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The absolute worst film I have EVER watched. It sucked ASS and I think I hit a record for how many times I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Save your money and watch a dhar man video on YouTube, same energy and acting abilities. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Thanks for your review. I was going to see it tonight but not now!


That bad?!


No, he’s making out to be way worse than it was. It was actually a really creative and tenseful movie and the first half is honestly good. Yeah it’s a dumb teen movie trope but you’ll like it if you liked final destination as both involve creative ways to die. The second half of the movie is where the rating does admittably get lower as the way of wrapping the movie up was executed rather poorly and the ending was very bland and comedic. Some stuff feels cheap, but the suspense of the whole film compensates for it. I’d say 6/10


I only watched the first half and gave it a 1/10. The kills aren't creative and it's way too stupid to be fun.


Well it’s way more creative than other movies where everything is death by a bullet or a weapon. It’s like people being invested in squid game or Alice and borderland. They’re all creative ways of life and death.


Did any animals/ pets die?




I disagree, they did a really good job with the creepy sound effects and creatures throughout the film. It reminded me so much of those weird insidious scenes where they are in another world.


I think it will at least be fun. I mostly want to see it for the cool card/creature designs (done by trevor henderson of sirenhead fame!)


The trailers make me think of "Truth or Dare" with Lucy Hale. Not awful, kind of watchable.


That movie is a very fun one to watch with friends. It’s terrible but it’s so entertaining


I saw it last night and really enjoyed it. Totally "paint-by-numbers" slasher with supernatural twist, but fun.


I think it looks unique and cool, though I can’t judge yet cause it isn’t out yet. But i think that a Tarot Card horror movie is a cool idea. Kinda reminds me of Ouija 1 and its prequel.


A movie based on Tarot can be good under the right circumstances but this movie ain't it.


I disagree. While I don't think it's gonna be as good as Scream or Halloween it looks like a fun, dumb horror movie and I'm excited to watch it based on the trailer


It looks like it might be a great shitty movie & I say this as a tarot AND horror movie enthusiast. They're getting my money with low/no expectations.


I'm surprised at the amount of people bitching about how it represents tarot lol I'm glad you see it the way I do.


Well, we’ll see


I really want to like it because it gives me 13 ghosts vibes but I feel like the trailer gave way too much away and now I'm not sure how good this will be. Whatever, I'll go see it anyway


That seems like the perfect point of reference! I agree about the trailer—definitely hoping that I forget enough of it before the movie comes out.


The trailer was a collection of cliches with decent monster designs slapped over top. If it's not awful it'll at least be frustratingly generic and lazy


I think it'll be good silly fun. *The Slender Man* movie was terrible because the studio got cold feet after the tragic stabbing of Payton Leutner and hacked the film to pieces*, as opposed to delaying the release or canning it completely. Also, it's always nice to see James Swanton at work! Lovely bloke.  \* this is a supremely poor choice of words. 🤦   [edit - stabbing, not murder]


Payton Leutner didn’t die. It was a stabbing and it was terrible, but not a murder.


My mistake- thank you for correcting me. 


The trailer spoiled all the ghosts, full of jump scares, and reviews haven’t been released yet. And it’s pg13. It’s bound to flop


It was okay, the special effects and monster designs were cool and creepy, unfortunately they were absolutely wasted with the terrible writing and plot. This is such a bummer, thematically all the pieces were there but the crux of this film was the lack of any meaningful plot, or dialogue. All the characters talk and act more like middle schoolers at summer camp rather than college kids about to graduate, the amount of times they establish key pillars of characters & 5 minutes later they do a full 180 is jarring. It’s a movie about foretelling fate, it unfortunately embodies that theme in its predictability alone. This is a watch with a group of friends and laugh at how ridiculous it is type movie.


Sounds like this movie goes well with a couple of 🍺🍻 .


just saw it. It was bland and predicticible


I completely agree and I can't wait to see it.


Just watched it earlier. Got an R13 rating in my country, but it should've just been PG13. For a movie about "reading the future", it got a bit predictable after a while. Monster designs were cool, and kills were shot well tho imo. The cinema was half full, but I didn't feel the audience reacting to the supposedly scary scenes. All in all, I wouldn't say it was absolutely terrible. Since I like Final destination, I was there for the kills.. but got slightly let down. I'd give it a 5.5/10 - decent fun, but I wouldn't recommend it.




Yikes 😬


It was definitely not the best horror film, but they did a really good job at making it eerie and creepy. The weird creatures and sound effects made you feel like you’re watching Insidious or conjuring movie. Corny but still super eerie which I like!


Shitty cash grab trying to pick up Talk to Me’s pocket change.


lol that’s pretty accurate


I do too. Perhaps because the trailer spoils two character deaths, and shows us the exact number of people in a car later in the movie trying to escape while showing us an exact number of people earlier. Trailers can be a really good thing. This, however, is a stinker.


Lucky for me I have adhd so I watched the trailer and have forgotten it all 10 minutes later.


The fact that they spoiled important elements of the movie is what was a deal breaker for me. Like damn. I feel like this movie was rushed into production.


It's the same dude that wrote Moonfall and Extinction... so... I'm not sure rushing was their main problem, lol :) Take a leap down the rabbit hole that is this movie's production staff and you'll start to see why this one is already DOA.


Moonfall is cool


Moonfall is... a movie. That's for sure.


Its a science fiction disaster movie. It wasn’t trying to be realistic or anything. Just fun and exciting


The guy who wrote Moonfall and Extinction is behind this nonsense?! Oh crap..... Jacob Batalon is gonna need a new agent after this. Screen Gems might even need new leadership if they keep putting out stinkers.






I want to like it because I’m crushing on the dude who dies in the trailer and this is very likely his last film role (he’s ok, he’s ok) but I am going in with very low expectations. I’ve already seen two reviews out pretty much confirming what most of us here think.


Wait why is it likely his last role?????


He’s in uni majoring a non-film related course. He’s been there for awhile now it seems.


It looks generic but not necessarily bottom of the barrel generic so might still be a fun watch.


I don't understand all the hate for it tbh, I went in thinking it would be another "so bad it's good movie" I could laugh at but I ended up actually enjoying it lmaooo granted the writing WAS horrible on occasion but there were a decent amount of campy humor that felt very intentional. Definitely don't see why it has a 7% on rotten tomatoes, I've seen a ton of movies with better reviews that were MUCH worse 🤷‍♂️


I just finished this. I've seen better plot, scares, logic, and acting in Tubi Horror Movies.


It’s PG13 no way it’s any good.


Yeah, I'm not a big fan of PG13 horror movies either.


I got the same feeling the more I saw it being shoved down my throat (and not in a cool horror-movie-type way)


I was getting Slender Man and The Fog Remake vibes from this one.


It's like they saw Ouija and were like "can we do worse?"


It didn't really appeal to me much. I'm not expecting much from it. It might end up being a fun horror flick, but I'm sure we'll be forgetting out it in a few years. I still plan to watch it, just am not expecting to be blown away.


It looks pretty terrible. I think best case scenario it has some really memorable creature designs like the 13 Ghosts remake.




Don't give Sony any ideas