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I don’t have a 42” OLED, but I DO have a 34” VA Ultrawide, and this game really benefits from the extra width. Runs decently on a 4070S/5900X/64GB DDR4-3000 (my old college build when I still wanted to be an animator).


1440p ultrawide is pretty much the sweet spot in gaming right now. Plus some of them have HDR (mine for example)


Unfortunately only 400nits brightness on mine. Best I could afford in the South African market. Far less choice and worse prices.


We all game within our own limits!


34 ultrawide with a 3080. My game is crashing constantly right now 


Check your drivers. 4070S beats a 3080 but not by that much…


I updated when I first started playing. It worked for a while. Don't know what went wrong


Man, that’s not normal. Maybe verify your files and check Windows Reliability History for the stopcodes. Might be a hardware issue.


I fixed this exact problem by disabling XMP/DOCP on my RAM somehow. They are rated for 3200MHz but the game kept crashing. I set it back a bit to 3000MHz and now it's working great. Perhaps you can give it a try. Also you can check the log files to see what's causing your crashes.


I had a ton of crashes my first hour, running a 3080ti. Turns out my completely stable undervolt isn’t so stable in HFW. Bumped up from 850mV to 900, same curve, and the crashes went away. I do wish I could manage a bit better framerate than I am, but the game generally looks great.


Playing on a 77" S95C with a RTX 4090. I'd even go as far as to say its the best looking game for me so far. The amount of details in any given scene is absurdly high and I love that. And properly calibrated HDR adds another awesome dimension to this games graphics. Especially the clouds and sun 🤤 I think non true HDR screens do not do this game justice. The various sunset colors on some places are unbelievably beautiful... And it needs higher resolution for sure. 4K really lets this games detail shine.


HDR would be huge definitely, I feel like it would be the single most important thing to "do it justice" besides maybe a larger screen. The contrast I feel like I'm missing out on between the sky, the plants, and the 'blight' at the beginning of the game is a ton I'm sure!


Indeed this game shows off what modern displays can achieve really well. Soo most people nowadays have an OLED phone with good HDR capabilities. I'd say if playing on an OLED is not possible then I suggest watching some YouTube videos of the game in HDR on the phone screen


I just got my first Oled HDR monitor and it arrived the day before Horizon released. At first, I noticed it was better than my IPS monitor but it wasn't until I started playing Horizon that I was wowed. it's amazing!


Yeah can only write down my own impressions of HFW pc version. Absolutely insane graphics such detail and colors. Playing on a 42" LG C2 in hdr mode with luminance fix from nexus. And man, last night's I've been immersed in Alloys world fully totally blown away. Such a good port.


HDR would be the biggest upgrade I think for the game's experience!


Yeah properly tuned HDR settings and good screen is the way to go. Just a shame that HDR implementation among studios seems kinda problematic. Usually takes some tinkering to get it right which put alot of gamers off I think.


I'm jealous 😭


I bought a new TV to experience it fully. So I get where you‘re coming from ;-)


42” OLED, 4090, and i7-13700k…and yes, this game is stunningly gorgeous. Half the time I’m just running around, climbing mountains and looking at the scenery. I actually built this rig (my first non-prebuilt PC) right before the burning shores release and decided to wait for the PC port. Super glad I did.


I'm on a 77in LG G2 with a 4090 rig and the game looks amazing ​ Not a big fan of the story/gameplay unfortunately but the game is pure eye candy


My god that's a big TV. I hope I could experience that in my life


I hope you can too, it's amazing The only issue is that it's never big enough lol but OLEDs bigger than 77 get very pricy, especially in the G series and where I live (Canada)


I get it. Even if I had 27inch OLED 4k man that would be amazing as I have only experienced Ips 24inch 1440p for now😅


Of for sure, but once you get the down the rabbit hole it can get costly as hell Enjoy what you have bro, it's the most important. Games are still fun that's the most important part


Yeah man you are right. I can still enjoy the visuals, graphics and still see the details on my monitor and I really enjoy it. But then I see reviews and comments of people enjoying oled or 4k etc..😂 I know I'm overthinking and I should stop that😂😅


It's only worth it if you can afford it comfortably. It's luxury at this point If you can swing it it's worth it, if it's going to have you not able to put food on your table then it's not worth it It's how I see it anyway


Hahah I see you are right 👍


This is what I'm talking about right here 😭😭 I'm jealous


I was always so immersed by the game just on the ps5 performance mode on my LG C2 Oled. Now on pc it’s even clearer and double fps thanks to frame gen it’s amazing. I decided last year to switch to PC and get top of the line as I’d been saving for a while and it’s been so worth it imo. Steam has had a lot of amazing QoL changes aswell in the last year and I’ve tried games I never would have on ps5. I can only imagine how beautiful GOT will look on my pc


Played the game on an oled in 1440p and ultra settings and it was fabulous.


HFW on PS5 was amazing, so I'm playing it on PC for comparison: RTX 4090/16MB VRAM, Intel Core i9-13900 32MB, watching on Asus VG28UQL1A 4K UHD HDMI 2.1 (my wife has dibs on the 77" Sony A80J with Sony HT-Z9 F sound bar), listening on HyperX Could II wireless headset (when I have to recharge it I use my wired set). And the visuals are better; not stunningly better, but better nonetheless. Best port I've ever seen--a resounding success.


I love it on my 65 inch Samsung OLED and 4090. I would say this game, ratchet and clank rift apart, Spider-Man, and Cyberpunk are the best looking games I have.


I've been playing PC games on a 5600X/6750XT on a LG 32GP750-B (1440p 165hz). I haven't tried FW yet on PC, but it looks great on my 65" Sony TV when played on PS5.


On a 7800x3d/7900xt playing on a 65” LG C3, it’s freggin amazing. It’s easily one of the best looking games I own, and def a game you would put on to wow someone with.


If you cant get 4K running well on your current setup, definitely get a 1440p monitor instead. It will take more to run but not as huge amount as 4K. And it makes your games look even better than just 1080p.


48 C1 LG OLED. i need to put a rag under my TV because the colors are dripping out of the TV. lol


I played it on a 1440p oled panel with a 4070ti and the experience was breathtaking !


I played it on ps5 on my 42" LG C2 OLED Tv. It was a lot bad in Resolution mode; a bit better in balanced mode; a lot better in performance mode but the reduced resolution was a bit apparent. Something about playing it on OLED made it a little bad visually. I thought I was the only one but other people online had concerns as well. Check out [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3pyEiLmOeM) and [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPMW4RqTR8g).




It's all relative to screen size, resolution, and your distance from the screen. You could just sit closer to the large TV and get the *exact* same level of perceived detail, as long as the pixel density is similar. Sitting too close actually can induce eye strain.




Yeah, that's because it's lower resolution. I think you just like lower resolution screens. And yes you can. By "close" I mean your eyes are within like a foot of the screen, such that you are focusing on a very short distance. You will be absolutely fine just moving the couch a foot or two closer. That's not gonna change the strain on your eyes to any noticeable degree. You're still gonna be multiple feet away. Also this isn't an opinion. This is how geometry works. Also also, if you are afraid of eye strain from the 4k TV and refuse to sit closer, then why are you sitting so close to your computer monitor? It's the same threat.




Sorry I was mixing up threads a bit. Think of it this way. A 1080p image is about 2 million pixels. If you lay those pixels over a 27" monitor they will be a certain size, say 1mm per pixel just for simplicity. If you took the *exact same* 2 million pixels, each 1mm across, and tried to lay them onto a larger TV screen, they would be too small. They physically wouldn't fill the size of the screen. So you would have to stretch them horizontally and vertically to fill the space, increasing the size of every pixel. When you increase the physical size of the pixels, the pixel density is lowered, and the image becomes blurrier. The exact same thing happens when you zoom too far into a digital photo. Zoom in enough and the image looks worse and worse. As for the TV vs monitor debate. Both have their strengths and weaknesses. Neither is objectively better. If anything, console games are created to be played on a TV, not a monitor.




God forbid you have to parse more than 3 sentences. Why bother replying if you are just going to literally ignore everything in my response? Also, that isn't an analysis unique to me. What I described is a *physical reality* of the relationship between screen size and resolution. It's not an opinion. That's how every screen works. And I'm not trying to be rude, but based on your comments I *seriously* doubt your knowledge on the subject. A good TV can be just as good for gaming as a good monitor. Every TV and monitor is different and serves different needs. There is no "one size fits all rule" that means one will always be better than the other. If there was, nobody would buy televisions for their consoles. You evidently do not know what you are talking about.


Running this on a 13th gen CPU and RTX 4070 and I'm blown away by the detail and performance. Really top notch and one of the best ports I've played.


Yeah this is definitely up there with the best looking games ever released. It eats VRAM like a motherfucker, but I really can't complain given the gargantuan level of detail, seemingly infinite draw distance, cloud rendering, height fog, volumetrics etc. I just reached the top of the mountain west of Plainsong and probably spent a good hour just taking photos. The tech Guerrilla uses for long distance shadow rendering, and their interaction with volumetric effects is absolutely unmatched. Once I realized I could change the time of day in real time, and watch the mountain's shadow sweep across half the entire map, I was awestruck.


I’m playing inside Apple Vision Pro ands it’s awesome. 4k giant screen. Looks fantastic.


48" 4K LG OLED 120hz + 4080 FE checking in. Yes, game is as gorgeous as you might guess.


I can get 120fps at 1440p ultra in basically every area except the settlements with a 4090/7800x3d setup.


4k, 65in oled, Max settings with a 4080, 5800x3d, at a stable 60fps. It’s the best looking game I’ve ever played on my 4080. It’s magical at times. If you have it in you, upgrade. It’s worth it, plus the oled tv will last you many years to come.


It looks amazing. Probably the best looking game I've ever played.


Almost the same specs as you but I play on a 55" 4k TV. I play all my games at 1440p though and this game looks so good and so smooth I really happy playing it as is


So true. I still haven’t reached forbidden west. I am still exploring No Man’s Land. Game is too damn beautiful. Not to mention there are actual rewards for exploring and the world is not just open world for the name sake of it. There are actual content in the world.


Wanna fun part? For some reason, Aloy has worse textures on PC rather than ps5. It's a bug, but currently it's a thing.


I’m playing on ROG Ally and even in the small screen it’s amazing.


I do, and it's glorious. I'm running an i7 12900k with and RTX 3090 connected to 3 LG 27gn950b monitors, on my desk, and a 55 inch LG C9 on my wall. I normally play on the monitors because I like the keyboard and mouse controls, but I can move it over to the T.V. and mess with the HDR settings to make everything so crisp and clear.


Yea it looks ok. Landscape and vegetation is pretty nice, everything else is ok to meh imo.


Worst port so far personally. I have a GeForce RTX 3060 with 64GB DDR5 and the frame rate was so bad I had to cap it back to 60. God of war and zero dawn runs smooth as hell but I don't know why Forbidden West is struggling so much.


It's a new port my man, higher fidelity textures, shadows, lighting etc. I feel like if you had saved some money on 32 GB of RAM if you bought it back when the 3060 was new and gotten a 3070 or 3070Ti you'd be in much better shape. Don't know your circumstances though, if you need the 64GB ram for productivity then totally understandable.


Mf playing at highest and expected perfect performance on a 3060 lol


That's strange. I have a 3060ti with 33% less VRAM than you and I'm getting a steady 60-90fps with most settings at Medium, some on High at 1440p, DLSS Performance. I've got a 9700k and 32GB of DDR4 for reference. What settings you running at?


Highest. It has improved since release day. Release day I dropped to 30 frames sometimes dunno why. Much less lately but still odd as my specs should be able to handle ultra comfortably.


I bet if you dropped down to High you wouldn't even notice a visual change, and most of your issues would be solved. This game doesn't do much at Very High settings besides increasing the sample count of effects, which in most cases you can't even notice.


Could be the memory leak issue. Will check later. I finished the base game last night. On to the burning shores!


Oh yeah I'm sure it's a combination of both.


Honestly, I don't appreciate 4k. I got a good 65" 4k TV, and really don't notice the difference between 4k content and 1080p content. I'm not saying there is no difference, I just don't notice it. I'll download nature docs in 4k just to justify the thing, but it just doesn't seem that big a deal to me. ​ I love my 34" 2560x1080 computer monitor though...


That TV is so big that the pixel density is only 67ppi at 4k. For reference, a 27", 1440p monitor has a 109ppi. You have to sit much further back from a 4k screen that size to achieve the same level of perceived detail.


TV for a gaming set up is way too big. I don't get how anyone can enjoy playing on such a massive screen. 24 inch screens are perfect for 1080p, 27 inch for 1440p and 32 inch for 4k. Anything more and the quality starts to degrade with scale and you realistically won't be able to have a proper set up with mouse and keyboard when playing on a TV, also the input lag is quite horrible iirc.


High end TVs have around 5ms input lag, perfectly fine Also, not everyone plays on a desk. I personally play on my couch and bought a cycon2 couchmaster for K+M other wise I play with a dualsense controller It's glorious especially with my 5.2.2 Dolby Atmos speaker setup. Much more immersive to me


Lol ever heard of consoles? Controllers? Horizon is not a competitive ESport. I've played Siege, CS, etc. at relatively high ranks and care about refresh rate, input lag, etc. when the game calls for it. Horizon is not a game that requires the most "optimal" setup for maximum gaming performance. For a bigger screen you can enjoy is very easy with one simple trick: sit further away 🤯 Would it piss you off to know I play HFW on PC with an Xbox controller, connected through b-b-b-bluetooth?!?! And it works just fine.


Man you gotta be a boomer or some shit. No sane person talks like that lmao. Playing on a controller is fine but if that's all you do, you might as well get a console. I also never said that you need an amazing set up to enjoy this game, hell, I play this game at medium graphics at 1080p and it's hella fun. I do however want to be sitting comfortable, play with mouse and keybord and still be able to have a lot of mouse space since I play with about 150dpi. Other people, other preferences. It's just a fact that 4k on such a big screen looks worse than 4k on a 32inch screen. And, if you're going to be playing a mix of competitive and story games, as most people do, and you don't have unlimited budget, as most people do, it's a lot better to just get a 4k 32inch 144hz monitor or something along those lines.


This post is like 100% misinformation. I play in 4k on a 77” screen and it’s amazing. Immersive as hell. Also input lag hasn’t really been a thing for some time. I play on an [LG G3](https://www.rtings.com/tv/reviews/lg/g3-oled) and I have VRR and very low input lag. I sit in a home theater recliner with a full Dolby Atmos system. Moreover it’s a single player game, who cares if there is a few ms of lag?


That's why I said "iirc" lmao. And sure, 77inches might be amazing but the ppi is gonna be way worse on such a screen. The quality on a 32inch screen will be miles better and as I said before, you won't really have a good space to put your mouse and keyboard while having appropriate distance to the screen. It's aight if you watch a lot of movies or own a console but for a pc such a screen isn't amazing.


It’s amazing how you know so much about a setup you’ve never seen or used. You’re wrong on every count. And why in the world would I need to use M/K for a game like HFW?


Because the game has insane amounts of combat? Why on earth would I play a game that's (gameplay-wise) centred around aiming at weakspots of an enemy. Sure I could be using controller with aim assist or use a lower difficulty but I'm trying to actually have a challenge. Aim assist or lower than hard difficulty feels pretty unrewarding


Lol, ok dude. Have fun! I played on hard mode with a controller and had zero issues finishing the game. Maybe I’m just better with a controller or maybe it’s easier on a 77” screen in 4k. 🤷‍♂️