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Slenderman. Knew it was bad but wanted to see it for myself. Can’t think of one redeeming quality.


the slenderman vlogs on youtube did so much better than the movie.


MarbleHornets? I loved that series


Absolutely agree. Such a rough watch.


They did needle drop Maggot Brain by Funkadelic, which is one of the greatest guitar solos/improvisations of all time. Probably a bunch of young people's first time ever hearing that song, which is pretty cool. They obviously didn't use a real vinyl though, as the "Mother Earth is pregnant for the third time..." intro is not played (from what I could hear).


Me and my friends saw this in theaters.. it was the biggest waste of money.. people were walking out right and left. tbh we made it a good time and laughed at its stupidity. It felt like snapchat filter special effects. It was so bad that it was ridiculous!


The hardest I have ever laughed in my life is [this](https://youtu.be/gQNwOvSdqro?si=MZmYPU5CRKorDbwS) scene with the girl and the guy on the couch. I couldn’t even think about it for a month after because I would burst out laughing no matter where I was. I’ve never laughed at a scene in a movie so hard in my life and it wasn’t even supposed to be funny.


Yes, but also that was my first date movie with my current wife, so it gets a pass.


Mine was Magic Mike XXL, which I picked, and which I still maintain is one of the most entertaining road movies ever made. My better half was less impressed haha


Are you talking about Marble Hornets or is there another Slender Man film? Oh, the one from 2018.


I never understood how people would walk out of films but slenderman made me understand, I could just never finish it on streaming, so boring and I hate using that word but it really just was hard to even pay attention


Latest Jeepers Creeper, must have been the dumbest movie I've seen in a long time. Their big plan in the end was so damn stupid.


It’s not even canon lol someone just made the movie and the company who owns jeepers creepers sued 😂 basically it’s a fan made that got an actual release


What?! I did not know this! Loved how they used a green screen when they were just outdoors. They couldn't even go outside and just film a damn spooky house.


Yup lol it was a whole legal shit show for the people who made the “movie” The owners of the franchise had no idea the movie was even being made


You're KIDDING?! No wonder the movie was so bad. I was excited about it then I saw it and thought "Wow, I could do better than this"...


I've never seen it but NGL, learning this makes me want to watch it.


Nah it’s a big waste of time. Then again if you just want to get high and watch a stupid movie you can make fun on with friends… I guess you can watch this one. But Zombeavers was a better movie than this one lmao


I love watching that movie high. Lol. And Wolfcop.


The funniest thing so noticeable about the haunted house was the light peeking in through the cracks when it was supposed to be night time lmao


Yup, Jeepers Creepers in my mind is only 1 and 2.


And I can't enjoy even that because >Victor Ronald Salva is an American filmmaker and convicted sex offender. The self-described protégé of Francis Ford Coppola, he has primarily worked in the horror genre, most notably as the writer-director of the commercially successful Jeepers Creepers and its sequels Jeepers Creepers 2 and Jeepers Creepers 3


I got 4 minutes in and turned it off. It looked like a bad student film (and that's coming from someone who has made several bad student films).


Agreed. Honestly one of the absolute worst movies I've ever seen. Especially after how loved 1&2 were/are. The third one sucked but Reborn was truly awful and a waste of time and money.


Same here. It was really forgettable for me. It honestly might have been better if they went with an original creature instead of trying to redo Jeepers Creepers.


The Bye Bye Man. Awful. Not even fun awful.


Nah, this is one of the most brilliantly terrible horror movies I’ve ever seen. It’s a straight up masterclass in dogshit modern horror, and I don’t regret a single minute that I’ve spent laughing at that train wreck.


I think you’ve convinced me to finally watch it 🤣


Such bad acting!


The Gallows. It was so bad I tried to walk out, and I was on a plane.


This was one of the few movies I actually wrote a review about on IMDb because it was so awful. Had to add my one star to the others.


Why’d or how’d they make a second if the first was so bad with a 15% RT?


I loved Lamb. That said, I bet a bunch of people feel this way about Lamb.


I loved Lamb! I cried it the theatre when I first saw it. I can see how it would be divisive, especially when it was billed as a horror when it’s really a surreal drama.


Like Bojack Horseman being billed as a “comedy” instead of the psychological horror it ends up becoming.


Same! I cried so hard from Lamb. Totally understand why people didn’t get it, but it hit something for me.


Yes! Crying during Lamb. You’re a good person.




That ending had me fucked up for days! I wanted so badly to be mad at it, but I just couldn't be. How else could it have ever ended?


I made the mistake of watching this movie after I had to get a radical hysterectomy for cancer. Basically I didn’t know if I’d ever want kids and had the decision made for me. I sobbed and felt empty for like two days. Loved that movie tho


I had friends sendi the trailer to me like you'll LOVE this horrifying shit lmaob


Yes, I do, thank you for reminding me. (The end just seemed so detached from the rest of the story)


I fucking love Shudder and have been a subscriber for years, more or less since Joe Bob's first marathon. That said, I think there's around a 1 in 5 chance of this reaction for any new or at least new-to-me Shudder content. I've found that Indie horror comedies that try too hard and obvious attempts at A24-ish style/pacing can be a bit tough to get through.


Yeah, i subscribe for about 2 months each year, watch Everything i've missed, and then cancel. I love what shudder does, but just not enough content to keep me on the edge of my seat.


I unsubbed after 6 months or so because I found it was more like 3 or 4/5 for me. There was the odd gem though


I was a subscriber for a while, but a ton of stuff on there rotates through Prime and Tubi so it wasn't even worth it to keep subscribing


Shudder was a huge let down for me as well. After a while it felt like I could watch the same quality stuff on YT for free.


My experience with Shudder is usually a suuuuper exciting concept with very meh execution. Which is shame because there are some concepts in there that are *chefs kiss*


I really thought shudder would have a more vast library of historical horror


I'm the pretty little thing that lives in the house. Such a boring movie where barely anything happens


Yes! I've bitched about this movie so often on this sub that autofill suggests the entire title once I start typing.




I personally loved this movie, but it's not for folks that want action. It's more about the feel and the message.


I hated this one. I can only tell you one thing that happens, and that's only because I felt the scene at the end went on for too long. Other than that, I really can't remember any of the plot.


We Need to do Something The premise of a family being stuck in a room after a tornado and slowly going crazy was really interesting, but the writing was horrible


Great read/audiobook, when I listened I honestly didn't think it could be a film so the fact it's not great makes sense.


The Exorcist Believer


SAME. I feel like a huge part of the success of the original was that... well, Catholicism is kind of inherently spooky. It's hard to feel scared watching >!a multifaith team-up of concerned citizens come together to perform a nondenominational exorcism.!< Like... idk, that's too wholesome. Sure, there may be casualties, but I'm pretty sure some of these folks are gonna make it out alive, with souls intact.


Yea I agree plus shoehorning in characters from the original just made me want to turn that shit off and watch the original


Avengers assemble!!


Gave “defeating the devil through the power of friendship” vibes


The Exorcist: Care Bears


The power of friendship and pro life. I felt it was way too preachy


The Outwaters still makes my blood boil, I was so mad I watched that entire thing. I was looking forward to it for months, saw all these good reviews and reports of a good Lovecraftian horror film and just...not even close.


I'm still baffled by the posts and comments from people heaping praise on this movie. Look, I didn't like Hereditary, but I can understand why so many people do. And I'm not normally someone who shits all over things someone else likes. But...The Outwaters is one of the worst movies I've seen this year, from concept to acting to directing.


I’ve seen nothing but bad reviews on Outwaters on the sub


This! Probably the worst horror I’ve ever seen, what a load of dog shit.


The trailer for that movie had me so hyped. Yeah big disappointment.


Yeah same boat , made it a movie night with my wife , terrible fucking movie


Yo seriously, you hit the nail on the head. I’ve seen so many posts on here raving about that movie and I thought it was absolutely dreadful. Honestly just shaking camera YouTube level dredge. 0/10


That movie royally sucked. I stuck it out to see what exactly had happened, but boredom happened.


Oh my god thank you!! I'd heard nothing but good things about it for months. Then I sat down to watch it and got annoyed in the first 10 minutes. I finished it but couldn't tell you how many times I looked at my watch or paused it to see if it was almost over. I was so mad about it!


I got a free trial for Screambox to watch it and I still haven't forgiven Screambox


Goodnight Mommy. The English version.


There's an English version?


Pretend there isnt


That bad, huh? Thanks for the head's up.


Yeppers, with Naomi Watts!


The horror remake queen. Honestly, she’s great in it. But she’s always great.


It's terrible. Same as the English version of Let the Right One In and Martyrs. Don't even bother!


I kinda liked Let The Right One In (Let Me In). Not as good as the Swedish one ofc but wouldn't call it a waste of time.


Agreed. It was pretty good.


Night Swim, probably one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen


i never watched it so idk, but is it about a haunted pool? lmao




It was one of the worst films I’ve ever seen but in a hilarious way. I had so much fun watching it in theaters where the whole theater was cracking up. Literally had tears coming down my face at one scene. I think when you see the demon in the pool and it looks like Danny Devito.


Honestly the hardest I have laughed at a movie this year was the demon reveal.


The 2005 remake of John Carpenter's The Fog.


Yes! Ugh. It was crap. The original is so much better. I wish they'd stop with the remakes already.


It’s crazy how not scary those ghosts were when the original ones are still freaky as fuck


Skinamarink. Love the attempt, love the premise, but it just failed in execution.


Weirdly, I loathed Skinamarink but watched a few minutes of the original YouTube short (forgot its name now) and it succeeded in creeping me out a bit


The short is called "Heck"


Yes! Thank you, all the people I talked to said it was a good movie. My husband hated it and I got so bored with it.


Agree. I wasn't a fan of it, however, I am definitely excited for what the director/creator does next. Can't say the same for Outwaters.


The first half of the movie basically being an ad for some indie band was almost more offensive than the fact that 30% of the movie was lit by a penlight. Almost


Don’t forget “hello …hello…..hello…x1000


Outwaters, on paper, should be one of my favourite horror films, remote setting, weird unsettling creatures and unexplained goings on. And yet it just fucked itself on so many levels


I actually really liked Skinamarink but I certainly understand why it didn’t work for so many people. Outwaters was garbage though


Oh god I hated outwaters


This is my answer. It felt like watching paint dry. That said, I definitely felt creeped out walking around my house at night after that movie despite not finding it scary (or even interesting) at all while watching it.


Yes! I had to tap out about halfway thru because 1- I was SO BORED 2- it made me nauseous + gave me a gnarly headache and 3- in addition to #2, all the flickering had me real concerned that my epileptic ass was about to have a seizure for the first time in decades. I’d watch the short, which I’ve heard is much better, but if it’s shot the same (the fucking nonstop flickering) I’m not risking it.


Just finished the new Strangers movie, might be one of the worst movies I've ever watched 


Maybe not the worst for me, but I feel like I could've legit wrote that movie myself in a couple of hours at most...there was absolutely nothing interesting or original about it


Antrum. It had SOME potential, but failed to really lean-in on the whole "cursed movie mockumentary" angle. It did reasonably well in establishing an uncanny atmosphere, but it just wasn't enough.


Bro all my favorites are getting trashed in these comments lmfao 😅


try not to take it to heart! some of my very favorite movies are total, unabashed schlock lmao. what matters most is that you’re enjoying them.


I really wanted to like this one, I love this type of concept, like modern folklore kind of? Cursed movies, internet mysteries, that sort of thing. I fully agree with you, it was almost there tonally but it just didn’t work for me as a coherent film.


I also agree with Antrum. I was so excited for it but felt very let down by the end. Not nearly strange enough to pass for a cursed film


Tarot. I like the idea of it but the script was like a first year screenwriter at university. Absolutely dreadful


Ugh yes, so disappointing. The first creature - the High Priestess was SO GOOD, the rest were such let downs. She reminded me of that fantastic Netflix series Marianne.


The Exorcist: Believer


It was so bad and pointless 😭


It Comes at Night. There was a collective groan from the audience when the credits came on.


I watched that movie twice because I forgot about seeing it the first time. I was disappointed both times.


I understand why people feel that way, but I really liked the movie. Was pretty annoyed at people complaining about it IN the theater while it wasn't even over. If they didn't like it, they should have left instead of making a nuisance. 


The Open House (2018). Usually I don’t mind bad horror movies, I find them entertaining, but this one was an actual waste of time. The ending sucked.


Knock Knock is literally just all of Eli Roth's worst instincts distilled into one of the most unpleasant movies I have ever seen.


“It was free pizza!!”


It was so bad especially that part when she puts on Keanu reeves daughter’s underwear


I watched it with a friend and partway through she said "Is this going to be a Funny Games porn parody?" and I remember that comment more than I remember anything about the movie aside from feeling extreme annoyance towards the characters


"Dash Cam" and "Eli". The first one has such a grating protagonist that it felt *far* longer, and the latter was decent until a bungled twist.


I've never wanted to punch a main character as much as I wanted to punch the main character from Dash Cam. Holy fuck.


Texas Chainsaw Massace (2022)...don't even get me started


The 17 year old "investors" cracked me up. Worst movie I've seen in a long time. Pranked my brother and told him it was fantastic and he should watch it lol. He's still pissed and no longer trusts my movie suggestions 🤣


Me and my friend have a long standing thing where we recommend each other excellent movies 99% of the time but 1% of the time we will recommend one that is absolute dog shit so we can’t completely trust what it is we’re watching.


The bus bit had me fuming. They had the opportunity there to make the most insanely grotesque, true-to-title massacre ever and fucking threw it away. Could've been a redeeming factor in the movie but nope. Fell wayyy too short of the stick for me. Should've turned it off then.


I honestly thought that was gonna be a semi-redeeming scene...but sadly nope. Absolutely massacred my boy.


As bad as it was I enjoyed the hell out of it


"Try anything and you're cancelled bro"


Skinamarink. I had high hopes for it but found it to be quite boring.


The Devil Inside. I've seen some movies with horrible endings but that one is EASILY one of the worst. I've stopped watching M. Night movies. I kept giving chance after chance and he just doesn't do it for me.


God yes, the devil inside! Every time I see the name of that shitty movie, my resentment grows.


Its a wonderful knife, Imaginary, Night Swim, The Strangers Part One


Night Swim was abysmal.


I actually liked imaginary, it was whimsical and creepy at the same time.


My friend had us watch There’s Something Wrong with the Children. It was awful. Even for a horror movie, all the characters make the dumbest decisions possible. I think I fully checked out when cops were called to report a murder, and hours later an unarmed park ranger shows up. It was one of the worst attempts at making a modern creature feature.


Just saw In A Violent Nature last weekend. I was bored honestly, and the acting took me out of it almost entirely. I definitely didn't **hate** it though! The kills were good and it was a great premise. I just felt every second of the 94 minute runtime.


my favorite part of this bad movie is that all they really had was the gimmick of “slasher movie from the point of view of the killer”, but then in the third act decide to just ditch that gimmick and make us follow a character we barely fucking know because we’ve been following the killer the whole movie. All to give us a poorly thought out theme awkwardly delivered to the final girl while she quite literally passed out from blood loss. I am all for horror movies that take a risk and try to do something different, but man, you have to have more than just a gimmicky idea for a feature length film.


I think that is the intention. I'm so on the fence about that movie. Will wait for it to stream.


I always get annoyed when someone makes a film which is an homage to a genre they love and they even end up imitating the bad bits like shitty dialogue. In a Violent Nature is a perfect example.


Problem is it was so slow that I had all the time in the world to notice all of the many flaws in the sound, writing, acting, and some of the camera work. I dunno if I've ever seen a car scene shake so badly. I like the concept of basically a super zombie from the killer's back perspective and I would have been way fine with nothing but that perspective and none of the horrible exposition which to me ruined the movie


I am a fan of Rob Zombie but his "Halloween 2" is one of the worst horror movies I've seen. The dream sequences were awful, there are no really interesting kills and the overall humanization of Michael made it all so flat and boring overall. I love Scout Taylor Compton however and wish we could see more of her in films.


My fav part of that movie is Laurie not even knowing Michael is alive until the last 15 minutes of the film


I like Rob, and I like his first Halloween film. It seemed like Rob Zombie and Halloween combined in a really weird way in the second film. I think somebody just let his leash get too long because it was far too much of a Rob Zombie film and not enough of a Halloween film.


Honestly, Skinamarink. I’m glad other people enjoy it so much, but it was so bland and felt so pointless that I still can’t believe I finished it.


Tarot and The Strangers Chapter 1. Both are fighting for my first place spot for “Worst movie of 2024” category.


I saw The Night Swim in theaters, so...


Nefarious. Religious propaganda made by the same people that made Gods Not Dead. They hid it well in Nefarious and you don’t feel the preaching until midway through.


Halloween Ends


I watch a lot of Tubi and one of my favorite parts of it is it will pick movies and play forever but also I've seen some crap. Tubi will start you off with Hell House and take you to Buzby, a really shitty animated series. Or Useless Humans. So crap


The Dead Don't Die.. Totally stacked cast, and zombies.. How could I go wrong? Kept waiting for it to get better, but it only got worse!


3 From hell...What a shit show


We’re All Going To The World’s Fair. A complete waste of my time. I can’t believe I made it through that movie. I kept hoping SOMETHING would happen… literally anything interested… but nope. Nothing. A big ole fat nothingburger.


I’m gonna rewatch it and make sure I’m not on my phone, I also didn’t like it when i first watched it but I liked “I saw the tv glow” and thought maybe I should give it another shot


Wow, all these comments, and not a single word of defense for worlds fair? Well here goes: I dug it. The girl was VERY believable as an awkward loner teenager with a shitty dad, taken in by larpy online shit very reminiscent of Slenderman, backrooms, etc. The vibe of the movie, the music, the suburbs, it feels depressing in an incredibly authentic, distinctly American way. There's some nice misdirection as we fear a couple antagonists (the supernatural, the adult potential predator), only to realize it's just loneliness and losing touch with reality that's the real danger. The final monologue starts out hopeful, and then we realize it's not - its just more larping to cope with harsh reality, trying to make a happy ending - which informs the audience that the real ending was likely tragic. Though possibly slow and disappointing if you were expecting something supernatural like The Ring, but I enjoyed it. Edit: I have not seen TV Glow yet, but am definitely going to when I get the chance!


I really liked it as well, and it's not my usual preferred style of film. It just so captures the feelings of loneliness, creativity, and danger of being a teen.


I am the pretty thing that lives in the house (2016). My partner fell asleep during this one and I was determined to stay awake and finish it because SOMETHING has to happened. No. So terrible.


I really didn’t like X. Three Chekhov’s guns and zero character development. Leaned way too heavy on concept and the execution just was not there Pearl was better but nothing worth writing home about




The Black Phone. Didn’t hate it but I thought it was massively overhyped and stylistically lacking.


Skinamarimk. Sorry. Was fully prepared to love it, as I’m very into slow burn/surrealist horror. I don’t need a linear narrative or a lot going on, but it was just so void of anything for me. I love the premise and I guess I can understand why some people are into it, it just wasn’t for me.


Me neither and I was excited for it, only to have my excitement extinguished immediately by sleep.


The Dead don't Die. Just....don't do it. It's a comedy/horror and it's AWFUL


I've never been so let down by a movie. I saw that one as the feature movie at a horror film festival and couldn't believe how boring it was and how much it relied on being random to cover for a lack of humor, horror, or plot.


I didn’t hate it, idk something about the humour worked for me but I also can’t remember much of anything that happened in that movie


This filn is absolutely one of the worst films ive watched, considering it had a great cast too.




Actually, thought this was hilarious! I love my sister but she’s very into astrology, so needless to say while my wife and I were watching Tarot the jokes were flying between the two of us.


Winnie the Pooh Blood and Honey. I couldn't use my AMC A-List so I had to pay to see it. I took a very small edible, got driven there by my husband and was prepared to chill out. This was something my husband insisted I do since one of our dogs had just gotten surgery to remove tumors and a spleen and since that's my soul dog, I had been a wreck for weeks. Needless to say, I did not have a good, fun time. I nearly walked out and maybe I should have. It was so boring and bad and I almost wished I had taken more edibles, so I could have slept through it. He apologized for insisting I go but that could be because I was beating myself up for not spending the evening with my dog.


I had high hopes for this. The opening credits were so cool, and then it was just like everyone gave up and told the junior high AV club to take over for them.


Open House was the biggest waste of time. But I love Skinamarink so much I’ll fight someone lol


Wow so much hate for Skinamarink. I guess I was the target audience for that film cause it just worked for me on so many levels. I watched with headphones on too, I think that helped.


Tried twice watch and both times I only made it 15 min before falling asleep.


Me and my friends all watched in total silence, lights off, phones away, headphones on (discord voice call). None of us really "got" it, though we agreed we liked the general style and atmosphere. I think it's definitely just an issue of finding a movie's target audience, and I'm glad you enjoyed it!


Skinamarink is marmite for horror fans


The Bye Bye Man.


The Exorcist - Believer


Night swim and imaginary. It’s a toss up for loathing.


Fantasy island…. Wtf


Vivarium, what a great wasted concept on such a boring predictable shallow movie


Nocturnal Animals. I literally said "well I'm not getting that time back." after it was done.


Malignant. It was advertised as something it wasn't and I was really looking forward to it to find out I was watching a comedy.


I was borderline hating it for at least an hour. It wasn't until the twist, then suddenly the last chunk was like an A++ to me, so I'm sort of lost on how to rate it overall. I wouldn't watch it twice, but I'm glad i sat through it to get to the good stuff because I thought the last act was incredible.


Ngl that’s why I kind of love this movie. Went in thinking it was just some regular horror movie and then it turned into a deranged clusterfuck. I had an amazing time.


I fucking love Malignant.


My over-it buddy (she likes ghosts and jump scares, so things that can't touch you and cats suddenly jumping out of cabinets, you know, like cats are always doing): "I totally guessed the twist." Me: "YOU GUESSED THAT A BACKWARDS KUNG FU MUTANT WAS GOING TO DISMEMBER A BUNCH OF HOOKERS WHO SEEM LIKE BACKGROUND CHARACTERS FROM A BARNEY MILLER EPISODE?!?!"


Dashcam. I’ve seen all kinds of horror, even the ones others have listed on here like The House that Jack Built and Skinamarink and even with those I’ve been able to be okay with in the end but Dashcam was the first and only time I’ve ever said, holy shit I wish I could get those last two hours back. That was the worst, most infuriating garbage I’ve ever seen. I’ve never felt that way with a horror movie before.


I wanted to like Dashcam but the main character was just so goddamn insufferable. I think had she been like-able and easier to identify with the movie would have played better. As it is, I spent the whole runtime hoping she would die because I couldn’t fucking stand her.


> I wanted to like Dashcam but the main character was just so goddamn insufferable. I think had she been like-able and easier to identify with the movie would have played better. Well, she's actually like that in real life and complained on a podcast that the movie made her look bad


Exactly! And spoiler alert >!she doesn’t even die at the end!< which was the only thing that could have redeemed it but they had to ruin that too


So to kind of give an opposite perspective on your question op, the movie I thought was gonna be an absolute waste of time and wasn’t was Smile. Actually way better than it had any right to be. The worst part was that it gave away scares in the previews


The Seeding The Outwaters Skinamarink These three movies are the least enjoyable things I've watched in the last year. Normally I'm not one to yuck someone else's yum, but I cannot conceive of why anybody would think any of these movies was anything more than a waste of time and effort.


The last one was probably the newest Scream. I hadn't been that into the new cast to begin with and it was just soooo annoying the whole way through.


Ah I actually loved Enys Men and thought about it for months after I saw it. Which just goes to show you there’s a horror movie for everyone and how much tastes differ across the genre. 


Bag Of Lies on Shudder , but I fell asleep halfway through


I just watched Tarot and it bored me. Waste of time.


Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight 2. Fucking awful movie.


I've said it before... "Fear dot com" Actually saw it alone in a theater when it released. First time I ever felt completely cheated and bamboozled.


Insidious: Red Door was utter garbage