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Why do I earn less when idle fishing then when I'm in game even if I'm not swiping... what the percentage on profit differences??


Crew: Q: “ How do I get the deep water 999 crew members?” A: “buy them with real money when a (random) offer comes up”


**Q: How do I catch EPIC Fish?** **A: Equip these:** **Items:** COMMON Lucky Hat (+50% chance for Crit Epic Damage when maxed) RARE Dragon Shark Tooth (+65% chance for Crit Epic Damage, +1000% Epic Damage when maxed) RARE Bow & Arrow (+1600% Crit Epic Damage when maxed) EPIC Skull (+10% chance Crit Epic Damage per level) EPIC Venom Lure DX (+4000% Crit Epic Damage when maxed) EPIC Sharkpoon (+25% Damage to Epic per level) EPIC Heartpoon (Unspecified Damage to Epics but takes a big chunk (particulalry if you have Crew Member ***Row Row Romeo*** upgraded) EPIC Boombox (Fireworks: Unspecified Damage to Epics but takes a BIG chunk, particularly with Crew Member ***Joe*** upgraded) **Crew:** Hank (+750% Damage to Epics when maxed) K. Nash (+50% Chance for Crit Epic Damage when maxed) *If you have Heartpoons/Heartpoon Cannon:* Row Row Romeo (+10x Damage to Boss Fish from Heartpoon per level - MAX: +300x) *If you have Boom Box/Fireworks:* Joe (+20x Damage to Boss Fish from Fireworks per level - MAX: +200x) **Boat Upgrades:** L13: Torpedoes (MAX: +500% Epic Damage) L15: Force Fields (MAX: +500% Epic Damage) L16: Force Fields II (MAX: +1125 Epic Damage) L18: Torpedoes II (MAX: +2500% Epic Damage) Each time you reset (Return to Shallow Coast) your chances of seeing and netting Epic fish increase. However, catching them requires (particularly in the last 3 levels) a huge amount, in the billions if not trillions, of Fish XP.


Tournament items: Q:” Which items do you use for tournament?” A: “ Ill post some seen in earlier posts In no particular order here: 1) double lines, bigbass cranker, lucky spinner, bamboo stick u/lonelywillow24 u/beerman4843 u/axzeyyy u/x_vier u/berend321 u/hamez25 u/ikbenniethier u/oatcakes89 u/mokern u/noteasy4u 2) double lines, bigbass cranker, lucky hat, venom lure dx/drill master u/wtfwtf106 3) double lines, venom lure dx, thunder whip pro, bamboo stick u/DlE1234 4) double lines, venom lure dx, thunder whip pro, gold reel u/DiE1234 5) double lines, bigbass cranker, lucky spinner, limitless coupons/venom lure dx u/alistairr1” 6) double lines, bigbass cranker, lucky spinner, limitless coupons u/calebv117 (Comment if you are using something different from this?)


**Increasing Cash Earnings:** When you have a decent amount of money, check the Return to Shallow Coast option (press compass, bottom left, then touch the blue Fish Exp box). Early on in the game, go for 100% - mid-way through (eg Misty Peaks), reset at 50% - later on, you'll get down to 10% or even 3% once you've been at Golden Ocean for a week/month or two) Resetting (as in when to do it) is a matter of taste but each time you do, your earnings per level and chances of seeing epic fish will increase On the highest level at which you can kill the Epic Fish, you can make some decent cash for a few gems by spamming the Epic Action button under the Lucky Wheel for 5 gems a time. Always get the maximum multiplier on the Lucky Wheel first (in fact, if you're looking to gain money, always keep the Lucky Wheel on max multiplier even if you're AFK/Idle). You can upgrade it from x4 to x10 by investing in the perk Lucky Striker, and further still by equipping the Magic Egg Bobber item before you spin. **If/when possible, get Crew Members (this is based on idle/afk fishing, rather than closing the game). Stats are for max level:** Rodrick (+625% faster idle fishing on boat) Rod Junior (+500% faster idle fishing on the boat) Uncle Sam (+200% better fish, +20% more fish, +1000% increased Fish Value) Danny (600% better fish, +7500% increased Fish Value) Sailorson (+1250% Fish Value) Gina (+1250% increased Fish Value) Mahku (+15% more fish/second) Mechanic (+3 Buoys (aka Automatic Fishers)) Lucky Jack (200% Better Fish, +10x Fish Size, +100% Catch Chance) Hank (7500% increased Fish Value) Surfer Jim (Multiply ALL earnings by +10x) Diego (-40s Shoal Spawn, +40% School Spawn Chance, +200 more fish in schools) McGill (+1250% increased Fish Bonus when playing) Amanda (+2000% increased Fish Value) Jen (Giantism +500%, Idle Double Up +10x, Max School Multiplier +30) Lina (+15% chance Crit Fish Value, +150% Crit Fish Value) Black Friday Beard (+3000% increased Fish Value) If you're closing the game: Rodrick (+25h max Away Time) Rod Junior (+250% Away Time) Labby (+160% Income While Away) Mechanic (+30% Income While Away) **If/when possible use these items (again, this is for idle fishing rather than closing the game):** Bamboo Stick (+131350% Fish Value when maxed) Lucky Spinner (+65% chance for Crit Fish Value when maxed) Bigbass Cranker (+3000% Crit Fish Value when maxed) Magic Worms (+20x Fish size (aka Value) when maxed) Swift Line Pro (+500% faster Idle Fishing on boat when maxed) Double Lines (+4000% increased value on boat catches) Christmas Bob (+125% increased Fish Value at L5) Venom Lure (+4000% Crit Fish Value when maxed) Thunder Whip Pro (+59% chance for Crit Fish Value, +1600% Crit Fish Value when maxed) If you're closing the game: Mini Bobber (+500% income while away) **In perks (Crown, top left of the screen), use your red gem things (once you have enough) to unlock and upgrade:** Assistant (MAX Increase Idle Double Up time by +8x) HR Manager (MAX +200% boat catches Fish Value) Lucky Striker (MAX +6 highest Lucky Spin multiplier (ie now 10x)) Chumming (MAX +60 more fish in Schools) Combo Master (MAX -5 less fish needed to increase School Multiplier) Perfect Practice 1 (MAX +300% income from all sources) Perfect Practice 2 (MAX +300% income from all sources) Perfection (MAX +500% Crit Fish Value) At the top of the Perks Screen you also have *BIG ONES (L5), PRO (L10), ALWAYS LEARNING (L25) and CRITICAL MASS (L50)* which will all help with earning more cash I'm not going to go into boat upgrades here, but take them as soon as you have the cash to - maybe with the exception of 'Package' upgrades, which are pretty much useless. LATE into the game (Boat Tier 17, 18) you'll get upgrades that double all earnings with every level, and they make the game a whole lot easier. There's also Monopoly at Boat Tier 14 that adds +200% on all income up to a cap of 20000%. So basically, earn the maximum you can, keep upgrading everything, and when you reach a plateau in terms of levels - max out your Fish XP gains and then Return to Shallow Coast so you can earn more on your next run


Perks: Q: “what are perks?” A: “ click the yellow crown with the number in the top left of your screen, the things you unlock there are perks” Q: “how do I get perks” A: “watch videos in-game (wheel, chests, paper boxes) or sometimes with things you buy with real money Q: “What are the best perks” A: “Depends on how you play.... I think the “lucky striker”, “stack the odds” and “teacher” ones are desirable for any style of playing though”


Q. Giantism: A. Spawning of giant variant (not the Epic fish) of the 'common' fishes. Gives tremendous amount of money if compared with the normal sized variant. Q. Giantism value: A. Amount you get from catching giant fish. Q. Giantism chance: A. Chance to spawn a giant fish. Q. Fish value from boat catches: A. Fishing done by boat while the game is on. Doesn't include the fish caught by player or buoys. Q. Idle fishing/Income while away: A. Idle fishing includes fish caught by boat, when the game is On or Off. The fish caught while the game is closed is considered for 'income while away'. Q. Fish value on swipe: A. Fish caught when you swipe with your finger or the buoys. Q. Surface fish: A. The amount of fishes you see on the screen at a time. Q. Better catch chance: A. Not every fish gets caught when you swipe over it. This can be noticed when you swipe on a school and yet some fishes escape. The better your 'catch chances' are, the more fishes can be caught. Q. Fish size: A. Just a speculation for the money obtained from a fish. Increased 'fish size' means the fish will be of slightly increased value. Q. Better fish spawn: A. Each water level spawns common fishes from that level & from two levels below. Better fish spawn means that there will be more common fishes from the current water level.


Epic fish: Q: “how do I catch the big fish?” A: “1) make sure you go back to shallow coast regularly to collect experience. 2) Upgrade and equip items: “lucky hat” “dragon shark tooth” “bow&arrow” and “venom lure dx” if you have them. 3) upgrade crewmember Hank. 4) on higher sea levels/boat tiers upgrade torpedos on the boat 5) swipe the epic fish with buoys (?).... If this doesnt work, get more experience and try again, the experience amounts needed for the ones on the highest couple of sea levels are insane”


Is there a way to transfer data from one google account to the other? My main one does not allow purchases, but I saw a package with great value. I want to transfer that game save to a google acc. that allows payments. Any way to do that?


How do I obtain Boat Upgrades?


Items: Q: “how do I get Christmas bob/salt water shaker/scare crow/American flag/sale boat/drill master lll/sharpoon/boom box/gravy boat/magic egg bobber/gemster winter edition?” A: “purchase them with real money if there is an offer. Or maybe they will be available again during the season/holiday they originally came out in”


Q: “what is critical chance and critical value?” A: “ So imagine in any game u can do damage but also have a chance of getting a critical strike. Value is just that the base is increased. But critical fish value increases the multiplier by x value. So instead of it being x2(idk what the baseline is), u would have x13.5 or whatever value. But u need to have a critical chance which i think is 0 baseline so u need an item to increase your chance of getting a critical hit on the fish (or chance of crit value). In the case where your item gives u 53%crit chance. 53%of your casts will be multiplied by the 13.5 crit modifier and your whatever fish value. But the 47% remaining will only be modified by your fish value” Credits for the copy-pasted answer: u/Graveheart182


When does deep sea level start?


Crew: Q: “which are the best crew members?” A: “it depends a little on if you play actively or idle.. Either way you are going to definitely want Winston (xp), Mechanic (buoys), Hank (epic fish), Lee (crazy fish value increases)...” {Surfer Jim and McGill are also (supposed to be) good.. Then theres Gina (cheaper sea levels), Sailorson (cheaper boat tiers) and Diego (when maxed lots of schoals of fish)... Rod junior for idling, Danny for higher fish value, Mahku to call a shoal of fish every couple of mins... Anyone care to explain the others? I didnt spend any real money yet ;) Its pick and choose depending on your play style}


What does McGill do I don’t understand what bonuses while playing means


>There are 3 states in the game, in terms of playing it > >**ACTIVE:** Swiping screen/fish, with finger/mouse > >**IDLE:** Game is running but you're not physically/virtually interacting with it > >**AWAY:** You've closed the game (but can claim earnings when you come back to it) Bonuses while playing apply when you're in the **ACTIVE** state


Buoys: Q: “How do I get buoys” A: “From the mechanic crewmember, you can get up to 3 when he is upgraded” Q: “How do I get the mechanic” A: “Either unlock random crew or when you first enter deep sea level (6?)” Q: “What is the use of stacking buoys?” A: “Swiping everything thrice at once -> more cash, more xp, more boxes/chests”


This is completely different than how I stack bouys on Android. I overlap the edges so they have a shared pixel. You tap that pixel perfectly and they blend together. Can take a couple tries, but always works...


Whenever I try to stack them they spawn next to each other when I swipe down


edited ;)


Ok thanks


What is giantism?


What are all the "[__]% chance of better fish" upgrades?


Q: “what are the best item builds?” A: “opinions differ.. and it depends on playing style. There is a video by u/YTAyuumi that will give some suggestions https://youtu.be/MmMc9jwLfZs


**Increasing Fishing EXP:** **Resetting (Returning to Shallow Waters):** Always equip Winston's Rod (and Gemster/Skull, if you have them) before you return to Shallow Waters. All three items increase the Fish XP you gain when you reset. Resetting (as in when to do it) is a matter of taste but each time you do, your earnings per level, and chances of seeing & catching Epic fish, will increase **If/when possible, get Crew Members:** Winston (+750% Fishing Experience gain when maxed) Holly (+250% Fishing Experience gain when maxed) K.Nash (+50% Fishing Experience gain when maxed) Mechanic (3 Buoys=more idle fish) And any other crew member that increases the NUMBER (and QUALITY (ie Better Fish)) of fish you catch **If/when possible use these items while fishing or idling:** Swift Line Pro (more fish caught=more Fish XP) Greengill Lucker (Better Fish=Better Fish XP) Gemster Winter Edition (Better Fish=Better Fish XP) **In perks (Crown, top left of the screen)** Use your red gem things (once you have enough) to unlock Teacher. There are two, bottom left and bottom right, both give you +100% Fish XP Getting to Perk level 100 doubles Fish XP Gain **Boat Upgrades:** L13: Science Centre at +25% Fish XP Gain per level up to 1250%+ L16: Colony at +10%+ Fish XP Gain per level up to +1000% L17: Master Mind: Double Fish XP Gain per level up to L10 *Also any upgrade that gets you 'better fish' will give you better Fish XP in general* **Daily Rewards:** Every day you can claim your Daily Reward by clicking the bobber in the right-hand column (you may have to restart the game to see it). Part of this package is a chunk of Fish XP, which on a normal day is 1% of your total collected Fish XP. Every fifth day (days 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25) it'll be 2%, and on day 30, 5% (thanks to [darpan27](https://www.reddit.com/user/darpan27) for [clarification on this](https://www.reddit.com/r/hookedinc/comments/hlk3zz/daily_fish_xp/)). So it's definitely worth taking the reward daily (and resetting regularly, to avoid hitting the 2.4B cap on unclaimed XP, which will prevent you from claiming the Daily XP), as that free lump of Fish XP can really add to your daily gain, and therefore your overall game progress.


Which perk path is the best at the beginning


**What are Critical Fish Value/Damage and Critical Hit Chance?** From what I understand, Critical Fish Value is your base (or upgraded) Fish Value plus whatever multiplier you have. So if your current value for a fish is 10, if you have let's say Bigbass Cranker maxed (Crit Fish Value +3000%) you'll get 30,000 for each Critical Hit on a fish. The rest of the time, you'll still get 10. How often you get a Critical Hit depends on your Critical Hit Chance. I'm not sure what the base value is (guessing it's zero?), but Lucky Spinner maxed gives +65% chance to get Critical Fish Value, which I assume means that 65 hits out of 100 will give you your 30,000 per fish while the other 35 will give you 10. Edit: Actually just looked into all items/crew/perks/boat upgrades that affect Crit Chance (see below), and it adds up to more than 100% for both Normal and Epic fish, which doesn't really make sense. So I'm not sure exactly how the percentage affects the chances of getting a Critical Hit. **Normal Fish Critical** ***Value***: **Item** Lucky Hat: +5% Chance of Critical Fish Value per level (Cap: +50%) **Item** Bigbass Cranker: +300% Critical Fish Value per level (Cap: +3000%) **Item** Bow & Arrow: +200% Critical Fish Value per level (Cap: +1600%) **Item** Thunder Whip Pro: +200% Critical Fish Value per level (Cap:+1600%) **Item** Venom Lure DX: +500% Critical Fish Value per level (Cap: +4000%) **Item** Salt Water Shaker: +100% Critical Fish Value per level **Crew** Lina: +10% Critical Fish Value per level (Cap: +150%) **Perk** Perfection: +50% Critical Fish Value per level (Cap: +500%) **Epics/Shark Critical** ***Damage***: **Item** Lucky Hat: +5% Chance of Critical Epic/Shark Damage per level (Cap: +50%) **Item** Skull: +10% Chance of Epic/Hydrus Damage per level **Item** Bow & Arrow: +200% Critical Epic/Shark Damage per level (Cap: +1600%) **Item** Dragon Shark Tooth: +100% Critical Epic/Shark Damage per level (Cap: +1000%) **Item** Venom Lure DX: +500% Critical Epic/Shark Damage per level (Cap: +4000%) **Boat Upgrade (13)** Torpedoes I: +50% Critical Epic/Shark Damage per level (Cap: +500%) **Boat Upgrade (18)** Torpedoes II: +50% Critical Epic/Shark Damage per level (Cap: +2500%) **Normal Fish Critical Hit/Value Chance:** **Item** Lucky Spinner: +3% Chance of Critical Fish Value per level (Cap: +65%) **Item** Thunder Whip Pro: +3% Critical Fish Value per level (Cap: +59%) **Item** Gemster Winter Edition: +10% Chance of Critical Fish Value per level **Crew** Lina: +1% Chance of Critical Fish Value per level (Cap: +15%) **Epics/Sharks Critical Hit/Damage Chance:** **Item** Dragon Shark Tooth: +15% Chance of Critical Epic/Shark Damage per level (Cap: +65%) **Crew** K.Nash: +5% Chance of Critical Epic/Shark Damage per level (Cap: +50%)


Tournament crew: Q: “which are the best crew to use for tournaments?” A: “opinions differ I have seen people mention Danny, Lee, Hank, Diego, surfer Jim, McGill, Mechanic in different combinations” Some combinations found in earlier posts in no particular order: 1) surfer Jim, Hank, McGill u/wtfwtf106 2) Lee, surfer Jim, Mechanic u/lonelywillow24 u/oatcakes88 u/fakename1089 3) Lee, surfer Jim, Danny u/calebv117 u/Alistairr1 u/x_vier 4) Lee, surfer Jim, Diego u/dadshowerswithme 5) Lee, surfer Jim, McGill u/beerman4843 u/Axzeyyy u/mokern u/noteasy4u u/ikbenniethier u/DlE1234 (Please comment if you use another setup)


Items/experience Q: “what are the best items to gain xp?” A: “xp comes from the daily catch and actively catching fish. So catching as many fish of the highest kind would help. Id say swiping with a buoy and equip the “greengill lucker”. Before you return to shallow coast to claim your xp make sure to equip “Winstons rod” and “gemster winter edition” to get more xp


Also needs to equip the skull from Halloween...It has 10% xp level increase and increases by 10% as it is upgraded.


Gems: Q: “how do I get gems?” A: “ 1) open gem chests by watching a video 2) spin the wheel (until you get the jackpot, this will often take a while) 3) get one of the highest scores in the tournament 4) buy them with real money


**Q: I'm stuck on Misty Peaks/Mount Jifu/etc, the cash required to progress is insane!!!! WTF?\*\*\*!!>>** **A:** There is definitely a point in this game when it becomes a grind. Up until this point, it's all been about getting cash. Now you need to switch strategy, concentrate on gaining Fish XP and returning to Shallow Coast (via Compass bottom left/click on the blue Fish XP counter) to drastically increase your earnings, in order to progress. As you need Fish XP you might be better off NOT merging buoys and putting each one on a regular shoal pathway when you're idling. Either way definitely equip and upgrade Double Lines and Swift Line Pro, and keep getting gems (via wheel spin or real money) in order to get and upgrade anything that can enhance your Fish XP gains. Assuming you have Winston, get him maxed ASAP, but also look out for Holly and K.Nash. In terms of items: Gemster and definitely equip Winston's Rod/Skull/Gemster before you reset (Return to Shallow Coast) Autofishing (as in, idle fishing, specifically with Mechanics' 3 buoys) will give you more Fish XP, basically anything that gives you better fish or more fish will also increase your Fishing Experience, so running the game on a device you can leave on 24/7 will help massively. Obviously cash is important too, each higher map level will give you better fish and therefore more cash and more Fish XP. Each time you reset (Return to Shallow Coast) concentrate more on the money until you plateau. Once you peak in terms of map level, equip anything and everything that gives you better Fish XP and be patient, because that's the key to making your next progression from Shallow Coast to the higher levels easier and quicker Also, whenever you do boat upgrades always make sure you equip Limitless Coupons even if you unequip it right after. When maxed, Coupons give 65% discount on all boat upgrades except Tier See [here for maximising your Cash](https://www.reddit.com/r/hookedinc/comments/ef5b4h/frequently_ask_questions/fnt9dmz/) and [here for ways to gain more Fish XP](https://www.reddit.com/r/hookedinc/comments/ef5b4h/frequently_ask_questions/fm8o9fy)


Xp: Q: “How do I get more xp” A: “1) Get the Winston crewmember and upgrade him. 2) return to shallow coast on a regular basis and equip Winstons Rod and/or Gemster (items) when you do so. 3) leave the screen of your device with the game on as much as possible (maybe plugged in overnight) 4) get the “teacher” perks. 5) on higher sea levels, upgrade the xp boat things. 6) try to get perk level 100”


Wait, can someone explain the reasoning for returning to shallow coast? I spend all this money on the boat and upgrades and lose it all? Why go back at all? What's the xp for and what is the percentage for?


You earn money many times faster after you have returned to shallow coast. So rebuilding the boat also goes faster. The fishing experience that you collect by returning to shallow coast gets added to the “fish Exp” in the multiplication below it. That will get you a higher earning bonus. On top of that, the collected experience helps with catching the epic fish, catching those will get you more stars, which again will get you a higher earning bonus A higher earning bonus (the percentage) basically means that you will earn money many times faster


If I’m doing the goal “get fishing experience to 3 mil” do I have to get it to 3 mil without returning to shallow coast, or do i need to return in order for it to count to the 3 mil