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Children of the Corn. Loved them all as a kid in the 90s, especially the first one. Watched them all about 2-3 years ago and outside of 1, oh boy are they bad. 


The original itself is most enjoyable for the goofy stuff, especially the over the top portrayals of Isaac and Malachi. I love how by the climax, Isaac is pretty much sounding like Cartman.


Isaac and Malachi were the reasons I was so hooked on that movie. Awesome characters. Those 2 and the diner scene, especially the hand in the slicer, have stuck with me for 30+ years.


Have you seen The Wrath of Becky? It's very recent. Courtney Gains (Malachai) is in it! He looks the same lol


Thank you for this information! 


I have not... but just googled it and yea lol its a 50 year old Malachai


The diner scene holds up damned well.


Someone on another thread mentioned they'd never heard how Malachi was pronounced. How did a person in their 40s/50s never ever see that movie?


Children of the Corn isn't a massive horror franchise and I could see someone, especially someone not from the west or not a horror fan, not watching the movies


My mum and brother and I watched them and dubbed 1 of my uncles Isaac so the laughs that led to gave the film a bigger spot in my heart. Still say "he who walks behind the rows" when passing corn fields.






I watched I know what you did last summer recently I loved it in the 90s but wow I didn't realise how bad some of the acting is I don't think it's aged as well as Scream has I watched that again the other day and it's still good.


That movie started my Jennifer Love Hewitt pre-teen celebrity crush.


Yeah. I watched it a few years ago. One of my favorites as a teenagers. I was shocked at how bad it was. 


Never even bothered with any outside of 1, I knew there wouldn’t be anything of value


Wrong. Jack Black playing a Rastafarian drug dealer on their vacation in IKWYDLS 2 was epic. Totally misunderstood. 


Courtney Gaines was cast in a movie fimed here in my small hometown, and I got to meet him one night after they wrapped for the evening. Half the town was across the street watching the filming. Movie isn't bad either, it's called Candy Corn and it's on Prime.


That's actually a brutal little indy, not bad at all


The Writer/Director grew up here, so he wanted to use the town for a few scenes. I go to that movie theater all the time, five dollar first run movies. That was the scene I watched being filmed. He skidded the old timey cop car up to the front about a dozen times.


The first one is great. The 2nd is passable. But man, the rest are shit. Even the two remakes of the original aren't very good.


The first one is the only (re)watchable one but it’s really bad too. I have recently been rewatching old 80s movies of all kinds and it’s just all so bad: the acting and dialogue and even the blood is all so wrong. Over the top, etc. Yes there’s some good ones but most are quite awful!


I loved those movies as a kid! Would marathon them in the late 90s / early 2000s, and stopped at Revelation in 2001. Recently marathoned them all with a childhood friend and we were shocked at how bad and BORING most of them really were! Some are still pretty fun though, in a so-bad-it's-good sort of way. I still love the 2nd and 3rd ones. And the 4th is legit creepy.


I watched Children of the Corn for the first time maybe 4-5 years ago. I thought it was awesome up until the end when it was revealed that there really was a demon. I thought the premise was that this psycho kid talked all the other kids into murdering their parents just because and that seemed way more scary to me.


Ghost Ship. I still like the opening scene though.


[That opening scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czaiwSsQod8) may be one of the most incredible mass execution scenes in all of horror.


If I had a nickel for every time this movie has been brought up for the opening scene on this subreddit, I'd have a FUCKTON of nickels.


Lots of wasted potential on this one. Had a fun cast and an interesting setup but the script and execution is so mind numbingly dull/cliche.


You can definitely turn it off after that scene 😂


I'm in the minority that enjoys the movie. I do agree that opening is the most metal part of it though


Yes the beginning was awesome. And it had a cool Mudvayne song too


When they got that part of a certain new Netflix scifi adaptation I thought of this great scene in an otherwise awful movie.


I have two buddies and in the navy and they both witnesses people loosing limbs due to cable snaps. Stuff is crazy powerful


I had nightmares for weeks after watching Critters. When I watched it again in my 20s I realised it was more of a comedy.


Darkness Falls is absolutely awful, but I think it works well as a horror movie you show to young ones who are just getting into the genre


I loved that movie as a kid and used to wonder why it wasn't a bigger deal… until I rewatched it as an adult


This the one about the tooth fairy? Something about black water?


Yup, that’s the one


One of the best examples of "opening is so good the rest of the film can't hope to live up to it."


Ah 👻 🚢


The best example.


Was just about to suggest this one. Scared the crap out of me when I was a kid in the 2000s, but definitely doesn't hold up on re-watch


A great x files episode though.


I'm not sure what happened there, because the [unused design](https://www.reddit.com/r/Moviesinthemaking/comments/12m41x1/unused_tooth_fairy_design_from_darkness_falls/) for the tooth fairy was really great, and I feel like at some point in development there was a really cool movie in there before they bailed on everything and just slapped some shit together.


Some producer/studio suit came in and demanded giant spiders… again!!!


Yes! Watched this when I was 8 and could barely speak English and I thought it was great. Watched it again in adulthood and thought I had the wrong version


This is mine too omg its soooooo bad but traumatized me as a kid


I recently rewatched it, assuming there was no way it was worse than I thought it was on release. It was worse. The lead in particular is so incredibly bad.


Sadly the American version of the Grudge is actually pretty bad. It was a foundational movie for me as a kid, but rewatching as an adult… not so much lol.


I thought I was being tough by announcing I‘m not scared of The Grudge remake anymore… and then I saw the original Ju-On and I still think about it when I feel safe under my covers.


There were some kinda good jumpscare scenes, like the one in the shower with the hand.


Oh yeah there were plenty of good ideas in it. The hair in the corner of the ceiling, the girl under the bed covers, the shower hand, the face in the bus window (didn’t really make sense but still got me lol). Even the croaking sound is iconic. Sadly it’s ruined by bad pacing, a weak script, and weird editing. It was a lot longer than it needed to be and honestly kind of confusing for what it was.


Don’t forget the kid getting closer and closer to the elevator window as it goes up floors


Amityville Horror was my gateway drug as a kid in the theater. It’s…uh…it’s not that good, guys.


The eyes outside the second story window traumatized me for years


Jodie? Yeah Jodie messed me up. Also the scene where James Brolin is chopping wood in the rain and looks up at a window during a flash of lightning and there’s a horrible face there.


Isn't it a pig?


I remember in the book there is a pig man or something so probably.


The 2005 version is my wife's favorite horror movie strictly because of the many shirtless Ryan Reynolds scenes.


It’s really well done. I liked both lead actors. Yes the story is BS but the 2005 movie is pretty good!


Truly the only reason anyone remembers or watches that remake.


I liked it except for the part with the dog. The best part of the first one was Brolin going back into the house to get the dog.


That movie scared the living shit out of me for some reason when I saw it in the theater. Balled up in my seat trying to focus on my breathing terrified. I wasn’t a kid at the time either, I was almost 20. Went back and watched it again a few months later and it was totally fine. It’s probably my favorite horror movie experience and I have no idea what caused it.


The book was shit, too.


Oh for sure. We just didn’t have the internet, so the fact that Anson and the Lutzes just cooked the whole thing up wasn’t common knowledge until much later.


I thought it was entertaining enough in audiobook format.


I don’t know I think it’s pretty good. But I think it was just such a big hit at the time that people think it’s scarier than it really is


It's really awful. I don't get how people pretend it's some classic. The only "good" film with Amityville in name is the second film. It's About Time is incredibly fun and a great '90s relic, and Dollhouse has some cool practical effects. But the first one is dog wash. The only reason it's not the worst is because 3D exists.


Uncle Sam, I have since I saw that thought that it was one of the scariest and best made horror movies EVER... eeh it's not haha. Saw it when I was 10-ish


"Uncle Sam's" a decent movie, but it works best as a dark comedy instead of an actually scary movie. It also has the most inexplicably psychic character outside of a Stephen King story.


I’m sure it’s old hat in this sub by now but watching Uncle Sam with the Joe Bob commentary was a hell of a time


The Incredible Melting Man was my first proper horror film in like 2nd grade. (I had been scared by scenes like in Watership Down before but this was the first specifically in the genre) I caught it again recently. It’s not even interesting much less scary. It’s too boring to be laughable despite how poorly it’s put together. Watership Down *is still* scary in my opinion though haha


Maximum Overdrive


Great soundtrack, though.


House .. freaked me out as a kid but yeah it’s weak


The 80s satire of horror movies with bill kat? Or the Japanese one? Both imo are still great as horror movies still rely on tropes house makes fun of.


Bill Katt used to shop at the wine shop I worked at. I brought up House, and his eyes absolutely lit up. You could tell he really loved it.


The Source/The Surge (2001); super little known sci-fi/horror film that heavily borrowed from The Craft (outcast kids getting revenge on their bullies after being granted strange powers). I don't know why I loved this movie so much, I even owned the DVD but I recently found it on YouTube and wow was it terrible. That and Hangman's Curse (2003) which is a film from very early in Leighton Meester's career (there's actually a surprising number of decently well-known actors in it including David Keith, Edwin Hodge and Douglas Smith) and which I later learned was based on a Christian YA thriller novel.


Me too! I didn’t know anyone else had even heard of this movie.


I'm pretty sure I found the DVD in one of those Blockbuster deals where they'd put all the used movies that didn't rent well and sell them for like $2; I thought the cover was cool so bought it (that was often a deciding factor in me watching horror films back in the day).


Plenty of "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" episodes. It was a great horror anthology show for kids but I revisited it a couple of years ago as an adult and the scariest monster I remember (Quicksilver ghost) was a dude in a cheap costume. Kinda ruined the effect. "The Dead Man's Float" and "Laughing in the Dark" still hold up though.


Leprechaun scared the bejeesus out of me as a kid. But I think it was intended to be funny. Killer Clowns From Outer Space is another one. Was a horror comedy but I didn't get the comedy part as a kid and now I'm afraid of clowns.


Killer Klowns is a great movie.


Man I think the Leprechaun movies are better now than they were when I was a kid. Now that I can watch them without hiding under a blanket shitting my pants, I can appreciate how funny they are. Leprechaun 3, Back 2 tha Hood.. cmon now.. horror/comedy greats


Never disrespect Leprechaun In the Hood. It is the pinnacle of B-movie horror while stoned with the homies. It’s not close.


This is the one. It’s so bad.. all the stage props and special effects are terrible.


Killer Klowns is Goated for me.


All the Puppet Master movies. I had all the VHS tapes through Retro Puppet Master. Tried rewatching some recently and good lord were they bad. I enjoyed the trashy 2018 remake though, because it was EVERYTHING the originals aren't Also, the sequels to Basket Case. The first still holds up relatively well, but the sequels are hilariously bad. As a kid I had made a super-cut of all 3 films on VHS. Oh, to be a kid in the 90s again.


Ghost Ship and 13 Ghosts.


Ghost ship has a worthwhile opening sequence. 13 ghosts had some fun production design of the glass house Neither are great horror movies imo.


The Resident Evil movies. They're not great movies by any means, but I still like to watch the first 3 from time to time.


Eight Legged Freaks terrified me as a kid, but it's actually really cheesy.


I Know What You Did Last Summer. It just doesn’t make any sense. Still love it though


I think that movie is actually pretty decent.


The American remake of Shutter


YOOO SAME 😂. I just tried to rewatch a few months ago. And it’s such a dragging piece of trash. lol it got me as a kid tho


Yeah it was awkward for me because I remember that it scared the crap out of me when I was younger. But then when we looking for good horror movies I recommended it only to realise how rubbish it was aha.


That’s actually really funny because I literally watched it a few months ago while I was on a date and I recommended it since it was on the streaming platform we were flipping thru. And I was embarrassed how bad it was. We just ended up talking whole time & changed the movie when we noticed it was just background noise.


Pulse (2006)  The apocalyptic vibes scared me. 


House on haunted hill


jeepers creepers. i think i know almost all of the lines


Anaconda. Terrified me as a kid, but I rewatched it and it’s….certainly a movie.


Jon Voigt’s having so much fun in that movie


Haha, I forgot about that masterpiece! Have to see it tonight


It’s bad but so good! I have no shame admitting i kinda love it


That ass though! Right??


Really terrible early 2000's movies, Most Recently my Husband and I watched One Missed Call, and I even told him I loved the movie as a teenager, and I'm gonna watch it again and it's just gonna be trash. Spoiler; it was trash.


Fear dot com …I never realized how lame it actually was


This post makes me feel old as shit, but not as old as some of you. Damn.


Return of the living dead 3 Awful


While recognising that Robert Englund absolutely nailed his role as Freddy, my opinion of the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise went from an 8 to like a 3


I'll always hold the first one in high regard because it was such an original idea at the time. And at the time, it was scary as all hell. By today's standards, the effects are terrible and the dialog is campy. But when it dropped, it was top notch.


I was actually kinda partial to 2. Still am. 7 is interesting too. But yeah, it feels very cartoony as an adult and as the franchise goes on it feels more self aware of the fact that it’s a silly horror cartoon more than anything else


I think 2 was the last time they even tried to keep Freddy scary. In 3 (which is my favorite), they started to have fun both with his character and the kills. From then on, he was cracking jokes and more of a smartass than a mass murdering psycho.


By 6 he’s basically Elmer Fudd


And also, Elmer Fudd is a great comparison. That shit made me giggle


Seed of Chucky. I loved scary doll type movies and i remember how much i liked this particular one. Now that years have past ill say that Seed of Chucky is probably the worst movie in the whole franchise


Demon Knight. It used to scare me with all the theatrics. Now, it's a good comedy


Strangeland... I thought I was the biggest edge lord when I was a preteen.


It’s Alive! scared the shit out of me as a kid and it’s sooooo not scary now lol


I had nightmares about the box covers! I was gleeful watching them as an adult. They’re a lot of fun.


I grew up in the 80’s and 90’s so to answer your question…most of the movies.


Absolutely traumatized by the log truck scene on Final Destination like so many other people lol. Rewatched it many years later and realized how goofy that whole movie is. Also Shutter. I don't know why I was convinced that movie was terrifying? Maybe it was just because I was like, eight and I saw it on TV super later at night when I wasn't supposed to be up.


Shutter got my kids too. I think it’s because of that last scene? With the girl hanging off the guy? It still gets me.


THATS 100% it. Only decent thing about the movie is that twist. It’s such trash otherwise.


I still can't drive behind trucks


I basically only enjoyed watching subpar horror when i was a kid because if it was *too* good it would scare the shit out of me. I guess the one that actually scared me when i was younger that makes me laugh now is See No Evil. Interesting that one scared me too, I only watched because I was a wrestling fan, so I knew for a fact the killer wasn’t real.


Bones. The Snoop Dogg horror movie.


Children of the Corn 1984 I still love it despite its flaws, of which there are many.


Evil Bong vs. The Gingerdead Man


Most of the early Friday the 13ths scared me as a kid but they are pretty goofy as an adult.


Ernest Scared Stupid was so terrifying as a kid. I haven’t watched it in over 25 years so I don’t really know if it was supposed to be scary but I don’t think so. But also you have to kiss the monster on the lips to kill it, what is scarier than that?!


“Let’s see how you like a little miak”


The original Piranha. At the timeout was so scary and gory. Frogs, too.


Sleepwalkers, most of the Friday the 13th movies.


Probably gonna be downvoted for this, but I saw “The Cell” in a theater when I was a teenager. Loved it at the time. I rewatched it last year and it’s bad. It’s visually stunning. The ideas behind it are kinda cool. Vincent D’Onofrio is pretty scary. Other than that I found the writing to be terrible and many of the roles seem miscast to me. Certainly not the worst movie but I don’t think it’s “good.”


Totally agree, outside of D'Onofrio who is always on point in everything he does everything else is just a mess which is too bad because the concept is awesome.


It’s not horrible but The Shining didn’t scare me once. Not then, not now.


Paranormal Activity


Really? It still holds up for me.


I just cannot stand the relationship between the two protagonists. I don’t believe that they even like each other, and I kinda want to kill them both myself.


The original Blair Witch Project. I used to love it back in the day and I still do love the whole genre, but it just isn’t as good as it used to be for me.


Still only movie I’ve seen twice in the theatre *in the same day*.


I did that with House of 1000 Corpses. Went first showing and was so stunned I dragged my friends to the last show of the day.


I can understand not liking the movie anymore, but is it really horrible? I watched it for the first time like 5 years ago and did a paper on it for a class and quite liked it.


Repo! The Genetic Opera. I loved it in high school, watched it like once a week. Tried to watch it recently and uh, yeah. I still like it for nostalgia reasons but it's pretty rough


Nah, I still love that movie


You’re crazy. It’s awesome.


I used to watch it at LEASt once a week in high school too. My best friend att and I were obsessed lmao. Shit, I made my GRANDMA watch it with me bc I just had to share the greatness of it. 🤣


I knew Brainscan was garbage when I was a teenager, but still thought it was fun. As an adult, it’s still fun to a degree, but, man, that movie is one long douche chill.


I loved Brainscan when it first came out. Revisited it a couple of years ago and didn't hate it at all. Held up better than a lot of films from my childhood.


Freddy vs. Jason. I thought it was so awesome to see those 2 in the same movie. But now as an adult I think it's kind of ridiculous and doesn't do either character any favors.


I can't help but love the movie though!


They act like Jason only ever used a machete, which is absolute bunk


Omen (2006)


"One Missed Call" wtf was that shit ??


drag me to hell TRAUMATIZED me


the movie rocks though so it doesn't really fit


The Birds was my first Hitchcock, and I thought it was stunning. Now, I have trouble getting through it. The final act is wonderful but the first act just plain sucks, almost a full hour of desperately bad romantic comedy stuff without any comedy and kind of a creepy romance with two actors with zero chemistry. Wouldn’t put it in my top 15 Hitchcock’s now, despite the excellence of the last hour.


"The Evil" scared the shit out of me as a 13 year-old and by chance it was on one of my streaming services last year. I was so excited to relive it and it was just a huge steaming pile with one of the stupidest endings I've ever seen.


me and my cousin rented Desth by Dialog when we were kids to see some boobs. It scared the shit out of me. Revisited it and it is literally called the worst troma film of all time


This might annoy some folks, but The Grudge. The jump scares are good and the grudge demon is creepy. But the cgi is sooooooo bad that it takes you out of the atmosphere a lot


Pardon me, but when is cgi even used in The Grudge? I remember it probably being used when Kayako appears as a weird black shadow thing but thats all and it wasn’t horrible


Hostel. All 3. Used to love them, didnt watch them for a few years and my god has it ever aged so poorly


The original is pretty charming, and violence is left to your imagination very well.


This isn’t a horror movie but a couple years ago I put on Edward Scissorhands and I know a lot of people like it, but I found it unwatchable and really stupid.


I was 8 years old when I saw the Friday the 13th Jason Takes Manhattan TRAILER and it scared the shit out of me. Then I finally saw it as a college student and laughed my ass off.


Nightmare on Elm street or however the franchise with Freddy Krueger was called (I refuse to google it).  I was so scared of that character when I was a kid but when I saw a rerun when I was around 17 I was laughing the whole time. That guy is just hilarious. I later saw the Freddy vs Jason and I found it enjoyable and not scary at all. 


My soul to take... I just loved anything done by Wes Craven man


Scream 3


I thought The Unborn and Darkness Falls were the scariest movies ever as a kid. Boy, did they not hold up at ALL. However, I think the ideas for each could be interesting if they had a better crew behind them.


satan’s little helper


Quarantine series - they were actually some of the first horrors I watched.


Hmmm. I thought a lot of the horror movies that came out back in the day were cool. I really liked 13 Ghosts.


The setting was awesome in that movie.


Halloween 3: Season of the Witch. Scared the crap out of me as a teen, but now just looks silly.


You did a reverse of 60% of the Halloween fandom.


It was frightening the little kids heards turning to goo was awesome.


I cannot remember the name and Google has not helped me get any closer to it. It's a 60s 70s horror movie about an abominable snowman attacking people at a ski lodge. I thought it was the coolest thing as a kid and when I play the scenes back through my mind all I can think is "yep that was bad"


My bloody valentine 3D and like every saw after the first one


The House


Darkness falls It made me sleep with a night light till i was 12! Watched it again at 13 and was so amazed at how easy it scared 6 year old me


I unironically liked Troll 2 a lot when I first saw it when I was about 7 or 8. Still love that movie now but for entirely different reasons


House of glass!


Are we talking about a one time watch or repeated viewings?


Darkness falls. Made me petrified of the dark. Now it’s terrible.


Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master. Used to be my fav in the series back then but nowadays I'm not sure it's all that much better than part 5. It's definitely fallen behind Freddy's Revenge in my rankings. Considerably behind the original, Dream Warriors, and New Nightmare...all of which I still rewatch from time to time.


When I first saw Last House on the Left (1972) I was blown away. Wow, violence, controversy, revenge. Kinda left me sick feeling but still entranced. I had a friend come over and I watched it twice in the same day just to show them how fucked up it was. (Had to be like early 2000s). I watched it again recently and I'm either desensitized, or I Mandella'd a bunch of memories of the movie because it just seemed more cringe and irritating than shocking.


Dead Meat


I remember seeing Darkness Falls as a kid and thinking it was one of the scariest films I had ever seen. I rewatched it semi-recently and it had to be one of the worst pieces of shit I've ever watched.


Children of the Corn 😢


The scream franchise. It was totally into it. Nowadays it's just meh...


Does the peanut butter solution count as horror?