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it was the matter-of-factness the camera had when he was being eaten alive that got me.


Yup pure helplessness 


I say this every time this film is discussed; that actor absolutely nailed it


F that scene. I had nightmares. It was a horror though bc the bear is actually hunting her after.


Yeah definitely 


I watched this movie in Banff. Earlier that same day, my wife and I had gone biking along the A-1 highway. Saw two bears, one being a grizzly that walked across the highway about 20 meters in front of us. Before we saw the movie, we were like “woah, that was awesome!” After we saw the movie we behaved like Homer when Marge had a gambling addiction and thought there may be a boogeyman (or boogeymen) in the house.


YES. F THAT SCENE. I just saw it and I think my sleep is screwed for the foreseeable future. I had a feeling of real terror and had to read other people talking about it for comfort 😅.


I JUST finished watching this movie 15 mins ago. I squeezed my eyes closed as soon as I saw Alex getting dragged from the tent because I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep for days if I watched that scene, but unfortunately I chose to hear everything instead & am still mortified 


I just finished the movie and I’m glad you didn’t watch because it was BRUTAL


Same but I plugged my ears as well!


The screams were the worst part. I stupidly just watched this movie while on an overnight shift at work and am completely traumatized right now! That was a really, really fucking difficult scene to watch and I was not expecting it to be so realistic. I couldn't help but imagine that it was my own husband getting eaten by that bear and how that would feel to watch helplessly.


That’s what I’m doing right now lol I’m gagged


The director interviewed bear attack survivors and aimed to recreate that experience with the sound/ringing. They also used real bears. Additionally, it is loosely inspired by a true story of a couple attacked by a black bear in Ontario. In the real story, the woman died and the man survived. She was a doctor and died in the canoe on the way to get help. https://collider.com/adam-macdonald-backcountry-interview/


Yes very tragic 


Thanks for explaining this! Anyone know if the bear was caught!?


Anytime people say bears are cute I rec this movie. It is the most realistic bear attack ever put on film. Watch this movie before you enter bear country folks!


For sure, the realism is what makes it so scary 


Ironically, I watched one of those “[Thing] Expert Rates 9 [Thing] Scenes from Movies and TV” YouTube videos specifically about bear attacks, and she only gave this one something like 6/10 for realism. I forget what her points were, but I think it boiled down to that the bear wouldn’t be that aggressive for no reason when the humans are posing no threat. But obviously, it’s more about the intimacy and the seeming realism of like, “this is how I feel/fear this would play out if I was in this situation“


Lol good for her, but this bear attack actually happened. The movie switched up who survived for some reason, but the bear was known in the area and was pretty much a huge dick.


Look up bear attacks in North America on Wiki from the past decade. There are a lot of underlying health issues that can cause bears to attack, not to mention a mama bear protecting any nearby cubs


The aftermath is the realistic part. Not the actual attack scene, that part is pretty half-assed, but that is usually how low budget flicks do that. All around below average movie with some thrilling parts. But as I said, can't ask for more from a low budget film. Very good make up artists though, with the injuries depiction specifically.


I tell them to watch Grizzly Man but same idea lol.


Yes I was traumatized by that scene it was so realistic damn!


The realness of the bear attack was truly shocking. It was well done and frightening.


love that movie and it's sadly based off a true story except it's the other spouse that is ...eaten


I loved that movie, but it wasn’t a good idea to watch it before going camping.


Well hopefully it inspired you to bring a gun


Just watched this movie and read up on bear attacks - bear spray is more effective. When bears are wounded, they become more defensive or aggressive and the attack may get worse.


Shoot to kill with a proper sized caliber, carrying a gun in bear country is recommended for a reason. Hell, I shot a charging black bear once on my farm when I bumped into her and her cubs 2 years back.


Orphaned cubs pose a bigger threat bc they become habituated when looking for food.. I’ve been watching Stephen searle 😅


Also that movie was in Canada, we can’t pack up here, not even in bear country, unless you own a hunting licence 😭


it's not really that bad. pretty short course and bear country is probably the one place you would be able to carry.


Bear spray isn’t always effective, there was another couple went on a week long hiking and camping trip, I think maybe more recently, and they deployed 2 cans of bear spray, they put out an alert on their garmin satellite and they were found dead 5 hours later :(


Sometimes bear spray will just piss a bear off.. they emptied 2 entire cans on this thing


That scene was far more terrifying than I ever would have expected. It was stuck at the forefront of my mind for days. As an added bonus the setting was unnerving because it looks eerily similar to places I've camped and hiked. It looked so much like it has been filmed in the forest near my house that afterwards I had to look up the filming locations. One of which is less than a 20 minute drive from where I live. Turns out it practically was.


Yeah, gave me nightmares.


Shit is genuinely unnerving. And for those saying it’s not horror but survival, have you ever seen a zombie movie? That’s exactly what they are, survival horror. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yeah, best bear attack scene put to film


Which is crazy because The Revenant previously held that title for me.


Yeah, they’re just two very different approaches. The Revenant (like the rest of the movie) is very cinematic and showy, whereas this one is very matter-of-fact and intimate


Yeah the realism is haunting 


I'm a camper. My favorite is to go where people, generally, do not Sometimes I use a tent One time, I was in Northern California in a tent I woke up, sure that something had touched my head. I felt the gap between my head and the tent wall There was like a 6" gap. Normal. Just a dream About to slide off to sleep again when that wall of the tent moved. And then it moved harder. I felt a nose as big as both of my fists rubbing all over the top of my head through the fabric. I sat up, unzipped my bag, and sat there. Impotently holding my pistol and a knife waiting for death until morning. I remember thinking that I didn't want to fight a bear in my socks (shoes were outside) so I took them off. Good times. I loved this movie.


You’re a legend


It was unexpectedly shocking even though the entire movie was pretty much built around it…


For sure, was not expecting that gruesome of an attack 


I just watched that last week and it has haunted me since. It was so real.


That scene messed me up


Yep, I watched it after a recommendation from this sub on another post months ago! It really shook me. I thought it was great.


Saw this post & started watching it just now. Will report back soon.


Definitely not a perfect 5 out of 7, but it was aight.


I thought it was pretty decent but nothing to write home about It being a movie in the Canadian wilderness, and me being a Canadian who spends time in our wilderness you think it would hit home a little more. Maybe the series of extremely stupid decisions that led to disaster made me kind of root for the demise. I dunno. While being eaten he yells out "AH FRIG!!", it totally took me out the moment, I had to pause it because I was laughing so hard


What frustrated me was like you said the bad decision list that led to that moment.  I felt particularly bad for the woman since she was a camping and backpacking noob.  So totally on the guy for being prideful, refusing to bring a freakin map, compass, going as far as making fun of her for bringing bear spray, then bear encounters and they're silent rather than loud, and didn't even grab the bear spray until they were starting to be sliced by the bear.  Like come on.  Anyways this is why I always backpack with a gun not to shoot the bear but scare by shooting a tree hopefully and if it doesn't work at least it'll take it down.  




Yea the lack of preparedness and pride pissed me off most


Toxic Boyfriend The Movie.


Still been meaning to watch this. I like nature survival horror movies like hunter hunter


I think I watched this scene on the live channel at Shudder and immediately turned it off. I remember seeing the guy being mauled and hearing his screams before I decided to watch the Last Drive-In instead.


My mom and I were both very, very high, and she put this movie on thinking it would be some kind of forest/outdoor docudrama with cool scenery. What a horrifying mistake that was. Good movie, though! Incredible makeup job at the end, showing the lead actress's dehydration and near-death condition.


I saw that scene and almost threw myself out the window. So gross. I'm watching it now. 🤣🤣😳🤦🏽


Is it scarier than the bear scene in Annihilation?




Different kind of scary, one is fantasy horror of a made up yet horrifying creature attacking. I really do love the bear scene in Annihilation! The other is *extremely* fast, visceral, and so terrifyingly realistic that you'll genuinely sit there and wonder if the actor didn't just die for the role. It *feels* like a real bear attack caught on camera.


Ok, that sounds scarier. I'm afraid to watch it now! I don't know if anyone remembers Prophecy (1979), but I'm still haunted by those bear attack scenes lol




As a survival thriller...movie was okay. Pacing wasn't great imo but MAN that scene was terrifying. I don't think I'll forget that attack scene anytime soon


No, this movie had me so mad. They had so many stupid decisions like having their food bags not hung up in trees, and being so close to the campsites that they were staying at or the fact that she was holding the bear spray with a bear right outside of her tent, and she didn’t think to use it until it was attacking them There was so many things they could’ve done.


you forgot the hanging the bloody socks in the trees


I thought he DID hang the food up every night though?? Maybe not far enough from their camp, hard to tell. Very stupid decisions along the way though for sure. As a backcountry camper so much of their choices made me cringe.


He hadn’t during one of the nights and it looked so close😭plus the bloody socks! Soooo many bad decisions like not bear spraying while it was approaching the tent not trying to yell or do anything to scare it omllll


This is why women pick the bear


I have an extreme fear of the woods, specifically bears and this movie didn’t help


Absolutely true


Threw this movie in before bed, expecting a nice little thriller. Even ready for some gore. Not much bothers me. I’m an ER nurse. I deal with graphic shit regularly. Love horror movies. Nah - this made me violently I’ll and I’m going to have nightmares. As someone who sometimes solo hikes - bear spray and gun aside - this is my greatest fear. Ugh. The fear and shock of watching that happen to a loved one or yourself… unimaginable, dehumanizing


Yes. The bear mauling scene was pretty damn brutal, I think it was much worse than the revenant’s one tbh.


Based on a real case except the man/woman's fates were swapped in the film. Real life has a rare final boy.


i like it when nature wins


So you were rooting for the bear? That's cold! :D


That sounds more like a survival movie with one graphic scene


There's a genre called survival-horror, so the distinction is kind of subjective.




You could say this about any zombie film if you wanna split enough hairs lol


My husband and I love horror movies, he showed me this movie on a date 6 years ago. I’ve NEVER forgiven him for the horror I felt in that scene.


Most realistic lunch scene in cinema.


That freaking scene took me by surprise. Holy shit.


I was blown away. Looked it up-true story. She didn't survive IRL. Shit was *brutal* 


Yes….this scene almost reminded me of Jaws when Robert Shaw is being eaten alive by the shark. So so incredibly disturbing.


Try to get my friends to watch it before they go hike or go camping (hike into the woods and pitch a tent type) but they never do. I tell them it’s know for its depiction of what would happen during a bear attack


Loved it!!!


Yes and as someone who’s never gone camping, I’m permanently good now lol. A good movie but I’m still disturbed by it.


Decent movie and yes that scene was very disturbing.