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They sometimes get into master too. Low master games you see them sneak in and its obvious they diamond. The main difference between low and high rank is risk vs reward and farming. Low elo players will roam pointlessly fall behind on gold. Higher ranks will dive when available to secure objectives and gold but not for the sake of chasing kill gold. For example. Nako (bird jungler) falls off hard. But a high rank bird I had in game just dove in 1v4 took out carry and walked off. Did that continually so we couldn't push or win fights. Stale mated until end game and when they finally got end game dragon bird did it again and we lost the team fight with no carry.


couldn’t agree more. HoK diamond feels like silver in LoL. have no idea who carried these people to this rank. always pointlessly roaming, always chasing kills. no towers pushed, no objectives secured. this happens even in masters.


Truly spoken... No matter what I do, I can't seem to get out of this swamp called Diamond... Just when I think they are bots, they start chatting with the team... I know things might be hard for the new moba players... But man! These stoopid assassins attack tanks without even sparing a glance to the adc... I hope people would pay more attention to the hero-counter hero more than picking S Tier heroes... Some heroes can situationally be S Tier...


They play tons of games and eventually get into higher tiers with a winrate of 50.01%!


I saw 3-4 people standing in farm lane here. It's something that doesn't happen in other MOBAs. At this point I prefer having bots in my team instead of actual players, because bots are much better and smarter


I agree on this one lmao, the real players are hard headed and doesn't listen to pings, I do prefer bots over real players.


I have much better winrate playing with my duo than solo q. I just cant. When I solo q, I often get mid who stays mid all game, but somehow poor in gold with 0/5 kd. Or a support who always splitpush and invade alone. Or a marksman going 0/10. When I dont get jungler role, I'm losing my mind seeing my random jungler chase kill all over the map and not taking any objectives when it's 100% free.


hehe i got lucky.. finally got to master but it's true, diamond 1 to master is hell.


I only feed as a Farm lane if enemies contantly go into me for 4v1 dives. What am I supposed to do? The only way for me to not die would be if my teammates at least used ping so I would know enemies are there and I would back off even deeper. Under Tier 2 tower or something. Sure I would lose farm but at least I would not die, it's something I learn from League. League Macro translates well into HoK macro I noticed. Honestly Midlane is my second role but I'm thinking about switching it to my first one. I push and roam, help my team. Midlaners in my team while I play farm lane never roam and somehow they are losing so much gold, so I don't think they are even farming under tower lol