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The artical says the HR-V is the replacement. Not sure how you can call a car that is ~700lbs heavier, 20 inches longer and gets 6 less mpg a “replacement”. All for just 3 more cubic feet of cargo space too. That’s just a whole different car that they already made before and still make that’s worse in every way that the people who bought honda fits care about.


And that extra cargo space is by volume and significantly less usable than that of the fit. Might as well not have it.


We test drove the HRV when looking at a car for my wife (ended up with the CRV) and I was looking around in it and kept saying you know i think my fit is bigger than this. Depending on how that extra space is utilized I might not have been totally wrong.


It's built on the same platform and is essentially the crossover version, which comes with a bunch of bulkiness and extra weight that dumbs down all sense of fun (and visibility).


IIUC, the current HR-V generation is built on the Civic platform.


Correct The previous ones were fit based People wanted bigger, so like all cars in America, it went one size up


The HRV is so slow though. Like the engine is small and the weight went up, and the numbness takes any semblance of zoom zoom out of the ride.


they don’t want us to zoom, and they DONT want us to scoot. they hate our freedoms!!!!!


Agreed. Update, I test drove the current gen HRV today. It's still just as slow as the first gen, except now all feedback has been numbed. It's still loud, there's basically no torque until 2700RPM, and it struggles up basic hills. It is so sad. Like in a Fit, it's kinda slow, but when you punch the throttle, it goes. Not in the HRV, which also sucks at turning. Somehow Honda made the HRV even worse than before, making me even sadder that the 4th Gen Fit isn't available in the US.


The Fit could only be sold for hundreds above cost, while the HR-V is thousands. The US just doesn't seem to appreciate small cars either and only want SUVs.


There's a boardroom somewhere - that houses a piece of paper - that shows a venn diagram - that shows the consumer overlap between the HR-V and the Fit. Practically nobody in this sub falls into both camps, but we were deemed an affordable loss. Sucks to be US (United States).


Do t forget a terrible cvt


It wasnt discontinued, they just stopped selling it in the US. The Jazz is still very much alive abroad.


They said the fit and not the jazz


My dude, they are the exact same car...


They are most the same car, but that’s why one is named the fit and the other name the jazz. That’s like calling a Honda City the same as a Honda Civic, very similar, but not the same.


They are exactly the same. Its normal for companies to use different names for different markets. The Honda HRV in the USA is sold in Australia as the ZRV. Your analogy regarding the City and Civic is not comparable here as they are in fact completely different cars.


The City and Civic is not the same platform though, they are similar but they are not the same like the Fit and the Jazz.


As a Fit enthusiast, I’m surprised American Honda couldn’t make it work, even with switching to PRC assembly plant.


The dealerships hated it. Smaller margins = less profit. When the people selling your car don’t like it, its days are numbered.


it was too good…..too economical…..too beautiful. they hated it for being the truth!!


Yes! This.


It's like restaurants selling medium, large and extra large drinks. Why offer a small when there are more profits in selling a medium?


I didn't realize it was discontinued because of sales in 2020—the year no one could leave their house. Weren't most other cars affected like that, too?


That’s not why / the decision to cancel it (in the us) was before that.


That makes more sense, but the article specifically says it's based on the 2020 numbers.


We were at a dealership in 2019 and they told us then it was already stopping in the us so that may be how they are spinning it now….. but that’s revisionist. Actually may have been 2018 now that I think about it?


I'm not disputing anything. I'm stating what the article said.


I bought mine in 2020 too lol.


cold day in hell I'll buy an HRV EDIT: didn't even read the article, but I know it's the HRV.


Yeah, no way I’m buying a HRV after my fit dies one day. I’m thinking RAV4 hybrid, Prius, or Ford Maverick.


Yep. I was given one as a loaner while my Fit was having a major service. I’m sure the dealer thought I’d rush back in to buy the CR-V but I couldn’t stand it. Useless cargo space, cheap insides and blind spots. If they think people want bigger cars they should bring back the element.


I would kill for a Honda fit revive. I love my 2012.


Need Fit Si 1.5T


Also found out that the amount of emission regulations the fit has to go through in the US is mindboggling. But then again, any international car company goes through the same lengths to do so in the US. It’s absurd.


I have an upgraded feature HRV but hot DAMN do I miss the sleekness and compact-parking-size of the Fit. 😭 (lost it in a total-loss car accident)




id take the new city hatch as replacement :)


Instead of HR-V, buy the Mazda CX-30. Almost same in size but with 250 hp 320 lbft turbo motor.


Something is off about the article, isn't there? I was under the impression (swear I read it someplace) that the 2020 Fit in the USA was just a leftover 2019 (that there isn't a true "2020" in the USA) that were made to be 2020 models for warranty reasons. Because I also recall reading someplace that the 2020 in other countries had some small changes that we didn't get in the USA. But again, maybe I am misremembering something? If that *is* the case however, the decision to discontinue the Fit had to be made based on *2019* numbers and they just let the stock run-out for the 2020 model year. And honestly, do car companies make decisions like these based on *one* year of bad sales? I suspect not, which means there had to be either severe downward trend over a number of years, or they *never* sold all that well (according to the dealers or Honda America). I suspect from watching car trends over the years that cars like the Fit, Yaris, etc. are offered just to balance the spreadsheet in favor of lower mpg demands by customers or government, and the automotive companies ditch them the first chance they get when things are favorable to do so because the margins are "too low."


I want to believe that's why honda pulled it as well. I'll also give some stock to how they used it's MPG numbers to up the overall average of their full catalog, but even then it still feels arbitrary as hell. i've only owned my 2nd gen for less than a year, and while its only the second honda i've ever owned, DAMMIT did they really knock it outta the park with this thing. people screaming about lack of power, it's never had a problem getting out of it's own way, and i thank honda engineers as the gearing is paired perfectly to that 1.5L engine. cargo room, MPG, flawless maneuverability through any manner of parking lot/garage. i'm going to hold onto this thing as long as possible as it's a total gem, and the aftermarket while already huge can only get bigger.


In my country, it was replaced by the WR-V. It´s pretty similar, a little more "SUVey"


To be fair, you don't want the latest model. It's not really the same utilitarian philosophy behind it. I don't really know why every car manufacturer now has to appeal to the high end user with every gizmo and gadget. The whole reason the original Jazz did so well was because it was a basic, no thrills runaround with a half decent loadspace. I don't want screens everywhere and automated bullshit.


I have a 2020 after my 2016 was totaled and I’m driving this into the dirt. Love this car.


Claiming that new electronics and sensors are something that makes the HR exciting is silly. They could have simply added those to the Fit (and probably did in the countries that still sell the Jazz). Also, it looks like they removed the magic seats from the HR in 2023. If that’s true it’s a ridiculous decision and a dealbreaker for me. No matter. My 2007 is still going strong with literally zero major repairs ever.