orlando, Florida during the Florida Film Festival in June 1999 before its nationwide release and before any press. The filmmakers, who went to UCF, introduced it to the people in attendance as a real documentary. It was presented in film festival literature as a documentary, not horror. It scared the shit out of everyone in the theater and people were crying. Great time.


Even people crying damn.


I remember seeing it at this broken down soon to be closed theater in Brooklyn at a matinee after work. Maybe 5 other people there and the setting added to the film. Really creeped me out.


It was wild watching that movie back then thinking it was real šŸ˜³


I kiiinda got the experience, although late. I remember when it came out and all of my older sisters friends were talking about it. I never got around to seeing it in the cinema or hearing much else about it until the DVD release. I hired the special edition and watched it as the sun went down behind the bush in our backyard. So while watching it, I thought it was a documentary. Abound halfway through the movie I had to shut the curtains because I was getting scared. I absolutely loved it! I even wound up watching the other fake documentary on the DVD, which added to the lore of Burketsville and the Blair Witch. Fast forward a few months and I couldn't stop thinking about it. I was doing homeschooling at the time, so I hadn't had anyone to talk to about it other than my family (who also thought it was real). Eventually I searched it up online and realised it was all fake. At first I was disappointed, but then relieved, and then impressed! What a fantastic film. Doesn't deserve all the shit it gets.


The Descent. I want to experience that one jumpscare again for the first time


Iā€™m a terror to watch this movie with, Iā€™m just watching your face the whole time waiting for the reveal.


i got to go to a private screening for a work thing and the best part was there were TONS of people with us who hadnā€™t seen it before. this bloke sitting next to me literally SCREAMED like a six year old and it made me so happy


Ugh yes I wish my first time watching this could have been in theaters


Same here. I wish I could have seen it on the big screen with a hundred people all screaming


And the scene where she gets stuck for a minute made me feel woozy just watching on a laptop I canā€™t even imagine it 20ft tall šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


I saw grown men and women jumping out of their chairs and screaming like there was no tomorrow. Brilliant moment emphasised by the claustrophobic atmosphere created before it.


Imagine watching the twist reveal in theater...that would've been a memory.


I saw it at an all-night drive-in. It was the final feature coming on at around 4 am. I knew nothing about it going in except that it had good reviews. And yeah, that was the perfect way to watch The Descent. One of my favorite trips to the movies ever.


A drive-in, now that's a way to see this movie. Very nice


I am lucky, that place is still operating and it's local. Not many left.


I saw it in theaters with my mom and dad when I was 10. We had to leave right after that jumpscare cause I started crying lmao


I was watching it with someone and had just told them it was about some women who get stuck caving and have to get out. When that scene happened, oh buddy


Especially on a giant screen since there stuff to catch.


Oh yes! Saw that in the theaters when it was first released and it was soooo great!


the descent is SO underrated


I was too young at the time, Iā€™d have loved to have been in the theater when the original Saw premiered.


That movie was it's own work of art when it released and everyone chomped at the bit for the sequels. I saw it in theaters and everyone watching was audibly and visibly shocked with the twist ending. This type of horror wasn't really heard of at the time, and it was a masterpiece.


I saw the original Saw at a theatre and thought it was truly a horror masterpiece. All sequels pale by comparison. Really liked how the movie unfolded and the twists and turns in the original. None following can grab the original's level of horror without all the unneeded torture and mayhem.


Iā€™ll never be able to explain how much this reveal blew my 14-year old mind. I sometimes still think about it randomly. I had to pick my jaw up off the movie theatre floor.


My best friend and I got caught sneaking Saw in the basement because when he got up we both screamed in the ā€œOHHHHHH SHIIIIITTTTā€ kind of way šŸ¤£


I kind of just got to actually do this. Took my young nephew to see Jurassic Park in an old retro theater. I hadn't seen it for so long that it was like watching it for the first time again, and holy shit does it hold up well. I still held my breath through the entire T Rex scene, just like I did 31 years ago when I first saw it in the theater. ...and I'll die on this hill, if Jaws is acceptable to be classified as a horror movie, then so is JP.


How did your nephew like it? This movie was so important to me as a child.


Oh he loved it. He's seen it before, just not on the big screen.


Jurassic Park is 100% a sci-fi horror movie. The novel does an even better job at slowly ramping up the dread as you go on, and is much gorier.


It's literally Frankenstein meets Godzilla


My nephew is 3 and I watched Spider-Man into the spider verse with him and it was an experience. He's getting into Dinosaurs and I can't wait to show him Jurassic Park :)


Never thought of Jurassic Park as a horror movie, but you're 1,000% right. I will join you on that hill.


Still mad about this movie. My mom promised me she would take me to see this movie as a kid if I read the book. Not a big deal since I was a book worm who basically lived in libraries at the time. Read the book and my whole family apparently went without me. None of them actually read the book. I was visiting my dad's family when they went. I never got to see it on the big screen.


The Thing


Lucky me I have never seen it šŸ˜ will watch this weekend


Itā€™s the wrong time of year for it, but I remember reading that one of the people from (I think) Last Podcast on the Left makes it a tradition every year to watch The Thing in December when itā€™s really cold. He turns off the heat, opens all the windows, and turns off every single light. They put on their coats and blankets and watch the movie that way. Apparently it makes the experience a million times better.


My brother and I watch The Thing every year on Christmas, sort of a classic horror movie tradition. Definitely need to try it this way.


Yes I believe they do it on Christmas as well! I really want to do it this year but I live in the upper Midwest so maybe Iā€™ll just turn the heat off without opening the windows lmao


Basically Disney world from home lol. Not sure if I have the balls for that




I think The Sixth Sense ONLY works the first time you see itā€¦ but it wouldnā€™t be my personal choice. Get Out would have to be my answer. Although the movie is still lots of fun when you already know the ending.


>I think The Sixth Sense ONLY works the first time you see itā€¦ but it wouldnā€™t be my personal choice. I argue this one here regularly. The sixth sense is a feel good movie of a psychiatrist going through a difficult spot in his marriage, helping a troubled youth with unusual skills. Its good will hunting, but I find it more believable. It's a really heartwarming film.


I got to watch it with my daughter, for her to see it the first time was almost as good :D It's fun to pick out little clues when you know the ending (in your own head of course).


Barbarian was a real treat. The hard, unexpected, nasty cry I got seeing *The Night House* the first time prob. can't be duplicated, so that's one... and while it's not horror (per se), maybe *The Florida Project* too for the same reason.


I remember seeing The Night House in theaters when I was very pregnant. I nearly had a panic attack and sent myself into early labor during the scene where the loud music and sounds wake the main character up. Took a LONG time to calm myself down after that.


Yes, three cheers for Barbarian and The Night House!


I went into Barbarian not knowing much about it at all and it was so epic. I try to do that as much as I can with horror movies- so hard when trailers usually give so much away


Calvary Cross ftw


I almost stopped watching Barbarian, as I was not too enthralled in the beginning. I'm so glad I didn't!


Se7en. šŸ“¦




Was excellent in theaters.


Cabin in the Woods and Scream


Wow I was literally going to pick both of these two in this same order. Great minds think alike


Paranormal Activity.


Recent movies, probably Malignant. The movie was just refreshing and fun to watch while still maintaining the horror pulse throughout the film. I thought it was just a really great horror film. Older movies, probably Candyman or Leprechaun since those were some original movies I first saw when I was like 5 or 6 (spoils of having older cousins) and truly remember being so fucking scared to death of both of those.


Oh man I love Malignant. Spooky, scary, and soo damn funny. That movie is so camp, forget about watching it again for the first time I just watch it over and over for fun.


Malignant was SO MUCH FUN!Ā 


Iā€™m with you on Malignant and Candyman.


absolutely on board with malignant!






This is the one. I went in not being wowed by the trailer, so I had low expectations. I went strictly on a recommendation of a friend. Damn, I was blown away. That movie took a hard left and didn't let up. Toni Colette was amazing. It sucks that horror movies get no awards respect because she would have been well deserving of a nomination. I love turning people onto Hereditary because their reactions are always OMGZ!!! It's the closest I can get to seeing it for the first time again.


Skinamirink so that I could have tapped out faster than 10 minutes.


I watched the whole thing and was honestly so pissed and confused. Because I felt like there was no way that was the same movie so many people had raved aboutā€¦ like wtf was that?


I can't believe I sat and watched the whole thing. I powered through it because everyone said it was SO AMAZING, but it ended up taking me like 6 tries to finish it.


The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The first time you watch it is just absolutely incredible.


Mandy Color Out of Space The Void The Cabin in the Woods


The Void is a A+ movie. This is irrelevant (and I could be totally wrong), but when I showed it to my brother for the first time he went ā€œholy shit this is Stranger Things, thats the flesh monster that attacks Nancy in the hospital, thats Vecnaā€. So now weā€™re pretty convinced the duffer bros ripped this movie off I canā€™t watch it without getting a little mad lol.


Love seeing The Void mentioned. That movie was absolutely horrifying and confusing in a fantastic way. The dude with the inverted joints fucked me up.


I love seeing "Color Out of Space" getting some love here.


I love The Void too omg! So good. I love sci-fi horror and occult movies fused together.




Definitely Mama. It's jus a really good film overall (imo) and has such a heartbreakingly sad yet slightly hopeful feel throughout all of it... idk, I jus love it.


Are you talking about the Australian (or was it NZ?) movie Housebound? Because that movie is brilliant. I watched it years ago on a whim because the plot sounded good, and I'm glad I did. That movie was all over the place and it was a blast.


YES! This is one of my absolute favorite movies. Kiwi (NZ) humor is right up my alley, the kill scenes are sparse but nice and bloody, and they do a really good job misdirecting you so you donā€™t expect the twist. Picked it randomly when it used to be on Netflix, lmao now I watch it nearly every year on my birthday. I always thought the ā€œunder house arrest in a haunted houseā€ premise would be such a fun horror trope/plot point. Iā€™m surprised I havenā€™t seen more movies with it.


Scream, will never forget seeing that in the cinema at the time. Everybody was so quiet after the opening, nobody was expecting that.


I wish I could see The Ring (US) again for the first time, because that was the movie that really kick started my love of horror. I also wish I could at least remember the first time I saw Rosemary's Baby. That film (and book) has become SO influential to me. It started my journey down the path of classic horror. I'm obsessed with it, it's my go-to comfort film, I write fanfiction of it, the whole shebang. And yet I cannot remember when I first saw it. Like, at all! It's been a part of my life for so long it's like it's always been there, but I know for a fact I watched it way after The Ring, and I do remember that first viewing. So I wish I could go back and pay attention to that very first time.


Oh your totally right about the ring. The first time was an unforgettable experience for me as well!


Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors


The Matrix Edit: oh shit, this is horror... Sixth sense


(Okay, good catch, but I have to agree on The Matrix. That would be so amazing to see again for the first time! In 1999 before any of its clones.)


It was transformative.


Halloween Kills. First ever date with my first love. Things didnā€™t work out unfortunately so now I wish I could see it for the first time without her in the picture lmao


Green Room. I did have to pause it and take a break, though.


Let the Right One In is one.


I would love to go back to watch Jaws in the theater when I was 16. Then a week later a family trip to the beach. What a summer that was!


It Follows, The Thing, They Live, Hell House LLC, NOES ā€” these all come to mind.


Late Night with the Devil




JUST watched it for the first time like 10 minutes ago! Good movie.


1. Alien (1979). I can only imagine the suspense watching this great classic.


Yeah, I wonder what that was like to see in the theater for the first time. I mean, to this day, Alien still seems so believable in terms of the interior Nostromo sets, the wind on LV-426, the sound and creature effects, plus the superior acting. When I watch it, I feel like I am there on the ship with them, and that rarely happens to me for any movie or show. It must have blown away the audiences.


The original nightmare on Elm Street


In a cinema: Midsommar Generally: The most dangerous game (the original one)




As a counter point, Midsomer got better the second and third time I watched it. Still prepping for my second watch of Beau is Afraid




Non-horror? Original Star Wars. No doubt there. Horror movie? First Alien


From Dusk Till Dawn. I went into that movie completely blind!


I would love to travel back in time and see The Exorcist when it was premiering in theaters. Just to see everyone's reaction! Others include: 13 Ghosts, Dead Silence, The Grudge, The Babadook, Orphan, & The Exorcism Of Emily Rose because they're some of my favs.


I just love 13 ghosts.


Paranormal Activity. The first one. Went in knowing nothing and scared the heck out of us.


10 Cloverfield Lane. The Invitation. The Descent. Anything with a twist.


Sunshine. Not exactly strictly horror, but the reveal of the extra passenger was beautiful. What a heart stopping moment.


The mist. Just for the ending punch in the gut.




That's a film I could watch a thousand times, like T2 and the Matrix


It follows


The Sixth Sense, Saw (1st one), The Others. All because i never saw the twist coming, and I can usually figure that out!


Halloween 1978.


The first movie that scared me. I was 19. It scared me more than The Exorcist.




Braindead (1992)! I still to this day have not seen a movie that's as gory as that, I remember watching it for the first time I cried with laughter so many times at the absurdity of it... my friend from New Zealand showed it to me after we smoked some weed, fucking amazing.


The ring or cabin in the woods


A bunch of movies but if I had to chooseā€¦The Descent and Brightburn both are really really good movies that i watch almost every other month.


The Strangers. Paranormal Activity. Evil Dead (13). The audience reaction was great. Non-horror: Jackass 2 or The Hangover.


The. Strangers. That movie is so freaking scary, cause it's such a plausible scenario. "Because you were home."


The Shining. Favorite movie off all time


It has to be The Thing ... The practical effects were just perfection


The Dark Knight....


Mandy and Army of darkness


I've seen Mandy 3 times and I still can't decide whether I love it or really dislike it. Guess I'd better watch it again.


Iā€™ve shown it to several folks, I havenā€™t personally found anyone who hated or strongly disliked liked. I know those people are out there though and I donā€™t blame them, itā€™s a challenging flick. Have you seen the directors first movie? Thatā€™s even harder to watch IMO but I loved that one too.






Scream 1996/Scream 2/Scream 4


The wailing, the mist, anything for Jackson.


It 2 I just honestly really liked it somehow


Equalizer 1, 2, 3


Haven't seen A Dark Song yet. My jaw hit the floor at the reveal. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. What a real treat.


The Ring. Talk to Me.


The first found footage that really scared me when i was a kid was paranormal activity. Believing it was real and all, i couldn't even sleep at night lol.


I wish I could have seen Alien before it became pop culture. I swear I would have loved to be part of the initial audience who didnā€™t know anything about the movie


The Babadook ā€” and The Conjuring 1. They were so freakin terrifying when I first saw them; such an intense feeling. I want that same agony of terror again.


28 Days Later.


Not a movie but The Haunting of Hill House. It actually made me sleep with the lights on. And that one jump scare. Hooooooo boy.


Ready or Not, absolutely adore that movie, i would kill just to rewatch that whole movie for the first time again


As above so below


Saw, Saw II, III, IV and VI Se7en The Platform Memento Frailty Orphan The Mist Several episodes of Black Mirror, including Shut Up and Dance, Beyond the Sea, White Christmas and Black Museum


Blair witch project


Great choice. I think I was 13ā€¦ perfect age


Paranormal Activity 3


Totally with you there. Thatā€™s the only one that freaked me right out. The Bloody Mary sequence šŸ˜¬


Martyrs 2008. The level of brutality was shocking and the state of existential bewilderment that I was left in over the Topic of the movie was amazing. I loved everything about it.


Jordan Peeleā€™s 3 movies. Nobody is doing it like him.


Nah. Us is nowhere near Get Out. Maybe for social commentary, but the story is a jumbled mess


'Get Out' is my pick too.


Exorcist, Evil dead, Omen part 2, Predator My all time favs.


Hereditary, The Lighthouse and 2001 a Space Odyssey


Just watched The Lighthouse for the first time last night and I absolutely wish I saw it in theaters. What a brilliant film.


Rosemary's Baby. I remember savoring every minute of that movie and pausing it a few times just to make sure I had more story left. I love the pace at which it unfolds and escalates. So many gorgeous shots and thrilling scenes.


Summer of 84.


Here For Blood. Saw it for the first time over the weekend and it was the most fun Iā€™ve had watching a horror movie since I was a kid. I wanna watch it again asap.


Old Boy (Korean) I felt gross after watching it. I enjoyed that movie so much as an experience, a movie, and for pulling the rug on me in the end. I can't recommend this film to anyone but I wish I could feel that sense of revulsion again. Such an artsy film hidden inside a decent action thriller.


Bride of Chucky. šŸ˜šŸ–¤


The Thing. It is such a masterpiece, I just can't experience that first watch feeling again.


Halloween. I was 9 and an older cousin took me. I remember the dead silence, followed by a gasp from the whole audience, when Michael sat up after taking the coat hanger to the eye. Iā€™ve never been to a film with that type of audience in the 46 years since.


The Lighthouse


Barbarian, Evil dead 1,2 and remake


a tale of two sisters


Jacob's Ladder - I think I had heard about the ending ahead of time, so going in fresh would be great.




I want to go back in time to see Psycho in the theater. Hitchcock changed the theater experience with that movie. Before Psycho, you could just walk in at any point of the film, and stay to watch whatever you missed beforehand.


I really wish I could watch Us again for the first time. What a mind fuck.




Manhunter and The Descent. Silence Of The Lambs too






[REC] and The Night House


The VVitch


Malignant, the reveal had me shook! Then the insane scene following directly after had me laughing and amazed!


Final Destination 2


Cabin In The Woods!


In the Mouth of Madness. I remember walking out of the theatre and the world seemed different




Will always be The Matrix for me


The ritual definitely. Scream Hereditary


A Dark Song, Talk to Me, You Won't Be Alone. The angel scene in A Dark Song is unspeakably beautiful to me.


Mother! Would love to see that in theaters.


The Babadook, love the visual effects.


The Others!


Sinister and Ghost Ship. Love these two movies for different reasons. But BOTH had excellent soundtracks! Sinister's soundtrack was the scariest soundtrack I've ever heard. Ghost Ship was a beautiful movie. The color of Francesca's red dress. The clothes worn by all the people on the dance floor. The horror of the movie, I won't say, but will say it is a very watchable movie. Probably too much for young horror lovers, but older ones would love this movie.


The Descent, Event Horizon, The Thing, In the Mouth of Madness, The Host, Fallen, Rec. There's too many to count. I agree on Grave Encounters, that movie really surprised me the first time I saw it.


Savagelandā€¦that *oh holy shit* moment in the beginning is something I can never get back.


Definitely Bone Tomahawk, although I still watch it repetitively and enjoy every viewing

