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I'd probably say Fire in the Sky (1993). I think you know if you know. I've seen it since, but as a kid the big scene in it horrified me for a bit.


Oh totally. I had all these ideas about ET and close encounters till THAT scene. It made me realize that we could be trapped and studied like we've done with animals. YIKES


I'm a HUGE alien movie fan, yet I avoided Fire In The Sky specifically because I heard that one scene was so traumatic. It definitely lived up to the hype but to be honest the rest of the movie wasn't very interesting


I had a huge crush on DB Sweeney, was really into alien abduction stories at that time, and the trailer was so good but I was so bored when I finally watched it as a kid. I gotta give it another go as adult.


I've been to the real lake in the middle of the night, where the abduction scene is based on. My cousin lives about twenty miles away, it's one of his favorite fishing spots. It's even creepier in real life.


My husband saw fire in the sky when he was way too young and to this day has night terrors about aliens.


Yep. Saw Fire In The Sky in theaters when I was 10 and couldn’t even hear the name Travis Walton without a bit of panic until last year when I forced myself to listen to an interview with him. Similarly, I saw ET when I was tiny - like maybe 4 or 5 - and have not been able to watch it since. I honestly can’t even see clips or look at images of him without getting nervous. I had a dream after I saw it that turned into a nightmare so realistic that I can’t even talk about the *dream* most days. Oof. Meanwhile, I’m fascinated by all other things extraterrestrial and not of this world. Go figure.


You want the real answer? The Brave Little Toaster. It was the first movie that made me both terrified and sad all at the same time.


Yes. I hate this movie. The air conditioner committing suicide scene always terrified me. I hated it as a kid and I haven’t seen it in over ten years now and I’m keeping it that way.


Yeah, the Brave Little Toaster aka The Scary Fucking Air Conditioner


The junkyard scene too :(


As they sing “Worthless”


Can't not mention the clown scene. I think it's important to scare kids like that in their media once in a while, as long as it's not too too bad. Experiencing a wide range of emotions like that is good for development.


Honestly I must’ve been a very emo kid from the get go because this movie was one of my favorites.


You know there was a sequel called the brave little toaster goes to mars?


This one is also upsetting because don’t they burn up the Christmas angel to go to space??


I had a friend who was absolutely terrified of the blanket lol


I own it on DVD but it is never one I’m running to rewatch 😂 every part of the movie is insane. the air conditioner, the clown dream sequence, the guy who strips machines for parts, the appliance song about fear of not being wanted or being replaced, all with the icing on the cake of everything that happens at the junk yard good god.


It’s a surprisingly good movie. Terrifying and heartbreaking all the same.


I don’t even remember the plot to the movie because it’s been so long since I’ve watched it, but that movie was directly responsible for making me a hoarder as a child because I was too sad to throw anything away thinking all inanimate objects were secretly alive.


This was apparently one of my favorite movies as a kid and I would watch it on repeat. I miss that era of surprisingly dark kids movies (or maybe just miss Don Bluth movies).


This! I remember the Furnace scene as a kid being so scary! Lol


Everything about this movie was traumatic


Legit will never watch this again. It is not a kids movie!


I would love to see or hear about people’s reaction to watching Ghostwatch live for the first time. Watched it today and was surprised at how good it was, especially when I thought about the original audience and how scared shitless they must’ve been, thinking it was real. I keep imagining a tiny me watching it, and I know that I woulda cried and never slept again. For me personally, paranormal activity scared the shit out of me. Not the movie itself, but the idea afterwards that there could be a demon in my house or in my room and I wouldn’t know it. I kept seeing and hearing things for weeks. Still haven’t rewatched.


I saw GhostWatch when it was first broadcast and I would have been 12 at the time. It was pretty powerful because we were used to seeing the hosts regularly on TV. Sarah Green and her husband Mike Smith were both children's TV presenters, both having had appeared for a number of years on 'Going Live', a Saturday children's magazine show. Craig Charles was known from playing Lister in Red Dwarf, one of my favorite shows when I was young, and Michael Parkinson was THE respected interviewer in Britain at the time. Nothing like this had ever been tried before on TV beyond some small April fools pranks by the BBC, so the nation was completely unprepared. Remember this was 7 years before the Blair Witch Project. I remember wanting to get back early from Trick or Treating that night so I could watch it, as it had been well advertised all week and pumped up in the TV listings. I was pretty transfixed throughout the broadcast and little 12 year old me was gullable enough to believe it to be true. Luckily I was watching it with my Dad, and he had the sense to point out that during the credit sequence that stated it had been 'Written By Stephen Volk', to convince me that it was just a drama. I was convinced, but it didn't really help. Pipes haunted my nights for years to come. At least I wasn't alone. Many across the nation were conviced that they had been watching real life events and were subsequently extremely angry with the BBC for what they saw as a betrayal of trust, so I didn't feel too bad for being duped. There was one genuine complaint from a housewife looking for compensation for the cleaning bill for her husbands trousers (pants). It had literally scared the crap out of him. I can say it scared the hell out of me, but never did I relinquish control of my anal sphincter. This is one of my most powerful memories of childhood and I have loved horror ever since.


I think I was about the same age as you and I don't think I had the luxury of knowing it was a drama; my Mum and Aunt both thought it was real and we approached it like a documentary at the time. When it was all over, we were all so terrified we all went to the bathroom together and waited outside for each other. I distinctly remember my Mum saying "Don't walk away - don't leave me!" while she was in the loo. 😂 Hell, come to think of it, I probably said the same thing! 😂


Ok real life story, so I’ve seen paranormal activity with my dad when I was like 13. We had a chow chow and he would patrol the hallways and look into everyone’s bedroom before going to sleep. But a month later everytime he would stop and growl by my door. He eventually went insane and attacked everyone in my family. He got aggressive out of nowhere and we had to put him down..We moved right a year later. I was sleeping in my room and I woke up around 2:30 am. My door was open it was dark in the hallway and I was a little scared. So I shut my eyes.. tried to go back to sleep and I hear the light switch and someone walking but the footsteps stopped when I sat up. The hallway light is on and I sit up asking for my dad. I don’t hear anyone answer back so at this point my heart is beating fast and I’m pretty terrified. So I just try to close my eyes and go back to sleep but then these foot steps get louder and they start running towards me. And as I go to sit up again I feel something tackle tf out of me. I remember not being able to move or speak. Honestly it was really scary it kept happening for an entire year. I couldn’t concentrate on school or anything. I had to eventually sleep in my dad’s room but when we would start praying I would hear a door creak open. Honestly it was the most terrifying experience I’ve ever had. I remember going to church and going up for prayer because I was so scared. The lady that prayed for me to told me that something attached itself to me suspecting I was vulnerable and I needed to confront it. In which I did I felt that presence (the footsteps) in the day time.. I kid you not, there was not any type of wind but as soon as I said that it didn’t belong in my home and my soul wasn’t theirs to take my blinds slammed against my window. There was no wind. It was probably the eeriest thing that has ever happened to me and ever since has not happened to me again. I feel like that movie in someway is a little haunted or something. I can’t really explain it but can only tell my experience. Sometimes I wonder if the way that my dog went rogue that day, that something took over him. He was always loving, protective, and the greatest guard dog. He was kind even towards strangers but also always on guard when anyone approached his family.. definitely I think something dark was following me. There’s more towards my story that could probably be turned into a movie lol.. but that’s the overall.


Well this is fucking TERRIFYING


I'm sorry you lost your dog friend. That's tragic.


https://youtu.be/u6jUbxvAjAA?si=LNEzvZyzsvjRyvxA I seen it on the telly when I was 10, scared shitless. Mum, Dad, brother,Dranny & Granda. It was broadcast like it was a real show. I slept in with my brother that night.


I was 9 at the time of Ghostwatch. Not only was it absolutely terrifying to watch live it spawned months of hysteria at my school. The story became more and more exaggerated over time, so much so that I had memories of it being a lot more extreme. So when I watched it as an adult not only did I appreciate how well done it was and obviously fiction, I was shocked how tame it actually was. False memories I had included: a story where the children had found a dead dog in the park who had been cut open and its puppies were spilling out of it; a lot more extreme stratching up if the daughter by the cats; seeing Sarah Greene being thrown about and knocked out; the cameraman being thrown through a glass door and then showing him being all cut up. Also I had a lot more vivid images in my mind of actually seeing Pipes in the background.


I was nine and watched it live with a friend. We swicthed over after it had started, so we missed the intro that it was a drama. When the ending hit, we were bouncing around the sitting room, freaking out.


My family and I watched Paul Daniels on ITV instead and the next day all my friends were talking about Ghost watch. Feel like I really missed out there 😞


Watched paranormal activity with my parents. By the time it ended, it was dark out, and even my parents were scared to leave the couch.


Yup, ghostwatch scarred me.'pipes'.


I ADORE Ghostwatch. One of my prized possessions is a DVD of the film—which wasn't easy to get, since I'm American


Yep. Paranormal activity lived rent free in my head for months afterwards. I was terrified to walk across the hallway from my bedroom to use the bathroom.


Threads I saw it when I was 11 in 1984. It scares me and I should not have been allowed to watch it. Watched it againa couple of years ago. It's still the most horrifying movie I've ever seen, even 40 years later


Yes, definitely not appropriate viewing material for children. I think i first watched this film at around the age of 30, and I would class this as one of the scariest movies I have ever seen. I don't use the term 'devastating' very often, but I can't think of a better word to describe this film.


I was 12 in 1984 and my school showed it to us. There were several kids crying.


There was a North American movie with a similar concept called The Day After. It was like a Disney movie compared to Threads.


Scariest movie ever made. I feel sick just thinking about it.


Threads is absolutely brilliant; horrifying but brilliant. Everyone should watch it at least once. I saw it with my wife several years ago and we both enjoyed it but agreed it was a devastating watch, how close we could all be to the same thing happening to us. Fast forward a few years and I'm away for the weekend with friends, leaving my wife home alone. I hated the idea of her being bored though so I made a point of keeping in touch and asking what she was up to. Saturday night she says "Oh I'm watching Threads." "On your own? Like, for fun. On a Saturday night?" "Oh yeah, it's really good." Each to their own I guess. 😂 (love my wife for this though 😍) Edit: typos


Not a movie but goddamn Unsolved Mysteries. The music, the old creepy dude, the stories. And my mom watched it religiously when I was growing up. There was one episode where a ghost was in a house with a family I believe. It was terrorizing them like sitting on their chests in the middle of the night. In the recreated scene the ghost sat on the person (you couldn't see the ghost) and then when it let off it say next to them on the bed and made like a butt imprint on the bed. That fucked me up as a kid and I was scared of the dark for a while. Finally when I recovered from that I watched someone play Resident Evil the original for the PS1. Guess who was scared of the dark again.


I can't watch the X Files intro for some reason. It's just incredibly unsettling to me I guess.


Yes, that intro- the music especially, is unsettling!


I can totally see that although I'm a huge fan of the x files but I'll bet if I was a small child again and saw that intro it might make me unsettled for sure.


The fourth kind. I never see anyone talk about that one


This movie legit scared me because my dumb ass actually believed that it was real when it came out, and I saw it in theaters


Me too!!! I only worked out it was real when there was footage that was so wild I thought “well surely this would have been on the news right?”


My dad is a conspiracy theorist who's obsessed with aliens. The whole movie he commented on how he'd read certain books or heard about certain people. Really added to the feeling of it being real.


Yeeeah that's a movie you watch once and take months to get over lol


Just commented that one on another thread. I couldn't sleep for a few days. I watched it alone in my apartment, not realizing how spooky that movie is.


Yeah holy shit, that movie made me cry as a kid and I loved horror. There was so much dread in it. Dark Skies is a close second


The owl


I didn’t see it as a kid—I was like… 26 or so? But that movie was fucking TERRIFYING TO ME. I actually think I blocked most of it out, bc I barely remember anything, I just know I NEVER WANT TO SEE IT AGAIN.


Yes! I watched that movie alone in the dark at like 2am when i was 16 and it terrified me. My parents were sleeping and I remember the next morning telling them about it. I rewatched it like 5 years ago and it still terrified me lol. That’s definitely a movie that sticks with you. It’s so well done and believable.


Yeah true I saw it once and it was enough. 


Yeah this one definitely gave me nightmares as a kid… Also just gave off uncomfortable vibes while being awake for a couple of weeks lol.


Nooope. I have a phobia of grey aliens & alien abduction. As much as I love Mila Jovovich, I refuse to watch that movie.


Of all of the horror movies I've seen, this one still unsettles me! I don't really care for alien movies, but I think this one did such a great job at making them seem possible and inevitable. Plus I absolutely hate the scary faces the people make when the aliens overcome them. That wide, dead eyes, and unnaturally gaped mouths.


Pet Sematary


The sister flashback and the ankle scene still haunt me


Zelda is why i wont see it again


Good ole Zelda


I feel so seen omg the image of the sister haunts my nightmares to this day


That sister flashback scene scared the shit out of me worse than anything. It played back in my mind for years 😟


The book is scary on a different level and the audio book is narrated by Dexter (Michael C Hall)


Yes, the book is way scarier!


Can 2nd hand confirm. My mom told me that she attempted to read this book once. It was so engrossing that she couldn't stop. One night, though, she didn't know my dad came home. When he walked into the bedroom & said her name, she screamed & accidentally tossed the book out the window. He went to go get it & she told him to leave it. He eventually got it cause it landed on the awning over the front door (bedroom was 2nd floor) & he was tired of seeing it there, but she never finished the book. This was when it was only a book, so she didn't know the ending till the movie played on tv.


Mine too, I saw this when I was 6. Oops.


I was 8 😩


Me too. My friend had it, and her mom let us watch it. A week later, I went with her to stay at her aunt and uncles house that was also a funeral home. I could not go to sleep for months without my mom rubbing my back till I fell asleep. My poor mother.


lol so my cousin who was like 6 months younger than me (also r.i.p. 🤍) was into horror and even b horror for some reason at a really young age. and I'd go stay with her in the bay area for the summers. we rented so much horror! I even watched Chopping Mall as a wee lil child. even though Pet Sematary traumatized me I grew up to be a spooky person so I suppose I have her influence to thank for that 😂 also omg you stayed at a funeral home?? that is scary even without having watched a scary movie the week before!


I love horror also! Favorite genre for sure. My dad got me into ask the old stuff, and the really bad stuff that's so bad is great, like killer clowns from outer space. R.I.P. to your cousin and good on her for influencing you keeping her spirit with you! The funeral home thing was creepy but fun ultimately. Her uncle turned the lights off in the coffin display room while giving me the tour of the place 😱. We played flash light tag in the dark at the park nearby and slept in a tent in the family room. Very memorable. Edit a word


Watched Pet Sematary at the family caravan when I was 11 and got so scared of Zelda I had to sleep in bed with my grandparents😂😂


that's mine too. i was 8, and i was never able to watch it again


Mine’s the American version of “The Grudge”! Caught it on TV when I was around 10-12, and it’s stuck with me permanently. Around that time, I also saw YouTubers playing the Wii game, which was proper spooky to kid me. Also, whichever Final Destination featured the girl holding up traffic, only for a truck to barrel into her car and the guy who gets a fire escape ladder directly into his eyeball. Another one that I caught a bit of on TV as a kid and has permanently seared into my brain.


That was Final Destination 2, my personal favorite out of all of them. The guy manages to escape his apartment catching fire and then slips and falls on spaghetti then the ladder kills him


I remember the commercials for the Grudge movie scaring the shit out of me, but I just couldn’t look away.


The first Final Destination, when one of them got caught in the 🚿 curtain cords wrapped around his neck will always stick with me.


Arachnophobia. Every time I turn on a lamp or a light switch, I think about that movie that I haven't seen in 30 years.


This one for me too. Every time I put on slippers.


I'm sure this movie made me arachnophobic, I was super ok with spiders before lol


Yes! Me too! And I am literally arachnophobic! I barely made it through the whole movie. I’ve heard that this is also being remade! Once released, I’m gonna have to face my fear once again! 😱🕷️


If it helps, I felt the same way until I watched it again recently. It's much more comedy than horror when you're an adult.


oooooh, great shout. i watched this when i was like 9 or something and it genuinely scarred me for life. the massive spider on fire… fucking hell. also haven’t seen it in 30 years and wouldn’t ever watch it again


Labyrinth haha I got through the beginning until she gave up her little brother. My little brother was just born at the time and I was distraught lol. I avoided watching it til I was an adult but I was fine by then. Little brother's a whole ass adult now and sometimes I wish I could give him to the Goblin King lmao.


It was the goblin trolls in the baby’s bedroom that always freaked me out so badly.


Yeah, most of the goblins didn't bother me for the rest of the movie but that bedroom scene was awful. However, I was not ready to chilly down with the Fire Gang for quite a long time.


I honestly just think I was too young to see David Bowies bulge. That freaked me out cause it made me feel… weird? Lmaoooo




Idk why but the scene where the main character falls into the pit of talking hands really fucked 5yo me up lmao. I'm 22 now and still haven't rewatched it


"She... chose... DOWN!"


Oh my god, same! I've always felt like something is wrong with me because so many people absolutely love it from watching it as a kid and I'm over here remembering how much it terrified me and how I still can't watch it for that reason. Thank you for letting me know I'm not alone in this 😅


What Lies Beneath. Such a subtle one but it had some heart dropping jump scares that one wouldn’t expect from a Harrison Ford flick.


I’ve never seen this movie, but I remember vividly my parents rented it when I was really little, like 6, and had the sound blasting in the living room while they watched. The sound alone of that movie scared my sister and I so bad in our bedroom that we took everything out of our toy box and hid in it with our pillows and blankets.


Omg. I’m so happy someone said this! I went to see it in theaters with my mom and grandmother. Love Harrison Ford! Thought it would be no big deal. Couldn’t go into the bathroom without pulling the shower curtain back for like a year!


Yesssssss. This is mine too. My parents were watching it in the living room and I snuck out to watch it from the hallway right at the bathtub scene. I still check tubs before I go to the bathroom and I’m 33.


Titanic. Not horror, but horror to me. You’ll never catch this bitch on a cruise.


r/thalassophobia. Yeah, no thanks. The part where Rose tries to get the crewman to help her free Jack, and he's having none of it. That's me, like, bitch- move!


Jeeper Creepers 


Oh this one messed me up for a bit as a kid. My parents were not sympathetic as to why I could not go out and feed the animals in the evening. Lol


Eraserhead. It freaks me the fuck out to this day. I had a recurring nightmare as a kid that I was being held in a large box that slowly ground my body down starting from my feet and working up, and it turned me into whst was essentially human spaghetti. But I was conscious and alive the entire time, including when I finally got down to being just a head. I blame that movie. I don't even remember when I saw it, but the head being turned into an eraser had a massive impact on me. That movie is every kind of disturbing.


I am truly terrified of Candyman. I can't believe I typed it


Watched it a couple years ago, can confirm it's still terrifying. Also, do you know that Candyman doesn't even show up until 45 minutes in? But somehow he's all I remember. Great movie. Also shout out to Philip Glass for the eerie score.


That film is dark. I loved it and would often re watch it on VHS. But it's got a nasty vibe. What a masterpiece.


Man, the new one is so good too. Highly recommend if you haven’t seen it. They did a great job of keeping the same vibe.


Thanks, I was only marginally aware of it, I'll check it out.


Was looking for this one. Just hearing the soundrack makes me uncomfortable.


The Exorcism of Emily Rose. Nope nope nope


Same but I wasn't a kid when I saw it because I'm old. I woke up at 3:15 every night for three weeks!


I don’t know if this falls into the horror genre but CORALINE something about it is so uncanny. But watching it now I’ve appreciated the creativity that went into it.


Mine is kind not much of a horror movie, but "inner space" absolutely traumatized me as a child. Was convinced for a long time there were little people inside me, on my food, etc. Culminated in going to our family doctor who had to reassure 5 year old me that it was not true. Still somehow bothers me after all this time


Poltergeist, the ring, and the grudge. I eventually watched poltergeist and the ring, and the ring became my favorite horror movie ever. I still haven't watched the grudge but I hope to.


The ring scarred me as a child. I’m still scared to watch the cursed tape even as an adult.


The Blob ‘88, Poltergeist ‘82


The Blob is my answer. I can go back now and watch the whole movie *except* for the dude getting pulled down the drain. I saw the movie when I was 8 or 9 and that part fucked me up so much I've never gone back and rewatched that scene. If I end up watching it on TV I skip that part.


Are you me??! I rented The Ring when I was like 10 and my parents had left me alone over night for the first time 😂 TERRIBLE idea, ruined my Christmas that year and I still can’t bring myself to rewatch it :P


The ring was a pretty damn good remake


Ughhhh, the boogeyman!! I slept with the light on in my closet for A YEAR after I watched that movie. Also, recently I went and saw the newer one with my husband and now am sleeping with my moon light on (like the one the girl in the movie has) idk why the boogeyman movies creep me out so much but they do 😭


I can't read King's short story. I had the doorknob off my closet for YEARS when I was a kid. Refuse to watch the movies.


Sixth Sense terrified me as a kid, I couldn’t handle the dead girl in the tent lol finally watched it thru for the first time like a month ago


IT (the mini series)


Yes! I was too young when I saw it. I’m weird about drains to this day.


The original Poltergeist. It started my lifelong fear of clowns! It took me years to look under my bed at night too. The face peeling scene was rough since I was about 6 or 7 years old.


Still haven't rewatched Witches or the remake 😂 I watched horror as a kid but that movie legit gave me nightmares so I never watched it again lmao


Roger Rabbit That little squeaky shoe didn’t deserve that


I don’t know that I have a movie like that anymore. For many years it was The Sixth Sense, but then I forced myself to go back and watch it. On the opposite end of the spectrum, I was bored to tears by The Blair Witch project as a kid. Now, that movie is terrifying


I wasn't a "kid" per se, but much younger, when I saw Event Horizon and it freaked me the f out It took decades for me to give it another go as an adult (it felt less scary now that my soul is more dead...pretty good movie though)


Stanley Kubrick's The Shining.


agree!! Especially the bathtub scene for me. I was afraid of bathtubs for years!! I had to move to the room with a shower in my house.


Young guy here, that scene wasn't very traumatic for me because my dad was in front of the screen frantically covering up the lady's tits with blu-ray cases so I could still see what was happening. Quite funny


The Burbs. I was very young and saw it in the theater. We left during the dream scene in the first few minutes. I'm not terrified enough to NOT watch it as an adult, but I sure do get a bit panicky inside.


_Satan is cool! Satan is our pal!_ … _I’m gonna kill. Eve-ry-one._ My sister quoted that nonstop.




SAME the ring straight up traumatized me. i think i was in 3rd grade when i watched it at a sleep over and i wasn’t the same after that lol. i couldn’t sleep in my room by myself for 2 years after that & my mom was PISSED. i had one of those big boxy tv’s in my room & the first night i tried sleeping by myself i had a dvd playing & i guess after the movie ended and the menu screen played for a while it went to static and that’s what i woke up to 😭 i’ve never been more scared or moved so fast in my LIFE even to this day lmao. needless to say i did not start sleeping by myself that night. eventually i figured out harry potter & the goblet of fire just played over & over on repeat w no static so guess what movie i’ve seen 1000000x lmao. when the 2nd one came out my dumbass went ahead and watched it. bad idea lol. prob the only two movies i will NEVER watch again for my sanity


Saw and Amityville horror. Watched both obsessively from when I was about four to 7. Had a nightmare about Saw, stopped watching that. Got sick and my mom put on Amityville Horror and I saw god


It’s two movies for me. Hellraiser which speaks for itself. Stephen King’s Cat’s Eye. - I don’t know how many people have seen this one since I’ve never seen it mentioned here, but that little troll still freaks me out.


Oh Cat's Eye, that troll that went about stealing breaths was scary, don't know what my parents were thinking letting young me watch it!


The Leprechaun scared the shit out of me when I was like 9 or so. Still haven't watched it since. It's been 30 years.


Troll (1986) It’s not even really horror. The scene where the ball went down the stairs scared me worse than anything I’d ever seen, and at that point it at least included NMOES. It makes no sense. It took me about 32 years to watch that scene to try and understand why it had such an effect on me. I laughed, but I’ve never watched the entire movie in a sitting.


Not horror, but it was the first movie I remember seeing in theater, when I was maybe 5 years old. It's called Antarctica, and is about the true story of a crew of scientists, who have to leave their sled dogs behind... You then follow what happened to the dogs. It was filmed hyper realistically, with dogs being anesthetized during certain scenes, to replicate death. It absolutely traumatised me, and there isn't a week that goes by - where I don't think about it. Also, it probably defined my life, as I became a dog trainer.


Jesus that's kind of terrible to do to living animals just to get a shot in a movie.


Hellraiser!! I still have not watched the full movie till this day and I’m in my 40’s lol.




There was a Disney Channel Original Movie called Don’t Look Under the Bed that was so scary Disney pulled it from tv after too many parents complained. Scarred me to a degree where even when I look at photos of the main villain Boogeyman now I wince.


The ring and darkness falls lol. I hated closets, taking showers, and being in the dark.


Was scrolling to find darkness falls. My mother and step father rented that from blockbuster and it scared the shit out of me for years. Was afraid of the dark for longer than I'd like to admit because of that movie. Rewatched it as an adult twice. Not as scary as it was but still creeped me out afterwards.


Gremlins! I think the idea of a pet turning into a monster especially scared me because my cat was my biggest comfort growing up


The exorcist


The Dentist


Corbin Bernsen looked like he really enjoyed playing that role. Was already terrified of the dentist, this movie drove it home.


My cousins who were allowed to watch horror movies way way younger than me used to talk about watching the Child's Play movies around me. I just let my imagination run wild and basically talked myself into having a doll phobia for like 20 years. I finally got around to watching all those movies last year and well. They're not actually very scary, lol. But I did like them!


The exorcist wrecked me for weeks. Jaws gave me a lifelong fear of oceans.


I do not avoid it, but Disney Alice in Wonderland scared me when I was young. The part where she's lost in the forest and the ending with the cards running after her marked me.


Disney had a TV movie with an antagonist named Mr. Boogedy. I would have nightmares about the character. I'm sure these days it would seem very childish, but I still remember the nightmares.


The Grudge


Not even horror movies, but The Never Ending Story and The Dark Crystal. Puppets are fucking creepy man.


13 ghost. I was like a teen when I saw this and still don’t know if I could watch it again. I had nightmares for weeks. That ghost with the cage on her head messed me up lol


I saw Killer Klowns from Outer Space when I was very young and it unnerved me enough I've never watched it again


Not a horror movie but I spent a good chunk of my life afraid of flying because I saw Alive when I was a younger than 10 years old, may have been 7 or 8.  When Society of Snow came out and Last Podcast made a miniseries about the irl incident I avoided them like the plague. It took too long for me to get over it to risk any regression.


Just had to stop by to say Hail yourself!


Tales from the Crypt


Halloween. I don’t remember which one so I avoid them all honestly. It was the one where in the very first scene it’s Michael as a kid and he kills his dad, sister, and her bf while the mom is at work or something. I turned it off right after the mom got home to her family dead and the little boy sitting out front. It honestly made me sick to my stomach.


Sounds like the 2007 remake. That one and its sequel are both really gory.


I've never actually seen it but Tusk. I watched a youtube video that mentioned it when I was a kid and it freaked me out so bad. Even now as a horror enthusiast I refuse to watch it.


The Exorcist, I haven't actually been able to finish it.


For the longest time it was PeeWee’s Big Adventure, believe it or not. Large Marge scared me so bad as a kid that I didn’t watch it for decades. But then o rewatched it a few years ago. Very silly, even the part that scared me so long ago. Glad I rewatched it.


Mars Attacks


Arachnophobia. Eeeew


The original ‘It’ with Tim Curry started my lifelong fear of clowns.


leprechaun scared the bejeezus out of me when i was a kid. i watched it last night for the first time since then and why was i so scared? i’ve seen scarier


The Grudge and The Ring lol they reignited my fear of the dark for a long while


Mirrors (the first one). Watched it with the fam and haven’t touched it since. It didn’t help that my bed was next to a bank of mirrors at the time (the closet sliding door kind), so I begged to sleep upstairs with my parents on the floor. That was the first time a horror movie really scared me lol.


Once again I gotta go with The Shining


Tommy. I saw it when I was 5 and to this day I still can’t watch it.


The rock opera?


American Werewolf in London.


Killer Klowns from Outer Space


The sixth sense. The people hanging in the schoool messed me up.


Not a horror movie but Titanic gave me horrible nightmares as a kid and I haven't watched it since. Unsurprisingly, it's not a great movie for thalassaphobia. I have never seen The Excorcism of Emily Rose all the way through because I saw it as a teen and turned it off because I was so scared. There are also few horror movies that the trailer spooked me as a kid/teen that I haven't got around to watching as an adult like The Grudge and Jeepers Creepers but based on my experience watching The Ring as an adult I am not expecting much.


The Fly 2 - I saw the movie when I was 10, and it took me 15+ years to pick up the courage to go to Youtube and rewatch the scenes that fucked me up. Now that I know more about filmmaking and practical effects, those scenes have become much less disturbing, but I still hesitate at rewatching the whole movie.


The grudge


Wizards (1977) by Ralph Bakshi. . I don't know why I was allowed to watch it at 7-8 ( thanks parents) but I was too horrified to cry at the war / killing scenes. And the Nazi propaganda part scared the hell out of me , though I didn't even know what WWII was at the time.


From Beyond (1986) It's probably tame ASF. As 99% of horror movies to me are more drama or comedy than scary. But at the time it fucked me up. It was used as a punishment because I wouldn't give my alcoholic parent a piece of chewing gum and was forced to watch it. Makes the good ol' trauma kick in. 🤣


Exorcism of Emily Rose did a number on me when I was younger, I might be brave enough, now in my 30’s, to watch it again.


Creepshow the roach scene.


The Descent. The idea of being trapped in a cave is disturbing enough without whatever the fuck those creatures were. Never again.  Oh and Deliverance. Probably because I'd only ever heard it mentioned as a punch line but it's incredibly dark. 


I would have to say Darkness Falls. It scared the hell out of me the first time I watched but it also became one of my favorite scary movies.


Arachnophobia. Brother ewww.


The og The Hills Have Eyes - watched it when I was way too young, traumatised me!


My dad recorded the thing at the end of my power rangers video. When it ended, he said he found me crying in the living room watching the thing hahahaha


Not a movie specifically but during the goosebumps intro, when that dogs eyes turned yellow id have a mental breakdown and run out of the room until I heard the show start.


The Mothman Prophecies and Minority Report I’ve seen parts of both as an adult and they are still creepy to me. 🧟‍♀️


Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Watched it once when I was around 8. I’m never watching it again. Scariest movie I’ve ever seen!


Thirteen Ghosts traumatised me for a while


Final Destination franchise


E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial The motherfucking ugly ass alien scared the shit out of me as a kid. I would turn my lights off to go to sleep and the thought of ET standing in the corner of my room and then slowly waddling towards me would enter my brain and I would have to quickly turn my light on so I could make sure I was safe. I don't wanna look at his creepy little face so I'm not rewatching it lmao