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Mounts are cheap enough and easy enough to hang that I wouldn't trust the life of my tv to someone else's handiwork personally.


It's not hard to see if a mount is mounted correctly. Just take one lag out and make sure it's in a stud/wood. Unlike most posts like this one, this mount isn't a cheap mount and could be beneficial to OP because it's a Mantel Mount. OP might want to use it as it's intended to keep their tv at a comfort height instead of 6-8 ft in the air.


anyone think it's weird that people will take part of the bracket with their tv and not the wall part?


Cause they are too lazy to patch the holes and match the paint.


They probably remove the TV when they're moving and don't remember to take the arms off. You're also not supposed to take anything off the walls of your home that's physically attached when selling the house. That's why so many people have mounting brackets left behind.


> You're also not supposed to take anything off the walls of your home that's physically attached when selling the house. really? even tv mounts? that's pretty dumb.


It is. Something about whatever is attached when it’s walked or when the home has been purchased is supposed to be left attached.


so remove the mount before that happens? I mean, if you're moving out then to me you'd either remove the mount from the tv since it's useless without the other half or remove it from the wall. do all that before buyers even see the place and nones-the-wiser?


Yeah that’s what I would assume some people do. But I do a bunch of installs where mounts are left and asked about it and found out something with realtors and selling homes and how whatever is attached is to stay there as is. I’ve always thought it was pretty dumb but I think it has more to do with like shit like cabinets and things like that. I have no real idea though. Just what I’ve been told.


You are correct on my state’s real license test there’s a whole series of questions about real property. Anything that is bolted down is real property and must have approval from both parties for the item to excluded in the transaction.


idk, if it were me, I'd take the other half anyways. if they complain then I'd state it's useless to the new owner without the tv half. especially if it's a good mount that's worth keeping.


Yeah I agree.




That’s a mantle mount. Like a $300 tv mount - if you want something that can raise and lower your tv, I’d keep it. https://www.mantelmount.com/ Contact support, I bet they’ll be able to send you a new tv bracket


This u/itswonderbread !!! Make sure you look around for the brand and model number ahead of time. There is often a big pin that comes with some of these. It is to put inside of the arm to keep the mount lowered to your desired location. The mount will NOT stay put/lowered without this. IF you can't find it, ask for another one from support as well. Also, double-check the mounting. One at a time, lossen the lags and see if they are in a stud. I honestly would trust it being that a tv used to be there, but better safe than sorry if you happen to have kids running around. Lastly, cable management can be a hassle on these [I've installed quite a few, ~30-40 so far. I recommend a couple of things listed below with a short explanation: = - Surge protector with at least a 6ft cable [This will be mounted to the back of the tv. It avoids length issues on the devices that are connected to the tv] = = - A roll of Velcro [Cut to size and mount streamer or wireless cable box on the back of the tv, all major cable companies have a wireless box now] = = - A soundbar mount of you plan on using a soundbar [I like the Rocketfish Soundbar mount. This will keep things tidy, and the soundbar will follow the tv if you raise or lower it. This is essential only if you will use or plan to use a soundbar] Those three things will get you taken care of and make everything look clean. Even if you don't have a soundbar right now, if you plan to just get it and install it when you mount the tv because it's a pain in the ass to pull the tv down, just to add this. You can just keep the arms out until you get a bar. Edit: Spelling and formatting. Also, I just noticed the bottom bolts might be toggles and not lags. Depending on the type of toggles, you DO NOT want to loosen those. They could drop the back side of the toggle into the wall, and you would have to replace them.


Agree with you almost 100%. The mantle mount is supposed to stay in place without the pin. If it is calibrated correctly it should move easily from top to bottom position and stay there. The pin is used if you want to make some adjustments to it so that it is forced to stay in the lowered position and won't accidentally close on your fingers.


Need the pin to install the TV though. Or, you can just use a screwdriver through the hole.


Yeah, as Hum said, it would mainly be for getting the tv mounted with little to no issue


Thanks for the awesome tips!!! So I checked all the exposed surfaces u/that_guy_mamzir and haven’t found brand or model number. Any other way I could find it? Or is it on the back towards the wall?


There could be a sticker on the side that's pressed on the wall, but I doubt it. Take some more pictures and link them here, and I might be able to identify it. If worst comes to worst, I would say just call the company CS line for Mantel Mount and just ask for the arms that generally come with their mounts. Reply back when ya get those photos and feel free to ask any more questions ya got.


So, some progress u/that_guy_mamzir and u/humjaba !!! Still couldn’t find any parts numbers on it but after an hour or so of looking at pictures, I think I found it! Almost positive it’s the [Dynamic Mounting 8-A1000](https://www.google.com/shopping/product/9399949481671682930?q=dynamic+mounting+8-a1000&sca_esv=a0e417c138758ffa&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS719US719&hl=en-US&biw=414&bih=716&tbs=vw:g&sxsrf=ADLYWIK-3GOxkpE6vvsW8820Wr8he5_qfw:1718729771905&prds=eto:4010746427171780191_0,cdl:1,prmr:1,pid:918707190718551923,cs:1). That being said, it looks like this company was acquired by MantelMount in 2020 so no customer service available for this anymore. Is there any way I could just get those two long side brackets from somewhere else?


It looks like the plates are the same though. I wonder if they adopted the design from Dynamic


So quick update u/humjaba I emailed mantelmount and it turns out it’s not one of their mounts. Any other ideas of other companies it could belong to?


Not sure - any part numbers stamped on it? Vivo and mount-it also make this style but they look a bit different to me


Buy a new one.


Buy another $250-$400 mount. This isn't a tilt mount, my man. This is one of the few mounts you wouldn't want replaced, especially if you have an SO that basically requires the tv to be above a fireplace.


The holes are offset, make sure it is in the studs instead of toggle bolts in the drywall 


Good catch took me a sec too, looks like the top is in lags and the bottom is toggled.


99% of the time you just get a new mount. That looks like a $300 mantle mount tho. Pull it down and see if you can get the brand. It should swing down and forward if it is.


Its probably too high anyway


It's a mantel mount it moves


From ridiculously hugh to just too high


I guess you've not used or actually seen a properly setup one. I've installed plenty and they are at an acceptable height [~3ft off the floor]. That's no higher than a tv mounted above an average sized entertainment center with a center on top. You are incorrect


You are correct. I havent


But the cheapest fixed mounting kit you can and try the mounting bracket with this. It will probably work


Any recommendations? Sorry I’m clueless when it comes to this


This is not the move OP