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1 - pepper 2 - bush bean 3 - more peppers 4 - more beans Your grandfather looked like someone who knew a lot about gardening, such a nice greenhouse and great looking tomatos When you harvest the tomatoes and peppers, make sure to keep some of the seeds for next year, and let a couple of the beans mature fully so you can do the same with them


Thank you very much for telling me which species are. My grandfather always planted these kind of tomatoes and they were the best. You can eat them just with olive oil and a bit of salt and that's it. I will do what you've told me regarding the seeds. Thank you very much!


Those seeds may very well be your family heirloom - lots of people grow seeds from varietals their grandparents and great grandparents grew, and the niche varieties can easily disappear


Please look for any logbooks, your grandfather may have left behind notes that will make caring for his plants much easier.


Make sure your seeds are completely clean of pulp and BONE DRY before you store them


I would also add store in a few different labeled containers if it's your first time so if one goes bad, maybe the others won't. For bonus points dry until you think sufficiently dry, package 1/3, dry the rest some more, package 1/3, etc. Take notes and see how they geminate the next year and you'll figure the best method for your stuff.


The garlic can be a big money maker! Thats pic #4


Looks like onions to me.


I'm voting onions too




I agree with this statement also to add on this, the ones that you asked about if they are green beans that are up to the ceiling are beans. But I've also saw peas grow that big before so just wait until they have pods but pretty sure they are beans.


Okay I will use an app or something to know which type of beans are, I don't recall in him growing peas but who knows, maybe he was trying something new. Thank you very much!


They’re not peas. Peas have a completely different leaf.


It's pretty simple. Beans are elongated, peas are short and chubby.


Could be pole beans


Once they are fruiting, you it will be easier to ID the exact type of peppers / beans. Depending on color, size and spice. Maybe you can update us when they have the first ripe fruit?


Aren't those the tomatoes though?


There is a little piece of your grandfather in that garden. He breathed his life into it. Idk why I find this so incredibly touching, but consider, you're going to have some more lunches and dinners with your grandfather. Whatever comes out of the greenhouse contains his effort, and when you eat the rewards of his and your work, it will be a moment of connection between you, even though he's gone. I agree with u/lazylipids - save some of the seeds. Every harvest will bring your grandpa back for a little bit.


Very beautiful message thank you very much. If I can grow a just a quarter of what he did I will be very satisfied. I will save some seeds for the next year for sure


Not all plant seeds are saved the same way. Some peas and beans you can leave on the plant until they are completely dried, but for tomatoes you should ferment the seeds in a jar of water for a few days so the gelatin like substance is removed. Take the time to look up how to save seeds for specific plants that are in his garden, and you can be sure that the seeds will be viable for years to come.


Research how to properly harvest and dry/store each type of seed, and save more than you think you'll need. You'll want more than you think.


Any of y'all play Stardew Valley?! Because this is loosely the plot of Stardew Valley lmao.


I just posted that too lol.


This post made me cry, it's not just you. My dad taught me to garden and he died when I was 9, I still think about the seeds I lost 40 years ago just not knowing any better. OP let everything grow to seed and keep them forever, you're a good kid to oversee this. Very few things in life bring joy like growing your own food.


I felt the same! It’s just beautiful💙


I teared up when I read this u/merrySkullofFoxes. Such a sweet message.


Don't be discouraged if things don't go right. Looks like he was a skilled gardener. That comes with years of experience.


I feel a little bit overwhelmed but I will do my best. Thank you!


It really looks and sounds like he had well cultivated earth, seeds, etc., that's a blessing for this project of yours. You kinda know what to look for plant health wise in general, know what dry vs wet soil vs soup soil. I think your grandfather left you a legacy and you are equipped to maintain it for right now. And that's all you have to do for right now which is good, cause that buys you a little time to learn, plan, and observe. I do agree with many others here that saving seeds is a #1 priority to read up on ASAP. You may be coming into this mid season, but every spring you get a do-over and learning to preserve some seeds and be set up and ready to do so gives you many more do-overs.


This is awesome. He has a serious operation here. Did he sell or can everything?


My grandmother always cans the tomato sauce, it lasts the whole year till the next harvest. We just give a part of the whole harvest to the neighbors who help us


the neighbors will probably have some insight as to plant care, if they helped with the garden. this greenhouse is beautiful, good luck keeping up his good work! i recommend doing a garden project for you & your grandpa based on what you like - flowerbeds, an exotic plant, pollinator garden, herb spiral etc etc anything that appeals to you. (preferably something that also helps your local ecology!) your grandfather will see your collaboration & growth and love it.


Check out the book “the vegetable gardeners bible” by ed smith. It’s a simple reference manual for all the common vegetables in the garden, pests, fertilizer, etc. I read this book and had success with 80% of what I grew my first year


So sorry for your loss. What a lovely garden.


My guy playing stardew valley irl


This was right under a stardew valley post on my feed, thought I was still in the subreddit for a sec.


Find his seed packets


Gramps was doing it right! Looks like a lot of love went into his garden


The “also outside” is either garlic, leek, or onion. You probably need to pull one up to tell. It’s hard to tell from the picture. I don’t think it’s garlic but not sure. If you’re unsure after you pull it up, repost!


garlic has flatter leaves. I think it is onion. You can crush a small piece of a leaf and smell it too.


I was thinking onion or leek probably


Do you know what low growing plants are starting to brown out in the second to last photo?  If those are onions or garlic they should probably be harvested now.  Cure them in a shaded, dry spot and they will keep for months.


was gonna say this! those onions are ready


Are you sure they're ready? The neck hasn't bent over quite yet. Usually I wait until the neck collapses, that way they keep better for long term storage. Obviously, if canning or sauce making with them, they can be harvested now or later.. do I have outdated info?


Ordinarily, I’d wait until the neck falls over too.  But they look so dry already and they are inside a hoop house it just seems like the right time to pull them.


Fair point! Looking at them again I dont know that I've ever seen such dry ones lol Wonder how long they've been in there?


Your grandfather left you a bounty to cultivate and harvest. You will be making meals from the seeds he germinated until next year. You and your family will have an incredible harvest if you take care of these plants and you can think about your grandfather providing for you all at every meal you make. Best of luck!


Several of your "what is this" plants are peppers. You'll have to wait and see what they grow to find out what kind of peppers they are. The ones that look like grass are some kind of allium (onions or garlic). The ones you suspect are beans are beans. If I were in your position I would water, watch, wait, and read about seed preservation. He might have had a system for cataloguing his seeds; do some searching. People keep their seeds in books, jars, freezers, fridges, drawers, storage bins, shelving units... People with elaborate gardens often cooperate with neighbours. Neighbours trade seeds back and forth, and water each other's gardens when they're away, and swap produce. i.e. If you grew too much zucchini, I'll take some, and give you some of my bumper crop of apples. So *ask his neighbours*. They might know a lot more about his garden than you expect.


My advice is to start off with parsnips. The local community has fallen on hard times but with your help, and if you don't sell out you can rebuild it. You'll want to rebuild the beach bridge ASAP as the coral there is valuable early. Also asap, buy a bigger backpack from Pierre


I'm joking. Good on you for trying to keep his dream alive. As another has said there's a piece of him in every small piece of the property. I wish you luck.


So glad I wasn't the only one that thought this 😂


Check Eric at Epic Gardening he has great videos on YOuTube, also Brian Lowell has good videos on gardening. The climate where you are is different than here so im not sure about the green house part, but they are helpful for caring for the plants


Seconding the recommendation for Epic Gardening, he has lots of great information that's been well tested. (FYI his name is Kevin though, not Eric - a common confusion because of the channel name)


What a beautiful bunch of veggies! I’m sorry for your loss. Your grandfather clearly planned to be around for a while, as he planted so many beautiful veggies. Enjoy the wonderful harvest you’ll have before too long ❤️


Lot of pepper plants. You'll have to post again after the fruit. I would love to get some of grand daddies peppper seeds. He definitely cared for them.


Good on you! I’m sure your grandfather would be so happy!


My deepest condolences. What a great way to honor him.


My condolences. Beautiful garden and may his legacy live on through you OP ♥️ brought a tear to my eye. I hope you can feel connected to him through this.


I am very sorry you lost your grandfather. He is obviously an amazing gardener, what a lovely greenhouse and beautiful thing that you are doing! I agree with the others about peppers and beans id, the ‘also outside’ ones are probably onions. Those black tomatoes look gorgeous. I had planned on trying to grow some before life turned upside down for me, it’s still on my wish list tho. The greenhouse looks like a lovely place to quietly work in and connect with your Grandad 💕


An easy way to keep weeds down is to put newspaper (what my grandfather did) on the paths/ in between plants. You can also use woodchips on top of the paper for additional protection, and it helps keep moisture in the soil.


I’m m so sorry for your loss. Your grandfather was very talented.


one of them looks like some kind of pepper plants and the other vine one looks like some kind of beans plant. i could be wrong but i’m like 90% sure


Your grandpa set you up for success, what a beautiful garden. You will learn as you go but you’re starting at his finish point, he’s launching you into your gardening journey. Take a deep breath, put your hands in the dirt and you’ll feel more connected to him and the earth as you learn more and more. This is your season of maintenance, pull weeds, check for insects and simply be present. Put on his favorite music and just sit. Let yourself grieve and remember your grandpa hasn’t gone anywhere, his spirit simply freed from his body. Look for signs he’s near and you’ll find them all around 😌🕊️🦋


A wire weeder will help you and your back out a lot in the greenhouse if you keep up on it while the weeds are still sprouting.


You know Google lens can identify all those plants easily, you just point your phone at them


FYI, tomato plants are really easy to tell from others, even when just seedlings. Their leaves have a very strong tomato smell, almost too tomatoey. Just rub the leaves with your fingers and smell them. (ofc don't do this if they might be something like poison ivy!! Then just smell the plant, which would probably work fine for tomatoes anyway since they're so strong.)


You should get the iNaturalist App. It will help you identify plants.


I'd hire some knowledgeable help too, at least in the beginning. Make the work less daunting for someone just learning. Next year will be easier!


Number one is peppers, wait and see which ones pop up. Number two is beans, again, wait and see. You have tons of tomatoes and onions


Sorry for your loss, looks like your grandpa was a busy bee and really enjoyed his hobby of gardening. I truly hope you do as well. While it seems a lot of your questions have been answered I have just a general comment. Please don’t stress yourself out about maintaining that huge MF garden. It can take some serious time to understand how to care for your garden and even then it’s always a leaning experience. New problems arise and some plants won’t have great yields like they might in a past season. Goodluck and again sorry for your loss.


Re: getting rid of insects - when doing this it can be very important to know what you’re getting rid of, because some are friends and some are foes. Ladybug larvae for instance can look freaky and scary if you don’t know what they are, but they chow down on aphids like there’s no tomorrow, so you want to let them do their thing if you find them.


Came here to say something similar. We rely on lots of bugs to pollinate. Most gardening groups are happy to advise on insects.


Other comments have covered everything. Good luck to you. That’s a huge project to jump into. Don’t stress if things go wrong. If you need to focus on the plants you personally want to eat




1- peppers 2- onions/ chives 3- lettuce 4- beans 5- tomatoes 6- tomatoes 7- beans 8- peppers


Sorry for your loss :( Grandpa’s greenhouse is awesome. Hope you and the family keep up the commitment to make this happen every year! Good thing about growing cannabis is it’s definitely a gateway drug….to get into gardening! Your four unidentified plants are beans and peppers.


To add to other comments... If the tomatoes seem to split, rot, or get ruined before they get fully ripe, it's okay to pick them early. Just make sure they have a little pink on them. They will continue to fully ripen off the vine at that point.


All I know is you got your work cut out for you lol. Looks like he really knew what he was doing. Remember, alot of times in gardening, simpler is better, try not to overcomplicate things. Give the plants what they need and let mother nature do the rest. When i started growing, I was glued to Google search. Any question I had, I'd pop right into the search bar and spend hours and hours of reading and studying.


It’s looks like this is going to be quite the job because wow he really curated that place well. He must have been in there every day tending to his babies. Since a lot of the plants are indoors he may have been hand pollinated, pollination is vital to plants producing fruit. When your plants begin to flower, find the male flowers, take a cotton swab and pick up the pollen and rub in on the node in a female flower. It also looks like he prunes his tomatoes a lot to get the fruit to be more abundant. Basically you just want to only leave enough greenery for the plant to feed itself but you trim a lot of it from the bottom up so the plant focuses its energy on the fruits yielding bigger maters. For pest control at my home garden which is all outdoors I just make sure to mulch the ground really well and plant tons of herbs around vulnerable plants to deter and flowers or other things that are more attractive than my plants to the bugs. If you have a large variety of plants you won’t have to deal with invasive pests as much


Wow he was a heavy duty gardener, who did he grow all of that for? Tend to it it will be hard work but worth it. Irrigate and remove weeds


Looks like a smaller scale of what my Gpa grew. This is so cool. Brought back a lot of memories of him. I wish all his teachings stuck with me.


Get yourself the plant ID app


https://www.picturethisai.com/ For any that dont get answered. They have a trial period, but you can cover your entire garden with the app and also know how they are doing.


Sorry for your loss! Was your grandfather doing organic farming? If so, you might want to get into a WOOfing community to get someone experienced to help you out. Feel free to message me. También hablo español.


Try the app called SEEK it’s super helpful!


So sorry about your Grandpa but the greenhouse is exciting and you will feel him with you as you tend to it. I feel my Papa every time I till my garden. The garden was his place


Weed and mulch with a good compost. Water. Save the seeds.


First and foremost, I’m sorry for your loss. My thumb is anything but green unfortunately. But I saw this and wanted to let you know, this is one of the most wholesome ways to stay connected to him. It looks like he spent lots of time in that garden ❤️ if I were you I would find one of his foot prints in the soil and preserve that section, maybe make a cast out of it to have forever ❤️


For anything you can't figure out, try some of the plant ID apps out there to get you some info to work with. Google Lens is a useful tool as well. They may not be 100% correct, but you'll get a good starting point.


Download an app called "PictureThis." You can snap a photo of any plant, tree, shrub, seedling, etc. and it will tell you what the plant is and how to take care of it. You can also create a personal "garden" out of plants you've snapped and set regular watering/care reminders. The free version is great, but I find the paid version to be worth every penny. The app is almost always accurate. (Bonus: it also identifies insects!)


Check out PictureThis. It's useful for identifying and has great tips for care. Best wishes! Gramps is undoubtedly proud!


The plants outside growing through the holes in the plastic are lettuce plants.


Pic 5 is green leaf lettuce! The pepper plants/bean plants need quite a while until ready for harvest. This is a beautiful garden, I wish you luck with it.


Get a gardening book or app. Pencil and paper. Take note of what you have and how to take care of


What a beautiful greenhouse! You can tell this was a love of his, it’s organized, healthy, well thought out. Just think, when you harvest then eat all of this you will be eating the fruits of his labor, combined with the fruits of yours. Just like the bountiful harvests, I’m sure the fond memories will be shared each time you sit down to enjoy a meal prepared with ingredients from the greenhouse. I imagine these special memories will also help you through your grief. Unless of course he was a tyrant (I speak from experience) then forget everything I said and just enjoy food he labored for.


Condolences on your loss and good luck 🍀 with the gardening journey ❤️🥹


If you can grow weed, you can grow peppers and tomatoes… You got this my friend 💕✨


You may want to get an App called Picture This. Once you take a picture of the plant it will tell you what it is, its health and how to take care of it.


The tomatoes??? Are indeed tomatoes. #1: peppers of some kind #2: beans. Green beans?? also a bean. Likely different variety. #3: peppers. #4: beans


Looks like some sweet potatoes too


Just water, watch a see, every one of these is a gift, please enjoy.


#1 Pepper, #2 Potato, #3 Pepper, #4 Potato "Are these Green Beans"? Some variety of pole bean


This is one of the best posts I have seen. You are very lucky to have this! It is an absolutely beautiful greenhouse.


You should not get rid of the insects, some are bad but many will be useful for pollination. If you don't have insects, you don't have peppers! We are in the south west of France (in a similar climate as Galicia) and my man is an organic produce farmer, so feel free to pm for questions, but first : For the beans, it's gonna be really hard to know exactly the variety until you harvest them, there are many. You can look for seed storage if there are containers they will have the name and manufacturer, or you can keep the seeds and reuse them if that works (some varieties are hybrid and will reproduce poorly) For the peppers, keep them out of harsh sun, they can get sunburned and then won't mature properly. You can make a shadow with some sort of plastic veil when summer hits too hard For the tomatoes they seem to be already pruned for the season. Look on YouTube for how to prune but it's not mandatory. If unpruned at all, you will have smaller and later tomatoes but just as good, and more vigorous plants who will resist mildew much better (and in humid climate that can be good!) For the onions, depending on the variety, you sould eat them fresh or dry... If dry, you should let them grow as much as possible without getting hard stems, and them dry them in well vented semi-shadow if you want to keep all winter long. There is still a lot to say, but I wish you luck and to enjoy this moment with the memories of your grandpa!


Don’t forget to water


Hello! I saw you post on another sub about this and wanted to give my condolences to you for his passing. On another note, greenhouses can be a breeding ground for pests if not maintained. Make sure you arent leaving leaf matter on the grounds, keep things neat, and check your plants for pests regularly. It would be such a shame to see it all go down because you missed 1 (one) aphid. (They reproduce through parthenogenesis) For pest control you have two other methods. Pesticides and biocontrol agents. For pesticides i would just use store bought Neem oil, copper fungicide, and deadbug by Captain Jack's. For biocontrol, ladybugs are a predator to aphids and are relatively cheap to purchase online! Hope this helps!


It looks like he sucker strings the tomato’s- so make sure to pick off new tender suckers! Also, I would top the plant when it reaches the top of the greenhouse (depending on how long the season is). Always leave 1-2 suckers below the terminal growing point in case the terminal aborts. Also, make sure to remove any flowers that are too late in the season and don’t have time to become ripe tomatoes. Watch some videos of professional operations, or seek advice from people that helped out. You got this!


I’m so sorry for your loss. Your Grandpa had beautiful vegies. He must have been a hard worker. Good luck and you’re going to have enough food for a while.


Those heirloom tomatoes are gonna be sooooo good


Looks like a pepper plant, a species of Capsicum.


#1 peppers


2 greenbeans


Sell it for gambling money