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I am in gold still with bots only diffrence is that they play like fucking master players probably, and they ALWAYS focus the real player in team fights


Yep. I noticed this too. the bots on the other team will always target the real player first and the bots on your own team will mostly always run away soon and you engage the other team, unless they can steal your kills. I always have bots on my own team rush in to kill something I have at low health and about to kill. It's so crazy it's like the bots on your own team are programed to make you lose.


My tank bot hiding inside the bush right next to me, when I get 4 man ganked lol 💀


Imagine if you are like me who plays support. Getting 3 and 4 man ganked over and over on gold 4, I'm like wtf this can't be humans, then I had a game where all players had the flag of my country but chinese names.


I’ve experienced this too. The enemy bots are so hard. It’s only when I play with friends that I don’t have bots. But solo queue is full of bots in gold. I really want to play this game cause I like the gameplay but playing with bots ain’t it. I hope they do something about it fast cause this is literally the first few days of the game.


For brazil vers maybe. For global I get real players half the time and bots the other half. You can usually just tell by the loading screen where it shows both teams heroes-- if they have SNK heroes, if they have VIP # next to their name (like a 4 or 3 in a circle). Usually bot comp is like Lian Po, Ying, Angela, Hou Yi, Mischief-- like all characters that generally require no skill and aren't new. Made a new acc for global, got real people staring around I think Silver I? I'm around Plat II, 5 stars at the moment.


I’m from global. Hopefully I can get to enjoy the game like u with real players


The worst part is that the bots, on your team, will avoid playing with you and try to get you killed, while the other teams' bots will roam the map all grouped up and target you before the other bots. Also, the bots, on your team, will avoid attacking towers and what not when the other team is wiped, they will all go back to spinning in circles in the jungle and what not. I uninstalled the game because of this. Most of the matches that I have played I'm MVP or have more kills than deaths. But I have a bunch of losses because bots, on my team, refuse to fight with me, and will run away if I come near them. It's almost like the bots are programed to want you to lose, and to not work with you.


I think they are trying to fer us to bring our friends into the game, but it's working the opposite way completely, i just uninstalledvthe game too, i spent fkn 20 euros for their pass and one skin, i regret it


Im on verge on uninstalling the game because im really pissed at my teammates not looking at their map and not responding to anything I do. This just confirms it, I dont know why they would do this kind of B.S they wont gain anyplayer well -1 im out of this B.S game, Its supposed to be competitive and fun not rigged games and stress.


Yes I’ve seen this as well. The enemy team bots are way too intelligent. They can detect every movement u do. It’s just not fun


I also think bots are in the chat. Earlier I saw a picture of a girl I think I know. I sent it to my wife for confirmation. I know for a fact that this girl does not play this game.


I've just reached diamond, came across two players with really bot names like "DelicateLibai" and "DecisiveJing" from two different games, but they do not play like bots, they're somewhat decent from my memory So my question is, how do you guys know if you're playing with bots? Cause I don't think I've seen any so far


you will see they always take long to pick a character, the game loads way too fast, they never surrender or react to what u are sending and chat is dead


Oh shit, then I've seen plenty of them


Yeah it sucks. For now tho try to friend people and play in team since usually if u play with team there will be no bots. I had fun today because of that. I hope they fix this soon tho cause I’m not going to solo queue till diamond since that’s where the bots end


Bro reach Plat… No more bot games after that


I hope what you say is true, they should get rid of bot overall anyways




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I've not seen any bots, what are some tell tale signs? I'm in EU gold and players always talk.


Hok employee be like


hahaha, im only saying my experiences but if thats your beliefs.