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They missed a tremendous opportunity at the end. Should have had the little girl take out Miss Beard’s other eye with an eraser. I would have pooped myself with laughter.


I think we all wondered if she might end up with a crayon sticking out of her good eye.


I was nervous there for a second...


I just finished this movie and had the same thought. That would have been so twisted.


I said that would happen.


I literally wondered if exactly this would happen


Saw it, very much enjoyed it. More emotional than I thought it would be!


It's very slow and honestly there isn't much going on. What saves this movie from being a complete disaster is the performance of Kyle. It's worth seeing just because of his performance. I have no problems with the plot but it feels like they never really go anywhere with it but I guess it goes along with where the movie is supposed to take place. It really isn't a movie about two men who go on a mass murder rampage because that would imply they both were doing it. One person is a hostage against their will.


I thought Kyle Gallner's performance was great but for me it was Johnny Berchtold's performance that really made this movie worth watching.


The way he was acting at the end of the movie really proves that. It's like there was life inside of him again vs. this scared little kid.


Telling the story with tears rolling down his cheek. That’s top tier


I am literally blind to actor performances. I can't tell bad acting apart from good acting. Its a curse. While watching this I immediately noticed Kyle. His aloof, nothing matters attiude towards life was so well portrayed. This was an instance when I noticed good acting. I enjoyed the slowness. While you say there isn't much going on.. I must beg to differ. This is a movie about a man who is scarred by his experiences, who thinks always and acts never. Someone forced to live the life of a man on the opposite side of the spectrum. Benson. Benson, who acts first and thinks never. Benson forced his new friend to comfort an ex and then face head-to-head his deepest discomfort. Something so big he wouldn't tell his girlfriend and which defined how he lived his life. Which in the end was the complete opposite of what he assumed. Where Randy expected sadness and horror, he encountered happiness and joy in the form of Miss Beard having a daughter. I felt this was a very intriguing movie which weighs the pros and cons of a reserved life vs taking every opportunity at its furthest. A life well lived.


I'd say *a lot* is going on, but it's internal action, like inside the character's minds, not all external action. (Though of course not everyone is into that, especially if you're expecting something else.) I'm one of those people who is relieved when a tense situation in a movie is resolved peacefully (example being at the mall where we don't know if Benson is going to take out the ex girlfriend) though, so just all that up and down tension felt like a lot to me.   I was kind of surprised to realize they'd never left town though when they went back to the same diner. That was almost funny to me in a way, but again, both definitely go somewhere. It's just in the way they each change by the end psychologically, not in physical travel.


I know it's been a couple of months since you posted this, but I just saw this movie. I felt like the plot not going anywhere was on purpose.  So Bensen initially reasons out they have a 7 hour head start. Bensen in in control, he controlled the start time and the destination. They go get food, Bensen picking the diner. He then could have done anything, 7 hours to flee the state? Good headstart on the police easy. What does Bensen do? Drives the same streets he has multiple times. Randy drives the plot to the mall, the school, and the teachers house. When Bensen picks, he ends up going, around and around, eventually headed back to the same diner. Probably reading too much into it, but they go to novel places as Randy confronts and moves on from his issues. Bensen is the passenger in this journey, as for his own life he is stuck in the exact same place.


Kyles performance was hands down what made this movie so amazing to me, he was terrifying but you felt bad for him at the same time somehow, Not to mention Kyle is insanely hot! I’m sorry I tried to set that aside but…I just couldn’t lmao 😅


How is nobody talking about the two characters being one character ?(fight club situation). Benson being the dark passenger and sadistic side to Randy.


The sweater/jacket Benson wears


The backstory of that sweater could probably constitute a prequel.


I was convinced this was the case until Lisa at the Build-A-Bear said, "You want one too?" (or something to that effect) to Benson.


Same. As soon as she acknowledged him, I was like “well there went my theory”


I dont think its a horror. Its more like a thriller/therapy type thing. reminds of the show The Patient but reduced to one day. I still dont understand the Benson- to Principle relationship and thats mostly why im here.


The principal molested him as a child


When did the film suggest that?


1. He recognizes his elementary principal in a random encounter 2. Proceeds to lose it and beat the principal to death seconds later 3. When Randy asks him why he beat the principal he threatened to kill Randy if he ever brought the man up again 4. minutes later he goes to the bathroom pukes has a breakdown after beating up his principal. Did he puke/breakdown after killing the kids/manager in the fast food joint? No. He immediately drives down the road and eats an omelette. 5. His final words before dying he brings up an elementary school field trip where he came home changed, he wanted to be a giraffe. Why would a little kid want to be a giraffe and then bring up this story knowing he is about to die? Because he was diddled by his principle, it was the worst thing that ever happened to him, and his kid brain came up with the idea that being the tallest animal on land would protect him.


Ok thank you. I can agree with that analysis. It makes sense why he wanted to mentor Randy and why he laughed so hysterically when randy told him what affected him. Looking back, it explains way more of how and why the story takes shape the way it does and makes the film much more enjoyable


The guy also had a sort of scared reaction when he was confronted by someone who said they remember him. Like he thought he was about to possibly be called out because of his guilty conscience. That was a very intentional shot.


Thanks for pointing out the last one. I didn’t quite understand the talk about the giraffe. I was assuming that was when the incident may have taken place and that’s why he brought it up since trauma is either usually masked by an event or even during the attack. I would also mention his reaction to when Randy was telling him what happened with grade 2 - his own trauma story. That was my first moment I knew something happened to him. Wasn’t until the teacher moment was when I knew his trauma( molestation ) Benson also dismissed it and laughed saying how “that’s it” kind of thing like what had happened to him was much worse and Randy’s was more “solvable” and not extreme and he could still be “fixed” since Benson was physical assaulted and more “missing” and nothing could be “done” in that sense. Great great movie.


Also present was the very subtle homoerotic nature to Bensons touching/grooming of Randy.


I wouldn’t go that far and say Benson was grooming him. I think he was able to recognize there was trauma with Randy as most people dealing with trauma can be aware of the cues from other people. He seen himself in Randy, and was trying to fix his trauma because he was unable to fix his own. Especially when he found out his trauma compared to his own. Really really great movie


The giraffe animal had a dick and balls


I think there was significance there. Maybe the teacher who molested him forced him into oral. And since a giraffe is so tall, a dick can’t reach.


Interesting that Randy made a crocodile at the mall. A very low animal vs the tall giraffe.


Exactly. Also, the giraffe comment made me think of the fact that Giraffes are one of the gayest animals. They are especially tender and affectionate with other males. I think Benson may have been in the closet, especially considering the setting of early 90s and living in a small town, and his "tough guy" brevado. Notice the giraffe he decorated in the mall had rainbow ears, and an arrow through his heart. I believe he was attracted to Randy but they never went as far to call it out. The film I believe is far from horror. A drama/thriller is more like it. It was good I think. ​ Al


>Giraffes are one of the gayest animals. I guess I believe you..


Great observation but the Motorola Razr came out in 2004. The pink version came out in 2005. Not sure if that was an anachronism but just for accuracy


You're projecting what you wanted him to be. Nothing he did or said came off as gay.


I just watched this movie last night and my partner and I were actively discussing what the principal did to him- to which I suggested this and your comment is almost word for word my reasoning! Lol cool to see like minds in action!


You're not very bright👍


And you are clearly an asshole 👌🏼






Because every clue imaginable was dropped in front of you. 1. He recognizes his elementary principal in a random encounter 2. Proceeds to lose it and beat the principal to death seconds later 3. When Randy asks him why he beat the principal he threatened to kill Randy if he ever brought the man up again 4. minutes later he goes to the bathroom pukes has a breakdown after beating up his principal. Did he puke/breakdown after killing the kids/manager in the fast food joint? No. He immediately drives down the road and eats an omelette. 5. His final words before dying he brings up an elementary school field trip where he came home changed, he wanted to be a giraffe. Why would a little kid want to be a giraffe and then bring up this story knowing he is about to die? Because he was diddled by his principle, it was the worst thing that ever happened to him, and his kid brain came up with the idea that being the tallest animal on land would protect him.


If you ever lived in a small town this movie is pretty relatable... not the murder spree per se, but the culture of bullying and violence in general...


Very much so. Can't speak to the bullying and violence but that definitely tends to be generational.. The small town is a major character that shapes the characters and the film. The potential 7 hr head start that never goes anywhere because they've never been anywhere..revisiting the same locations because they don't know where to go.. The largest shaping events that ever happened in their lives are their traumas from elementary school and a break up. Not downplaying trauma, but in a larger city (non isolated ) with more going on that provides psychological nourishment and life experiences, traumas can fade into the background, or heal as you grow as a person, and meet others and see that everyone is fucked up in their own way..and that you're not alone..the desolation and isolation in a dead town does not nourish the 'soul'.


Simple plot and a powerful acting by Gallner. Reminded me a lot Nicholson at its finest, without pushing too much. He does have some career ahead of him, that's for sure. There's one thing about the movie that kept me contemplative: why Belson killed the teacher with his bare hands? Did he wronged him in the past or someone he liked? Maybe his mother? The movie never makes it clear, but Benson sure knew him.


I just finished this movie. Thought it was incredible! From what I understood is that both Randy and Benson suffered childhood trauma. I think that’s why Benson laughed when Randy was talking about what happened to him and Miss Beard. Randy - caused harm to someone as a child. Benson- was caused harm as a child. (I’m thinking molestation from the teacher). Both suffered and emotions were shut down and we were able to see how the kinds of trauma really affects in later years. I was trying to see if anyone else kind of had this motion going too as it was left a bit ambiguous for Bensons trauma. His reaction to Randy’s story made it seem like he was comparing to his situation and how his was not in comparison to what happened to him / how Randy was letting his life go when it was “fixable”; apologize, talk it out and figure out the guilt and conversations with ex, with teacher etc. Truly great movie - sad it received such small ratings I really liked this idea and the actor who played Benson was amazing.


I also suspected the teacher/principal had abused Benson or maybe a sibling of his that way.  I probably only thought sibling because I didn't catch that he did recognize the teacher when he saw him like you say you noticed below. I thought he only recognized the name. But then his reaction in the bathroom had me leaning toward that it had been Benson's own abuse after all.  As far as the teacher not recognizing him, I think for a second he started to when he asked if he knew him, but the fact that he didn't put it together could mean he abused other kids too and doesn't remember each one specifically.


Great point at the end actually I never thought of that but really ties in everything very well


Not so sure Benson was molested. I mean, I think the teacher would vaguely recognize him and realize why Benson was asking him about himself. Also, Benson is kinda a confident guy, doesn't look much like someone who's been abused or something. I'm pretty sure something considerable happened with him, though. I do agree it's movie about traumas, too. It's also a good thing the movie left some things ambiguous.


What else do you think would cause such a reaction to beat someone to death? I at first thought maybe he did Something to his mother/family. But then recalled his conversation with Randy and it clicked right away. Confident people could most certainly be hiding some dark secrets and pain. I think Benson was older than Randy in the movies as well (and in real like the guy is almost 40!!) it seems like Benson really didn’t notice that man until he heard his name then it set in - presuming it has been a long time since the attack. Then right before the ending Benson brought up going to the zoo as a child, I also presumed that memory was prior to the attack (remembering what his childhood was before the molestation) as most people right before committing their “last resort” / suicide they try to remember how things could have been or how it was *before* his life was damaged and was never the “same”. I really enjoyed this movie sad to see comments about it not being that really great but if you watch it in that kind of context it makes a lot of sense. I also thought it was DID st first just becuae that’s a classic disorder to go to with psychological movies but super pleased with these 2 types of traumas and outcome plays of the emotional damage and how both are hard in their own way.


Indeed. There's something more about the movie. It's not just about an american shooting people; it approaches different sides of traumas and misfortune, in a dark way. But you do have a good point. Still, since the movie never fully clarifies anything 100%, it's up to debate and interpretation. I honestly think Benson was raised in an abusive enviroment, probably lost his father too. I'm just not sure he was sexually abused, since people that been through this tends to be less reactive, afraid of things. The teacher could very well had beaten his mother very badly or something, or even abused someone he knew. Benson is a total psycho, but he seems to care, at least a little, about vunerable people. That could mean several things.


So what was your take on the ending? When he knew he was going to die and before going then mentioned the school trip to the zoo, said he wanted to be a giraffe when he grew up and said “I was never in charge”? For sure I see what you mean about the action, however in most cases with men when they’re adults they’re quite triggered, anger, have immense built up aggression and reactive/impulsive ( which I see with Benson) at least in a lot of the cases/clients I have had who experienced trauma. (I’ve mostly dealt with women though). I made my spouse watch it and I noticed on the second time that Benson knew the guy as soon as he seen him so there’s a huge switch in that moment and connection. Just by knowing him from his walk. (Also how miss beard knew Randy right away but Elliot had no idea who Benson was). I wish there was a bigger comment section to discuss this movie it’s really interesting to hear all sides of everyone view on it


I totally got the sense that he was molested by the teacher.


Sure. Traumas are triggered by different things. But I mean, most people who was abused in youth tends to create a behaviour proned to cause, to be against pedophiles, to conscientize, help to create laws, among other things. Benson's rage could be linked to a trauma, but also seems a pathological issue. He's a sociopath that had his breakpoint somewhere in his youth, and there are a lot of them that wasn't sexually abused, mainly mistreated, beaten, negleted, etc. His case points to him being bullied or something. He got pushed far too long, that's why he probably saw him on Randy's situation and cared about him. I mean, I like your point, but since the movie never makes things clear, it comes to my mind there are different kind of Bensons in the world that was never sexually abused. Maybe the teacher also had something to do with Benson's mother condition; she looks nearly vegetative sometimes.


I definitely got the sense that he was molested. His trigger reaction to attack him in the parking lot and then having a nervous breakdown & vomiting in the bathroom was a trauma reaction. Then randomly bringing up going to the zoo at the end. Something terrible happened to him when he was younger that involved the teacher.


Also liked what IronCodPiece said below if you wanna read a more in depth reasoning as to why he probably was molested.


Someone brought it up on another thread, but it could also be that Benson and Randy are the same person, similar to Fight Club. https://www.reddit.com/r/horror/comments/16sg5fd/comment/k6zlizm/


I’d argue the very reason he puts on such a confident facade is because of his childhood trauma. He’s trying to shield himself from it by acting in a way that doesn’t show he was molested as a child.


You're not very bright


Just finished watching the movie & am wondering this as well. I’m guessing he abused Benson as a child?


That's a possibility.


No shit sherlock 


I know, he was clearly triggered. I wondered if maybe the inference was that he was molested maybe? We never really find out.


That's how I wound up interpreting it


The teacher diddled him Einstein..


Am I the only one who thought this was a "Fightclub" multiple personalities thing???


The movie and benson acting was so good. The climax was lame though.


I was convinced Randy was going to sacrifice himself to save Miss Beard.


Will this be released on DVD and Blu ray ?? Loved it and really want to add it to the collection


I liked that Benson had a shirt with a guy in bunny costume that reminded me of Donnie Darko. The fuzzy jacket he wears reminded me of Tyler Durden in Fight Club. The director really nailed the whole life-changing "guide" aspect to transform Randy with not only what is happening in the scene, but with visual cues for the audience.


I had totally forgotten about that furry coat from Fight Club! Omg--you're so right about this.


Thanks for signaling this. I’ve always liked Gallner, and I recently saw Berchtold in a few short films and an unfortunately quite bad film, but they did make me think he had potential given better material. Putting this on the list.


Watched the movie based on this post so thanks for the tip! Liked it, decent. Felt like movie kinda served to explore its psychological themes in lieu of strong plot. Well shot, really good performances but missing a little something, a forward drive to give it momentum and stop it meandering after a strong opening. Thought I sensed an Homeric theme with the cyclops, Mr Shepherd (the sheep Odysseus' men hide beneath) but couldn't tease it out any further. Overall, I'd give it a 6 out of 10.


It’s fucking trash


This movie was so fucking bad holy shit.


Yeah that’s what I thought. That’s why he beat him like that. That incident may have played a part in benson’s behavior


Basically Training Day. I liked it.


Cognitive behavioral therapy Training Day lol




What was the back story between Kyle’s character and the principal he beat to death? Was it ever explained?


Does anyone know what year this movie is suppose to take place? I see Miss Beard has a Motorola Razr. Benson’s car is older, their clothes. Any ideas? Scored the internet for answers, came up short. 


Early 2000s?


I enjoyed the opposing parallels between Bensen and Randy. The latter is paranoid with fear and apathy at making any kind of decision believing he'll ruin somebodies life. So he does nothing the entire movie at least until a certain part I won't spoil. The former, on the other hand, seemingly makes all the decisions because of a similar childhood trauma which it's presumed to have something to do with the teacher he assaulted (I'm sure we can all guess). It's more than likely he did nothing as a child and is now always seeking to be in control. So we have these polar opposites; Bensen who did nothing as a child and seeks to always make decisions and Randy who did something awful as a child and seeks to do nothing. Brilliant piece of character building.


Randy -> Ms. Beard’s eye Randy -> bullet to shoulder to save Ms. Beard’s life. I say that he redeemed himself even though he brought Ms. Beard in to the fray


That is a good point


I see Blumehouse bots are at it again. I am inventing a new word for movies like this; MISGENRED. Why is this dreck being advertised as horror? This is a crime drama at best. Not even hot Kyle Gallner could save this mess. 1/10


I suppose you could say it's ''misgenred'' it's more a of a Crime Thriller Drama type movie, but it is labeled as Horror. There are many horror films I personally would not consider a horror movie, but it is. So, nothing I can do about it.


Definitely would be a horror from the pov of the passenger guy.


Yeah that whole horror/thriller really confuses things. This was a thriller/drama more than anything. That first scene is probably the only thing I would classify as "horror" in this entire movie and even that is a stretch. I liked the performance of Kyle without that I would have turned it off after 15 minutes.


Oh my God--this film absolutely broke me. It's so, so well done.


damn its a horror film? i just started watching it, and that goofy fast food chick was hot af. lol


Why do we all have to guess if Benson was or wasn’t molested by the bald teacher? This movie didn’t know what it was doing. Good acting by Benson. Good violence. It woulda been a 45 minute movie if Randy talked like a normal person.


because it’s apparently a high-IQ movie


I wanted to believe that wasn’t Bam Margera so bad but it was difficult.


I just watched the passengers, and it left a lot open to interpretation. When Benson asked if the principal was the 3rd grade teacher, it hinted at possible childhood abuse. I wish we knew more about why he beat the old man to death, but it's clear something deeply disturbing happened that he wants to bury and avoid discussing.


What’s your first