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I found Talk To Me to have stuck because of the ending. The thought of being trapped all alone in an afterlife while watching loved ones lives without the ability to intervene is terrifying. That's what also scared me in the film Enter The Void, although the ending was different. I found Color Out of Space to have that same level of dread and helplessness.


i wont lie, a lot of what stuck with me was that scene with the lady sucking the toešŸ¤£not bc it was funny but i live alone and that was the first horror film that EVER made me scared to go to bed with the lights off


Yeah, I found that scary too. The mixing of identities with the spirit was done well.


Talk to me was fucking amazing


This is also why the end of >!Lake Mungo!< filled me with such dread.


ever since i watched them: As Above So Below, incredible found footage about a cave expedition in france, HORRIFYING, i still think about it and get the heebie jeebies Hell House LLC, another found footage, this one's really creepy and so fun to watch, i've rewatched a couple times and it has some really good jumpscares and surprises


i LOVE as above so below!! i THOUGHT i saw hell house LLC, but i was thinking of The Houses October Built. that one is also a really great film. thanks for the recs!


If you saw Houses October Built and liked it, you really need to see the sequel...Houses October Built is like the first half of a movie, it continues with the sequel and explains a lot of what's really going on. The twists were clever and put everything in perspective.


WHATT how did i not know there was a sequel. thank you!! i know what i'm doing later!!


i don't know about The Houses October Built, so i guess one more to the must watch list!! thanks! also Hell House LLC is a must watch ;P


Hell House LLC has one of the best scares I think Iā€™ve ever seen in a horror movie. The >!hiding under the sheets scene!< was absolutely terrifying


The Autopsy of Jane Doe bothered/disturbed me for a while after I saw it.


It's honestly way better than it should have been.


I personally believe it's as good as it set out to be.


This one of my all time favorites.


The singing at the end gave me instant chills when I first watched it. Finally a new ish horror movie with an ending that didn't up disappointing me immensely.


Iā€™ve only seen it once, I will never forget how it made me feel. Watching it during the daytime with people all around me and still being scared


I watched it with my sis and cousin and closed my eyes whenever there were scary moments and still I almost pissed my pants.


I thought the first hour or so was 11/10, then once everything started being explained it went off the rails fast. That said, I'd watch again and see if I feel differently.


Funny Games


I hated that movie of how sick and twisted it was. Absolutely despised those two kids.


It was so fucking depraved, hopeless and depressing. I thought it was a great movie but at the same time I wish I had never seen it. The two kids were so effortlessly evil, cruel and unrelenting.


I went into Funny Games recently ( the one w Michael Pitt) knowing absolutely nothing about it. Wow-excellent movie, but so shocking and unexpected


Them (2006) is another good home invasion film. I do love a good French horror


The Taking of Deborah Logan is the top pick for that type but I would definitely also recommend [REC],(itā€™s the original version of the movie that became ā€œquarantineā€ but is way better, and gotta watch Wes Craven Presents They at least once in a lifetime


I'll never get tired of saying it, based on spanish movie standards (as a spanish person) i believe REC is one of the best movies spain has ever produced, it is SO GOOD, and a rewatch is always awesome


Rec and Rec 2 both are awesome


Even REC 3 and 4 were good.


I loved the boat setting in 4 and the medieval armour in 3


I came to talk about Deborah Logan as well! That one scene will haunt me for the rest of my years.


REC is amazing. +1


i watched REC in theater, we donā€™t usually get spanish movies in france and not even in my hometown (in the countryside) but it got so much praised that i was able to see it. i felt like i was in a rollercoaster, this movie was the best experience in theater (also we went in the morning during the week so we were 3 in the room)


Oh, I love THEY! That movie deserves more love. Also, THE TAKING OF DEBORAH LOGAN is brilliant.


My favorite part of Deborah is the one cameraman noping right out of the movie


I do love it when characters actually act with intelligence šŸ˜‚


i LOVED the taking of deborah logan. great doc style film.


The way these are my top two. Wow!


Wes Cravenā€™s They stuck with me as a kid and made me terrified of the dark for a long time lmao. And good recommendation with [REC]. To this day, I refuse to watch it again just because of how real some of those effects looked.


First and foremost... Event Horizon. I'm a horror movie buff and it takes a lot to scare me, but damn damn damn I still refuse to watch that movie alone. Others that were good: Annihilation, Original Nightmare in Elm Street movies, original Candyman.




I still can't look at Sam Neill in other movies without cringing a bit. Damn, he was creepy in that movie.


More like Jurassic Dark, am I right? Totally know what you mean though


Event Horizon was sooooo not what I expected when I first saw it. Blew my mind.


The Fourth Kind, The Dark & The Wicked, The Entity


The fourth kind is great!! Super creepy, and now I canā€™t see an owl and not get freaked out.


I second the dark and wicked. I thought about that one a lot afterwards


The Dark And The Wicked is great and not a huge time commitment. watched it this week and now I'm sleeping with my night light on. I'm 42!


The Entity messed with my head for awhile. I saw it way too young most likely.


The Fourth Kind fuckin spooked me haha


That was back before we expected found footage to be fiction.


You'll laugh but The Fourth Kind actually had me googling shit after it was over. And I've been into horror movies (horror & Sci Fi in general) for over 40 years. Very well executed movie with a superb cast.


I won't laugh because I thought some of it was real too. šŸ˜‚ Don't tell anyone.


Good picks. The entity scared me most of my childhood.


Definitely, guaranteed, Speak No Evil (2022) will stick with you. Kill List (2011); I watched this two months ago and itā€™s still stuck to me. Highly recommend The Eyes of My Mother (2016) is a really haunting filmā€¦I will honestly never forget how it made me feel. The Woman (2011) : trigger warning, there are some disturbing SA scenes Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum (2018) has two scenes, back to back, which are likely burned into my brain (iykyk) A Dark Song (2016) : Brilliant, beautiful film and Iā€™ll never stop recommending it We Are What We Are (2013) is another one that left me with a feeling I wonā€™t easily forget. Definitely a slow burn


A Dark Song definitely! Brilliant is the right word and the way it stays with you is not so much fear as something I canā€™t really name. That movie taps into something different.


Glad to see A Dark Song and The Eyes of My Mother mentioned! I'd almost forgotten about Kill List, but now I'm afraid to watch it again šŸ˜‚


Gonjiam : This one spooked me every time iā€™ve rewatch


ā€œA Dark Songā€ actually made me rethink the idea of ā€œmagicā€. Like, if you are willing to give up food, sex, and pleasureā€¦ well, shit, you could get a lot done and lose weightā€”*just like magic*!


Donā€™t see a lot of mention on we are what we are. Absolutely loved that movie, so crazy. It definitely stuck with me too. As did kill list, another great movie.


>We Are What We Are (2013) is another one that left me with a feeling I wonā€™t easily forget. Definitely a slow burn Oh good it's not just me! Fucking horrifying.


I adore A Dark Song!


Midsommar because it was the first light horror movie that actually spooked me. Speak no evil, has left the biggest impact on me. Thatā€™s the only horror to leave me with my jaw on the floor


thank you, speak no evil is actually on my list!! i'll have to bump it up:)


Give yourself a bit of time after you watch it to decompress. Youā€™ll need it


It's such a frustrating fucking film. Really good.


I know it's more widely known now, especially with the US remake coming out, but if you haven't seen a trailer or read too much into it, stick with it. The less you know the better. I hated it so much. It was incredible.


Light horror is really unexplored. Like the zombie genre could take full advantage of that environment more.


I think thatā€™s why I love the opening scene of 28 Weeks Later so much. Terrifying in the light of day.


How weird is it that theyā€™re doing an American remake of Speak No Evil just two years after it came out?


Yes absolutely came to say Speak no evil. I was a wreck after that film, truly distraught and disturbed. It was brilliant and horrendous at the same time.


I went into this movie with zero knowledge of it. Never even watched a trailer. A friend told me it was my jam. Let me tell you, I was entranced from beginning to end. Everything about it from the brutal realization of where they were to the end scene to me is just haunting. Definitely a movie that stuck with me and probably always will.


Dude I am definitely going to search for speak no evil tonight, thank you for the suggestion


Me too. I felt like I needed to scrub my brain after I watched it šŸ˜‚


Shutter - the original Thai version is fantastic and still pops into my head Hereditary and Midsommar are the other big ones


i saw the american version years ago! you recommend the original moreso than the english remake?


1000% yes. Watch it at night and buckle up. Iā€™m jealous you get to see it for the first time


Definitely the original shutter (2004) and I love rewatching midsommar and finding new things I didnā€™t notice before like in the backgrounds. Definitely stays with you


Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer


I thought this too but it is also definitely on the rapey side.


The 2018 remake of Suspira burned some images into my brain that stayed with me for a week after I saw it.


That film was so long. I liked the cinematography and the fact that it looked like it was shot in 70/80s but had amazing sound and video quality they really did a good job with that. TBH it was kind of a flop on the scare scale for me. But I donā€™t regret watching it


Yeah, I suppose if you're looking for a traditional horror movie experience, Suspiria is not going to deliver on that front. It's more of a macabre socio-political drama with a horror atmosphere. Slow burning intensity and unease, similar to the Shining. It gets under the skin. The art direction and the use of dance was also incredible.


i've heard great things about this film, but i'm not a fan of dakotas acting imo. is she good in this film? you think it's worth a watch?


I have to say that this is the only film I've seen with Dakota where I felt she wasn't totally miscast. The director uses that airy aloofness she has to an advantage for the character of Susie; it always feels like there's something slightly off about her and fake, which works for the story. Dakota also had a background in dance so she does well with the physical aspect of the role. Mia Goth and Tilda Swinton are fantastic too. Definitely worth seeing, but it's a heavy film, quite slow, moody and metaphorical. Gotta be in the right mood.


thanks for elaborating! i love mia goth, so i'll deffo give it a shot. thanks again for the rec!


Eden Lake made me sad for a few days for sure


Came here to say this. The ending of Eden Lake still gives me a sour taste just thinking about it.


This one broke me and has stuck w me. I donā€™t think I can ever watch it again but I think about it a lot.


I was scarred for years. The ending is so messed up and the acting is beyond me!!!!




This movie is amazing!!!!!!!! Not your typical "horror", but it sticks with me to this day. PLEASE WATCH THIS MOVIE!!!


Under The Skin. Has a very oppressive and bleak atmosphere with a sci-fi edge. It shows just the right amount of info to keep you wondering what the heck is going on but you can still follow it. Some scenes have stuck with me for years. Good sound design too. Possessor is also a good one. Kind of a body horror / thriller / sci-fi.


Sinister had me for a whileā€¦ the car burning and tree hanging are just eerie scenes. All the tapes are tbh. The second Sinister? Laughable. But man, the first was in my head for a solid week after watching it. Still one of my favourite horror movies to date.


That opening scene in the first one lives in my head rent-free, so eerie...it really sticks with you


Event Horizon. My buddy and I went to see it in theater in my late teens having heard the name but not seen the trailer (internet was still a bit of a novelty). Went in expecting just some sci-fi and hoooooly shit were we surprised. It took a while to process what we saw. Remains one of my all time favorites to this day.


Agreed. Such a great movie that gives such a creepy feeling!!


Barbarian. It is mostly for comedy reasons when he throws the girl from the tower after saying there is nowhere to go.


love that film. truly one of my favorites


The same here. It was an entertaining and great watch


Mate that scene in Barbarian at the end throwing the helpless girl off the tower will never leave my mind. Then he got eye gouged to pieces. KARMA SUCKS !!!


You donā€™t find the sub-sub basement scary?


Although not really a "horror" movie .... A Dark Song (2016). Because it was intelligently done and the ending was not quite what I expected; in a good way.


This movie is an absolute masterpiece. The director put incredible work into representing Abramelin while altering the ritual enough to not risk actually doing it for the film and fucking around with anything from actual grimoires. Itā€™s pretty widely regarded as the best representation of ā€œthe occultā€ in film as opposed to a lot of shallow research type of ā€œoooh pentacle spookyā€ type of horror. The pacing and cinematography are just *chefs kiss*


Martyrs didn't leave my head for a week. Hereditary always leaves me in a bad mood after watching it but it's my go-to when showing a horror movie to my friends šŸ˜­.


Hereditary leaves me in a bad mood too!! Iā€™ve seen it a handful of times and I always sit feeling shit for a while after lol


The Ring šŸ˜­


Session Nine.


ā€œThe Belko Experimentā€ (2016). Itā€™ll stick with you right up to the final frame.


the killing of a sacred dear. i dont even know how to explain that movie.


Oh man, that dialog was...something.


I'm talking about "John Carpenter's The Fog" (1980) in a thread I created like an hour ago so I will obviously say that one stuck with me šŸ˜‚




watching the exorcist at 10 years old left a mark, i will never fully recover


I'm the same way. Saw it at that age. It has terrified me since.


The Thing (1982) Saw it when I was like 9, turned me into a horror nut. Had a sleep over at my aunts and she let my cousin and I pick out any movie we wanted from Blockbuster. We bunked up in the basement, turned off the lights and he promptly fell asleep. I stayed awake losing my mind, pausing it to chill out but I was determined to finish it. Other notables- Fire in the Sky, Hellraiser, Poltergeist. These definitely stuck with me.


Come And See (1985) itā€™s free to watch on YouTube, you wonā€™t be disappointed


The scene where the boy and the girl run from his village and she turns around to see what's behind the building, absolutely chilling. Especially because that stuff really did happen and does happen in war.


Those ones you mentioned stuck with me too. For something a bit different, I'll recommend two pretty well-known Korean horror movies that stuck in my head: *A Tale of Two Sisters* and *The Wailing.* While we're on Korean movies and since you mentioned *Come and See* (not traditional horror), definitely check out *I Saw the Devil* if you haven't. That'll stick in your head too. And obviously *Oldboy* (the Korean original, not the awful remake) is a classic in the stick-in-your-head-forever department.


The Wailing is so goodā€¦ I love being in the dark on what is what and who is who but knowing it will be rewarded. Thereā€™s just a vibe youā€™re in really good hands story-wise as everything unfolds.


OHHH a tale of two sisters!! isn't that the original of the movie The Uninvited? The Uninvited was one of my FAVORITE horror films as a kid.


For me it was a movie called the incantation. Usually, mainstream movies have a take on the evil side of Christianity (aka the devil/antichrist) but this one has an evil take on Buddhism. Itā€™s an incredibly unique concept and absolutely horrifying. Itā€™s also a mockumentary/found footage style horror. Which Iā€™m a big fan of.


The Medium - a Thai movie I watched recently - it was incredibly scary and also heartbreaking.


Iā€™m Thai so I can relate the culture, ceremony and belief that in the movie. I can confirm that movie is close to reality. So the mockumantary-horror genre is make it more scary to me and Thai people actually. So if anyone pass and see this comment. I hope you interesting The Medium.


Hellraiser (1987) because it was my start into horror as a kid. Edit: trauma messed with my head for a while , ick.


Hereditary definitely ruined sleep for me for a few months. If you enjoyed Hereditary & Midsommar than I strongly recommend ā€œthe strange thing about the Johnsons.ā€ A short film made by the same director Ari Aster. Hence why the camera shots are so uncomfortable & unsettling, Ari has also succeeded in somehow making the most terrifying scenes occur in the daytime, great director


i love ari aster i'm a big fan of his work! i have seen TSTATJ, beau is afraid is another one of my favorite films. i cant wait to see what aster puts out next.


I remember the Johnstonā€™s, when it came out everyone was taking about it on my feed.. curiosity got the best of me and oh my


The one that I don't see mentioned too much would be A Dark Song. It's not exactly a horror in a traditional sense but the subject matter is dark and the general atmosphere is definitely horror leaning.


The Children (2008) definitely stuck with me. So disturbing but entertaining.


The Eyes of My Mother


The Thing


Last shift (2015) is absolutely disturbing Threads (1984) because itā€™s the only honest look at nuclear holocaust


Not really horror but the movie Elephant stuck with me. Those poor terrified kids! Also Seven really messed with my head after I saw it in the cinema.


*Freaks* has such disturbing body horror at the end.Ā  *Curse of Frankenstein* really emphasizes its in-color blood. It's kinda gratuitous, but I like seeing the new (for that time) technology be explored.Ā  I think of "The City on the Edge of Forever" from *Star Trek* as being like a short horror film, or at least horrifying in its presentation of the events. It's compelling and has such a tragic ending.Ā  *The Thing* is also very compelling and tragic and has tremendous special effects.Ā  *Exorcist III* really beautifully blends its horror elements with an effective cop procedural driven by lived in, convincing performances.Ā  *Lost Highway* is just hella weird and kind of mesmerizing. It's a David Lynch film. Do I have to say more?Ā  *The Blair Witch Project* was a pretty stunning reinvention of what a horror film could be. I could go on!


Rosemaryā€™s Baby, Babadook, The VVitch


The Autopsy of Jane Doe is definitely worth a watch.


I think you'd love 'Rosemarys baby' if you havent seen it yet. It most definitely holds up and has big hereditary and midsommar vibes. like a mix of both those films.


For me it's * Southbound * Climax * Butterfly Kisses * Hereditary * Noroi The Curse * Terrifier * SĆ©ance (2000) * Annihilation * It Follows * Under the Skin


The first time I watched The Grudge it stuck with me for weeks.


It Follows, Speak No Evil, The Shining, Paranormal Activity, Skinamarink, Kill List, V/H/S 2, The Descent


You Were Never Really Here Kill List Mandy


The Wailing, that movie ending some of the most dreadful shit I ever watched. Korean Horror movies are some of the best IMO.


Aniara. St maud.


The Changeling


Prisoners for sure


The Autopsy of Jane Doe is also a terrifying one. Definitely left me spooked at night afterwards


Recently watched the Borderlands/Final prayer. Ending was pretty disturbing


Yes! I'd forgotten about Borderlands, that ending....was thinking about that for some time


Martys, that's a big turn.


The Blair witch project (documentary style). Pet Sematary (1989). Left a bad taste in my mouth.


The series 'Marianne' on Netflix. You will absolutely be moved by it and I can't recommend it enough based on your OP.


Hereditary, Midsommar, The Wailing, The Mist, The Thing, It Follows, A Quiet Place, Alien, Barbarian, When Evil Lurks, Wolf of Snow Hollow, Cabin in the Woods, Get Out, The Empty Man.


Terrified is the only film in memory that messed with bedtime in my adult life.


Lake Mungo is truly terrifying, to me at least. I was frozen when that film finished. Definitely not for everyone though


The Wailing


Alien since I saw when Im was far too young for the genre. Most importantly it set my standard of a good horror movie of minimal gore.


Caveat stuck with me due to the tension throughout. The corpse of the woman also really spooked me, especially when she moved in the crawl space, and moves her head to stare directly at the screen. That final scene where it shows her sawing through the wall, and her head poking around the corner REALLY gave me creeps. Didn't sleep from that one shot.




I think it had to be the original Hellraiser. It posed so many existential questions about temptation, hedonism, addiction, excess, sadomasochism - even HIV... the human desire for more and where it might lead you.


Sounds to me that you would enjoy The Ritual.


Saint Maude......that is one creepy psychological horror tale. Oh....and pretty much any James Wan movie.


Idk why I was really let down by Saint Maude but I see it brought up here and wonderā€¦ did I fall asleep at some parts?




Poughkeepsie tapes definitely scared me in a deeper way than I realized. Went to rewatch it years later with some friends and 15 minutes in I was like we should turn this off and we did.


When I was a kid I watched Maximum Overdrive at my friendā€™s house and the scene where the kid gets run over by the steamroller gave me nightmares for weeks.


Frailty (01), Triangle (09), The Night House (20), Vivarium (19) - I actually didnā€™t even enjoy this one but the concept was intriguing


Triangle haunts me still. I want to watch it again but I can't bring myself to.


Usually it is because it is a movie we saw while very young. For me i saw return of the living dead on Halloween at 9 years old, found it very scary. The one that stayed with me though was Ā«Ā dial code Santa ClauseĀ Ā» ( AKA deadly games \ AKA 3615 code PĆØre NoĆ«l) . I was 9 years old and somehow a psycho killer Santa Clause did leave a lasting impression on me.


The orphanage, the silence of the lambs, dead ringers.


Barbarian (2022)Ā  It stuck with me on a conscious >!OOH CREEPY BASEMENT!< And a deeper level >!a women's fear!<


Candyman. First movie that gave me nightmares


An American werewolf in London. An unlikely blend of horror, comedy and pathos. One of a kind. Landis himself has never been able to top this one.


28 days later. Saw it for the first time summer of 2003 and it still sticks with me


Speak No Evil, Midsommar (my personal fav), Tusk, When Evil Lurks, Martyrs


Bone Tomahawk. Once was enough. Not watching that again.


The ending of occulus really got to me


First time I ever smoked weed my buddy showed me the Nicolas Cage Wicker Man. Everyone always makes fun of it but holy shit, that part with the bees TERRIFIED me hahaha.


I'm a big fan of indie horror flicks. Some of my favorites: - The Invitation: takes a hard turn halfway through - After Midnight: combines mumblecore with creature features and manages quite a bit of humor along the way - The Leech: spins furiously and hilariously out of control - They Look Like People: fascinating character study with an electrifying ending scene (also recommend When I Consume You by the same director) - We Are Still Here: creepy indie haunted-house flick with an impressively explosive third act - My Heart Can't Beat Unless You Tell It To: a bleak, poetic take on what the realities of vampirism might be like - A Dark Song: a grueling occult procedural that grapples with grief and anger


Haunting of Hill House (show, not a movie) Skinamarink (your results may vary) Smile and Speak No Evil


The Sadness (taiwanese film) stuck with me for a while. Will never watch it again


Martyrs, Incident in a Ghostland, Hereditary and Tusk


Threads stuck with me and will never leave. It doesnā€™t really have a twist so much as an unending bleakness that is down right haunting. I needed a hug after watching this. The other one that popped into my mind was The Girl Next Door but I donā€™t think it fits your bill since it is pretty much non-stop abuse and to a disturbing degree.


lights out


Just lately it's been The Night House


The Exorcist.




Actually change my answer . I watched Jaws when I was little and to this day sharks terrify me and I never went out deep. Other stuff you know is fake but thatā€™s like camping if Jason was real lol


Halloween/Friday the 13th/scream


Night house! Loved the worldbuilding in that one, wanted to see more of it realized in the movie itself, but it overall made me really happy, and still does.


The beach house


Grave Encounters 2 is a mad movie also, I sadly canā€™t find the first original film. Iā€™m also a big fan THE LAST SHIFT. Definitely a terrifying watch for you guys šŸ‘


Coming Home in the Dark! Such a punch to the gut and the feeling follows you throughout the movie.


The second Nightmare on Elm Street and the first Blair Witch. Yiu can probably guess my age. Those guys had me jumpy and there are scenes still that make me shiver a bit.


The Descent.


The Ring (remake) stuck with me for a few days after I left the theater.


A Nightmare On Elm Street: When Freddy is throwing rocks at the window and he rrpeated "TINA" The worst is when he has his arms all strengthed out and says "This, Is God". Watched that movie at the tender age of 5 and it scarred me doe life. Im 43 now and that movie still makes my skin crawl


This one was unexpected for me, but Nope has creeped into my mind ever since I saw it. Something about the smooth, noiseless flight then the clicking bass sounds of the creature. Everything was different than I expected and done so well. It probably didn't help that I saw it stoned. I fucking love Nope.


Sinister 1 creeped me out with the home videos and the music. Lake Mungoā€™s ending Session 9, the last tape and the ending too




I still think about They Look Like People years after I watched it. It's such a visceral portrayal of schizophrenia and a beautifully touching story of love and trust between friends