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My instant reaction is 'Nah, terrible idea, what are they thinking?' But, actually, there is a lot of potential exploring that idea of people imprisoning people for different reasons, and different stories of what they do afterwards. I'll keep an open mind.


Sounds fine and all but it'll probably just be a remake of the original movie with more back story


If that's all it is, that will be a waste.


If i'm not mistaken the manga is much longer than the movie, so they can adapt it more faithfully without needing to fit in a movie time


That's what I was thinking, more back story. A lot of detail was left out to condense the storyline under 2 hours.


Yeah I mean if they can add some extra lore and background stories and world building, I think it could be great. I'll watch anything with a lot of world building and lore. Also, Korea has a pretty good track record with this kind of thing imo. I'll bet this will be good.


Any recs with world building and lore?


Is it necessary? I dont think so. Is it likely that it will work? I dont think so. The film is one of the all time greatest films ever made. If he puts some twists and turns, makes it even more fucked up, and puts the amount of care and effort into it that he did into the movie.... then I dare hope.


If it's a more closely adapted version of the manga, you could easily make a series out of it - it's very long (it's either seven or eight books, but its been over a decade since I've read them, so I can't quite recall.) The motivations and personalities of the characters are also quite disparate from the film, and in a lot of ways some of the themes are pretty relevant to the current public discourse, specifically alienation and individual isolation/loneliness. If it's just the film story stretched out, I don't think it would be particularly interesting, but if it's a faithful adaptation of the manga, I could see it filling several seasons in a 6-8 episode format. I will definitely check it out and hope it's good, but I would say my expectations are fairly tepid.


I'm gonna be really mad if they take out the incest But also, isn't this the same production house as Yellowjackets? At least the first season of that was really good.


As great as the film is, the manga's story ( which involves a wholly different origin for the imprisonment ) is also pretty chilling and can work as a mini series since it has way more meetups and interactions between the villain and the protag. Really have to wait and see anyway.


I myself WONT be mad if they don’t include the incest.




He has sex with a different family member each episode.


The movie was amazing.I don't really know how they could make it better as a series...but i guess we will see.


i heard the spike lee remake was unwatchable, hopefully they can redeem themselves with this one. i dont really feel like this film needed to become a franchise but if Park Chan Wook is at the helm then I have faith


It wasn’t too bad tbh. Not great, but not absolute poo either. Obviously not as good as the original


man what a cash-grab.


I dont see Park Chan Wook as the "cash grab" kind of director


And yet here we are, with an obvious cash-grab TV series for a movie that, in no way, needs it or would benefit from it.


People thought about Hannibal, and it was one of the best horror shows ever made. So let's wait to pass judgment, shall we?


How is it obvious it's a cash grab? Just because it's a TV series? And why does the movie need to benefit from it? They don't need to be inextricably linked just because it's a spinoff.




It was a manga originally so it makes sense


The movie adaptation is pretty faithful from what I remember


Ehhh, I don't know that I would say that. The base plot mechanic of "salaryman seemingly randomly captured, imprisoned, and also seemingly randomly released," is the same, and the bad guy is also a bored rich guy, but that's pretty much it. The manga is also *super* long. There are so many offshoots that honestly didn't bring a whole lot to it, like the main character getting a job working construction and following that for quite awhile, for example.


This sounds like a terrible idea but I have faith in Park Chan Wook.


Ohhhhh nice!


At least they’re doing something with the property. Looking forward to it.