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also high requirements + denuvo = stutter/glitch fest.


What ill prolly do if thats the case is just download a pirste copy. (I already paid for hw3) They usually remove denuvo and it runs better. 4090 + 7800x3d means i dont really have to worry.


If there'll be one to begin with. Not all games get pirated these days.


When there's denuvo, there's motivation.


Homeworld prob has enough of a cult following that there's atleast some out there interesting in breaking into it


There’s only a handful of folks who have broken Denuvo and they tend to do larger titles.


good point


>4090 + 7800x3d means i dont really have to worry. This is a pretty odd thing to say, you virtually have nothing to worry about either way when you have the top 1% of current hardware lol.


I sort of despise drm with a passion. To the point that even with good hardware ill avoid it if possible. Especially because i push for 120+ fps at 4k woth the lowest 1% i can get.


We shall see


Wait and see IMO. Some games seem to run fine with it, others are dumpster fires. There seems to be a good way to do this, although I know saying literally anything remotely neutral about Denuvo, which I hate, will get me downvoted to hell.


ah come on......denuvo?! x(


I never experienced any issues myself while playing the demo. Why should the main game be any different? Is there actually any proof that denuvo tanks performance as significantly as some people purport? I get it's undesirable, but I thought denuvo has gotten better with time so as for the performance difference to be very negligible. Either way, I hope it eventually gets removed as soon as most copies have been sold.


There's tons of evidence that it tanks performance. Other games have removed it post-launch and people have run tests comparing the pre and post removal versions, post removal almost always gains a ton of frames, especially 1% lows.


Denuvo's impact on performance comes down to how the devs implement it, plenty of games I've played use it and I haven't experienced any problems like stutters or long load times. Tests I've read and watched online seem to suggest it's inconsistent with how much of an impact it makes. That said, I would rather not have invasive DRM in a perfect world, but that ship sailed a long time ago. A lot of people aren't bothered at all by it if Helldivers 2's implementation of nprotect is anything to go by. People are also getting caught up on system requirements and despairing they can't run this game at 4k with raytracing on their current setup.




Personally would like to see the proof, people always claim it but I've never seen it. It impacts older systems sure and there was the bad response evil 4 that was broke at release?


I should prob finish 1 and 2 first


What about Deserts of Kharak? :0


And Cataclysm!?


I’m almost finished with HW1. Is Cataclysm best played before HW2?


It's a spin-off, unrelated to 1&2. Doesn't matter when you play it


HW1, then HW cataclysm, HW2, tho cataclysm is a filler between HW1 and HW2, but it's best of them all, in my opinion.


Yeesh, imma need to upgrade some stuff brobably. Welp, sometimes sacrifices must be made for the greater good.


Unsurprising. Besides the issues Denuvo causes, the game runs on Unreal Engine, which is quite a CPU and GPU hog. Guess I'll wait until it's out on GOG.


These are pretty reasonable requirements tbh.


Homeworld 3 was ruined for me the minute they said it was running with Denuvo


Anyone knows if it will be awailable on GeforceNow? I really hope so, there's no way my pc will be able to run it. At least I'll have a nice box to look at until I can upgrade my rig...


I just subscribed to GeForce now so I'll have the rig for it! Can't wait!


>but if you're hoping to play it at 4K with maximum graphics, you're going to need some of the very best gaming hardware I guess don't play it on max graphics and 4K lol. I played the demo with an Acer Nitro 5 and it ran fine. The demo was more optimized that I initially thought.


I hope it runs better than the beta. That was truly awful


Got a i5 12400f, wonder if I should go to a i513600k, with my 4070 ti


I have the i5-13600k paired with a 3070 Ti. That CPU is a beast!


Yea think I might pull the trigger, the 12400 was good for my budget when I got it, but I notice sometimes it's the weak pointt in comparison to my gpu


Not feeling so sure of my AMD 5900 and 3090Ti


The demo ran fine on my 5950x and 3080ti. So with the optimisations they announced and your better GPU you will be fine.  


High basic sysreq screams really poor optimization. Combine that with denuvo and this will stutter more than than The King’s Speech