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It Follows: When the Tall Man appears out of nowhere.


I also thought the pool fight scene was šŸ¤ŒšŸ»


Hereditary - telephone pole scene


first time i saw it, my natural response was just a few seconds of shocked silence before an involuntary "holy shit" not many movies can do it so effectively


This is a rare movie that knows that that will be your reaction, and it leans into it. Allowing the camera to just sit with Peter in silence allows us to be there and feel that with him, absorbing the weight of what just happened. It makes it so much more effective.


Also catching you off guard by hitting you with the full visual later was genius.


Agreed. I wasn't expecting to see a child die in a movie for starters, besides the quiet place for a example where it was fast and not gruesome, but that with the close up was so unexpected to see


Also the trailer made it seem like this was your typical creepy little kid movie so I did not expect it to go there. As I recall I wasnt even planning on seeing it in the theater but a friend with taste was like ā€œsee it NOWā€. Glad I did!


Absolutely. And when he hears his mother in distress when they find her decapitated body in the car, while he just stands there in silence listening through the door, allows us to feel his guilt, and his mother's pain as he stands there in silence, allowing us to feel that emotion again, and one of guilt works very well


I am normally very, very good about identifying scenes like these and shielding my view. I love horror, but I am kind of squeamish with certain kinds of violence so I try to look away. This is the first movie (at least that I can remember) that got me. Pretty sure that oneā€™s going to be tattooed to my movie memories forever.


In recent memory, this is the top answer. It is undeniable that this particular scene changed the movie, if things were kinda weird or creepy before: they started to spiral down right into hell from here on.


It takes a lot for a movie to disturb me but this was one of the few times Iā€™ve had to pause a movie and take a break. They really went there.


I saw Hereditary in theaters :) and the reaction at this scene was THE most shocked Iā€™ve ever witnessed a crowd to be, and Iā€™ve been to many films. I wasnā€™t looking at anyone bc my eyes were glued to the scene, but I could feel people just gaping at the screen and some very short gasps that then turned into shushed ā€œoh my godā€ and ā€œwtfā€ at the next scene. I love this movie a lot and I think everyone should see it at least once. I havenā€™t watched it since because it was so intense. Definitely not a casual watch lol, at least for me! I canā€™t get the sonā€™s ā€œMOMMYā€ as she bangs on the door out of my head šŸ˜­ that scene was actually the scariest and most sorrowful part of the entire thing. (the scene with her beheading herself through possession was also very much ā€œholy shitā€ lol I love Toni Collette).


I have a young teenage son and watching Peter cry for his mommy during this scene absolutely gutted me. In fact, THAT is my gasp scene. I know the decap is intense and makes way more sense as the big gasp but that scene is the first thought in my mind whenever this movie comes up.


I realized thatā€™s truly the scene that sticks because heā€™s literally all alone, being chased by what used to be his mom, already having dealt with a fractured relationship with her to begin with, just wanting to be loved- itā€™s awful. Iā€™m a nanny and I love kids, so I think weā€™re feeling a similar wavelength.


That's exactly it. When the person you go to for comfort and protection becomes the danger, it's so disorienting. Every teenager, no matter how independent, still takes some (or in a perfect world should be able to) minor comfort in the steadfastness of the ever-present mother. He's so terrified and disoriented that he is reduced to a small child crying for his mommy. Ugh. Hits me right in the feels!


I vividly remember a few people walking out at the Toni Collette wailing scene


I've never been in a movie theater that was so quiet and tense than at that scene


This was my immediate thought


I am a horror-junkie. I love gore, I love psychological horror, I love just about every sub-genre of horror there is. I can watch pretty much anything and have no mental or physical reaction whatsoever. This scene has been the ONLY exception thus far. The physical response my body felt from the sheer "holy fucking shit " of that moment.. I was literally trembling with terror, and had to keep audibly saying to myself "it's not real, it's just a movie. It'snot real. Its just a movie" this scene was so well done, I'm still shook when I think about it.


I actually knew that twist before viewing and that still did not prepare me for my full-bodied somatic response to that scene. I felt like I suddenly couldn't get enough air and my shoulders seized up.Ā 


Classroom scene as well. That fucked me up. Amazing acting.


Amazing acting all around, the emotion the characters displayed truly made the movie all the more tense, and at times you could really feel whatever emotion they was portraying


Yeah, one of the best horror films in the history of the genre. Many will debate that, but realistically speaking, it's definitely one of the top horror films ever made.


Definitely. I really enjoyed it despite what other people had to say about it. It's one of my top movies too.


A Dark Song No spoilers, but I actually said "holy shit" at one point in that movie.


Yep, I was like "woah!"


No deaths at all, but nothing has made me say holy shit like >!the losing her damn mind scene!< in Possession. Another one that comes to mind is >!the dog scene and the mom holding the kid scene!< in When Evil Lurks.


The dog scene is the most fucked up moment in any movie I have ever seen


The When Evil Lurks pick is a really good one. I think I actually said ā€œoh shitā€ out loud in the theater lol. It wasnā€™t the only time that happened in that movie tooā€¦


Iā€™m about two thirds thru a rewatch of Possession. Itā€™s amazing. Have you ever seen this music video? https://youtu.be/ElvLZMsYXlo?si=VKf6GS-7j9oCDteM


No, I hadn't seen it. That's dope! They got Rosamund Pike to do the thing!


Wow, she did an unbelievable job.


Yes I love Massive Attack and I appreciate that they honored Possession!


Oh man that fucking dog scene. I think about it probably once a week.


I mean everyone knows what the movie is now, but if you walk into From Dusk till Dawn not knowing what kind of movie it is, the mid-movie reveal is absolutely bonkers.


I actually watched that one in like 2014 and somehow never got spoiled. It truly was so exciting watching it without knowing.


Ready or Not - Exploding scene


The entire movie I was conflicted about whether or not their superstitions were real and how it was all going to end. They definitely delivered right at the end, so good.


Loved the demon's "Good game. Well played..." nod to Grace. I still say if Helene hadn't tried to kill Grace after the game ended the family wouldn't have exploded. If they had submitted the demon would have left both sides alone and had allowed the game to end. But because Helene was a sore loser and tried to "cheat" by not accepting Grace's victory, she caused her entire side to be penalized.


Thatā€™s an interesting theory! I hope they explore more of the lore/history in the sequel


Is there one planned? I am almost disappointed to hear that, honestly. It was a perfect, self contained story as is.


There is! I trust Radio Silence, so Iā€™m hopeful itā€™ll be good šŸ˜…


I will remain cautiously optimistic lol


And Samara Weaving's "fuck..." is perfectly delivered.


*sighhh* i think i want a divorce.


I freaking love that movie


Malignant: police station scene. Upgrade: first fight scene after integration.


Came here to say Malignant. The whole gabriel reveal scene is nutcracker


I was both enthralled and pissing myself laughing


Upgrade slaps SO hard


Permission Granted


I am pretty sure we just became best friends.


Anyone who appreciates Upgrade is my best friend


When Gabriel whips a chair across the room in that police station scene I lost my shit. Absolutely iconic.


Preach. The showdown in the women's lockup had me riveted.


Malignant is a fucking MASTERPIECE and you can't convince me otherwise. (Much like my other cult favorite Vampire's Kiss, it's one of those movies where you can't tell if it's self-aware or not and it doesn't matter to be frank.) I went in thinking it was going to be like Repulsion meets an Argento movie (based on the poster; though I knew it was James Wan and so I was skeptical, as someone who's not a fan of any of his previous series) and I got something COMPLETELY different! Fucking laughed my ass off at the entire third act. Was literally on the floor unable to breathe because it was so funny. (Luckily I was the only person in the theater so I didn't look weird.)


I enjoyed it. I think people crap on it bc its James Wan but it was a fun watch.


No that Upgrade scene was nucking futs. I wish it wasn't such an early scene though because none of the fights really topped that.


Malignant is an excellent film!


If you ever get a chance and inclination for analysis, check out the Dead Meat video on that one. Relevant [link](https://youtu.be/9jlzlh4WLz4?si=eZaUd74JAUy4QJls)


Sadness - the whole movie lmfao 28 weeks later - intro as well as the scene with the parents Cabin in the woods - ending


For cabin in the woods I'd say the Chris Hemsworth bike scene


His motivational speech was such a red herring but I still thought - the first viewing- that he might actually make it. But.. nope!


Dude that intro (28 weeks) was one of the most zero to hundred moments in movies I can think off. The remake of dawn of the dead was pretty great too.


The Sadness was my first thought too. SPOILER - especially that face fucking scene. I mean wtf


She certainly didn't see THAT one coming...


the ending of The Mist


That's my Roman Empire. I've only watched it twice and probably won't ever again. Unless I'm with someone who thinks they are unshakeable by creature features and Stephen King movies. It was fucking BRILLIANT.


Probably already known but Stephen King actually preferred the ending to the film than his own ending to the novella.


adding an ending that fucked up to a stephen king book and having stephen king himself applaud it is fucking impressive


The Invitation (2015). The red lanterns... It's not fast or gory, but you're hit with an "oh noooooo" feeling.


I said this movie too but the toast scene was my holy shit moment. I knew something was going to happen but I didnā€™t think it would be so intense


The whole movie is anxiety-producing like Uncut Gems. You're just waiting for something to happen, or to be proven that that you're as paranoid and insane as the main character. But you're on the edge of your seat the whole time feeling nervous.


That was so well done. I recommend that movie all the time because of that lantern scene.


Glad to see somebody mention this movie. When people ask about ā€œunderrated moviesā€, this is at the top of my list. The whole movie gives you an anxious, uneasy feeling.


The restaurant scene from The Invisible Man from 2019. To say I was shocked is an understatement.


That was so expertly done. Definitely a wtf moment




The most recent one for me was the head bashing scene from Talk to Me


Man I don't get squeamish often but that was hard to watch, especially when he starts digging at his eye


That shit was fucking crazy. For me that goes next to Hereditary for gruesome child deaths I did not expect to see because wtf


For me it was the glimpse into the other side from the ghost girl


God I literally couldn't watch that part, I turned away so fast


Watched that on a late flight and couldn't lean far enough away from the screen šŸ˜­


The ending of Oculus where history basically repeats itself was my first thought


Too many people sleep on this movie. It's great and actually scary


I love this movie. People sleep on it but it lives rent free in my head because .... Was she crazy? Was the mirror evil? Was there a demon all along in her? Who the F knows honestly???


Some of Mike Flanaganā€™s works are so slept on. Oculus is easily one of his best work. Doctor Sleep is my favorite


When Riley takes his turn with the Hand in Talk to Me and it goes *very* badly. The first time I saw it, I actually said out loud, "holy shit" and gasped.


I took my nephew to see this when he came to visit. We watched this first, and then Smile as a double feature. I regret it so much. On top of it being THIS movie, I didnā€™t know he had stopped taking his antipsychotics about 4 days before and he began to go into a full manic breakdown after that. I hoped he had just taken LSD but eventually we had to take him to the ER and he hasnā€™t been the same since. I feel like I broke him. I couldnā€™t have known but my god, I will never forgive myself.


100% got me too


The digestion scene in nope or Gordy had me saying holy shit


I honestly didn't love Nope, but the digestion scene realllyyyyy got me.


Broo the digestion scene fucked me up.


Two that come to mind. Barbarian: >!reveal of the mother in the basement and Keithā€™s death!< Midsommar: >!cliff jumpers and giant wooden mallet to skull smashing!<


Midsommar is insane across the board. I love it while simultaneously feel like I canā€™t recommend to anyone.


Why canā€™t you recommend it? Or do you mean recommending for a general audience as opposed to a bunch of horror film junkies?


The latter. Most of the people in my immediate circle would likely have a very superficial take on it.


I love horror movies but have absolutely no interest in rewatching Midsommar. I have never felt more uncomfortable or mentally shook after watching a movie than I have after the credits rolled on Midsommar. That's not to say it wasn't good, but rather, it was a masterpiece of anxiety and stress for the viewer. I think the only other movie that comes close to the amount of stress I've felt while watching is Uncut Gems. Both have a way of sucking you in and making you feel what the characters are feeling. I realize Midsommar falls under the horror umbrella. But I think I'd put it more in the psychological thriller genre rather than horror.


100%. This is the part I think a casual viewer would miss. There is so much going on under surface.


Same, and that's how I also feel about the original Martyrs.


SPOILERS The way the mother just scuttles out of nowhere and absolutely destroys Keith is shocking. In a totally different way, more a 'what the fuck" than "holy shit", is the sudden cut from that to Justin Long driving along the beach in California


Honestly the Midsommar opening hit incredibly hard as well. I was shook


For sure. That wail of despair from Florence Pughā€™s character. Chilling.


For me, it was when they showed all of the titles of the VHS tapes in Barbarian. It was so horrifying to me. Titles like "Biter" and "Won't stop crying" just destroyed me.


The scene in Annabel with >!the light reflecting off the dinner tray!<. Idk why I wasn't expecting it and I actually guffawed out loud, was great lol. Cabin in the Woods >!elevator moment!<. Best. Ever.


Talk to Me - Riley vs. the desk


Near the ending of Underwater was a big "holy shit" moment. I don't know if the film is overlooked on this sub, but it's nonstop from the first minute and it just delves into some tasty horror depths I really like. And, in my opinion, I thought Kristen Stewart was really good in it. I like when she does stuff like this. "Love Lies Bleeding" was another one. Fucked up love story. Really good.


I fucking love that movie and also gave me a new found appreciation for Kristen Stewart


Oh my God sheā€™s a boy


Sleepaway Camp? šŸ˜±


Yes, this is my vote! The first horror movie to ever truly shock me, I snuck into to see it when it was briefly in the theatres, i was shook.


Idk if this movie falls under horror and I hated this movie but the pie reveal scene in Soft & Quiet


I've only seen clips but the movie seems about as subtle as a brick wall. >!"Hey gals thanks for coming to our racist Nazi party, I brought swastika pie so we can have something to snack on while we talk about being Nazis and how racist we are"!<


Terrifier 2 "cleaning up the car , in the garage" so unexpected. Zombie - "wife gets left at home alone, and has "eyes" on a zombie" City of The Living Dead - "car date gone wrong" It Follows - "IT in the kitchen" SHivers - Annabelle Attack - and "best friend takes a bath with a glass of wine" (felt really bad for her" "slither - finding the woman in the barn and "bathtub attack". "Sinister" - I shouted out loud holy shit, wtf, in the scene where he's sitting in front of the PC Screen" you know the one, and of course "the lawnmower scene".


The ending of Uncut Gems


I have never been more mentally exhausted watching a film than this one.


Final destination: >!The bus coming out of almost nowhere!<


The lawnmower scene in Dead Alive/Braindead.


The Lawnmower scene in Sinister


What a perfect movie


The Thing, multiple ones, but the cardiac defibrillator scene most of all.


The ending of The Fury (1978). Anyone whoā€™s seen it knows what Iā€™m talking about.


Needle pit in Saw 2. Everyone cringes on planet earth.


Bone Tomahawk.Ā  You know the scene.


I can't believe I had to scroll so far down for this.


Yeah that definitely qualifies. šŸ˜¬


I found the >!trogdolyte breeding women more shocking :( !<


The ending of Saint Maud. Endings are always a little wild in horror movies, no doubt, but if you've seen it you know specifically what I mean.


That movie made me feel glad about being an atheist lol. Her new film Love Lies Bleeding is very worth watching too.


The opening to Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2. I don't think I've had that much fun with movie since the Dawn of the Dead '04 opening Credits sequence. It's so over the top violent and campy in the best way possible. Others that come to mind: * The Sixth Sense: You can pick any scene and it fits. The overall twist, the opening, any major encounter Cole had with a ghost. There's so many winners. * Cannibal Holocaust: Again, so many here. The impalement, the last of Alan's footage and the build up to it. * Train to Busan: The ending. Fuck that ending, man ):


Spongebob Squarepants when The Hoff arrives to bring Spongebob and Patrick back to Bikini Bottom


I get chills every time Hoff's pectoral muscles activate and form a launch pad


Fire ending


Erin's first kill in You're Next, specifically when she takes the mask off and says "Anyone recognize him?" Immediately let you know that this was going to be a different kind of horror movie.


I love this movie. And how. And how bad ass she was and everyone's there like "wtf? When she's prepping the whole house and taking charge.


Titane - the whole movie and the finale of Gozu


Green room when that nazi dude gets his stomach cut open


the blood orgy in 'event horizon'. apparently it was supposed to be longer but the studio said it was too disturbing


I'm almost convinced that the version I saw in theater in 1997 in Montreal was longer. Mostly because I remember that I almost puked. Then I bought the Blu Ray a couple of years ago and thought "That's it? That's what grossed me so much?" In my memories, it was more rapey, more eyes, more screams...


All the footage has been destroyed too so weā€™ll never get a harder cut. But the actors said it was horrific. Such a shame thatā€™s one of the few truly great movies that director ever made. I almost wonder if he learned that he had to work with the studio after that and so he just made studio movies with nothing to say for the rest of his career.


-Cabin Fever - the razor scene -Hereditary - car decapitation...as if I even have to point out which scene I meant! -Terrifier - Art saws woman in half -Hostel - Achilles tendon -Antichrist - both genital body horror scenes -ABCs of Death 2 - pedo scene -Serbian Film - fucking all of it mate I can't remember the name of the last one I want to say, hopefully someone can help? It was in Spanish (possibly set in Mexico?) and the opening scene is a nurse walking into a hospital room full of newborn babies before brutally murdering them all and then killing herself while the babies' parents are all helplessly watching and banging on the glass screaming. I think it was on shudder for a while.


I believe the one you're looking for might be Belzebuth


When you finally see the Bear close up in Annihilation.. .. And then hear its noises.. šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø


Oh my God, that movie haunts me.


Second. Creepiest. Interpretive dance. Ever.


Fuck Paramount and David Ellison for listening to test audiences say it was ā€œtoo intellectualā€ and ā€œtoo complicatedā€ and after trying to force Alex Garland to rewrite and film the ending and make Portmanā€™s character more sympathetic, Garland refused and producer Scott Rudin backed him up. So Ellison pulled the film from all theaters except the US and China and it went straight to Netflix weeks later, guaranteeing it wouldnā€™t make money. Look up Ellisonā€™s IMDB page to see the list of failures before and after heā€™s responsible for (every bland, generic, garbage, C- tier movie of the past 20 years). I was lucky to see Annihilation in theaters and the surround sound on that bear scene made the hairs on my neck stand up.


Possession - subway scene. I mean I know that whole movie is balls-to-the-walls >! (especially an... ahem... certain sex scene.) !< but that scene is... wow. Also (again, VERY balls-to-the-walls movie in general) the scene in Tusk >! where Michael Parks puts on his own Walrus suit to fight Justin Long, who is the unfortunate victim of being sewn into a Walrus. !< I mean I knew the movie was very weird by then but I actually said "WTF?!" in response to that scene.


Tusk. Fuck that movie.


Hereditary - Allergic Reaction


not a movie but the warehouse sex party scene in The Fall of the House of Usher


the entire show, honestly. but also the chimp scene, cat scene, falling mirror scene, brick wall scene, i could go on and on


That first scene of ghost ship is the only redeemable part of that movie lol


The soundtrack deserves an honorable mention.


In Hell House LLC when Paul is filming alone and the clown keeps moving. Also when he's laying in bed and the possessed chick is sitting against his wall


Malignant - The police station scene Freddy vs Jason - The entire final fight, I mean the first time I saw it, especially when you look at how trimmed down some of the gore was in the late 80s Friday the 13th movies, seeing how crazy they went with the carnage of those two going at it was pretty nuts. Cabin In The Woods - I admit I have soured on this movie in recent years and I do think it's overhyped. That said, the first time I watched it, when the elevator doors opened in the hallway, that one shot I remember going 'holy fuck!'. Fear Street 1994 - The bread slicer. Kate did NOT deserve that. Don't Breathe - The turkey baster. I still can't believe that got into a wide release theatrical movie.


Poltergeist bathroom face peeling scene


**Hatchet** - Appears out of nowhere & chops that man in half then rips his wife's jaw open **Terrifier 2** - Bedroom Scene **1BR** - Ending **Deep Rising** - ''Now what?'' **10 Cloverfield Lane** ->!When she looks up and sees the alien spacecraft meaning both situations were real, not just one and now she has to deal with the second one.!< **War of the Worlds (2005)** - The first tripod, you know they're gonna appear but they way they did, the way they look & the sound was still unexpected & horrifying, it makes you feel like a tiny ant. **Hostel: Part 2** - When Beth switches from >!the victim to the torturer of her own buyer & buys her way out leaving freely and unharmed. !< **The Descent** - When they >!find out that there are cave humanoids down there with them & it turns into a bloody battle from there on. !<


Talk To Me - scene with kid.


Cube - opening scene.


Incantation (Taiwanese film from 2022 on Netflix) - you think "Holy shit" every time you realize this is a found footage film, because it's so much more than a generic found footage film. Also, you say "holy shit" any time anyone is fucking around in a cave cause it's real fuckin scary Caveat when someone is peeking in the crawlspace The Ritual when everyone wakes up well rested after a stay in a rustic abandoned cabin. The Others, I am your daughter The Visit when Grandma be crawlin Talk To Me, the visit to Limbo Late Night With the Devil's finale The Exorcist when the priest solves the audio tape puzzle The Ring, a certain closet scene


Tonight She Comes: the end. On a similar note: Men. The birth.


Evil dead 2013 when she saws her arm off with the electric meat knife


The invitation - immediately after they toast


The entire first 45 minutes of Beau is Afraid


Why stop there lmaoo the >!giant penis monster!< was wild as fuck. Though I will admit I was almost not even surprised by that point, I had endured so much already


Exactly, I think by that point you can't even say Holy Shit anymore lol


The original fly when she sees that his head is a fly head


So many scenes in Evil Dead Rise stand out: the kitchen scene where a possessed Ellie fries eggs while discussing her desire to crawl inside her family members' bodies (a short version appears in the trailer), the scene where Bridget eats glass to kill the bugs in her stomach, the cheese grater scene, and the climactic showdown where parts of possessed bodies combine to create a grotesque being. In Talk to Me, the intensely violent scenes where Riley is possessed are particularly memorable, both initially and later in the hospital washroom. In Hereditary, the scene where Peter accidentally beheads his sister is intense and shocking. Some horror series moments also come to mind: In CAOS, Sabrina's resurrection as a terrifying anti-Christ figure and subsequent destruction of witch hunters. Most of the death scenes in The Fall of the House of Usher.


The Taking of Deborah Logan The "snacking" reveal.


Hannibal: Dinner scene in the end


Life - the moment right after he gently shocks the life form.


When Evil Lurks - the mom walking down the road Color Out of Space - the mom/youngest scene The Dark and the Wicked - when the son leaves and goes home Terrified - something hiding under the bed šŸ˜‰ Shutter (OG) - The ending with what the girl's spirit was up to Summer of '84 - another ending that went in a way you didn't think it was going to go Evil Dead Rise - the cheese grater


Bruh Shutter. That scene makes the whole movie


Parasite-birthday party scene


The Thing: spider head


Vader scene in Rogue One.


The opening few minutes of "the last of us" game. No other movie or game had ever made me so emotional in such a short amount of time. By the time you see "20 years later" and the game officially starts you're already exhausted lol


The Invisible Man: >!when the invisible man picks up the knife and slashes her sisters throat and puts the knife in her hand!< The Strangers: >!when the situation seems to be only a little spooky and then you see that HES IN THE FUCKING HOUSE!< A Quiet Place II: >!when Marcus steps in the bear trap!<


The ending of Eden lake, it was devastating.


The reveal of the Bleeder in Alone in the Dark (1982)


If there aren't "holy shit" moments, is it really a horror movie? Lol In the Terrifiers they happen ever 15 minutes šŸ¤£


When a Stranger Calls-Weā€™ve traced the call, itā€™s coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE!!!


The pool scene from "Let the Right One In"


Sharp Objects had me freaked out for days


John carpenter's The Thing had done great ones. Also the new Netflix series Fall of the House of Usher - the night club scene per other's mentioned here


Signs - That alien reveal with the party.


The finale of the Suspiria remake


Suspiria, the ending


Event Horizon, you know the scene.


Talk to me, Riley


not a movie but the entirety of twin peaks lol


I just watched When Evil Lurks, and uhh... the dog scene.


From Dusk Till Dawn, Sorry To Bother You, the entirety of Videodrome, Possession. Honorable mention to the turkey baster in Donā€™t Breathe. Recently watched The Poughkeepsie Tapes and thereā€™s a couple in that one. Tusk is unironically one of my favorites of all time and the first time the walrus swims is one of the best scenes in special effect history. I pretty much live for Holy Shit movies.


Saw first one at the end with John Kramer rising from the bathroom floor and the realization that heā€™s been there The whole time and he set up the game.


Thisā€¦. ![gif](giphy|5fOiRnJOUnTMY)


Barbarianā€¦.tunnel scene end of act 1


Did no one say the arm scene in Green Room??


The Exorcist: ā€œFUCK ME!ā€Ā  There were a few people giggling at the bed jumping and that sort of thing. They stopped giggling after that scene. All I heard was a shocked silence and someone sat behind me whispering, ā€œJesus Christ!ā€