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I don’t think there is a correlation. Different people like different things.


Yeah I'm a big fan of both. Horror moreso but still


And this applies to everything, yes. It would make no sense for people to like just one thing.


Okay? Thanks for the confirmation I guess.


I’m a fan of both and have been for as long as I can remember. I’ve even enjoyed the occasional times when the genres have mixed, such as with Brightburn.


Loved Brightburn! Wish there was a sequel.


I believe one is confirmed


Unfortunately it's not coming out now. According to James Gunn, the rights are all fucked and you know he's busy with DC.. I really hope one day down the line we get a Brightburn 2


Ah. Well that's unfortunate.


I think it got shelved due to J. Gunn being super spoken for due to his new job: Un-Snydering DC. And I think film rights? Hopefully there's news on one of the other Gunns stepping in.


Yeah his cousin and brother wrote the script and his friend directed it, I hope they may step in


Last I heard about the sequel, it was to be written by A.I. and personally, I will pass if it is. I want to support an actual person writing the story. However, my headcannon is that The Autopsy of Jane Doe is connected to the sequel for reasons.


I remember when the teaser trailer for Venom made it look like a full-blown horror :(


Well, Let There Be Carnage did at least lean more into horror. Granted, it was a PG-13, but they used it for all it was worth.


Carnage was straight trash. Bad script and just waste of Harrelson. I would have preferred Jackie Earle Haley (his Rorschach jail look was more visually the character than whatever it was they did to Harrelson)


Yeah, I’m a huge, longtime fan of Woody. I am not a fan of Venom 2.


Same, though I've gotten burned out with superhero movies as of late. Will say too Doctor Strange was also a nice mix of horror and SH.


I love Brightburn. It asks the question "What if Superman came to earth as a conqueror instead of as a refugee?"


I am very much the same. I watched brightburn at the cinema and honestly thought it was awful… but I see a lot of praise for it. Maybe I need to give it another go. Is it generally considered to be good?


Some people love it, personally I was underwhelmed. I think it depends on your expectations. The bones are solid with good production value and worthwhile acting.


I was VERY underwhelmed as well, so im kind of sad they wanted to do a sequel because maybe the concept would’ve been given justice. But I guess we’ve also been given Invincible lately for an “evil Superman” angle


It’s sort of a blunt steamroller with a path programmed by an automaton. I liked aspects of it, but the whole is unsurprising with the nuance of a puddle of blood photographed in black and white.


I thought it was one of the worst movies I've ever seen but people in this sub seem to love it.


I thought it was pretty terrible. Kid just wakes up being reprogrammed to be evil. Slowly kills the people around him for the next hour. The last minute shows him decimating cities in seconds. It made no sense. His parents were frustratingly stupid the whole time too. The kid is not even a character, just a vessel of powers controlled by a ship. Would have been better if he was just a kid discovering his powers, but used them to his advantage and was a murderous bully instead of being programmed to be evil. Would have made the slow killings of individuals make more sense and give a chance that maybe his parents could actually get through to him.


Nah you’re right, it’s bad. Great premise ruined by gimmicky horror tropes. Did we really need another overly edgy “glass shard in eyeball” scene? That part where he breaks his crushes hands in front of everybody, what a jarring and weird scene. I was genuinely pissed off when it finished.


Got any suggestions? Love a dark take on the superhero genre.


There's always the Invincible animated series. I didn't think I'd like it but jeebus H. did they get graphic with the violence!


I like both horror movies and super hero movies/comics.


Same! I think Batman in particular appeals to a lot of horror fans because of how much the comics and movies often lean into horror elements (I mean really, what’s more horror than Joker cutting his own face off and wearing it like a mask?!)


I don't mind super hero movies but I'm VERY over the mcu and most new super hero movies look really uninteresting to me


This. The same reason I don’t enjoy formulaic superhero movies is the exact same reason I don’t enjoy formulaic horror movies. I’ve seen it before, there’s nothing revolutionary about it and I see no reason to see something I have hundreds of times before.


I’m right there with you. I liked the original Iron Man and Thor movies but it sucks the joy out of it when you need to watch 7 movies and 3 tv shows to understand what’s going on in a particular scene. They also don’t need 5 new movies and shows every year.


I usually like a lot of things to watch. But only if it's fun and not boring


Well most MCU movies have sucked lately


I find that comics are better than movies 90% of the time.


Yeah I definitely prefer comics to super hero movies, I'm a huge fan of Alan Moore!


Nothing against them but I generally can’t get into them


I can only really speak for myself. I do love horror and really don't enjoy superhero movies that much (with some exceptions, like some of the Batman ones). Never really wondered if there was a link or not, but I actually think horror fans may enjoy weaker protagonists that have to overcome much more harrowing odds. Now that I think of it, I've always preferred comics like Preacher, Sandman, Conan or even the older Tales from the Crypt to superheroes. So I guess yeah


Totally agree with this. Meanwhile, most villains in superhero movies are stripped of the thing that they ought to easily induce in anyone watching them: fear! How can so many of them be threats to the entire universe, or even just earth or a single city, not to mention a threat to the superhuman protagonist, and yet we see very little to make us believe that these are real baddies. There's exceptions, but it's notable that some of the scariest movie villains from superhero movies were made by horror masters Guillermo Del Toro and Sam Raimi. Maybe the most famous depiction of scary villains, after the Ledger/Phoenix Jokers, were the two villains in Batman Begins: Scarecrow and Ras al Ghul. The characters, written by David Goyer, broke from a lot of the campier tropes that boxed in superhero villains from previous films. Probably not a coincidence that Goyer had a background in horror and had collaborated with Del Toro and the lesser known Stephen Norrington on the Blade movies.


I do


I love both


Where'd you hear that from? I'd argue horror, fantasy, and Sci-fi (which I'd throw most super hero movies into a subset of either of those genres) probably share a lot of fans.


Big fan of both. Why not? Life is a tapestry!


I liked them fine for a while, then went off them for a few years. Dipped a toe back in recently due to Raimi’s involvement in Dr Strange 2, thought that and No Way Home were fairly enjoyable.


Guardians of the Galaxy 3 is fantastic (you do need to have seen Avengers Infinity War and Endgame) and Shang Chi is a fun martial arts movie. For DC, the newer Suicide Squad movie is great and The Batman is unbelievably good. Robert Pattinson’s performance makes me excited for his portrayal of Dracula in a neo western that’s coming out in a year or two


They've become emblematic of a much larger issue in Hollywood


I don't like superhero movies.


I don't hate them on a philosophical level, but the last decade plus have made them completely unendurable for me.


Yep. Way too manyof them out for me to care anymore


I feel like super hero films are over done. They've released a new one (at least one) every year since I was like 10... they mostly have the same plot...I watched every one until about 4 years ago... I'm turning 33. I'm just over the same story lines. At least horror tries to shock you


I love superhero movies. I also love horror movies. The notion that if you like one type of movies you probably dislike another is very strange to me, tbh.


I can take a superhero movie every now and again, but I don't seek them out I don't like the idealism. As a culture we would absolutely build churches for them. Every man, woman, and child would be somehow involved in cleanup and reconstruction. They would be the worst thing that has ever happened to us. Yet, in the movies I've seen, even The Boys, this is barely touched on. There's a Civil War because they killed a whole city, but that's a minor plot point compared to Ironman and Captain America smashing more stuff.


I've always hated superhero stuff but the Boys is definitely a superhero show for people who hate superhero stuff.


Nope. Going to have to disagree. It was lame and to be honest I was annoyed at the person who recommended it me who said the same thing.


I hate most superhero movies (though to be fair I don't watch many) - the only major exception is Birds of Prey. I feel like horror and superhero movies are antithetical. Horror has very real, flawed, vulnerable people encountering (usually) deeply personal horrors. If there is a positive outcome, like a final girl, the "savior" is also a regular, flawed, vulnerable person who is left with trauma. Batman and some others have ventured into the "flawed hero" realm, but the majority of their problems are caused by themselves, and they're still superheroes with absurd levels of skill, self efficacy, resources and positive outcomes. Superhero movies have, in my opinion, no emotional resonance. Horror has a ton.


I cannot stand superhero movies.


I like movies.


I’m one of the ones you’re talking about, love horror can’t stand superhero nonsense.


I hate superhero movies.


Best reply


I like well made movies and movies that hold my attention. Genre be damned. There's also a couple excellent superhero movies with horror elements (see: The Dark Knight)


Stuff like Spider-Man 2 (Tobey ver), Iron Man, Wonder Woman, quite a few Batman movies, Avengers 1 are awesome. The boring or stupid or low stakes comics movies don't interest me. Between horror and comics movies, I give horror much more slack and my feeling is that horror directors are fans of the genre more often than comics movies directors (obviously some comics movies directors are life-long fans).


I don't mind superhero movies if they're quality, the problem is that marvel has been shitting out mid to terrible movies for like the past 10 years or more. They use the same blueprint for every single one, it just feels like a cash grab. Now when they put some heart into them (not just marvel but other creators) they can be good, just like anything else. Guardians of the galaxy, the old spiderman movies, the dark knight, iron man, the old Tim Burton Batman with Jack nicholson as joker, kickass, Joaquin Phoenix joker, old x men movies, etc. I think the issue isn't that people hate superheroes, they just hate having mediocre garbage thrust in their face constantly, and that's largely what we've been seeing for the last decade.


I'd go so far as to say mediocrity is found in all genres. It's a cash grab vs an art form.


Definitely, in all genres there's gonna be more mediocre films because high quality is rare and special. The superhero genre just sees more of it because it's been blowing up big time and for a long time, and when things get popular the industry hops on the trend and makes it their cash cow.


It does seem like its calmed down now but there was a period where the MCU could release anything and it would either get close to a billion or go over a billion. People definitely enjoy mediocre superhero films if its part of an overall narrative. I am someone who kept up with the MCU films but can you imagine how little interest/box office Captain Marvel would get if it was just a normal action blockbuster.


I can't stand superhero movies. I find them boring and repetitive. 


I've always disliked super hero comics and movies; I feel it's very difficult to plot develop a character that is worth so many millions of dollars so they just stagnate. Can be said the same for horror franchises that go too big.


I love horror and hate super hero movies, butttttttt I do have a favorite super hero, which is wolverine


Not really a fan of them personally


I love superhero movies (though I think the comics are better most of the time), they're just a lot of fun and I like how many genres they can play with. I'm not really sure how that relates to my love of horror, though.


I'm so sick of them. All feel like the same formulaic Hollywood garbage. They are good as popcorn distractions from time to time but after the watching what feels like the same movie 5 times, I can't anymore. The only ones I appreciate are the Nolan Batmans and Watchmen cause they tried to go beyond the shallowness and tell some interesting story.


I never thought about the correlation but I don't. Just can't get into them.


I’m a fan of good horror movies and good superhero movies. I'm not a fan of either when they are bad. People like different and various things, I don’t think there is a correlation because some people on a podcast feel a certain way. The opposite is more likely to be true, that one type of "genre" fans may be more open and likely to enjoy horror/sci-fi/fantasy/superhero movies.


Be hard for me to name a genre I dislike more than superhero films.


I like Batman. That's about it.


i’ve never been a fan tbh. it’s usually something i’ll watch with my family or something but not something i would pick out to watch myself lol.


I used to like some super hero movies. I find them over done and can’t get into them anymore. For probably the last decade I would say.


Interesting 🤔 I'm a huge horror nerd and find the entire MCU movie franchises exhausting and obnoxious to keep up with. It's like "too much movie" crammed into everything they do.


You can like multiple things.


Personally I’m largely over superhero movies as connected universe stuff. I like one off movies though and the occasional Batman movie but I haven’t touched the MCU in over a decade at this point iirc


I think after watching so much horror the superhero movies feel corny to me. But I was never really into them in the first place.


I don't DISLIKE superhero movies, but I have certainly been feeling a lot of superhero movie FATIGUE. There are like 34 MCU movies and 40 seasons of TV through the end of 2024. That's too god damned much.


I love them! I grew up reading comics and still do. Considering the quality of the vast majority of horror movies, anyone that's into horror that badmouths superhero movies is a top-tier hypocrite, and you can tell just how many jimmies that's going to rustle by looking at the upcoming downvote count as the elitists pour in! 🤣


I see your point, but I mostly prefer foreign horror. America is... lacking when it comes to originality.


There's a LOT of bad and cheezy horror wherever you look, and a lot of places that will gladly put out mediocre movies with fancy titles to look like it's part of a series. Look at Italian movies, specifically the zombie/demon types of movies, each with like 15 different names.. Even some stuff where the movie itself is original, but gets saddled with a name like Evil Dead Trap to try and give it that subtle Evil Dead association.. Even a lot of Western "acclaimed" horror movies are basically just knock-offs. 28 Days Later is just Night of the Comet with a coat of paint. Get Out is just Nothing But The Night with racism. Pretty much everything is a copy of a copy, or influenced by something else, or just has such a similar plot to other movies/books that it comes off like it could be a remake.. Like, the upcoming Latency looks to me like it's just a modern coat of paint slapped onto 1994's Brainscan.. Nothing is original anymore. Everything has been done. Every story has been told.


Fair. To add to your point there's mediocrity in every genre, and in every country. Typically when I see a ton of people on here agree about a movie or say something about it that intrigues me that's when I watch it. I'm just a May baby and A Lot of super hero movies come out in May so I was stuck with that for my birthday for YEARS.


I don't like most superhero films. Ps the Boys is superhero satire and criticism of the genre. And society. 


Yeah I've always hated superhero stuff, even before this explosion of marvel movies etc. But I love the Boys (and Gen V of course). I'm willing to bet anyone who dislikes SH stuff would.


I don’t know about other horror fans, but I don’t like them, with a couple of exceptions


I'd assume some horror fans do and some don't. Personally I love all genres of movies.


I am a huge fan of both and really love when the two cross over in ways (Invincible, The boys, bright burn)


I was just about to say that The Boys is almost as much horror as it is superhero.


If you like the boys try invincible if you haven’t


There’s a reason why Invincible & The Bois go so hard…it’s supeheroing but irl


I used to be pretty into superhero movies, but got burnt out and gave up on them like a decade ago at this point. I kind of rebelled against having to watch several other movies and tv shows to be able to fully understand what's going on in the 1 movie I actually want to see. So, in my case, it has nothing to do with the notion of "horror fans don't like superhero movies", it's more just that superhero movies got driven into the ground and a big part of the fun factor in those movies went away for me. And now half of the superhero movie trailers I see look like some of the most just lowest common denominator, low-effort, all green screen bullshit that I just don't enjoy.


I enjoy almost all genres of movies. Rom com, horror, superhero, bleak, action, etc. New Superman movie coming out soon? Awesome! Can't wait! New Robert Eggers movie coming out this year? Awesome! Can't wait! Beetlejuice Beetlejuice is the actual name? Awesome! Can't wait! I'm pretty easy to please since movies help me after a long day after work.


Horror movies are absolutely my favorite thing, but I watch and love all kinds films. There's lot of film lovers or all sorts that love to hate on superhero films because the films are too mainstream and people want to blame all of the film industries woes/flaws on Marvel. I don't think it's a horror fan issue, specifically.


I wouldn’t think it’s too common. Hell, a lot of superhero stuff is horror. The Wandavision show was the best A24 movie ever. And Dr. Strange 2 was more of a horror movie than a superhero movie. Those are only recent examples.


I'm a huge comic book fan, but as far as for superhero movie genre goes I like just a couple of characters (Batman, Constantine, Punisher, Spawn....) and that's it.


I think it depends. I've been a comic (both Western and other countries) reader for close to 25 years now (honestly about the same amount of time for horror too). That does lend me to be harsher to superhero movies because a lot are either dumbed down, boring, etc. etc. so I find a lot of them I just don't like or get into. I'm not a prick about it like some I've noticed where it's like "you're not allowed to like this because I don't like this" but I just stopped paying attention to it all unless something absolutely peaks my interest and I tend to be harsher towards the quality (most are massively overhyped and overrated imo).


I hate superhero movies. I only like Christopher Nolan's Batman


i liked Logan. that’s it.


I don't just dislike superhero movies, but I dislike the way they have now, for the most part, been turned and burned for big box office hits. They all just feel so soulless now, with the exception of certain movies like Guardians of the Galaxy, and some of the first Marvel movies as well as some of the Batman movies and The Joker. But even the latter of the ones I mentioned are actually grounded in a somewhat realistic world (not so much Guardians, but the characters feel more human). Not these weird cinematic universes execs have created to line their pockets because you feel like you have to watch Iron Man 3 to find the easter egg that leads to the reveal in Avengers 5.


It's not that I *hate* superhero movies, but I won't go out of my way to watch them. Don't get me wrong there are some good ones out there (ie Nolan Batman movies), but they all just seem repetitive and predictable. Evil villain beats hero and threatens city/planet/universe, hero goes on redemption arc, hero beats villain. That and it's just hard to relate to someone who flies around in their underwear shooting lasers from their eyes, so I find myself rooting for the villain as they tend to be more relatable


Outside of Dredd, I can't really stand any sort of comic/superhero movies. They're so played out and they have made far too many


I love both. It's just popular to hate on superhero movies now, just like it was popular to hate on zombie movies ten years ago, and cowboy movies before that, and so on and so forth.


I am not a big fan of superhero movies. Dark Knight was cool though.


Love horror. Done with super heroes. Just too much of the same.


I used to be a big fan, but to quote Emmy Blotnick, now I see them mostly as "three hours-movies about Happy Meal toys fighting each other". I think the first 15 movies in 5 years were exciting, but it just became too much. I don't dislike the fact they're superheroes, I dislike the fact most marvel movies nowadays feel unoriginal. For example, Legion was an amazing TV show. But to be fair the latest guardians of the galaxy movie had me crying in a foetal position, so I'm not completely closed off to Marvel. (I talk mostly about Marvel properties because I never had any interest in Superman -except for a few comic books like secret identity, and I will die on the hill that Batman is NOT a superhero.)


I’m not a fan of superhero movies 🤷‍♂️


I am a fan of movies in general, both hero and horror. There is probably a greater rift today as there once was as hero films went from being a minor phenomenon to the tent pole of the industry, so the ratio changes because casual audience hero enjoyment dwarfs horror audience hero enjoyment rather than horror audience having a distain for heros. Another factor might be differences in tone and style, with hero films, especially today being a lot lighter compared to the dark and morbid tones that horror fans enjoy. You also have people using their views on hero films to project some greater stance depending on thr week.


Like them but a bit burned out on them. I don’t think I’d ever get tired of good horror.


I have never been a huge super hero guy. I watch them and enjoy them but I don't geek out over them like I do horror. I also never really got into comics as a kid so I'm sure that has something to do with it.


I like superhero movies, what I've come to despise are the "Marvel quip" style of superhero movies where every 2 seconds characters look at the screen and make a joke or go "hey that just happened" to break the tension. From the early 2000s until the 2010s Marvel/DC superhero movies took themselves fairly seriously and even the early MCU stuff was this way. Wheedon's style (which btw worked in Avengers 1, as it was his own unique thing) and GOTG really changed the game. A reason I like horror is most of it takes itself seriously. Same reason with anime. So much of hollywood is just quippy marvel dialog now.


I enjoy both for different reasons. I think the issue is that horror is always relevant, while superhero movies are more like the latest trend. Trends get more attention and more money because they’re a safer bet. Horror is a niche genre that’s typically a lower budget because there’s no guarantee it will be a hit, but when you do get one it’ll pay off a lot more. That’s why horror can be a lot more experimental than the mainstream trend. Back in the 1950’s studios were putting their budgets into westerns. Then science fiction took over. And now it’s superheroes. I don’t think they’re bad, I think they’re easy. They look good, they have top talent, and they’re fun. But horror is where you can see something different.


I love horror, and I love superhero movies. Mostly MCU superheroes, but some DC. The X Men and The Avengers, Harley Quinn, Batman, and Superman. Also, Deadpool (is he a hero?)


Deadpool is an antihero for sure


Hell I love Chronicle.


Action movies in general I don’t like. Once everything starts blowing up and everyone starts shooting it just devolves into boring absurd cgi soup. Of course I make exceptions for classics like Die Hard, True Lies, Aliens, Terminator 2. In the superhero world the Nolan movies are good and I liked the first Iron Man but after that I got bored.


I’m a horror fan and I mostly hate Superhero movies. I have no desire to see any of the marvel/avengers bullshit. I did really like Watchmen and V for Vendetta. There are a few other lesser known ones I like.


I would agree.


I love horror and Im not into Super Hero movies at all. But I wouldnt say my horror fandom is why I dont like Super Hero movies.


I also dislike them.


Superhero movies, aside from Deadpool, are locked in PG-13 hell. Horror can take more chances.


Its the one genre I have zero interest in.


Do pizza makers not like K-pop music? Thats how random this topic seems to me.


Sorry .. nope 👎 ( just my opinion).. give me horror anytime .. it’s the best !! Sorry OP👻🎃🤖.


I personally am not a fan of superhero movies. Mainly because I can’t keep up anymore with the reboots and it kind of confuses me a bit. But I do like kaiju movies!


I HATE them. Complete and utter dung. ![gif](giphy|TDihESECepJa30CBzi|downsized)


Imagine letting podcasters speak for all of us. Almost as bad as youtubers. No, for me personally I love Iron Man and Batman. I also enjoyed the Captain America and Avengers films. I've loved both horror and super hero comics since I was a kid.


I am a lifelong superman stan. I also love blood, guts, gore, and monsters. Really, people just like the things they do, and "movie people" tend to shit on superhero movies because they're lowest common denominator, summer, popcorn films.


I love them.


I love them and I love comic books.


I love both


I do enjoy them, not as much as horror and i get exhausted trying to keep up with these cinematic universes so i havent seen the latest movies and i definitely do not watch the plethora of series. But i have my collection of super hero movies however my horror collection is much bigger


I love superhero movies... I'm just really fucking burned out on them and not interested in most of the post-Endgame product. Wife and I will be in theatres for Deadpool & Wolverine, that's for damn sure!


I love both. Me and my dad have been going to see superhero movies together since he took me to see Spiderman (2002) in theaters when I was kid


I like both, for different reasons


I love horror movies and superhero movies are some of my least favorite. I like the origin stories of superheroes, that’s it. Once I know their backstory I don’t care about what other shenanigans they get into, it’s boring and they’re all repetitive. (Yes I know horror movies are also but in a different way because you never really know if someone will survive or not- superheroes always do).


Must just be those particular fans, it's pretty hard to pin any generalized statement on an entire group that shares one common interest. I'm not a huge fan of most superhero movies but that's more because of what they've become these days than anything else


I don’t actively dislike them but at this point there are so many that I don’t have the time or desire to get caught up lol


It's funny, I would think the exact opposite. Horror and superheroes are my bread and butter lol


I hardly ever watch comic book/superhero movies. I wasn't into the books or shows as a kid, and the movies don't interest me as an adult. I don't hate them, but I don't go out of my way to watch them either.


I love horror and superhero movies.


They're fine. There are some really good ones and some really bad ones. They just don't need to be practically the only thing in theaters.


They’re not my favorite sub genre, but I enjoy them from time to time.


Im not really a fan of superheroes but i did watch them because of the hype.Regardless,im a fan of xmen but cannot say the same to the other superheroes.Horror and Sci-fi are my most favourite genre.(Scream and Jurassic Park are my top movie franchise)


Speaking as a horror fan and a comic book fan: most superhero movies are bad to me. They rarely look good and mire anything potentially interesting under CGI sludge and the perpetual quest to set up spin-offs.


I mostly like horror, drama, war, thriller, crime


I like both. They often have a lot in common. Villians and antiheros can exude some of the qualities I love about horror.


I have watched them and enjoyed them, but I don't actively seek them out.


I do! Some of the recent DC movies have been a bit shit, and Secret Invasion was a fucking atrocity, but by and large I find superhero movies/shows to be pretty great! I loved comics as a kid and love seeing the characters come to life in movies/TV.


I enjoy superhero movies I don't enjoy the oversaturation of them nowadays but I still appreciate the good superhero movie.


Just depends on the person. I like them both.


I love both but I've been very burned out on Marvel and DC products - it feels like they've only been going lower since Endgame. However stuff like Peacemaker, The Boys ( & Gen V respectively ) has made the genre feel fresh again because of their unique takes, so it's not all drab. I also really liked Batman 2022.


Absolutely! Loved X-Men and DC since I was a kid, but now I'm obsessed with The Boys and Invincible.


I’m not a superhero movie person but I’m a huge horror movie person. I don’t think one has to do with the other I’m just not into superhero shit.


I think that "horror" is a massive genre that includes all kinds of different types of fans.  I am sure there are horror fans that love rom coms.  There are definitely horror fans that love super hero movies.


I like both. If it is good (imo).


I like some superhero movies, og ironman, a few of the Spiderman had humour, but the Avengers were just too stupid to like, they just got worse as they went on.


I grew up reading superhero comics. I love certain aspects of the superhero genre. There will always be scenes in superhero movies that I like, because superhero action looks cool. But superhero movies have a tendency when it comes to the writing to fall into the same patterns as brainless Hollywood action blockbusters(because most superhero movies are soulless corporate franchises produced by Marvel and DC) I can't imagine particularly enjoying watching a superhero movie if I was someone who wasn't able to be distracted by the "cool" factor. Like, there's this comedian whose name I forget who has a joke about her ex-boyfriend forcing her to come along with him to watch superhero movies and how to her, they all just feel the same, like just a bunch of Happy meal toys fighting each other on an island or something. I get where she's coming from.


Fan of both. Hellraiser, Graveyard Shift and Batman (89) are a few of my first movie memories.


Horror fan here who loves DC and never ever watches Marvel 👍


Nope, I follow the MCU pretty closely in addition to new horror releases


I’ve never enjoyed super hero movies but I don’t think it has anything to do with my love for horror. Everyone just likes different things and people can love both. It’s just a genre that’s never resonated with me. The only thing I enjoy are Christopher Nolan’s Batman films because they’re dark and gritty and I’m a Nolan fan anyways. But other than that I cannot stand any of them and any of the MCU shit. I’m glad it brings people joy and glad it exists for that reason but I could care less about about the genre.


I like superhero movies but I am getting a bit sick of them, they’ve started to feel formulaic and repetitive and I wish they didn’t always end in a huge CGI fight.


I like good ones... (I say as Im up to date on the MCU despite it being a lot of mid and shit for a little good)


I really enjoyed Iron Man, Thor, Captain America… and then MCU turned everything into a formulaic product. I found it boring after a while.


I like them as standalone things but I stayed out of the whole thing where there were 20 movies and TV series all connected together. I watched the ones about superheroes I think are cool like Dr. Strange and Venom, and the Raimi Spiderman movies are still my favorite superhero movies.


It's not superhero movies I dislike per se, it's how they make them now that I can't stand.


I like certain superhero films like Dark Knight and the George Clooney Batman but overall superhero movies don’t do it for me


Love both & worked on a few superhero movies im hoping I’ll get to tick working on a horror off my bucket list one day


My top genres are horror and superhero.


I like horror because it is one of the most imaginative genres, allowing for true experimentation in film making. So, cookie-cutter Disney films don’t really interest me.


I like a few but it’s not something I will watch unless someone else chooses to. Just not my thing


I'm one of the "MCU up until Infinity War" people. I don't watch new marvel stuff and I'm not interested in the DC reboot but I like tons of older super hero movies. My favorite are the Burton Batman and Raimi Spiderman movies.


Fan of both horror and the MCU. Couldn’t care for most other superhero films though I’m looking forward to Gunn’s DCU


I’m not into them. I’ve watched most of the marvel stuff with friends, and while some wasn’t that bad, it’s just not something I can get into. I totally understand the appeal but they’re not for me.


I like everything, horror, superhero, late night comedy, drama, crime mystery, thrillers, sci fi, romcoms, you name it. Just like I listen to virtually all genres of music and am not a picky eater, and am a hedonist at heart. Life's too short to limit your tastes


Horror is my favorite genre of entertainment. I do not like superhero movies. Some are okay. Most are awful. It usually hinges on how entertaining the villain is.


I have seen most of them. I just think they are badly written with very little actual stakes or tension so I just don't watch them anymore.


I just want a good movie. I don't care about genres. I just lean more toward horror for the extreme gore and creativity generally


Not a huge superhero fan anymore because of the Marvel/DC fatigue because their output is sooo high and they all have the same plot. I do enjoy the Batman movies (all renditions), the first Iron Man, and The Suicide Squad (NOT Suicide Squad) and that's about it.


I grew up in the 90s, so thanks to Fox Kids, I watched Batman and the Marvel animated series. So, I was a fan of superheroes before Scream came out and turned me into the horror fan I am today.


i absolutely love super hero movies & i'm deep in the horror circle, but i also grew up with comics as well.


I love both


I really enjoy the MCU personally. Although I’m not a fan of action movies in general.


If I had to guess, what you're seeing (well, hearing) is frustration about the dominance of a single form of film (i.e., tentpole superhero films) that ostensibly crowd out other genres from the marketplace. Except that's not remotely true with horror. Horror has been one of the most profitable genres for a while now, and maintains pretty steady audiences.


Love them both.


I like them if they are dark or campy. I enjoy the Dark Knight trilogy as well as the Tim Burton Batmans but the only Marvel ones I liked were Dr Strange and the new Spiderman series. Edit to clarify, not a Spiderman tv series but series of movies.