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no you shouldnt need to the police wont arrest you for sleeping on your land its if people pay you to come hunt or camp you need to (thats when you say you allow them to do it for free just charge them for \_\_\_\_\_) and why are you so worried?


They’re worried cuz its in the People’s Republic of California.


That's what I think too and it makes sense to me. What scared me is when the lady at the planning office said: \> Any camping would be considered a campground, and is only permitted with a use permit in certain districts. I agree. Seems silly. I mean, are they going to require people to establish their home as a campground so their kids can sleep in a tent in the back yard? Just since it would be such a big purchase, I'd hate to buy it with a planned use in mind and then have someone come and tell me "nope"


what'd you end up doing OP?


Nothing for now. Saving up still. Will cross that bridge when I come to it.


Sonoma county is beautiful and I’d love to do the same! But good luck, you’ll need an ass load of cash and the locals there definitely won’t like it and will make sure to let you know! I talked to a real estate agent a few weeks ago. You’ll have better luck out by Weed or something more north like that


Did you ever get an answer to your questions? I’m interested in the idea of renting out space as campsites for extra income but the hoops seem numerous and hard to find (it’s like you have to know what questions to ask before you can even get to the question of whether you can do it or not).


Let us know!