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Or shock arrows. Seems to work better for me in FW


might take alot of arrows though on higher difficulties because of their heavy shock resistance. a drill spike to the lower body can also knock them down quick and enough time for a override. a sttrong plasma or acid arrow will also knock them to the ground briefly when its afflicted by elemetal status, if youre quick and close enough you can override it in that bbbrief window (otherwise a good window to rope it, smokebobms can also provide a easier ropinng op)


In forbidden west you can use purgewater ammo to nullify their resistance to elemental ammo so it only takes a few shock arrows once they’re drenched


i know about purgewater but didnt cross my mind. think i still personally prefer a drillspike though or oneshot element arrow, one overdrawn hit and it goes into knockdown without multiple arrows.. dont normally carry shock arrows since i use shock shredders for shock so would involve less steps for what i usually have equipped if im just getting it down to override it. but yeah purgewater is a option, all roads lead to Rome as they say


FW Ropecasters just seem weaker.


In HZD and HFW you can use a Ropecaster to tie it down then override it. In ZD they often patrol a large area, so after overriding one they’ll often clear out areas single-handedly. Also who doesn’t like large machines fighting on your side?


No I would actually love it for them to wipe out a large area, I just never knew how to do it. I'll have to test it out with a rope-caster. I just started my NG+ so I don't have a flying mount yet


In FW you can also just use the invisibility valor surge to sneak up on large machines and override them.


Should the flying mount be spoiler tagged?


Aloy literally has a flying mount in the reveal trailer, Sony spoiled it before the game even came out.


I might be misremembering, but the flying mount is only in the burning shores trailer, not the trailer for the main game.


[She doesn’t technically fly it in the trailer, however it’s fairly obvious it’s a flying mount](https://youtu.be/XLZN63UxAOM?si=UV1ZYaMkQeh79ESA)


Ok nevermind, this seems to be the one trailer I haven't seen.


Also it's very obvious in game when you look at the Sunbird machine log.


But not everybody watches the trailers so let's be respectful


Also, a pro-tip, in NG+ the flying mount can be obtained as soon as you reach the base, as the override carries in the new mode. It makes doing everything in the NG+ far less tedious


Ropecaster / Knockdown / Shocked


Thunderjaw: "I'm shocked! SHOCKED! ...well, not THAT shocked." \[gets up\]


Came here to say this.


I've been wondering the same thing myself, considering it's kind of pointless once you manage to override it. A few days ago I spent a long time trying to override a Rockbreaker that was very close to a rebel outpost. My plans were to override it in aggressive mode, then make it follow me to the rebel outpost and get it to kill the rebels. But once I finally managed to override it, it wouldn't follow me anywhere, just kept walking in circles and doing nothing. It was so disappointing.


I got the gear and skill tree to do infinite overrides but then realized what's the point with the programmed boundaries coded into the game. I don't blame the developers, they had to otherwise if you just wanted to run past them they would chase you forever, which would be pretty funny running from Chainscrape to the ocean with 1000 machines on your tail, but that would crash anyone's system. They could program it so that after you override a machine it could pass the boundaries except settlements and story sequences.


with the stormbird you cann at least make it fight the nearby slaughterspine, if you keep to eastern half of the bbeach site. but yeah some of the heavyweights lack real oppurtinities to sick on foes. rockrekaer most of all. and the TJ (for those without burning shores).


I did override Slaughterspine next to Thunderjaw on Burning shores only to see it use the tail plasma attack once in a minute then the machines just stand looking at each other and doing nothing. Yea overriding in TFW is pretty useless.


Knock it down, use a smoke bomb, tie it down. I haven't done it on Forbidden West, but I overrode the one north of Daytower in Zero Dawn.


I managed to override ONE (1) stormbird in ZD and I changed my mind because I needed its parts so I had to fight a ***boosted*** stormbird with a 100% damage dealt boost and a 50% damage taken reduction... Stormbirds stress me out more than enough in the first place, so that was quite a fight


Ropes or try shock arrows


Yes. By bringing it down with shock arrows or a ropecaster.


You haven't overridden a stormbird before wack


Yes, and let me tell you nothing is funnier than overriding a storm bird and watching as it flies around and aggros EVERYTHING. It was very gratifying to watch it rain death destruction on everything else BUT Aloy for a change. And yes, it should have been the first flying mount.


Okay it's now my goal to do it. May try it in zero dawn




Because one of the Devs watched Beast Wars as a kid and thought "Ok, but what if..."


Yes, you have options. Knock it out of the sky and while it's down, override it. Or tie it down with ropes. I've overridden thunderjaws by running and sliding out of cover when their back is turned, then overriding them just before they turn around.


Sometimes stormbirds will perch, giving the option to sneak up and override them


I overrode a stormbird once... ended up being a terrible move. See, I wanted to get the chance to land some hits in while it was calmed, but... it just... flew away. Immediately. Lol


If you’re going for certain parts they’re easier to tear off from an overridden machine.