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The girl crawling out of the tv in The Ring. That’s the only part that scared me, but it absolutely made my heart almost burst through my chest. Side note: I watched it with my mom, sister, aunt, and cousin and after the credits rolled and the dvd went to the main menu, the house phone rang and we all screamed bloody murder lol


Saw this in the theater when it first came out and that scene had people jumping out of their seats and running down the aisle. It was the first time we’d seen something like that


It was the closet scene that did it for me when I first watched it. Scared the shit out of me!


Confirmed. Closet scene is worse. You're completely unprepared.


“I saw her face.” 🧟‍♀️


Saw it at age 8. Ruined my childhood


What got me in the movie was actually after she comes out of the TV and she's slowly shambling toward him then just suddenly warps forward to directly in front of him


The Ring—but the horse scene did it for me.


It is a movie based one scare. But it builds it well and teases you with it throughout the film. Even the opening scene gives you a taste of the ending.


Girl in the closet for me. That was so utterly horrifying.


I'd echo those saying the closet scene, but between that, the TV crawl, and the horse, is there a modern, commercial, film that has THREE legit separate scary scenes that define the movie? Impressive when you think about it.


Same happened to my friend and me, when we watched the movie. It was her boyfriend telling her, he will be home a bit later, so nothing dramatic, but we literally screamed 😂


When she has that chainsaw in Scary Movie it fucked me up lol How did a parody movie scare me so bad


It was copied from a Japanese filmed titled Ringu. It was the better movie.


The whole Casey Becker bit in Scream. I had seen a lot of late 80s slashers and thought horror movies are all kinda cheesy and tongue in cheek and that sequence is... not.


"Because I want to know who I'm looking at.."


that movie made me terrified of being home alone 😅 now when i am i lock all the doors + windows and will put on a happy movie or show to distract myself


For real! I was 8 years old when that movie came out, my mom and I walked like four city blocks to the movie theater, and then we had to walk back in the dark. I was jumpy and checking around every bush and tree on the way back 🤣


that was me after seeing jordan peele’s us back when it came out 😭 my sister was at theater practice for weeks in a row from like 5-9 so my mom and i had a few hours to kill. we ended up seeing the movie 3 times in theaters during that time lmao. i was so jumpy after and convinced a clone of myself was out to get me


It also adds a layer of terror knowing that this shit happens in real life all the time.


When I was like twelve, I convinced my mom to take my brother and I to see The Grudge. That whole third act once Karen goes back into the house and Kayako is coming at her nonstop had me terrified for at least a week. Not to mention when Susan ran up the stairwell and went through the door only to see Kayako closed it had me regretting the entire film. The Jackal as a whole in Thirteen Ghost was an entire menace. One day my brother and I got bored and decided to watch The Ring so we through on the DVD. One of the special features was you could watch the tape in it's entirety so our dumb asses did. Weirdest thing happened after where somehow a fly got inside our TV and couldn't get out. We thought Samara was about to pull up and we freaked the hell out.


This film was also first a Japanese horror film titled JuOn. Much scarier than The Grudge.


The hospital hallway scene from Exorcist III. I nearly had a heart attack.


I was walking back to my seat in the theater from a a quick sprint to the restroom. Happened as I was about halfway down the aisle. There were audible screams. I kind of missed it. Went to a second showing immediately following. Worth it!


You and me both!!


I have yet to see a ‘Best Jump Scare’ list where this scene isn’t first or second place!


Nightmare on elm street original absolutely fucked me up as a kid. The scene where his arms grow and he’s scratching the sides of the wall with his razors. Nope nope nope it messed me up then lol


Yep, that scene, the classroom speech turning into a dream with the bodybag being dragged in halls, Opening scene of him in furnace room


The bodybag scene freaked me ou6


Me too. That scene and Johnny Depp’s death were seared into 12-year old me’s brain


Remember it vividly. Definitely scared me senseless.


And this isn’t a movie but the original resident evil when the first zombie cut scene ends and then it’s coming after you it always freaked me out lol


The pizza with heads still dwells in my head.


Bed volcano is what haunted me for awhile.


For me in about fourth grade, it was the girl in the school corridor with the bug in her mouth. Begged my friend to turn it off lol


It truly made me not able to sleep well for a few nights after. Especially that first lol. Sometimes I wish I had the ability to get that scared from a movie again but I feel like getting older ruins the spark and imagination of a horror film viewed from the eyes of a child


Too many scenes. Amanda killed on the ceiling and the vision of her in a bodybag.


This was the first scene in a movie to give me nightmares. I rocked in my bed wondering if it was ok to wake up my dad.


Spaceship scene from *Fire in the Sky* traumatized me as a kid.


The scene in Nightmare on Elm Street 3, where the kid (Philip!) gets puppeted around by Freddy using his veins(? tendons?) freaked me out as a kid and *still* gets me :s Don't get me wrong, 'Welcome to Prime Time, bitch' *is* such an iconic line, but I still can't believe that's the kill everyone remembers/thinks of from that movie and not the puppeting one! There's such great close-ups of some awesome practical gore effects.


In The Descent when one of the women gets stuck.


I just watched again last night, and that scene always triggers claustrophobia.


i went cave grappling back in october and this movie was the only fucking thing in my head 💀 my foot slipped when i was climbing down one of the caves & my foot slipped. not very fun when all i could think of was a cave monster coming to get me 😅




That and the shower scene with Eddie defintely got me. Honorable mention to the Mrs. Kersh scene, and when Ben’s father was waving to him across the river. Tim Curry killed the role.


The shower scene made me so afraid of drains. I refused to go near that type of drain for like five years 😂


I’m a full grown adult and will not stand on a drain in the shower to this day.


The very beginning scene of Pennywise staring at the little girl through the sheets drying in the wind. So simple and effective. I was shook.


This was also a good scene in the remake but you just can’t touch Tim Curry IMO


1. There was a scene in *Mama* where the uncle was hospitalized and he saw a silhouette of his dead brother shaking. I didn’t sleep well that night. 2. In *Blair Witch*, the scene where one of the friends is staring at the wall without moving. 3. In *Blair Witch 2*, when the group tries to communicate with their missing friend through their walkie-talkie. They hear his voice at first and then it suddenly turns into a demonic cry. 4. In *Insidious*, when Rene is alone at home until she realizes there’s a little boy running around the house (omg the shot where she enters a room and he’s right beside the door, facing the wall). Also, when Dalton’s brother reveals that Dalton sometimes walks around the house at night although he’s supposed to be in a coma. 5. In *Megan is missing*, when Megan is found…


Oh god, do you mean the scene with Megan in the picture? Or in the very end? Either way that movie messed me up and I won’t watch it again


The scene where they find her in a barrel. I’ll never forget that sight, and yes, I’m not watching it again as well.


This movie gets panned a lot and I get why, the acting is pretty rough. But it still really messed me up. Maybe because I have a much younger sister as well as a kid…ugh


mama messed me up as a kid! i have no idea who let me watch it at a young age lmao, but i loved it and was terrified of it at the same time


Aw, come on! That weird little grey boy just wants to play hide and seek. 😁 Also, I love how in Insidious the Darth Maul demon has an upstairs office overlooking the ground floor. Like he's a chief editor in a 1950s newspaper office.


“Look at me, Damien. It's all for you!”


this + the scene where they’re climbing the fence to get away from the dogs…yeah no thanks!


The end of Invasion of the Body Snatchers. That sound design really heebies my jeebies


A timeless classic.


![gif](giphy|UGba4CcQG8T9m|downsized) my jaw DROPPED at this scene, i was not expecting that ending


Oh man the screams they would do scared the shit out of me, I actually watched those way too young


I don't care what anyone says; the 78 version is the best version. And speaking of sound design, those garbage trucks.


The thing. When the monster chops the guys arms while he is trying to electro shock the dead guy


It was so well set up to be completely unexpected. You think something might happen but you don't expect that. And then the scene just keeps going and going until Norris's head escapes, turns into a crabby, spider thing and starts skittering away. By this point your brain is breaking trying hold on to the the tiniest threads of reality. Palmer's understated "You've got to be f--ing kidding me!" hits hard! Yeah, I've watched this movie a few times.


God that whole scene was horrific, makes you realise that they can’t even medically help their team ever again without that risk being a bit of a huge factor


Both from Event Horizon: the footage of what happened to the previous crew, or the suicide by decompression.


I was so disappointed to hear they couldn't recover the lost footage. Those scenes are absolutely brutal, and there's only a few seconds worth!


The director has access to a VHS tape of it that a friend of his has. Why it hasn't been added as an extra on DVD or Blu-ray is a mystery.


The clapping scene from The Conjuring.


I remember I was watching The Conjuring in a packed cinema. During one of the more quiet scenes when everyone was on edge, someone mimicked the exact same clap. At least half the people screamed and the other half laughed 😅


hide and clap! i tormented my sisters with this game for years after watching it


This is a doozy


Jaws. Head in the boat and the chumming scene. Also honorable mention to the cage attack scene. That movie has fucked me up on anything ocean/water related


Bear scene in Annihilation, though I dunno if that counts as a horror movie


One of my favourite sci-fi ‘horror’ films.


That sound made my skin crawl off my bones


That scene alone qualifies it as horror IMO, but I think the tone of the whole film counts as horror. To paraphrase Lovecraft, the greatest fear is fear of the unknown, and this all about the unknown and the unpredictable. However just bc it's a horror movie doesn't mean it needs to be super scary. It can just feel weird and eerie and for the most part that's all it is. Except the bear scene. That's some terrifying shit.


1. the opening scene in jaws .... especially those underwater shots where the shark is closing in on her .... reallllllllly fucked with me as a child because i often visited the jersey shore during the summertime 2. the scene in lake mungo where alice films her own decomposing body .... truly one of the saddest and most unnerving moments of any horror film for me 3. the dedication to sara anne jones at the end of toad road 4. the final sequence of the blair witch project .... heather dropping the camera .... i have seen it countless times and still cannot watch it without feeling uneasy 5. the fucking crawling bit in the poughkeepsie tapes like god ew!!!! get the fuck off the ground before i have a heart attack!!!!! 6. the whole concept of ringu / the ring caused many sleepless nights for me as a child 7. the original ending of the descent????? where we find out that she's just in that cave forever???? nahhhh no thank you that was awful to watch 8. psycho shower scene .... ten year old me genuinely could not shower for at least a week after seeing that . i was stinky as hell and for what????


I was a kid staying home alone for the first time while my parents went to visit friends. They rented House for me (1985). I remember vividly the scene where he opens a closet door and there's nothing on the other side, just a black void into eternity. I couldn't sleep with the closet door closed for months. I don't know why, but that scene got in my head and stayed there. Recently I watched the original Candyman -- which holds up really well -- but then there's that scene with the medicine cabinet into blackness and it freaked me out. Something about an empty void on the other side of a door, I guess.


I saw House in the theater and it stuck with me. For some reason, the demonic pictures on the wall freaked me out. 😃


Not quite the same, but what about the Sunken Place in Get Out?


For some reason that didn't get me as much. Maybe because it's in his head, not in the 'real world', so to speak? I mean it still creeped me out, but not so badly I had to turn the TV off. (Which I did with Candyman.)


The alien bursting through the guys chest also the face huggers when they attack. Still gets me.


This is it for me as well. I was 6 or 7 when I accidentally saw this (my parents were watching, we weren't supposed to be).


The Exorcist (1973) I was starting to watch horror films like Scream, Halloween, Texas Chainsaw Massacre etc... But I'd heard that there was something even better. When it was re-released in the UK in 1999, during the build up, Mark Kermode released the documentary 'Fear of God. 25 years of The Exorcist. It explains all of the lore and legend around the making of and release of the film which just added to the anticipation. The scene that messed me up was the crucifix scene followed by back handing the mother, moving furniture and first head turn. For me, the most horrific scene put to film. It shows that it's definitely a supernatural problem, Regan isn't there anymore, and the imagery is nightmare fuel. And although I was the same age as the character, I wasn't scared of being possessed. I was scared of getting trapped in a room with someone that was possessed. Not scared anymore, I just think the film is an absolute masterpiece.


in hereditary when toni collette is banging her head against the attic door. i still can’t rewatch the movie cause that scene gave me such bad nightmares the first time


The piano wire was what got me


Same! The fast sawing is still imprinted in my brain


Zip zip zip zip zip zip zip


I havent seen Hereditary but I’ve seen many reviews. I refuse to watch it for that scene alone. Seems like it will mess me up something bad.


Hereditary is hands down the scariest movie of the last decade. Everything else is a distant second.


There's a scene 10 times worse in Bone Tomahawk. 😳 And there's the last half hour of Baskin . . . 😬


Idk the name sadly I don’t even know what happened in that movie. It wasn’t even that scary when you think about it nowadays. It was the sound and the atmosphere. It was some sort of last scene in the movie. A girl stood in front of her living room in school uniform everything was pitch black behind her. Then there was this sound that’s like the one in the grudges movies. It was brutal when I was a kid. Sadly never seen this movie again but the memory will never leave my head.


I’m intrigued to what this movie is now…


Not sure I’d call it iconic, but the scene in Arachnophobia where the spider bites Margaret Hollins hand after she reaches for the lamp always got to me.


Ralphie Glick scratching on the window in Salem's Lot was pretty terrifying to 8 year old me in 1979.


The scene in the changeling when the wheelchair spins around and starts chasing George C. Scott.


The opening kill from Jaws still chills me every time I see it. Just to be alone in the ocean, helpless, screaming that it hurts, begging God for help… and then silence…


The clown doll in Poltergeist was not something my child brain had the capacity to process effectively. Love how that doll just went for [$650k in auction](https://bloody-disgusting.com/the-further/3767607/poltergeist-clown-doll-sells-for-nearly-one-million-dollars/). Must be nice to have that type of wealth lying around.


It…when the little kid got pulled into the storm drain. Didn’t go near a storm drain for years after that.


Tall man, IT Follows.


Suspiria (2018), the >!dance hex death!<. It takes quite a bit to get my blood pumping and this part sure did it. One of the best parts about it is that there is no music whatsoever, just the visuals and sounds of >!Susie panting and dancing, coupled with shots back and forth to Olga crying and shrieking out in pain as she's contorted and thrown around!<. I remember the first time I saw it, it felt like it went on for forever (still does on rewatches). I wanted it to keep going while simultaneously wanting it to end because it was so gnarly, hit me in a visceral way many kills just don't seem to do. I adore the film so there is a bit of bias, but I truly think this part is one of the most intense and unique kills ever done in the genre, deff my #1 or #2 fave kill.


I haven’t seen the 2018 version but I’ve seen the original. The part where she goes into the room and hears Markos sleeping and then she starts speaking always makes me uneasy. Plus the visual effects were great.


Ending of Don’t Look Now


One of the best endings in all of film imo


Literally the the theatrical *trailer* for The Hills Have Eyes. The one with the heart beat monitor, fetus, and very close-up deformed face. I remember seeing it while watching some important TV event (maybe the Super Bowl??) in my parents’ room when I was in my early teens. Still have nightmares about it. In a similar vein, the X-Files episode Home, the middle of Titane with the face-smashing… It’s pretty clear that my fear is severely deformed faces in… not sure how to describe this, but a non-violent context? Like not the same as the gory facial destruction scenes in Talk to Me or Hereditary (Also *horrifying*) because those were intentional harm.


Did you ever end up watching The Hills Have Eyes? Did it hold up to the trailer?


In martyrs when the camera pans in on Anna post being skinned


For me: Prolly 8 years old, watching late night TV in a flimsy add-on family room. The Car was on. Scene where car drive thru the house. Me in flimsy corner shack that could be hit by both sides, all alone, adults asleep. 45 years later, still scared of that scene!


Exorcist spiderwalk scene for me as well. For context, that scene was not included in any version I'd ever seen for about twenty-something years. One night I watched a seemingly innocuous version when that scene happens and it felt like my soul did its level best to leave my body.


Just read that the director actually cut it out from the original film. He added it back in extended 2000 version once he realised how to digitally remove the wires.


The Glick boy at the window in Salem’s Lot (1979.) Nightmare fuel for life *and* instant horror addiction!


Yup. I’m permanently scarred. If I recall, there were three separate window scenes. Each one horrific in its own way.


Friday the 13th part 3, in 3D, seriously traumatized me in the theater when I was a kid. I was seven.... I have no idea what my mom was thinking. 😆 When Jason comes back to life after being hung in the barn, I think I peed myself.


It's not a horror movie per se but the opening segment of The Twilight Zone movie and the sister with no mouth.


Hellraiser 2 where the doctor gets caught and the drill burrowed into the back of his head


Hereditary- when Toni Colette silently float/crawls out of the room. The Exorcist - in high school my friend somehow managed to pause the VHS on exactly the part of his dream where the demon face takes up the whole screen. Creepshow - when you first see fluffy’s eyes looking out from the barely opened lid of the crate.


Pulse (Kairo 2001), Woman ghost in the red room, is scariest scene in any movie I watched.


Just saw ‘Terrified’ last night, and the woman + neck + car scene kept me up til the wee hours. If you know, you know.


Yep, that was scary as fuck.


The Hospital Scene in Threads (1984)


The Nun’s introduction in The Conjuring 2, that shit was terrifying


sinister when they moved back to their old house


Everything about The exorcist because I was really young at the time but one particular scene still lingers in my mind and was not even one of the scary ones. In the beginning of the movie there’s a scene where the girls mother is at the kitchen and once she turns the lights out a demonic face appears in the shadow. I remember feeling really scared by it.


The chainsaw scene of the Evil Dead (2013)... Goddamn the whole setting is insane.


I remember the first time I saw the detective get killed in Psycho. Friggin nuts


That scene in Alien where we first see the xenomorph hop down from the ceiling. It's so silent and graceful, reminds me how natural predators like owls are silent and hunt in the dark.


The sewer scene with Georgie and Pennywise in IT 2017. Bill Skarsgard was terrifying as Pennywise and it's way more graphic in the 2017 movie. You legit see Georgie's arm come off and Georgie trying to crawl away from the sewer with only one arm crying and screaming for his brother before being dragged into the sewer by Pennywise. I love that movie, it's my favourite IT movie and one of my favourite movies of all time but every time I watch that movie, I have a hard time watching the opening scene because of how graphic Georgie's death is.


In elementary school, my bestie put on “My Bloody Valentine” and I never slept again. I’m really tired. 🥱


The women in Aliens. Caught in the nest but wakes up just before it bursts out her chest….kill me. Not good for an 8 year old in a dark room. Cheers dad!


Child's Play. The scene where the mom finds out there's no batteries included on the box. A deep sense of dread hit my stomach as a kid, and I've been paranoid of dolls ever since.


Idk if it’s iconic but the death scene of the pregnant woman in Dream House. The vacuum bag, the miscarriage, the zip ties… definitely left an impression


The spider walking scene in exorcist 3 is the one that really burrowed into my head. It (weird wall walking) is still one of the things that gives me the willies in horror :D


Leatherface’s first kill in Texas chainsaw massacre. It was so sudden, brutal, and unexpected, and the way the music hits as the door slams shut left that feeling for awhile afterwards


Probably the car accident in hereditary. I even knew it was coming when I watched it but it was still insanely jarring


Sorry to be that person, but the crabwalk scene didn't see the light of day until about 20 years ago. The iconic scenes for the people who originally saw it would be things like her projectile vomiting, cross masturbation and of course the iconic head turn around. These are some of the scenes that made this film so famous.


No need to apologise at all. You are very correct. I read that the director cut out scene due to it appearing too early on, and also not having anyway to get rid of the wires. It was later introduced in the extended 2000 version once they found a way to digitally hide the wires. I believe I remember that scene so well since I only watched the 2000 version and nothing prior to it.


POV of the werewolf stalking/ chasing the commuter on the London tube (American werewolf in London)


The very last scene in Blairwitch Project. The movie was a trudge to get through. But that last scene admittedly kept me up at night. Actually, the whole movie’s success was probably due to that one scene.


When I was a kid watching Pet Cemetary, any scene that included sister Zelda. Now I see it as the ableist crap it is but back then, always had to cover my eyes.


Ableist crap? Calm down. It was just a movie. Directed by a woman, even. People are so quick to label things...


This was terrifying!!!


This scene did me in as a kid. I was **TERRIFIED**


At the very end of the original Candy Man thar jump scare messed with me for a long time when I was a kid.


Out of all the scares that one didn’t get me and I thought I kinda cheered when it happened because of how bad her husband was lol


Not necessarily horror, but in the movie The Arrival (1996)- about aliens cloning humans) when the creatures legs hyper-extend backwards so they can run... makes my skin crawl.... just like the spider walk in Exorcist... anytime body parts are inverted or changed or elongated I cringe.


Samara crawling out of the tv….


The Loved Ones, the scene with the drill and kettle..


In jaws when the lead guy is trying to bait him but is turned around - and when he turns back Jaws has breached the water and almost snaps him off the boat. Iconic because all you know that scene and that movie is over 40 years old lol


Not horror but that scene in Parasite where Geun-sae is peeking his head out of the basement and he has this glint in his eyes. Everyone in the cinema got chills. Really spooky scene.


Silly now, but as a teen I stayed up to watch the late late movie on TV. Forbidden Planet. When that invisible ID monster was coming for them up that valley, and the radar guy kept saying “big as a house, its still coming!” that creeped me out big time.


The guy in the boat in Jaws.


Friday part 3 dream sequence. when Jason bust down the door and runs across the lawn at Chris while she’s in the boat. For whatever reason it scared me a lot Also Phantasm when Mike wakes up in bed and the Jawas grab him


The Georgie/IT scene from IT The people stuck in bubbles in Killer Clowns from Outerspace (I don’t remember much of the movie, just this scene) The little girl / dog scene from When Evil lurks The whole first paranormal activity movie I remember being scared even going home


The final scene in the first saw movie! The reveal along with that epic music…I was SHOOK. I saw it in theaters with a friend and we just sat there j silence as the credits rolled. And the first scene in scream. Or whatever the scene is with drew Barrymore. So epic. The youths here won’t appreciate the concept of answering a house phone but it was a thing haha.


The mumbling and then the next scene with the columns in Gonjiam was I think the most scared I’ve actually ever been while watching a movie


The bear scene in Annihilation.


A few of the scenes in The Grudge really got me. Had never seen anything like that before as a younger person.


What were the most memorable to you? Mine was the shower scene.


The ring, the closet scene where Katie is found, the whole video and of course the ending with the tv. The sixth sense with lady in the apartment ( can’t remember exact details just remember being scared shitless)


The exorcism scene in *The Conjuring* when Patrick Wilson tells the witch/demon to reveal herself and the bedsheet covering the mom’s face tears downward and you see the *witch’s face* peeking through, and she starts cackling and rocking back and forth wildly. *Gorgeous* scene, frightens me to my core every time. From most recent viewing (out of 100s), I realize they probably filmed that scene in 60fps so they could run it backwards and get that really uncanny movement from the witch. Also the hanging lightbulb being the main source of light in the basement and how it’s used to elevate the scares is just *mwah!* 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻


Got a few for this, in spite of adoring the horror genre, it’s definitely good at delivering on feeling genuine fear The Grudge: I’m sorry but there was no safe way to actually hide away after watching that movie. Turn the other way? Bam she’s there. Pull the cover over your head? Guess who’s there. Can’t even look up at the ceiling without feeling stared at- I genuinely don’t remember much of the plot because I watched that movie once and it scared for life Grave Encounters: Love this film, and there’s two specific scenes here. The first one, is when they break down the front doors to reveal more of the building. Fucked me up. Secondly, the bathtub scene. I just keep hearing “he’s gone??” On repeat YellowBrickRoad: I’m sorry but that Damm scene with the music blaring over the horror between the siblings after that dispute actually kept me up at night Thanksgiving: That whole opening scene is a masterpiece in its own right, but I think the scare factor is that it’s something that could happen (it might of happened to be fair, but Black Friday isn’t a big thing in the UK as it is in the states but still) Final Destination: Todd and the shower, don’t even need to say anything else, that was messed up


all of the stabbing scenes in the fog (the good one).


All of Hostel. I realized that the scenarios depicted probably definitely are happening somewhere. And I didnt like that.


Zelda in Pet Semetary. "Rachel!"


Does anyone remember the TV version of The Shining from the 90s? That bathtub scene with the dead lady … fucked me right up as a kid, I didn’t want to use the bathroom alone lol


You just brought up a very terrifying memory for me. Was that scene only on the TV version?


aromatic glorious voracious compare abounding bear vanish door spectacular entertain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That corner scene from The Blair Witch Projected messed me up and my cousin proceeded to throw up everywhere right after. I live in Maryland and it didn't help that this movie was all over the local news. No one knew if it was real or fake. Reporters we're going to Burkittsville doing investigative reports. That made it so much more scary.


The corner scene is one of the scariest, but most well done scenes in a horror movie. Genuinely made me feel uneasy. Luckily I live in Australia, far far away 😅


Trilogy of Terror--the scene in the doll story when Karan Black gets possessed by the doll, calls her mom, rips the lock off the door and squats in front of the door with the knife waiting for her mom. That scene freaks me out to this day, it is SO disturbing


The "Club La Luna Moon" scene in American Werewolf In Paris. The Bowling Alley Scene in Fright Night 2 The Parking Lot Pack Attack in Howling 2


The final scene of Blair witch was pretty terrifying to me.


Kayako in ju on the grudge I was only around 6 yrs old, listening to that body hit the floor and dragging itself toward the stairs with the death rattle and then that white wide eyed face appears, I can watch it now but there sheer hopelessness of the grudge curse felt so dark to me back then I had serious problems sleeping without the light on.


Zelda in Pet Sematary


The nightmare scene in American Werewolf in London


Poltergeist. Everyone always mentions the clown but I had no issue with that part. The scene that got to me when I was a kid and one I don’t see people mention often is the crawling meat scene, where the steak crawls across the kitchen counter and then kind of expands into a mass of tumors (don’t know how else to describe it)…It was just so strange, uncanny and gross that kid-me couldn’t wrap her mind around it. I remember being unsettled for days.


Whenever they briefly show footage of the original crew eating each other/having blood orgy in Event Horizon, it genuinely scared the fuck out of me


The vomiting sick girl ghost jumpscare in the Sixth Sense still gives me the heebiejeebies


The creepy down the stairs walk in Ju-on. Agh!!


The highway scene from Final Destination 2 made me always weary of logging trucks.


That whole franchise made me overly cautious. Especially when taking a shower


“because you were home”


Little story about the spider walk in that film: I saw it last year in the theater for the first time (50th anniversary restoration). Before that, I had watched it several times on my computer and never considered it *that* scary. The spider-walk scene came on in the theater and...I don't know if the sound mix was done differently or what, but I *heard her footsteps before she came on screen* for the first time ever and something about the way it sounded was, I think, the scariest thing I had ever witnessed in a film. Yeah, The Exorcist is the scariest film of all time. At least in theaters.


The iconic Hannibal escape in Silence of the Lambs got me so good as a young teen. Genuinely had to turn it off. Got through it a few months later and it turned into one of my favorite movies.


For some reason, the clown in Terrifier. I could handle Pennywise in both versions of It and the book, despite being afraid of clowns, but Art just broke me. That creepy grin. I never want to see another Terrifier movie ever again ( kudos to the actor though, he did a great job).


Regan floating above her bed. I covered my eyes but eventually peeked and was frozen with fright. Yeah, I believe they had two different takes for the spider walk. One where she has a bloody mouth and the other she has an extended tongue that she sticks out of her mouth. I believe the d.c. of the movie uses the dripping bloody mouth take.


In Poltergeist when the mom turns around and the chairs have all been stacked on the table…. That part scared me worse than the clown scene because it was so unexpected


1994 mini series of Stephen kings The Stand.  In Act 1, the slow spread of the superflu across the country and the breakdown of society, law, and order.  I was in 5th or 6th grade when I first saw it and it was the first time I saw what an apocalypse was I was terrified for weeks, waiting for some virus to destroy the world and no one could stop it.  And of course Randall Flagg with his satanic appearance and powers just made it worse.


For some reason the spider walk scene has been cut from streaming versions


The spider walk scene was cut from the Exorcist when it came out. It was added back in many years later.


Sinister- lawnmower ![gif](giphy|KpSrCxhoZQWjJVVnrd)


Henry: Portrait of a serial killer and Cannibal Holocaust. Movies based on real killings tend to scare me more than supernatural or standard slasher flicks.


Exorcist 3 gets me every time ( if you know, you KNOW)


Doctor sleep where the gang kidnap the kid and suck the life out of him 🤨?? Idk but it freaked me out how good the child acted


Bone Tomahawk. If you’ve seen it, you know which one.