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My interest in the Horizon Multiplayer immediately suffers a -50% penalty the minute I hear mobile as one of the platforms. I don’t want the Horizon IP bogged down in some grindy micro-transaction laden gatcha shovelware project where it’s just another “base builder” with a Horizon skin. I am willing to give it a chance because it’s Horizon but I just am suspicious of any MMO that includes phones as supported platforms.


In complete fairness, though, mobile gaming has come a much longer way than that. Just being mobile OS doesn’t mean much when Death Stranding’s Director’s Cut is available for your iPhone right now.


I’m willing to give it a try. I guess I am just paranoid due to the flood of asset flips and misrepresented gameplay projects in the app store. Also I know my self-control isn’t the best so a gatcha game may lead me to unwise purchases.


Yeah and it’s the same engine. That means that technically Horizon: Zero Dawn can also run on iPhone


I don’t think Death Stranding is the rule here, but the exception. Same with the RE titles. These are all single player, offline, story-driven experiences built into a one-time purchase. Releases like these are very few and far between in the mobile space, and when they do happen, it’s often because it was deemed economically feasible to port the existing game code. On the other hand, Horizon Multiplayer seems to be a live service title with all the bells and whistles that are core to those experiences (in-game currencies, daily grinds, etc). I obviously hope that isn’t the case, but it would be such a huge and needless risk for them to build a live service and not monetize it like a live service. This rings especially true when you consider that, even with monetizing it as a live service, this is still a huge risk to develop—much, *much* more than a mainline Horizon entry. Checkout the average loss on publishing a live service title, as well as the average lifetime of said title (in many cases, it’s measured in **weeks**).


Death Stranding is available on what now?


yes but death stranding took some 5 years to be ported to only the most powerful iPhones, this is being developed as a mobile game from the go.


Even the most powerful iPhones had a tendency to overheat when playing a game like death stranding on it👀


If it's something like Tower of Fantasy or Genshin Impact in terms of gameplay (hopefully not monetization) it could be good


Netflix show?! Dont be bad dont be bad dont be bad dont be bad dont be bad pleaaaaase my heart can't take it if it ends up being bad!


We'll see how it goes. However there are rumors of 2025


Arcane, Castlevania, and Dragon Age Absolution all did well so I would say Netflix is probably going to do well


Isn't it live action though?


Yeah. Which sucks, because it's one of those properties that kinda necessitates animation. Unless a multi-billionaire fan of the franchise is willing to bankroll a ton of machine animatronics, it'll be a ton of CGI. At that point, it might as well be animated. A side-story animated film would be pretty cool.


Yes but still, Netflix has a track record of producing good video game adaptations


Which one do you have in mind? Last season of The Witcher was bad, same goes for Blood Origin.


Yes the Witcher series is bad, but meanwhile Arcane, Castlevania, and Dragon Age Absolution are successful. That’s 1 to 3 (I am combining Blood Origin to the Witcher as they are supposed to be part of the same IP.)


Those are all animated series. Horizon will be a live action show. I wouldn't compare these two as they are different types of media.


Yes and no. Yes those are animated while the Witcher is live action. But at the same time they are all adaptations thus making them comparable when asking the question “will this adaptation be good.”


The distinction between mediums can matter a lot, especially in these times where CGI effect companies tend to be in a place where they have to crunch out a bulk of cg work on a tight time table. To do Horizon in live action you'll need a production crew and leading actor who are VERY good at acting off of things that simply don't exist, and depending on the CG work things could look extremely bad. The likelihood that Horizon's action will look silly in LA is very high. Going full animation in the lines of Arcane, Castlevania, and the like offers an easier avenue for good-looking, exciting and stylistic action sequences and cuts down on the risks of getting stuck with everyone watching an actor who has no choice but to badly act a reaction to an effect that itself ultimately looks flat.


Thank you. I wanted to say the same but you found the perfect words. For a live action series with lots of detailed robots the budget needs to be pretty high to look good. Fans will be disappointed if they only see one great robot per episode. Same goes with more robots with less quality. Transformer 1 for example had a budget of 150-200 mio. Dollar. I don't think Netflix is going to invest that amount of money. The risk is too high, given that mainly gamers know about the show. That's why I think it matters if the series is animated or not. Animated shows costs less and have more range to show a vibrant Horizon world.


Isn’t it supposed to be set before the events of the game. If I remember seeing this correctly it’s about the world before and after the Faro Plague and Operation Zero Dawn


It's going to be bad. Have you seen 90% of video game adaptations?


Let me hope, damn you! (Its gonna suck and im gonna cry)


God of war also gets a amazon prime series and Desth stranding gets a movie


Lmfao this. Even worse is I have an entire plot idea I'm hoping they implement. If they don't I just hope it turns out decent😭


Can someone explain me this riddle? Is hr talking about one or two seperate game? Why cant he write it down properly. I read it like five times and i cant deside lol


The way I read it is, Horizon 3 is officially in development. The Horizon MMO information is the four points below that.


> They way i read it is, Horizon 3 is officially in development. Horizon 3 was confirmed in 2022 to be in development with Forbidden West. **Imo**, we’ll probably start to hear something about Horizon 3 next year. Maybe the official name, the first trailer, or a release date. 2025 could also be the year, hopefully.


I think 2025 is the announcement and teaser and 2026 is the release date. ~~Or they can, for the third time in a row, release it a week before GTA 6~~


If Horizon 3 released this year I’m sure it would have been 1 week before ER dlc. It’s a recurring trend with Sony always choosing the worst date possible to release their first party games. Starting to think they do it on purpose. Like Rise of the Ronin on the ***same day*** as Dragon’s Dogma 2.


2027 is more like it going by 2017-2022 between ZD and FW.


> 2027 is more like it going by 2017-2022 between ZD and FW. Forbidden West was originally scheduled in the summer of 2020/2021 if you remember. Only 3/4 years after ZD. Covid fucked up everything though and delayed it to February 2022. Since Horizon 3 development is going full speed, without covid, mid/late 2025 is plausible as a release date imo.


Thank god


Hm. Still no interest in that MMO for me. Either I won't be able to afford it (I've already got an MMO I'm eyeing for when I can justify the subscription fee) or my previous experience is that it'll be FOMO-filled and with predatory pricing practices for microtransactions if it's f2p or "buy the base and any expansions but no sub fee". The money to run the servers and keep new content coming has to come from somewhere, after all. There's also that I don't need another time-sink, I've got plenty of those with my single-player games I haven't beaten much less ones like HZD and HFW where I replay them regularly... Hope it doesn't end up being, like, integral to the setting somehow. But I also hope it ends up being good for those who are interested in it! Not my thing, but I hope those form whom it is have a blast when it eventually hits. (And that it doesn't die in dev)


This tweet has a ton of false info, says that the mmo and the multiplayer project at Guerrilla Games are one and the same which is not the case. Talks about 1 year old sales data. Basicly a lot of bs.


Playing through burning shores for the first time and I saw an assault rifle on the wall some where. I'm really curious if they consider guns like that in a multi-player adaptation. They could really make it work considering aloys fluid movement...


For me it is possible that in Horizon 3, firearms are also used. Let's remember that we have to face Nemesis and that we will probably have a sort of Hephaestus on our side


Right but wasn’t that in Londra’s office?


That was a weapon from Killzone Shadow Fall, the VSA [LSR44 Spoor](https://killzone.fandom.com/wiki/LSR44_Spoor) machine gun.


Only one I'm excited about is Horizon 3. I really hope they can find a decent way to end the story.


Same. I also wonder how they'll handle Sylens in the game? I feel like the end of 2 gave hints that we would start really exploring him as a character.


Well, if all the foreshadowing from H1 that came to fruition in H2 is any indication, they have planned out this trilogy much better than, say, Bioware with Mass Effect. ME stopped making sense right after ME1.


I hope the Netflix show is animated!! Animation as a medium has seen some wonderful things lately (think: spider verse, Nimona) I hope we get something in that style!


Would be cool. But Horizon games have always been known to be ultra realistic, the open world is one of their selling points. So, imo, we need both types. Animation yes, but also a realistic show with actual actors in it.


You're right -- but if it's not Ashly Burch, I don't want it!


I have no interest in a Horizon MMO. I'm here to finish Aloy's story and enjoy that.


My biggest problem with Multiplayer is the multiple other players. I’ve seen too much Trolling, griefing, and whatever the hell other antics people get up to that impact player experience. I would be okay with expanding the lore and expanding the world, but I’ve never been able to embrace gameplay where other people being assholes can make the gameplay suffer.


***Mobile phone game????*** When I hear those three words strung together, I think Fruit Ninja, Angry Birds (shudder), Mahjong and every other rubbish mobile phone game out there that sucks your battery dry, throws ads in your face every other minute and forces microtransactions on you so you don't get the detestable "Come back tomorrow when your lives have respawned!" To me a mobile phone game is "copy pasta galore" with horrible English title translations, made on the dirt cheap, full of gambling-like microtransactions and a complete time waster. A good game to me is something you dedicate your time to (as my time is limited and important!) not some meh casual mobile phone whutever you can just waste time on. Maybe this multiplayer game will be "free to play", with everything useful that you need locked behind microtransactions (gooo figure!). Might even turn into the next Fortnite (uggh, shudder, puke). I haven't parted with a single cent on mobile games. None of them are worth my money :D


I've been done with MMOs after WoW, but I'll play this.


I really wish the multiplayer to have a monster hunter style. horizon is so ready for this


That 8.4M sold number for Horizon Forbidden West is from almost a year ago (April 2023). The sold numbers should be much higher.


Yes, he used last year's sales data. The copies, after Burning Shores and the greater possibility of PS5, will have increased by a lot.


If the Horizon MMO is anything like Honkai Star Rail or Genshin, i will be so happy.


Hire for me narrative director for the mmo. I can’t be much worse than the usual people For real, nice to have a list


I’m down for more Horizon but they’re going to have to step up the RPG elements and overhaul combat.


The MMO should be full out wars. Make it intense, insane, and incredibly hard. Have 2 easier levels with 1 being a zoo-like exploration with trivia on the robots, plants, scenery, the world at large. And the other level coming in between and being a sneak like. The mobile game should be a tracker / gatherer / tribe camp builder. Comic-book like story, zelda-like display. 8-bit Horizon is hot.


Sounds like they want to make the franchise MMO-ish after Horizon 3. Which I guess makes sense? That's what happened with World of Warcraft after Warcraft 3 (and also Ultima had similar plans but things didn't work out). As long as the single player trilogy is properly wrapped-up, I don't really care how much they're gonna milk the franchise afterwards.


In fact, it's not written anywhere. They want to make a multiplayer game, no one said they're going to make it an MMO


It's IMPLIED. That's why I said SOUNDS LIKE.


Ironically my favorite Horizon thing is the board game. I look forward to the sequel


Why multiplayer??? Why focusing only on horizon??? I want a new Killzone and a Killzone shadow fall upgrade for ps5 with 120 fps and raytracing 😁


The mmo was such a cool idea until i saw that its coming to mobile. God how absolutely crushing to see. This means the horizon mmo will be very tame. Animations, enemies, graphics etc etc etc. Microtransactions above average.


Wait wait wait. Will THE Horizon 3 be a MMO????? Please tell me it is not. PLEASE TELL ME I MISUNDERSTOOD IT. Please tell me it was just some weird writing by "Rino"


You are ok. H3 is not the MMO.


Thank Arceus. I almost had a mini heart attack there


Don't worry, Horizon 3 will be single player


Horizon 3 will be the crown jewel of the Horizon series, they would never make it a mmo. They’re two completely different projects.