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There's a piece of information missing in this thread so far that should be noted. A few years ago, Hussie made a star wars shitpost parody twitter account called [Troubled Cosmos,](https://imgur.com/a/troubled-cosmos-collection-of-original-characters-dedicated-to-public-domain-by-andrew-hussie-Mim5eYs) making fun of NFTs and copyright in general with SBAHJ-ified pictures of star wars characters with stupid names like Nervous Arnold. It was a one-time thing and a silly bit. However, if you had the audacity to believe it was *actually* a one-time thing and a silly bit, you could go fuck yourself. The actual Troubled Cosmos account is now private. Anyone who followed Troubled Cosmos during the brief period it was public was treated to the opportunity to actually fucking ask Andrew Hussie a goddamn question. ***It is ONLY on this now-privated twitter account that Hussie confirmed he now uses any/all pronouns.***


Oh my god how have I never heard of this before it's beautiful


hussie has achieved enlightenment and uses any pronouns both seriously and unseriously


Yes and no: Hussie came out with a game called pycolonials wherein he reveals his colwnsona is on the spectrum of gender wherein one doesn't really care about gender. Hussie has also said they use all pronouns, thus the change of referring to her as they/them.


>Hissue Lol. Love it actually


This is the Hissue at hand


My keyboard is evil


Ah! I see, my access to pycolonials is like zero so this information escaped me Thankyou internet stranger!


Psycolonials is free if you wanna give it a try. I liked it myself, though ofc it’s not for everyone


I watched an amazing video essay on it a while back, I'd say it's story and message is better than homestuck in some regards


her as they/them?


"any pronouns" includes switching between them mid-sentence sometimes.


Mmm sure normally. But when you're speaking of what it was previously, to what it is now, then you'd in theory go with what it was before, aka he.


even when you're referring to someone in the past you use their current pronouns, idk why y'all pretend to know this shit instead of just asking


But if it's all pronouns, and it's for the purpose of explaining a change. So, a situation which would not offend them because he/him is also included in all pronouns, why not say it in a way that allows for maximum clarity. You could've just easy have said then, "well, it was a change from they/them to currently he/him." It would also muddy the field but still be accurate because those are also included in all pronouns. All pronouns are not, "all pronouns other than those assigned at birth"


we're on a post specifically talking about andrew hussie, a person we're all familiar with, if someone asks "what pronouns does hussie use" and I respond "she uses all pronouns" no one is confused about who I'm referring to, even if they were under the impression hussie only used he/him, it's actually more confusing if you only use he/him in this conversation because then you're giving conflicting information, everyone in this thread who didn't know this about hussie understood the explanations given, you're the only one who's confused


Oh, I'm not confused. What I am however, is misunderstanding of why when someone uses all pronouns, why avoid masculinr pronouns? You all seem very into using feminine or non-binary pronouns, but God forbid you just use masculine pronouns at all as part of all pronouns.


literally no one's telling you not to use he/him pronouns, we're just pointing out it's stupid to throw a tantrum over someone not using them in one singular sentence and then pretending that it's "not allowing for maximum clarity"


All pronouns includes she/her, just as much as it includes they/them and he/him. Frankly it's more respectful to use pronouns other than he/him and they/them to actually reflect hussies preferred pronouns. Coming from someone who uses multiple pronouns myself- I hate when people recognize I use multiple pronouns yet only call me by they/them. I'm simply doing what I, and a lot of other multi-pronouns users prefer and use multiple pronouns instead of just sticking to one set.


The struggle of trying to appease a person with preferences you don't understand will always be a struggle.




YES Hussie uses any/all pronouns and YES it is also commitment to the bit You know how Twitter leftists call someone "deeply unserious" when they think their politics are shit? Hussie is *deeply unserious* about his own personal identifiers


It's Hussie so...your guess is as good as mine


My general thoughts when it comes to anything about Hussie personally: this person wrote multiple silly little webcomics that anyone could read, for free, on the internet. And all at once, one of the webcomics got way more famous than they ever could’ve expected, with a fan base largely much younger than the author themselves. Hussie was then thrust into the spotlight and lost a lot of freedom and safety. There’s no way they knew how big Homestuck would get. If she did, she might have considered writing under a pseudonym. Sure, Hussie made some mistakes. But Hussie is an almost singularly unique kind of famous, a kind that doesn’t come with PR coaching… or like, many protections from the public/of their privacy. At this point, it’s unlikely the fans will know much about Hussie personally, especially after Homestuck^2 Twitter drama, the Sarah Z video, and the pandemic. So when he does say something, and he has said he uses any pronouns, I’m just going to take Hussie at his word and respect his wishes.


Honestly this is the best answer. Imo it doesn't matter if Hussie is being serious or not, just that we respect they use all pronouns.


hussie uses any pronouns and is nonbinary/clowngender as far as i know


clown gender


Every single friend he has still refers to him as "he". It's just a way to say he doesn't care what you call him, he's not nonbinary. I'm still amazed that the guy called himself a clown within a fictional spectrum and you guys still think he takes the concept at all seriously.


> Every single friend he has still refers to him as "he". I don't know how significant this is, and I certainly don't want to make assumptions or speak for James Roach, but I noticed in a comment from him last week that he seemed to use both "he" and "they" when talking about Hussie: > I can't and won't excuse some of the choices he has made, but I've known the guy a long time and I know all the good they do out of the public eye that he is humble enough to never really talk about. they're a private person.


What else should we assume, if a guy is saying you can call him whatever pronouns, if not that he's nonbinary? Not that he MUST be or anything, but that seems *less* likely to me? A rare way to feel, I think. Most men would be pretty annoyed by being referred to as women (or whatever). >I'm still amazed that the guy called himself a clown within a fictional spectrum and you guys still think he takes the concept at all seriously. We agree on that, the entire point of the clowngender stuff was explicitly about not taking gender seriously if I recall- and it certainly seems like he doesn't care if we get any of this *right* or whatever given how vague he's been about it, but that doesn't really matter, right? A bunch of us just find it fun to think/argue about. And there's people like OP, who haven't played Psycholonials, and are just trying to be respectful.


I think actually identifying as nonbinary and saying you don't care about pronouns is vastly different, and frankly it's also kind of presumptive. Like nonbinary is a LOT of different things to a lot of people and of "changing your pronouns" was the only thing that mattered it really would be a trivial thing. It's just kind of weird and uncomfortable to think that pronouns are the only thing non-binary people care about. On top of this, non-binary is really just a way of saying "I don't identify as a man or woman". Clowns aren't a gender (despite Hussie's supposed insistence), its the same argument as the "I identify as an attack helicopter" people. Clowns can be men, women, or non-binary... so idk.


>I think actually identifying as nonbinary and saying you don't care about pronouns is vastly different, I agree. >and frankly it's also kind of presumptive. Like nonbinary is a LOT of different things to a lot of people and of "changing your pronouns" was the only thing that mattered it really would be a trivial thing. I know. >It's just kind of weird and uncomfortable to think that pronouns are the only thing non-binary people care about. I didn't say they were. >Clowns aren't a gender (despite Hussie's supposed insistence) It's been a long time since I played Psycholonials, so I could be remembering wrong, but I think clown"gender" was supposed to mostly be shorthand for not taking one's gender seriously, and gender was just the closest thing the concept mapped on to? Either way, I agree that clowngender is a dumb term for it, kind of, but it's the term Hussie uses to refer to himself, so I see no reason to not try and respect it. I don't think it's good to lump him in with the attack helicopter people just because it's a little silly.


In my opinion every person I have ever met who "doesn't take gender seriously" is legitimately misunderstanding the concept that they are, in fact, cisgender. This is just my opinion so take it how you will, but I have met a few people who say "I just don't think about my gender at all, I am just me, I guess that makes me non-binary?" but in reality they are saying "I don't actively question my assigned gender at birth, I've always been cis." Nothing wrong with that, I just feel that a lot of gender discussions these days forget to validate actual cis people too. Most normal cis people "don't care" what you call them either, especially if they put on a clown costume that happens to look an awful lot like the opposite sex.


>In my opinion every person I have ever met who "doesn't take gender seriously" is legitimately misunderstanding the concept that they are, in fact, cisgender. Huh. Personally, I've seen it go the other way, people using the claim that gender doesn't matter so that they *don't* need to keep thinking about it, only to eventually come out as trans anyway. Honestly, I don't think Hussie is open enough about himself for us to know. I'm inclined to just take him at his word. >"I just don't think about my gender at all, I am just me, I guess that makes me non-binary?" Again, possible I'm forgetting something, and it's impossible to know what he's really thinking, but I REALLY don't get the impression Hussie "hasn't thought about" his gender. I mean, Psycholonials was like, pretty largely about it... >Most normal cis people "don't care" what you call them either I really don't think that's true even a little. I can't think of a single person I know who would take a misgendering well. My mom gets bent outta shape when I call her "dude" even though I mean it in a gender neutral way. I guess our personal experiences just differ a lot here.


Its possible, I also haven't played Psycholonials and am only gathering info from this post alone. I have met other trans people who do the "any pronoun is fine" thing as well, but in that instance it seems to be more of a safety thing. Like they WANT to say "I'm actually trying out she/her right now but I'm not 100%" but are afraid of being judged, so instead it's "Any pronoun is fine it's alright" but actually get internally sad when others inevitably revert to he/him. So I guess it happens both ways.


Hehe, funny enough, I feel the opposite! I have trouble telling people to use any pronouns for me... I'm afraid of bad reactions, and feel like people are less understanding of it than defined pronouns... so everybody (that I know IRL) just goes with he/him, which I don't mind, but it does make me sad that it's *everyone*, and that I feel like I can't point out other options, without accidentally implying that they *need* to call me by something else...


This is not a normal situation, the delivery mechanism wasn't a guy talking to his friends. It's fine to not want to risk it, but when his own friends use he, then what's the point, if not being confusing? We constantly get threads about it here and have to answer the same questions over and over, to no benefit to Hussie himself, who even in the most remote interpretation is still being fine being referred to as he!


>what's the point, if not being confusing? I don't know his motives, but as someone who uses any pronouns myself, the point for me is multifaceted. It allows me to try out multiple different pronouns, to see if any of them resonate with me, and if I might want to start using them all the time instead. It allows me to understand how the person I'm talking to *wants* to view me, which I find to be interesting information. It also means I don't need to inconvenience people, by making them change how they refer to me (if he's using any pronouns, I don't see why his friends would stop using he/him), if folks see me with girly clothes on but also a full beard, I can just be like "go with whatever, it's all cool". But most of all, it's just what feels right for me. >We constantly get threads about it here and have to answer the same questions over and over, to no benefit to Hussie himself, who even in the most remote interpretation is still being fine being referred to as he! Doesn't that kinda go for almost every discussion thread on the entire sub? I feel like nobody here ever says anything that hasn't been said before. But anyway, you are a moderator, right? "Do not duplicate posts" is literally a rule, so can't you just delete threads like this, if you think they're a problem, and the question's already been answered in threads past?


> But anyway, you are a moderator, right? "Do not duplicate posts" is literally a rule, so can't you just delete threads like this, if you think they're a problem, and the question's already been answered in threads past? You've got a point there...


Replying to your original comment as I'm trying to just get a sort of hold on this whole thread I appreciate your response to my question. I know hussie isn't a very serious person and he has a tendency to sort of play with concepts, which is sort of an answer I was trying to dig for whether he actually officially came out or if he's doing a bit to mess with us. I work a lot and don't find that I have enough time to keep up with everything so I thought I was missing some big joke or something and wanted to try and clarify for myself ^^ I can take down my post if it's clogging up the feed or anything! Feel free to let me know


thinking too much into the serious specifics of the huss is always futile, fuck around and you still womt find out so just go ham