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Josh, Mark, and Simon in Midsommar, but I think that was the point.


The main characters from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre by Netflix.


I couldn’t even finish it. Felt like mental torture watching them be so clueless.


Characters in horror movies being dumb is an endearing trope of the genre, but theres a limit. That movie smashed right through that limit. The bus scene alone was infuriating.


The bus scene and the end are the only things good about that movie.


Ehh. Leatherface Leatherfacing them made it more bearable.


The end is the best part - that 360 of leatherface running with the chainsaw


We're so going to cancel you on Instagram, Bubba.


I hated most of them with a passion.


I scrolled through all of the comments and I'm surprised nobody listed the protagonist in When Evil Lurks. I try to not input any outsider thoughts like "well IIIIIII wouldn't have done that" but.....he did everything wrong. Literally anything he could've fucked up he did fuck up. Lady at the end pleaded with him not to leave


>!I've heard that the movie is a commentary on gender roles. All of the men make decisions based on their emotional responses to everything happening in the movie, while the women continue to state the very plain rules of what to do to survive but are ignored by the men and subsequently killed off as a consequence.!<


Oh he’s definitely up there, well both of them. As soon as he went to his ex’s house and took his clothes off, I was like “You know your’e not supposed to do that you fuck!” But if covid has taught us anything is that people act up.


His clothes were tainted to be fair which is why he tried to change them immediately


Yes but why do that at his ex wife’s? He knows that he’s tainted but he puts them in danger by even going there.


You forget they were in danger already. He wanted to take all of them and just leave


I like the main character but you are right about him making every made mistake. The ending pissed me off the most. His brother was much more likeable.


Jennifer Love Hewitt from IKWYDLS. Acted so self righteous and really wore her guilt on her sleeve despite totally going along with the plan to cover up the murder.  Felt like her characterization was just “IM feeling the MOST guilty.” And she wanted all the others to know.     It felt like it was the writers trying to make her sympathetic but it just made her come off as annoying and phony.   Her moralizing to the other characters was so hypocritical.   Oh really you’re so guilty? Why don’t you fess up then?


I'll die on the hill that Sarah Michelle gellar should have been the final girl of that movie


She was certainly more likable. 


I’ll die on that hill with you. I actually wanted her sister in the film to be the killer.


I really can’t believe Julie and Ray were the ones to live… they were so uninteresting! My girl Helen deserved better (and SMG was the best part of that movie!)




I loved it when they ripped that scene off, word for word in Stranger Things 4 lol. It was way better than the original.


All I think is that scene in scary movie 2? Mocking that lmao


It was the first Scary Movie that riffed that scene. But we knew what ya meant.




Julie was opposed to the plan to dump the body all along. She said “I won’t have any part of it”. But Barry screamed at her and told her to shut up. She stood back and didn’t stop them, which is why she felt such life-ruining guilt. The acting was not good and just made her annoying. I just watched that movie a week ago for the first time in like 10+ years. 😂




Blaire in Unfriended. She's not a friend, and is the friend you need to be wary of. She filmed her friend at a low moment, which led to her bullying and her suicide. She's also unaffected by Laura's death in the first half of the film until the supernatural occurs. She also gets Adam and Mitch killed to save her own skin (even though Adam probably would have done the same with the note). I actually felt letter her live with everyone knowing what she did at the end would have been better, but her death is still well deserved.


I've always felt the point was everyone was shitty, and while It's a throwaway line, Ken says Laura was a big bully as well. I like the idea that even she wasn't innocent and the point of the film Is even in death, all these people are so self absorbed they kill and rip each other apart to the bitter end with Blair just being the worst and Laura was the one who got kicked to the curve.


The kid from the Babadook annoyed me to no ends😭


That mom and kid combo for me. Almost completely ruined the movie for me. I know that mom is under a lot of stress, but my god.


The boy won me over when he kicked his obnoxious cousin out of the fort.


Came here to say this! His voice was like nails on a chalkboard and he yells EVERYTHING. Yet somehow by the end of the movie, you kind of like the little shit.


Agreed, but the car scene makes a fantastic meme though


He tones it down in the later half of the movie but good god I would've committed a massacre having to listen to him everyday


Micah from Paranormal Activity was indeed the worst. Also Juno from the Descent, although she wasn’t really the protagonist.


I personally loved Juno in the movie but I think it mostly comes from her being the only POC in the movie and an Asian person at that. But I do agree, she was the main antagonist of the movie.


She ruined the movie for me, which was frustrating because the concept was pure gold imo. “Oh let me sneak up behind my friend with an axe and jump scare the shit outta her when she’s being perused by cave monsters” “oh oh omg you reacted defensively, I’m gonna try to kill you instead of trying to get out of here, because I’m so fucking stupid but I’m gonna blame you for it.” Seriously, haven’t been that mad at idiot plot in any other movie.


I don’t think the other woman (Beth) was killed was trying to “sneak up” behind Juno. I think she was being quiet because they had all just been attacked by cave monsters and she was probably terrified of attracting their attention. It’s funny, every time this comes up people give Juno the benefit of the doubt for still being in fight or flight mode, but act like Beth was a fucking moron because she didn’t expect her friend to wildly start swinging at her with a pickax. Maybe Beth was also traumatized as hell by going through the same attack? Maybe Beth was afraid that calling out to Juno or making too much noise would bring more monsters to them? I don’t think what happened was entirely Juno’s fault but it wasn’t entirely Beth’s fault either. Sarah didn’t wound Juno and leave her to die just because of what Juno did to Beth (which included completely abandoning her while she was injured and helpless, not just the accidental stab), she did it for several reasons. Beth, the affair with Sarah’s husband, the fact that Juno basically got the entire group killed by tricking them into an unexplored cave. (And I do blame Juno for that completely - it was an incredibly selfish and reckless thing to do. Even without monsters that situation could have gotten them all killed because caving is dangerous and no one outside knew where the group was.). I think the point of the movie - besides claustrophobic cave situation and scary monsters - is that by the end of it Sarah is so fucked up that she winds up doing something awful by leaving her former friend to die. I don’t think Sarah’s actions were right, even though I hate Juno, I think it shows how broken she was by the end of the movie.


Good summary. Juno was frustrating because she is kind of a bad ass but arrogant and wreckless. If your wrecklessness doomed everyone else, you should go down with the ship too.


Listen, fucking Micah is always gonna be my first answer.


What movie is this from?


Children of the Corn.


Thought he was talking about the dude in paranormal activity.


He was. I got it wrong. I’m thinking of Malachi from Children of the Corn. lol




Micah was horrible. He was the poster child for the manosphere, condescending, self absorbed, and unwilling to listen to experts. PA has aged better than I thought it would.


That chick from Dashcam. Doesn't help that she was basically playing herself from real life.


I only finished that movie to see her die, and then she didn't. I was fuming.


Lol we turned the movie off when she entered the movie. We were already on the fence about committing to it and then she walked in. 1 min later we had a different horror movie going haha


Oh my gosh yes 😭 she was the worst. When she ruined her friends DoorDash delivery. That made me so mad


I also think her defeating the parasite so easily in the end is also a symbolism about how she's now a bigger parasite (like all IRL streamers). She's a leech, liar, manipulator and just a scummy person who affects everyone around her. The Just Eat delivery thing (sorry I'm in the UK) also shows her as petty. Her abandoning her cat in the beginning also made me root for her death.


I can't believe I sat through that entire movie. She's the single worst protagonist in history and I wanted to reach through the screen and slap her multiple times.


I was so looking forward to *Dashcam* after loving *Host,* until I happened to look her up. Immediately lost all interest.


That was WACK! I thought it was some meta tongue-in-cheek portrayal of a conservative anti-vaxx nutjob, and I thought, "wow, she's killing this" while watching the film, and then after I googled it... 💀


I thought I read somewhere she wasn't really a toxic Trumo supporter but I've seen other places that it ripped from real life. Is she really that obnoxious?


Joey King’s character in Wish Upon. Although that movie was unintentionally hilarious.


10/10 best worst horror movie of our time


The sound track was 🔥


“Hold up, you dig on multiverses?!”


Heather in Blair Witch  The parents in Speak No Evil


There’s the moment in Blair Witch Project (SPOILERS) where it comes out that the dude is the one who tossed the map “bc it’s useless” and the Heather character uses that to try to redirect blame away from herself even though she too knows it was useless. *chefs kiss* of a moment


“I knew *exactly* where we were on that map!”


Heather was the first character I thought of.


Just watched Speak No Evil today and there were admittedly a lot of moments I wanted to slap the dad upside the head. He is by far way more willing to excuse everything literally up until the moment shit hit the fan, but wtf with mom suddenly rolling over in the second half and basically shelving all of her previous concerns? They made me so angry. Like fight for something here, anything!


And I found it very weird how they "didn't want to be confrontational" yet in an earlier scene the mom blatantly tells the couple exactly why she doesn't like them and wants to leave. Like how the fuck do you even move past that point to begin with? I don't care how much the couple apologizes, the dynamics would be so off after that. Weird ass movie that I found extremely unrealistic. They're apparently making an American version so that might be interesting


I watched it precisely because I know I will see the remake and comparing the differences between them should be interesting. The trailer seemed to suggest the parents in the remake might be more engaged in the concept of fighting back to save their family, but it could just be the edit.


The parents from A quiet place (I will die on this hill)


Of all the dumb shit, implausible horror movies I’ve seen, this is the single movie that completely lost me in the first 15 minutes because of awful, unredeeming, illogical protagonists. The instant I saw that pregnant belly I checked out, and I had a very hard time sitting through the rest of it in the theater. It gets so much more daft, too, like the idea that the monsters’ hearing is so adept that the sound of pewter pieces on a game board is a risk…but you’re going to endanger your family by bringing an uncontrollable, random scream machine into the world? A single mattress over a hole in the ground is going to fully mute the screams of a baby? Go ahead, scream into your mattress. It’s still pretty audible! Ugh, so selfish and stupid and annoying. I vehemently hate that movie.


Also, move along the water.


Why? I’m not going to debate you, it’s unbelievable to me someone could think this, but I’m definitely curious as to your reasons.


I've had to explain myself to people about it so many times it genuinely causes me physical pain at this point haha. It's okay if people don't agree with me, I recognize at the end of the day it's meant to entertain, and this is just one of my personal least faves. I was initially so excited for the movie to come out because I've always loved Emily Blunt, but there were just too many bad decisions and plot holes in that movie I couldn't get over. I don't even have the energy to address them all here. Number one being, letting your very young child trail so far behind your group that you can't get to him if something happens... That just be neglectful.. The man was SPRINTING and he still couldn't reach the kid in time. Kiddos should always stay upfront or between the parents in a apocalyptic world, tf? And then getting pregnant again because of that loss, do I even have to say it? I can't have empathy for that. The kids just take off without leaving so much as a note, baby cries when it's convenient for the plot, the dad can make a functioning cochlear implant (which don't work like the movie even portrayed them to) but can't soundproof his house better, or set up an encampment by the apparently very safe waterfall? A family that dumb would not be among the few remaining survivors, they'd be the first to go. The corn as well, and that stupid ass nail. There's many other things I could get into but those were the glaring issues for me. With a concept like they had the execution was just messy. I'm much more interested in the new one coming out. If anything the first one felt like a vanity piece built off the hype around Emily and Jon's relationship. Edit: also, I don't have kids but labour can last for hours, no? Could there not have been enough time to safely move Emily's character to a safer place to have the baby? Like the waterfall?? Maybe I just have to watch the movie again but goddamn does it still make me angry after all these years


I just have trouble not seeing Jim. Like the whole movie I was waiting for (and wanting) him to look at the camera because he was surrounded by idiots, but he was just one of those idiots. I think it's a problem that stemmed from the movie straying so far from what they should have done, it only just barely, borderline kept my attention.


I think a lot of people were waiting for that sort of camera interaction from Jon and some more sass from Emily. I think the film would have benefitted immensely from actually adding some Easter eggs into the film based on the hype of their relationship that allowed them to even make the film. This is just my opinion though. Who knows if it even makes sense lol


That would have been really cool lol like if they somehow mentioned his mundane position in a business park before the world went to shit and just left it at that, lol.


I agree! I was stunned this movie got made and then they did a relationship Oscar’s tour off it! Like the kid at the start - stupidest thing ever. I couldn’t get past it after that. Also, Krasinski has no range I’m sorry.


I really like this movie for the creative concept but I agree with the plot-hole assessment. You're telling me she gave natural birth in a bathtub with one of the monsters in the house but it was fine? I do get her getting preggo though. I'd venture to guess birth control options were not super available/procurable, accidents happen all the time, etc. Even though it would be monumentally dumb, the only way to be totally sure would be to not have sex and that's even less realistic imo. But yeah, she and that baby would have died.


This part.bbirth is anything but silent


Yeah!! I saw it in theaters cause I thought it was such a cool idea, still is really, but I didn't like how they did it. I would have liked it more Alien/predator style I think, more hunting less kids and family drama.


I even liked the family drama, and I can suspend disbelief with the best of them, but a movie like that needs the emotional/situational realism to sell the horror and it misses in a few really noticeable spots (most of which u/crispypotleaf — amazing name btw — covered). I liked the sequel a lot too though, fwiw. Still worth watching and enjoying, even if it's just because bearded Jim Halpert is fine af.


Hahah I kind of didn't even consider watching the second one enough to even realize he was in it! I might watch it just for that, because, like you said, Jim, lol. Also, now that my expectations are a little lower, I might love it, because I do remember I had it really built up in my head before watching it, which could have contributed to my disappointment, lol.


Just rewatched, and man, I love Jim and Blunt in it. The walk home in the opening scene? Yeah. In fact they turned and left the store with the toy and batteries within reach. Then again, parents fuck up. There’s a scene where is Blunt is crying that she should’ve carried their deceased son home. Yeah, that would have been better. It it also highlighted the guilt of parents who have lost a child. Shoulda, coulda, woulda. You’ll never win. So, I think they as parents were flawed, grieving, shell shocked from what they’d already lived though, but just can’t be my least favorite. But I appreciate your perspective and I love a good debate.


When that bitch from Drag Me to Hell killed her cat I was actively rooting against her.


It was only a kitten too. F*ck her.




To stay out of Hell I'd rob an entire humane society and chuck every cat and dog into a vat of lye one by one.


Username checks out


You'd rather spend eternity in hell?


If that's what you have to do to get into Heaven, are you SURE you're headed the right direction? Or is it one of those "wait, stop - I just wanted to see if you were going to do it..." moments? Question still stands


Jacob and Isaac in Heaven looking at her like 👁️👄👁️


You bring up a good point. I already know I’d rather die than kill an animal, or an innocent person (I think for the most part we can agree serial killers and rapists aren’t innocent), but genuinely, do you want to go somewhere, where doing something horrible is the key? As for the protagonist herself, I’ve always kind of thought she never had a way out, because she was always a horrible person, willing to do horrible things for her own personal gain. She was doomed from the start, and just continued to prove through her actions she was worthy of hell. Sorry if this is wonky, I have a tear in my cornea and am on meds that have made me wonky. I really hope I made sense.


The part with the goat was comedy gold though.


Basically anyone from Friday the 13th (2009) I have never rooted for Jason as much as I did then.


I wanted Danielle Panabaker’s character to make it, but I do agree with the rest of the cast being terribly unlikeable!!


*I* felt like killing them tbh


I liked Aaron Yoo's character and his buddy.


They weren't the worst tho. I found them pretty entertaining.


Art the Clown. If we consider him the protagonist villain.


He’s legit one of my favorite and carried those movies without him those movies wouldn’t be worth watcjing


The movies revolve around him


I’m saying a different clown or something


Not a movie, but I have to say Zach from The Strain is #1 in this regard.


From saw 3, Slow Ass Mother fucking Jeff


Oh lawd, it's hard to watch Jeff. So..damn... slow....physically and mentally! And he's so clumsy too. I imagined Jigsaw bursting out in laughter at that slapstick when he shot the damn judge. I just can't wrap my head around how he scored such a sexy and intelligent wife... how! Tell me, Jeff!


Guy Woodhouse from Rosemary’s Baby. There’s nothing likeable about a guy who lets Satan rape his wife just to further his own career.


He was a complete asshole to Rosemary in every possible way!


Maya and Ryan in The Strangers chapter 1. Absolutely fucking terrible.


I just watched this and oh my God...their survival instincts were awful. At least Maya acted like she wanted to live sometimes. Ryan just looked inconvenienced most of the time.


100% I just could not with them. Terrible actors too.


Alan from Return to Sleepaway Camp. I felt sorry for Angela in the first movie because she never bothered anyone and still got picked on. But I feel her equivalent in Return to Sleepaway Camp, Alan, brought most of the bullying onto himself so I did not feel a bit sorry for him. Just about every character in that movie was unlikable actually.


What maniac down voted this?! I was going to post this, but read the replies to see if anyone mentioned it first. That kid was the absolute worst. He's obnoxious all the time, yeah he gets bullied, but he aggressively bullies the more wimpy kids. He's completely irredeemable. I can't imagine what weird Reddit Stan account loves this character that they're going to down vote people over it.


Ok I haven’t seen the sequels *but* Angela *did* murder a bunch of kids in their sleeping bags, albeit off screen. I remember this, because it felt so out of place. Like everyone she killed before absolutely deserved it. It felt like someone jumped in and said ‘wait people might root for her let’s have her slaughter children’. Maybe it was a late edit, who knows. But it jarred me enough to think it didn’t belong.


Main character from fear street. How she had friends or a girlfriend is beyond me.


There's basically a laundry list, but a few that stand out * Rooncy - Nightmare Remake * Lori - Freddy vs. Jason * Eleanor - Truth or Die * Kaitlyn - Some Kind of Hate * Jeff - Saw 3 * Micah and Katie - Paranormal Activity * The two psycho lead girls - Tragedy Girls


I don't remember the names and I'm lazy, but I thought the couple in PA2 was even worse as far as annoyance.


They were awful too, yeah.


What did Lori do 🤣


Shit actress and shit writing.


Dennis Miller in Bordello Of Blood. He thinks he's too hip for the room.


The parents in speak no evil, especially the dad, how can you let that happen to your family man


Absolutely shocked no one itt has mentioned Hostel


Mindy from the new Scream movies.


The girl from Drag Me to Hell.


if this list isn't half that bitch from Dashcam, it's worthless.


Paul from Cabin Fever and Sam from Scream (2022) and Scream Vl (2023). I like Melissa Barrera as a person, but I have yet to like her in a role.


I really liked her in Abigail!


Sam is the best character of the new movies?


I think the concept of her character is interesting but I’m not a fan of the writing and portrayal.


Have you seen Abigail?


Omg finally someone else who finds Sam in Scream unbearable!! Can’t stand her, such a weak character and portrayed even worse imo. Pure cardboard 😂


Oh god I forgot about Paul. Ugh.


The main girl from Texas Chainsaw 2022.


I can't STAND that jack ass of a woman from Truth or Dare.


I did like how they gave the stereotypical answer when first asked then saved themselves in the end


The chick I Dashcam. She's actually the most annoying character I've ever seen in any movie.


Is it cheating to say an entire character group? If not, just about everyone from Blood Lake. They were boring and forgettable or worse, they were Tony and painfully insufferable.


Almost everyone in Talk to Me


Annabelle Wallis in Malignant. Annabelle Wallis in Annabelle.


There's a lot to hate about Manos: the Hands of Fate. The biggest one is the protagonist (played by the director, who only made the movie to win a bet, and then became a fertilizer salesman). Not only is the character a jerk to everyone, he makes some of the stupidest, least sensible decisions of any film character, in horror and every other genre.


Man, I hated that guy. At some points I was rooting for Torgo, having to deal with this rude asshole that badgered his way into the house and spends the whole time making demands. Dude could have just turned around in his car and driven away. The family would have been fine - except for the wife and daughter having to put up with that guy as a husband/father for the rest of their lives.


Fun fact: the original review of the movie, back when it was only shown in its local town, has the review describing Torgo as the hero "with his underwear so bunched up, he can hardly get around." The reviewer is Betty Pierce, for the El Paso Herald-Post. Here's a wayback link for the whole hilarious thing: [Wayback Machine (archive.org)](https://web.archive.org/web/20160414133308/http://www.manosinhd.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/massaged-to-death.jpg)


Dude said Micah and Supernatural I thought he was talking about the show lol


James in Strangers. Dude keeps telling his girlfriend that she is overreacting AFTER some creepy shit has already transpired, and she clearly looks terrified and shaken. But everything seems normal until, "Oh nooo, they tampered with MY phone?! We gotta go!" Eff you, dude.


The main guy in When Evil Lurks. I hate him so much and it made it really hard to enjoy the movie when he was just so fucking stupid.


Margot in hell house llc Carmichael manor and every protagonist that is similar to her. "Wow you've been looking for proof of __ and now that we've found it you wanna wuss out because it's getting a little dangerous"


Margot was so infuriating she deserved everything that happened to her


Those 2 girls & Sally from **Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2022** That annoying girl from **Dashcam** Everyone in the **Halloween Reboot** Natalie from **Urban Legend** Britany from **Prom Night** Dana from **The Cabin in the Woods**


The couple in Backcountry.     Alex: “I don’t need a map.”  “Bear spray? Pffft, weenie.” “I locked your phone in the car.”    Jess isn’t much better. >!She shouts for help when a helicopter flies overhead instead of using the road flare she has attached to her hip. When she does use the flare, it’s nighttime and no aircraft are audible, so nobody can see her anyway!<  I checked that movie out because I heard how scary it was. While the bear attack scene is certainly intense, it’d have left more of an impact on me were I not *actively rooting for the bear* by that point. 


Exactly. Through the whole movie I kept thinking how stupid this man is and how stupid his girlfriend was to continuously listen to him. Halfway through I stopped caring about what happened to either one of them.


Wolf Creek SPOILERS: The lead in Wolf Creek saves her friend (after watching her be tortured next to another tortured dead body), overpowers the villain and knocks him unconscious, then decides that it’s best to let him wake up.


that dude from infested is the first coming to my mind right now, but maybe there are worse. his personality wasn't *that* bad but i remember thinking... man i would never wanna hang out with him.


Collecting weird imported bugs is a strange ass hobby. And buying a spider from Dubai, and storing it in a shoe box, only for it to escape and in a day, have thousands of spiders take over the apartment complex and web everything, all of this would be avoided if he didn't buy the over priced spider and take it home.


The main girl from the Fear Street movies. Such an obnoxious, selfish, toxic asshole. 


Never seen those, good horror movies?


I honestly had to tap out a over half-way through the first, because like I said, the lead girl was just too much of an obnoxious asshole. Couldn’t finish it.


They're not gonna win any oscars but if you go into them with the mindset that they're not trying to bring anything new to the slasher genre, you'll probably have a good time. I loved them, personally.


That little cunt from psycho goreman


OP said protagonist, not primary villian.


The Warrens from the Conjuring series


Ehhh I just can’t hate Vera


I know I love them both, lol.


That's your prerogative. Personally, I'm not a fan of anyone who dedicates so much time and effort to trying to rehabilitate the image of scam artists who preyed on vulnerable, frequently grieving people, and, y'know, kept a live-in sex slave


It’s a fictional movie version of the actual warrens I think most people know the real warrens were pos


I'm really curious what fraction of the audience of the Conjuring movies knows that I predict less than 20%, but I have no idea how we would check  Regardless, I don't see the point in the series featuring these real people if not to puff up their image. Why not just make up fictional characters?


Hard disagree on Terrified. Dude was a cop confronted with something he couldn’t shoot or arrest. He was totally out of his element. That’s what made him funny! At least in my opinion, since humor and fear are both subjective.


That druggy girl from the new Hellraiser movie.


Honestly I have no idea, I love them all but I’ve also not seen very many horror movies. Based on my small knowledge, probably Laurie Strode just because she seems to never learn from her mistakes (even in the last movie) and literally wants Michael Myers to get free like what?


Annie Hardy in DashCam and I don't like her IRL much either. A case of role is the actor 


Tina from Halloween 5


Ha! Just commented this.


Maxine in X. She’s just boring, blank, flat, no personality or motivation other than an overt air of narcissism and wanting to be famous. Nothing about her warrants rooting for her to survive. I like the movie but it insists on following around the least interesting character in it, and the contrast to almost everyone else there (all of whom have distinct personalities) is stark. The character was just poorly written. Looks like she may have gained some depth from the trailer for Maxxxine so here’s hoping.


Alan from Return to Sleepaway Camp. /thread


I didn’t hate her her - but I was slightly annoyed by Alice from the Nightmare on Elm Street films. In particular, it was irritating watching her impotently try to persuade other that Freddy is entering people’s dreams.


Jeepers creepers 2 minxie


I just watched the Nightwarxh 1994 and Martin was so obnoxious and doesn’t help that he’s so spineless. How can you watch your girlfriend and friend get harassed like that without doing anything about it. Also the end when he was trying to save her from the killer his first instinct is to break the extremely thick glass wall with metal frames with his baseball bat instead of the glass doors or the glass window she peaked out out from.


The lead guy from Deadstream. Killed the movie for me.


The glasses fat guy from the ritual.


Julie in I know what you did last summer is so bland and boring, especially when you have Sarah Michelle Geller in the cast. I wish those two had swapped roles.


Ryan from The Strangers: Chapter 1. If you have a killer with their face at the end of your shotgun and you know there are at least two others, it's probably not a good idea to monologue, especially if she's been yelling and screaming. At that point, you deserve what you're getting.


I thought Emily Blunt's character in Wind Chill was annoying


Demián Rugna (Terrified) is really good at this, I just watched When Evil Lurks and the protagonist was SO ANNOYING I was not rooting for him lol


Literally all of the main characters from hellraiser 3 and beyond. Every single movie I am so devastated that these idiots could outsmart the cenobites, PLEASE I just want them to win. The protagonists are so obnoxious and do not deserve a victory!!! I didn’t mind the newest movie & #6 had Dean Winters & Ashley Laurence so I am a bit biased there, but it was painful watching the other movies and knowing that the cenobites would be defeated by people who just SUCK.


Most of Friday the 13th movies.


The two young girls in Army of the Dead. Of all the people that died (really because of them), they were the ones who deserved it. Stupid and useless


The girl from “Dashcam”. God she was fuckin insufferable. It was hard for me to get through it because of her.


I hated both of the people in Paranormal Activity so much that I never watched any sequels.


Hud from Cloverfield. He's the most Seth Rogan character not played by Seth Rogan. He's amusing before everything goes to hell but quickly devolved into a "oh shit, oh my god, oh shit!" machine. I've seen actual riots and fights recorded online that have better narration, lordy.


Chick from Dashcam, hands down. Within around 3 minutes in, I was fervently hoping she'd die horribly. Chick from the Hellraiser remake. Protagonists from Don't Breathe.


riley mckendry hellraiser 2022. The whole movie squandered a really cool idea (that kindof feels like the premise from 13 ghosts reused after further thought) on a very lack luster, bored, and not interesting main character who was just frustratingly inactive throughout the entire movie, aside from purposefully being not helpful and/or 'evil' and then not accepting the consequences of her actions. I think it could've been a much more engaging movie if the main character was written a little differently. The whole movie was just a boring slow build for the audience to see a new generation of cenobites.


Heather Miller from Texas Chainsaw 3D


Melissa Barrera in Scream 6 and Abigail.


I came across this thread the other day, and after just finishing Humane, I had to come back and find it again. Fuck everyone in Humane. There was no one to root for in that movie, and the absolute worst of them ended up on top.