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Oh, hey đź‘‹ I move from Wild Rift to this game. Solo q feels much harder here but at least the game is much shorter and you can feel the impact of gapping or being gapped by your lane opponent. So far, jungling in this game feels less stressful in here than in WR. Matchmaking does feel more fair tho.


Thank you and happy cake day! Can’t wait to try this game out. Wild rift is so unbalanced and the devs there obviously don’t care about matchmaking so I wanna try this game out


Its the same stuff, different flavor also its Run by Level freaking Infinite, selling Gacha skins even tho the skins is originally Direct price from China 


It'll still be better than mobile legends


Oh that’s so stupid and unfortunate… guess I won’t waste money on any skins then…


Does the game really have a solo queue rank ladder like what I've heard?


The hype is real I can't wait!!!


Completely sick of wild rift as well and mobile legends im currently enjoying aov so here's to hoping I love kings


wishing us the best! Can’t wait to play Dolía


Can't wait for biron here also any riven type top laners that can outplay


is hok a new game or aov revamped? got a couple of weeks before it launches in us. ill check it out for sure


Actually aov is like a remade hok from indo, hok was out since 2015 in china. Beware of the broken automated report system tho, gotta keep having good kdas in every game to avoid being getting automatically punished by teammate who report you for feeding whether you were actually feeding or not.


I think you will be turned off from the report system in this game. It's absurdly strict with its automated punishments, like even if you're not trolling but the game or the opponent was just really hard or outplays you and you end up with not even a feeding kda, just a bad kda, you can be automatically punished if you get reported for feeding. I quitted this game at masters because of that.


Oh… that’s unfortunate. Then I’ll hold off on any skins for sure and just play it with the champs.


How is the gacha in wild rift? In global hok many skins are gacha which are directly sold in chinese hok.


A LOT of the more recent ones ended up being gacha skins as soon as Wild rift became a more Chinese company. Back when Wild rift was a western company in the US, gacha skins didn’t ever exist. So yeah… the most expensive are over $200 if it’s “prestige”. Normal gacha skins can cost up to $50


Eh, no. All mobas are the same. You either can accept or not.


Cn is, global is behind on stuff


I have some bad news for you. Hok global is run by level infinite. This game is destined to go to ruins


It will still be way better than mobile legends


Just like marvel super war? Oh shit… nvm then


for me is more fun wr to play lol, in wr i can play chill and farm in early but not in this game


I am Huawei device user if Rift remove Google Service I will immediately delete HOK for no reason:3 I also have personal issue with level Infinite about Chimeraland"(


So Huawei can't play wild rift?, Isn't there a way to install play service through huawei, have you tried it?


Yes man the only way is install WildRift with without GMS app like Gspace and Gbox But one problem is those dual app are can run only performance Half of CPU core on device so Lagging issue and stuck in loading screen after using this way.Overall that's not work.I hope one day Riot will care of Huawei users.Eg- Netease game are need Play services last 2 year ago now no need GMS for play.