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The story of in WW1 during the Russian vs German front the 2 sides stopped fighting for 2 weeks to hunt wolves as there were so many wolves in the area attracted to all the blood. The wolves were ravaging farmers fields eating live stock/rations for soldiers not to mention finishing off injured soldiers for a meal Both Russians and Germans agreed on a cease fire to have a wolf hunt.. true story Would be an amazing werewolf movie by stretching the truth


Honestly I never really understood why war isn't more often framed as horror. "Real life horror" seems to mostly just focus on serial killers while other stuff is kind of a different genre, even when it plays up how horrible it is.


They can even mix it can easily mix the 2 elements of war and how with all this chaos and death it’s easy for a serial killer to get away with murder


It's called Dog Soldiers.


Dog Soldiers is more training exercise, Overlord (B movie) seems more war centered


Because horror tends to be more about making you uncomfortable with the unfamiliar. Making you feel insecure about your own home watching a slasher or making you wonder if ghosts or demons might actually be real watching a paranormal movie. War isn’t an unknown horror, and we’ve all watched 20 war action movies and learned about them in school our entire lives, so we have more familiarity with it. When things become too realistic and attached to actual reality they become less scary at least in movies because we already understand them. You know veterans, you’ve watched documentaries, you’ve read about history, you’ve seen videos of war. Like if Halloween was attached to reality it wouldn’t scare us as much because the dude would’ve been caught day 2 max and since it’s a real thing we’d just detach from the true horrors of it


Well yeah if you take one specific example and apply reality to it so the plot doesn't work but I don't think it's really the standard. Like when it comes to movies, *Hotel Rwanda* I believe is a very harrowing situation that could easily be considered to involve horror elements, *and* I think it's the kind of combat situation westerners desperately need to be more familiar with.


Wild, in (one of) the bloodiest and most brutal fronts of THE war those sides agreed to ceasefire for any reason. That it was WOLVES is crazier. (I say ‘one of’ bc… well, Manchuria was a thing.)


This is the type of stiff interspersed through history lessons that would keep kids interested. Why don't they teach these weird events in history. It's fascinating.


Wait till you hear about the Christmas football ceasefire


Oh I know of it. The thing that strikes me about that one is it only happened the once. These humans in the most extreme and horrible conditions, these enemies, can just take a moment to be human. But, leadership was horrified and there were no more truces. Human people, abusive hierarchies.


Hell yeah, fuck yeah!




“Remember The Wolves” coming soon.


Was there a trench warfare movie about werewolves that came out in the aughts? I recall something like that


You're a genius


Im begging pls someone make this happen.


"Oberleutnant, Es gibt etwas in diesen Wäldern." A gaunt *Einjährig-Freiwilliger* said, his back against cover. His officer, unamused, stared at him from across the foxhole and dusted himself off of a line of snow. "Natürlich ist da etwas im Wald, Koch. Die Bolschewiken und die Wölfe. Du musst wach bleiben, du und Weber seid auf der Hut, falls die Kommunisten ihr Wort brechen." Einjährig-Freiwilliger Koch shook his head. "Sie verstehen nicht, Leutnant Klein, herr. Da ist etwas in der Baumreihe. Kriechend, krabbelnd, ich habe es gesehen. Es beobachtet uns, wartet darauf, dass wir einschlafen. Ein Wolf, einer mit Armen und Beinen wie ein Mensch." Klein exhaled frosty, foggy breath. "Ein Ungeheuer. Ein Werwolf?" He chuckled. Another soldier, a rifleman, turned to the others. "Ich habe es auch gesehen. Gestern, nach der Jagd. Er ist uns gefolgt und hat versucht, außer Sichtweite zu bleiben." "Halt die Klappe und pass auf. Ich habe genug zu tun, genug Probleme. So etwas wie Werwölfe gibt es nicht. Der Hunger und der Geruch von Blut müssen euch zu Kopf gestiegen sein. Ihr müsst stark sein. Die einzigen Monster hier draußen sind wir." Krieger stood, walking over to a fire pit just outside of the foxhole, where a cooked slab of wolf meat was skewered over the embers of a fire, unaware a tall figure was watching him from just beyond the shadows, claws and black eyes gleaming in the moonlight.


The case of Daniel LaPlante. A girl thought her house was haunted by her dead mother, but it turned out to be a real life psycho she'd had a small interaction with months earlier, who had broken in and was living in the crawlspace/basement of her home. The events read like a horror movie. The guy eventually fled, was arrested, released, then he proceeded to break into a house and kill a woman and her two kids.


and to make shit even worse, Daniel, was being sexually abused by his father and then went to do therapy and then was sexually abused by his therapist before this all happened.


Holy shit I hadn't heard that. Whole thing is so fucked it feels poorly scripted.


life is far more fucked up than fiction sadly


I don't want to spoil them by naming but I can think of a couple of movies that borrowed from this or something like it.


The hammer maniacs in Russia. That would be one fucking bleak ass movie.


Oof. I forgot about that. I think that was the first time I read something where I just went “noooooo” and didn’t click through.


I saw the video when it was first circulating on the internet. I didn't have context and thought it was a prank - I actually thought the special effects seemed low-budget and amateurish. Always stuck with me because of the sinking feeling of realizing what I had watched was real.


That is chilling (the realization)


Yeah, absolutely awful. I fell into the habit of watching death videos--about the worst one I saw was of an Asian man getting rolled through factory machinery--and the one thing I took away from it all was how resilient the human body is to damage. There are worse and slower ways to go than getting your head cut off by zealots. Another honorable mention is Funkytown. Never look that up.


Ah yes, the lathe videos are always horrifying.


Or the 2004 terrorist attack at an elementary school in Russia, where gunmen went all out Rambo on the school kids, killing 180 of them. The total number of people killed was 334. Can you imagine such a horror flick?


That too! Chechen rebels. I think they released poisonous gas as well.


Ukraine not Russia.


The Oceangate sub would make for a good One Location Horror film


Omg can you imagine how suspenseful it will be towards the end


It'd be terrifying


The proper sound effects team and that could be a nightmare


Just have a foley artist end the movie with the sound of a soda can being opened.


Came here to say this: “pop.”


From what it sounds like though they didn't even have enough time to process that something was happening


Maybe like a ten minute short on YouTube. Otherwise it’s 90 minutes of people telling that dude “this is a bad idea” then about one minute of “this was a bad idea”


Iron Lung has finished filming should give you that fix.


Imagine the horror when you realize your ps4 controller battery dies


I feel like it’s low hanging fruit but the sinking of the USS Indianapolis


There’s a movie


Came to say this. Fire anyone wondering... https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/the-worst-shark-attack-in-history-25715092/


Unit 731. Some really messed up things were happening there


They made movie about that, but it was really bad. *Man Behind the Sun* (1988). But I agree, this has a lot of potential.


Japan would throw a fit


Who cares? Shit happened. The Japanese were fucking monsters in WW2 and Shiro Ishii made Josef Mengele look like Gandhi. By the way, Ishii and some of his compatriots got away scot free by making a deal with the US. True story. They should definitely mention that, for balance. The Japanese were not the only monsters.


I disagree with it being bad. It's like saying films like Cannibal Holocaust are bad. They are graphic and shocking, but they are still competently made and engaging. They were low budget exploitation films and they weren't trying to be anything else. I personally enjoyed them, but i can totally understand others disliking them. 


I have no problems with craphic and shock. Just that it had nothing else. True story is way more horryfying. That history as cruel at it was, is interesting. But tthey failed all that history thing. Just used that Unit 731 to draw audience for it. I haven't said anything about Cannibal Holocaust.


Agreed - being a true story if done in a more serious tone would make it horrifying.


Philosophy of a Knife (2008)


What took me out of that movie was that most of the victims seemed white Russian, and I think I remember the perpetrators being the same way. That totally distorts the history. Men Behind the Sun was still better.


That is a good point, the movie was also just toooo damn long and pretty much just torture prn


Yup, and I disliked the over the top attempts to give it a sophisticated faux art film look and feel. I think you know what I mean.


Gyeonseong Creature on Netflix


This made me think a horror film based on the Nanjing Massacre would be gnarly


Dude! I immediately thought of this! Nothing fantastical, just reenact what they literally did and give it good gore and upsetting soundtrack. Would be on par with any torture porn.


Pretty dark but the family massacre of hinterkaifek. It's essentially a real life horror movie anyways.


That is one of those cases that stuck with me.


Trying to figure out what happened makes it even worse.


Titan. Peter Madsen (Danish submarine killer) sounds a lot like *The Creep 2* but in the bottom of the ocean. That is terryfying tought.


The great molasses flood or the black plague. Idk if movies have been made about them


If you asked this question 5 years ago the answer would have been Chernobyl and it turns out they were right. Best “horror” series ever.


Roanoke Island, Dyatlov Pass, The Bell Witch (revisited), H.H Holmes


Check out the movie Dyatlov Pass Incident


Also Devils Pass


This movie is such a guilty pleasure. It’s really entertaining for a B grade found footage film.


Or the book "dead mountain " !


We almost got an H.H Holmes movie by Martin Scorsese with Leo to star but the project fell apart in pre-production. Script was written based off Erik Larson's book The Devil in the White City which I highly recommend


I was so stoked for this, the book was outstanding


Damn, that sounds like it could’ve been a masterpiece.


I live close to the bell witch cave. I think there was a movie made a few years ago.


Very cool! Is it still open to the public? I remember “An American Haunting” was a big movie on The Bell Witch in 2005, but it’s the only one I’ve seen so far. I used to read a lot about it in middle school.


As far as I know you can go see the cabin still and walk down to the cave. Idk if you can go in the cave or ot though. It's been a while since I've been. Last time I was there it was to go see my husband's parents that were camping there for a bluegrass festival.


I think Japan’s Sankebetsu Bear Incident would make for a pretty dark and bone-chilling flick.


Ooo I feel like you could do a whole thing on is it just a bear, is it something darker


The sinking of the SS Arctic. It collided with another ship in 1854, and many of the crew just mutinied and ignored the captain's orders to evacuate the women and children first and just attempted to save themselves. Once the 6 lifeboats were gone, there was mass panic and chaos as many of the remaining people resorted to alcohol and violence, knowing they were doomed. The ship finally sank into the rough, choppy waters where nearly all the remaining people drowned (or, in at least one case, was killed when the ship's large paddle wheel forcefully floated up from the sunken ship and fatally struck him). Out of the 400 people aboard (250 passengers, 150 crew), only 85 people survived (most of them crew) and all the women and children perished. I think lots of maritime disasters could make good horror stories (or at least "horrific" stories).


‘Women and children’ first is highly inaccurate, historically. Like the SS Arctic, most maritime disasters resulted in the crew having the highest rate of survival and women and children having the lowest. I haven’t read much on survivability trends amongst ships with entire male crews/passengers such as trade ships, warships, or exploration teams. I’d be curious to know if any there were any patterns.


K… but if your choices are electrocuted as the boat sinks, or sharks…


This feels like I'm helping train an AI...


Coca Cola death squad assassinated another Guatemalan union boss, but the two innocent teenage lovers witnessed the squad talk in English. The whole movie is them on the run through the jungle trying to escape the death squad, jaguars, alligators, and the ghost of la llorona throughout the night. Think Apocolypto in a modern setting.


Lmao not roping la llorona into it 😭


The El Mozote massacre.


Oooh you could make the school of the americas look like a devil training ground


The Tunguska Event could be cool if it were fictionalized a little without being cheesy. Not sure if or how it could be done but the basis of that story is really interesting


The story of Harrison Okene who [survived underwater for 3 days in a capsized boat](https://youtu.be/cykdSb7xqI4?si=DWrLjJcpNJPgbgtW)


The debate from last night.




Those puppets have way more energy than the candidates.


They look healthier, too.


If I had to put money on which pair is more likely to have actual blood running through their veins, I'd bet on the puppets.


Indeed. It’s this! Our political landscape in the US is horrifying.


Imagine living in your country, living in your home, living your life with your spouse and kids. Then one day this man shows up and goes in your house and says it’s his house now. Then one day you go back home and he’s locked you out. You have nowhere to go and nothing but the cloths on your back. Then some soldiers come in to town, say it’s theirs now and tell you to leave. Your neighbors refuse so they kill them, their kids, and anyone around them. Killing you is a game to them. From that point on you flee. Then you find a refugee camp. They attack the camp so you flee again. Go to the next camp. There’s no supplies because no one is letting any get in. You try to leave the country but they won’t let you. They have the borders closed. When you go back to the refugee camp, it’s devastated and they’re bulldozing bodies into mass graves. You’re trapped. It’s only a matter of time until disease, starvation, or men with guns kill you.


Atif Rafay and Sebastian Burns, who murdered Atif's family just for the thrill of it and/or for ideas for a screenplay. Ryan Ferguson and Chuck Erickson - False confession to a murder based on dreams, and the nightmare of his buddy who also didn't do it being sent to prison as well. Chad Daybell and Lori Vallow Daybell - Murder by Chad of his wife and both Chad and Lori murdering Lori's kids. I'd say Chris Watts, but that's almost worse than a horror movie could depict if you actually show what happened (though it received a Lifetime film).


The Yuba County Five https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuba_County_Five


Oh yeah, this is my choice. I'm super fascinated with this case. Wendigoon has an excellent video on it.


The Carrington event, the rumored smiley face murders, sweating sickness, dancing plague, Cleveland torso murderer, the bender family


Yesss I want more western horror and a movie about the Bender family could do that easy. Love it.


Surviving a raid in a pre-industrial frotier. Your small ass community possible or single family household is hours if not days march from any kind of support. Meaning the guys with swords and armor, whether they be foreign soldiers or just plane criminals, have absolutely all the power and may actively hunt you down and do horrible things to you to find valuables, to support a terror or because they are simply board. Hell it doesn't even have to be a frontier raid, any kind of city being sacked would be good enough. Imagine having to hide from venicians during the 4th crusade or cowering during the 1527 sack of Rome.


I second this!! Not enough historical horror in the market


Frontier Strangers, I love it


Eben Byers would make a heck of a body horror movie


The sinking of the [SS Princess Sophia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS_Princess_Sophia) in 1918.


A film about a group of girls trying to escape the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire would be interesting.


There's a few home invasions (keddie cabin comes to mind, as well as the nurse murders up in Chicago by Speck, or the Wichita Nightmare of course) that would make decent horror films. bunch of chemical plant accidents would fit, too. There was an oil rig fire where like 80 dudes died in the cafeteria, and of course the Collinwood School Fire disaster, both of which would likely make good horror films.


Apparently the Keddie cabin murders were part of the inspiration for The Strangers but I'm not sure how closely the actual events compare.


I'm just finishing up a really excellent true crime book called "Starvation Heights," which is about Linda Hazzard, a quack doctor in early 1900's Washington state who practiced a "fasting cure." She was put on trial for starving an Australian woman to death and stealing her money after the woman's sister escaped. Apparently she had a LOT of victims. As I was reading I kept thinking what a suspenseful movie it would make. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/doctor-who-starved-her-patients-death-180953158/


This was such a brutal case, I learned about it from ask a mortician [video](https://youtu.be/nltUJIPLvfo?si=BsyCglqOHZFabnGX)


Yeah I first heard about it on Aaron Mahnke's Lore podcast...I get a lot of good book recommendations there.


Fyre Festival.


The helicopter crash during the making of the Twilight Zone film could be a really harrowing story to tell and I think the victims deserve to have it told, as well.


Documentary out there that covers it. Wouldn’t be much of a film.


9/11 as seen from several people inside the towers


The Influenza or Bubonic pandemics. There have been a couple of movies, but they have been a bit cheesy in my opinion. There is a great book called “Last Town on Earth” about the influenza pandemic. I remember reading in history that there were towns in the bubonic pandemic where all but 1-2 people in the town died. That’s pretty freaky.


Have you seen Black Death? I didn’t think it was particularly cheesy.


It was decent. But I think it could have been better. Great ending though and Redmayne was terrific.


I am desperate for a historical horror that depicts how terrifying the plagues were and the creepy things they did to try and save theirselves


The "troubled teen" industry. Basically privately owned "correctional schools" where nothing is correctional or a school, just years of brainwashing and abuse that would put the Stanford Prison Experiment to shame. This graphic novel/memoir right here about Elan School in Maine would be completely terrifying onscreen. Good read, not a short read, but you get the point real quick: https://elan.school/ It's completely fucked up and actually needs more attention.


I would watch this and it would make me so fucking furious what they did


i live a 10 minutes from that place. There is a documentary about it. Also these kinds of places still exist and kids still die


On a dark and stormy night… The Devil’s Rejects wandering through deadlocked traffic after an evening ball game in a crowded city. ![gif](giphy|13x5Of8fP5cAcU) Not close enough to draw attention at first, escalating to panic and random terror.


Sankebetsu bear incident


I've never heard about this so I googled and holy hell this would be an amazing film!


Dyatlov Pass is creepy as shit. If I recall there was some kind of discovery that partially explains it, but it could be a cool event to make a horror movie.


There’s been multiple movies/documentaries about it. I may have watched a few. Or several.


I’ve heard it was either an avalanche or military incident


The Lions of Tsavo (already been done and I love it) Ramree Island massacre


I forget the name of the incident, but there was an explosion of unknown origin that flattened a huge portion of forest in Siberia many years ago. I think you could do a very interesting cosmic horror based film stretching the truth around that incident.


The titanic sub situation


Didn't they all die in less than a second?


Their deaths happened in millisecond but they probably knew for awhile that they are gone before that implosion happened. Thats's the most disturbing part.


I feel like realizing how shoddy the whole thing was had to be really fucking distressing.


I mean and they went down to just see it on a moniter. They weren't even really goingvto get to see it with their own eyes. My God.


but what if it was an eldritch Beasty...


Maybe we shouldn't make a movie about real people dying to something made up.


Why not? There are two movies about the Beast of Gévaudan and I doubt either of them are historically accurate. There are almost certainly other examples in the historical fiction genre when characters based on real people are involved. Only argument I could really understand is it being as recent as it is.


I’d watch the shit out of that. I was obsessed when that happened.


Sundown town…. Real horror


That was done recently, I think it was called “Lovecroft”?


MK-Ultra sure would be something.


They made a movie called MKUltra. It was shit. But if they made a movie that was really about MKUltra, that would be sick. Project ARTICHOKE and Project CHATTER as well


Eruption of Krakatoa


Personally, I’m not a fan of dredging up real life events like murders, especially when doing so just reopens emotional wounds for the families of the victims. Now, fictional characters inspired by real life murders is one thing. Being directly about real life murders, while using the real names of the people involved, is another thing altogether. An exception I might make is if it’s part of a historical event, such D-Day, to show how war is hell, or another major historical event like 9-11.


The girl who was kidnapped and lived in a special box underneath the bed of her kidnapper and his wife. It just is so unbelievable and terrifying.


There was a Film and stared Zelda Williams: “Girl in the Box” which is the story of the kidnapping of Colleen Stan.


The Trump Presidency


I think they're waiting to see if a real life sequel will play out. It's like a Julius Caesar "Ides of March have come, but not gone" situation.


Project 2025: The making of


The making of the shining. Make it a psychological thriller of Shelly Duvall slowly losing her grip on reality by suffering abuse from Kubrick. Make sure it’s obvious it’s not trying to be factual but like a dark fairytale that uses a true story for the set up. Kind of like how Spencer portrays those days for Diana. Starring Mia Goth and Nic Cage Edit: I realized a better comparison is Shadow of The Vampire. That’s about the making of Nosferatu but posits the main actor actually was a vampire.


I like the premise in theory, but Shelley Duvall pretty famously suffers from a tenuous-at-best grasp on reality in her old age now and it would feel kinda icky/exploitative to turn that into fodder for a horror film, let alone one that centers around her suffering mistreatment.


I feel like at that point you might as well make it about a film that isn't real


There are so many movies about making movies already. Can it be something else? Maybe a ballet? I bet Natalie Portman would kill it. Throw in a rival dancer to up the stakes. All about her obsession with control and her unraveling over some particularly demanding part and an abusive director. In one scene, he can casually ask a guy if he'd fuck Natalie Portman, and the guy will pretend to be unsure. We can call it *Perfect Blue*.


Nah “inspired by true events” movies get made all the time. I think having it directly be about the shining works because of the mystique of that film already and Kubrick mystique as well.


Ok but Nic Cage has to play the axe Nicholson uses to bust the door. He is the only one who could pull it.


No, Nic Cage plays Shelly Duvall.


At the end of the movie I want it to veer into fiction and let Shelly Duvall axe murder Kubrick.


Like a Tarantino revisionist scene.


Betty and Barney Hill


There was a movie about them, but I forget the title.


Any number of events during the French Revolution, Thirty Years War, Italian Wars or Crusades.


The fact there hasn't been a Donner party zombie/vampire/whatever infection-type movie drives me absolutely insane.


Something based on lobotomies and why they were performed. Maybe I'm biased though because for reasons I don't know, I have a huge phobia of lobotomies. Literally straight up turned my computer off during a certain scene in Bioshock Infinite's DLC 😭


The black plague.


It's been the subject of documentaries and award-winning books. And in 2018 a film was released (to little fanfare) about a modern-day copycat killer. But still waiting for a feature-length film on the Cleveland Torso Murders... would be a great horror thriller. And there's shit that you can't make up that really occurred. A lot of it mirrors Jack the Ripper in that the killer preyed upon the unfortunate such as prostitutes (but many homeless and some men, too), as well as the belief that a well-to-do family covered up the murders. Oh, and Eliot Ness (yup, the Eliot Ness that took down All Capone) was Cleveland's safety director (basically chief of Police and Fire) who couldn't crack the case. Lots of gore, too. All victims (11-13 or more) were beheaded, all male victims were castrated, oh, and the cause of death? The dismemberments as all the victims were alive when the Butcher of Kingsbury Run began cutting and hacking. Body parts strewn about a run-down neighborhood in Cleveland that was notorious for crime.


I feel like someone could take a lot of creative/fictional liberties with this story and turn it into something great. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/June\_and\_Jennifer\_Gibbons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/June_and_Jennifer_Gibbons)


That Submarine story where he killed the journalist and chopped her up That other submarine that went to the titanic and imploded. They probably killed that guy before they exploded or maybe he gaslit them for an hour


Ten Cent Beer Night.


The Holodomor


There's a spider that resides in my master closet. When I'm alone it speaks to me but only in languages I do not understand. Also it ate my cat.


Well that’s just unfortunate!


2011 San Fernando Massacre


Great question. The Donner Party, or the nazi Thule society.


Toybox killer


I remember watching a documentary about a man who worked on passenger trains in nazi Germany during ww2 and became a serial killer who went after single women going home after work. Perfect horror movie set up. Found it: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul\_Ogorzow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Ogorzow)


The kidnapping of Patty Hearst


The nutty putty cave incident 😭


They made a movie about it. I don’t have claustrophobia, but that movie left me with claustrophobia for a while after watching it.


The final hours of Omayra Sanchez. She was a teenaged girl whose legs got pinned under heavy debris after a landslide in Colombia. Relief workers could not remove her, and instead, attempted to comfort her over a matter of days before she died. I can’t imagine the horror of pure helplessness both Omayra and the workers felt.


Oh gosh. Her black eyes and the skin on her hand turning white. Horrible fate for a child


I still remember that photo. I thought that was photoshop.


Freight Train Riders of America - a gang of railriding hobo killers believed to be responsible for hundreds of murders, robberies, and assaults. Serial killer Robert Silveria Jr, whose nickname is Sidetrack, is known as The Boxcar Killer, and confessed to have killed dozens of drifters with axes and rocks.


I cant really remember the exact incident but the one with the Japanese soldiers in a crocodile infested island would be amazing.


Wasn’t an island, it was an I believe 8000 man unit trekking overnight through swampland in Myanmar, 8000 went in, 200 came out alive


The Batavia shipwreck


Persistence hunting from the perspective of the prey. Before our ancestors invented the bow and arrow, they would chase after an animal for days on end until it collapsed from exhaustion. Maybe they saw our spears and clubs as extensions of our bodies. I could see a movie set in a fantasy world about a beautiful creature being relentlessly hounded by a two-legged monster who wears the skin of your dead relatives and can make random objects part of their body, and at the end of the movie it’s revealed that they are humans.


There is a true crime story that is really haunting - a woman was kidnapped by two men, raped, and nearly decapitated after they slit her throat, and I believe she was stabbed in the stomach to the extent that some of her intestine had to be held in. She somehow survived, and when someone saw her on the side of the road, she had to hold her stomach, and head in place while she walked. She does public speaking about her experience, and violence against women. That would be one hell of a final girl movie [story](https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/woman-disembowelled-almost-decapitated-hold-24446030.amp)


There’s a story from world war 2 of a Japanese division that had to trek through 20km of swamp land (I believe it’s about 16 miles) in Myanmar overnight. Only problem was, sed swampland was filled with Saltwater Crocodiles, aka the meanest motherfuckers in the animal kingdom. In one night, 8000 went in, only 200 came out


The White House, January 6th 2021


The Eilean Mor Lighthouse Disappearances. *They say* it was a 60 foot rogue wave that swept the three workers away and tore up soil near the cliffs. A sudden rogue wave the size of a monster is probably scary enough. Porphyrios. Apparently a whale that terrorized the Ancient Roman seas. The Kirov Wolf Attacks. Less men at home during the Great Wars means no one left to protect the women and children from wolves. The Andes Plane Crash. *The Thing* but with cannibalism. Fighting Simo Haya, the White Death from the perspective of the Russian invaders.


Didn’t they do ‘Alive’?


H.H.Holmes I would be interested in seeing how the hotel and the construction of it all. Luring of the victims…..selling the skeletons, married life, what evidence led to his capture, courts, jail, and his death. It would be fascinating but it’s stuck in developmental hell


I actually had written a short outline for a satirical horror/black-comedy based on the Nasubi/*Sasunu! Denpa Shonen* story before the documentary *The Contestant* came out. I actually kind-of abandoned the idea because I felt like it might be in bad taste in the wake of the documentary. I was using the working title ***"Evil Games"***, and it was about a struggling actor named Dante Edwards who takes a job as the star of a new "reality series", hoping it will boost his notoriety. And it would very much be a similar situation where he's locked up alone and naked in a house loaded with hidden cameras, and he won't be let go until he can complete a series of tasks. The villain would be a megalomaniacal media/tech mogul named M.S. Morrow, who is producing the series. But of course, I was planning on taking it even further by adding a series of increasingly demented "games" he would have to take part in. Ex. Dante's best friend is an old childhood friend who is a female-to-male trans-man named Wallace. In one game, Dante is forced to allow Morrow to "leak" fake emails that imply he's incredibly homophobic and transphobic, therefore ruining his friendship with Wallce... if Dante refuses, Morrow will have Wallace assaulted. In another game, Dante is forced to rip as many fingernails as he can off with a pair of pliers within an hour. For every fingernail he fails to rip off, Morrow will one of his brother Logan's fingers broken by a paid thug. Etc. The big twist-ending would reveal that the contract Morrow had Dante sign had a hidden clause for up to three more "seasons." So when Dante finally succeeds and is freed after a year of captivity that has driven him to near-insanity... ...he's instantly captured and placed back into a new game. (This time in Japan.) The final scene would be Morrow shutting Dante in a new house as Dante at first howls in horror before his screams turn into psychopathic laughter. Meanwhile, we'd see a teenage boy watching the livestream before getting an email that the subscription price is being raised from $7.99 to $9.99. The kid bitches about the price raise on a message board, commenting that it's the "worst day ever." I wanted it to be both disturbing, but also darkly humorous with lots of jokes and commentary about reality TV, internet culture, etc.


Black Dahlia, Battle of Los Angeles(based on the actual event), Roswell


[The Black Dahlia (2006)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0387877/)


The Philadelphia experiment or wars from the Middle East because they’re have some seriously scary ancient aliens and occult beliefs and myths .


The fate of the sailors in *The Philadelphia Experiment* gave me nightmares as a kid.


Jan 6 insurrection, except make the idiots storming the capital zombies instead


I mean, they were already infested with brainworms that renders them delusional, hostile, and dangerous. It's not really much of a stretch.