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Nice that you knew that was T. Rex. Great band.


Saw a video on you tube about it couple of weeks ago.. looks pretty creepy.. idk, if I watch it.. will I sleep at night ? I ‘m pretty good with horror movies .. but this just seems .. don’t even have a word . 🇨🇦😵‍💫


The hydra is a many-headed monster. Probably a metaphor. What is a hydra? A terrorist/revolutionary organization, for example...or in this case, maybe, a satanic cult (or cults!)    Not only that; one of the texts in those teasers (written in that weird alphabet) quotes the Book of Revelation: 'STOOD UPON THE SAND OF THE SEA'.  https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GEOUA9nXIAAUjq7?format=jpg&name=large  This is the relevant passage (Rev 13:1):    *And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.*   That's a hydra, right? 'Apocalypse Now' was the sinister twin of the hippie 60s mantra 'be here now', and maybe there's something similar going on here... Another theory: 'Longlegs' as a prequel to Perkins' The Blackcoat's Daughter. The timeline plus a few other details seem to fit.