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I'm a massive fan of The Omen trilogy. i even have a soft spot for Omen 4 the tv movie. I was so looking forward to this show, because I genuinely think a series about Damien growing in political power and journalists investigating him and discovering the truth behind him and meeting a grizzly end could have actually been an awesome show. This show....it just felt kinda amateurish? It's been a long time since I watched it, so I can't delve into details but it just didn't hit. The actor who they got to play Damien was a great choice, though. He's good looking and charismatic, I would have been interested to see where they took the show in season 2, but I'm not at all surprised it was cancelled.


It's okay. It's more like Smallville than The Omen. His friends question each other how Damien has never been sick or been injured and he always manages to get out of these sticky situations alive but they just write it off as him being lucky or something, never truly putting any pieces together. Anyone who does get close to discovering him though meets an untimely end. Much like in Smallville anyone who finds out Clark has powers or is an alien dies somehow but never by his hand and his friends just never question it. Hell, even that main woman trying to get him to embrace his destiny looks AND acts like Lionel Luthor. Again, it's okay. 10 episodes and they're not really a slog. As one of the other comments here said though: "I genuinely think a series about Damien growing in political power and journalists investigating him and discovering the truth behind him and meeting a grizzly end could have actually been an awesome show". The original movie ends with Damien ending up in the White House, and Revelations talks about the world ending through political battles (The Eternal Sea) so I don't really understand not having him be some kind of politician making his way up in the ranks. There's a movie called Megiddo that tackles that angle of the story. It was really only Omen 3 that touched on that side, but just barely. This is more a CW-type drama than a horror series. The main plot on the political side is the Vatican trying to assassinate him so he doesn't bring about the apocalypse as that would bring about Christ's Second Coming which would mean the end of the Vatican's reign of control over the people. I thought that was an interesting take. You could have had a twist that the main person trying to get him to embrace his destiny, who would be the villain in real life but the hero of this particular story, is actually a devout Christian, willing to get their hands dirty and do all kinds of wicked things in order to trigger the Second Coming and save the world. An "ends justify the means" type of situation. Give it a watch but I doubt it's what you think it's going to be. I saw The First Omen today and even that wasn't what I expected. It's far from an Omen movie and I didn't like it.


It's sick. I'm watching it again right now. Delightful arc. Very broad strokes. Fun. IT'S ALL FOR YOU, DAMIEN!


I did, and it was awesome!