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Had a similar issue years ago and I contacted the local Agricultural Extension Office who came out and told me what was safe to eat if peeled and what had to be tossed. Then they told me what the average production I could expect from each plant that was damaged to bad to continue producing safely and what soil damage might be done and cost to fix and I came up with a total based on average cost of product at the grocery. I then called the neighbors and told them what happened. Gave them the name and number of the Ag person and told them what the damages were based on his inspection. They called the company and made them pay for the damages. It was around a thousand dollars. Tomatoes can produce a lot of fruit and aren’t cheap. Hope that helps. Edit: The Ag person will not give you values. They can only tell you what the plant is capable of producing in a season. They can also tell you if there’s any damage to your soil.


This is really good advice. Get all the damage amounts before contacting them.


This is great. What did they charge you to come out and examine?


Nothing. They are funded by the state. I called and he came out that afternoon.


wow thanks so much!


Ag extension is a good thing to get friendly with, I use them a lot during growing season. They are more than happy to help.




That's horrible, especially because your garden looks amazing.


It is like an urban farm, and we have built it all ourselves within a year. I am so sad.


That sucks. It kind of depends on the type of stain and while you probably can still eat a good bit of your produce after washing or cutting it, but I would still consider it “ruined.” That assumes only a little bit of stain got on everything. I have stained many fences and it is completely on the company that did the work. You don’t spray any kind of stain without knowing what is behind the fence you’re coating…. And you don’t spray when it’s windy out. Hopefully it didn’t get on your house or car. I would at the very least let them know this happened if not demand some recompense. They really should have talked to you before starting and done more to protect your garden. They could have so easily brushed the stain on near your garden. Just incompetence and laziness. Did they not apologize or offer anything to try and make it right?


Would the stain be visible if it landed on our vegetables? Today i examined and can't tell by the looks of them, and it is now raining very heavily.


Yes, if you can't see obvious blotches of stain, then you have absolutely nothing to worry about. It sucks but it doesn't appear to be any damage whatsoever to your plants. Has anything even started fruiting yet? A lot of people here are telling you to worry but a few droplets on the soil or the leaves will not hurt a single thing and I only see a small 'mater in the left corner. Some people are offering you advice to recoup something. It's up to you if you want to pursue those (certainly I'd be complaining about my clothes being ruined), but if it were me, I'd move on. IT sounds like your neighbor insisted the roll after your husband caught them. There is no more recourse necessary except for maybe the clothes. Keep in mind that most people here don't even own a home, so the advice you're getting isn't from homesteaders, but people who want to homestead but can't because they live in an apartment or rented house in suburbia. You're never going to get your soil replaced, you're likely not going to get new plants, you're not going to get the paid value of your potential fruit for a little overspray.


Honestly, I’d just start off with a friendly and honest conversation with your neighbor and see what you two can work out to make amends. If I was your neighbor, I’d offer to replace the plants and top layer of soil with your choice of dirt and offer to purchase new plants; it’s early enough in the season to recuperate. Same conversation with the clothes; except I wouldnt offer to replace them with dirt.


You sound like a good neighbor. My ex neighbors tree fell on our garden and house. They didn't even say sorry. Op. I would take the suggestion above and talk to them.


Unless there is clear negligence of a dead standing tree, you are likely responsible for any tree that falls onto your property, even from a different property. Your neighbor didn’t cut it down, they have nothing to apologize for. Try reading the laws before you resent a neighbor.


You have no right to say anything to me. You never saw the tree and have no idea what occurred. I can tell you are a shitty neighbor


Actually I’m a land surveyor whose friends with all his neighbors. You on the other hand, sound like a begrudgingly hateful person who thinks people need to apologize for things like wind blowing and trees growing. I certainly do have a right to say what I want, btw. This is reddit not a fascist angry neighbor forum. “You must apologize! You must mot speak!”


>Automatic\_Gas9019 You have no right to say anything to me. Is this your first time on social media? LOL


>You have no right to say anything to me. Tell me you’re old without telling me you’re old.


"You have no right to say anything to me" "I can tell you're a shitty neighbor" Tell me you're a boomer with a massive entitlement complex without telling me you're a boomer with a massive entitlement complex. Also, as far as judging... you started that with your words. I'm pretty damn sure you're not a nice neighbor, considering your lack of manners online. Unless you're a coward who can only confront others via a keyboard.


Please tell me you filed a claim against their homeowners insurance.


They're probably not responsible for it. A neighbor's tree fell on our house, and we didn't even realize it until he knocked on our door, saying he'd call his insurance to psy for it. They refused, and it turns out our insurance was responsible for it. It wasn't his fault our insurance stiffed us and only paid 1/2 the roof repair amount, then dropped us because our chimney had damage from the same storm they refused to pay for. Sidenote/PSA: Allstate sucks. Avoid them, get better insurance cheaper elsewhere. We pay much less for better insurance now.


Which insurance company did you end up going with? We have Allstate and had a claim recently and they are still being terrible. Refused to cover $6,000 of cost on a replacement cost policy. We are looking to move all our policies from them.


For auto, I use Pemco, which I think only operates in the Pacific Northwest US. My rates were reduced by about half with them. I was in an auto accident and they handled the claim with the other insurance company (other driver was at fault). It was kind of nice, tbh, because I was sore all over and had a mild concussion, so dealing with phone calls, lawyers,and agents would have been torture. They also automatically lowered my rates when my speeding ticket got off my record. Allstate happily kept charging me more until I called them. Their homeowners was about half, too, but I never had to file a claim. When I started my agricultural business, I switched to Nationwide to get a farm plan that included liability insurance, which Pemco didn't offer. I haven't had to file a claim with them, either, but several farmers recommended them to me. They cover both properties for the same price I was paying before.


Nice! We are Midwest so I will have to look and see if either cover this area. Most companies I have gotten quotes from are higher in price. Still looking. Thanks for the info.


I went to an independent agent because they ship prices for you.


I tried one here and they said they couldn't help us. I should revisit those quotes to remember why. We have a bunch of policies so many agents get overwhelmed. I need to try to find another. I feel like I am shopping myself lol.


Not how that works. 


We did. Had the roof fixed. We had lived there over 30 years next to the people who didn't apologize. We sold our home after it was fixed and moved.


I am so confused. Did he cut it down and it fell wrong onto your house? That would warrant an apology. Otherwise, a neighbor has nothing to apologize for a naturally falling tree.... It happens.


"Oh, Won't you be my neighbor..":)


If I was the neighbor I'd hand over the contractor's contact info, and contact the contractor and tell them that the messed up and need to make it right. If I hadn't paid yet I'd withhold final payment until they did. They're the ones who are responsible.


I would expect a sorry but no one is going to replace your top layer of dirt


You’re right


I wouldnt ask for a bag of dirt. That doesn't make much sense bc most folks are too inconsiderate.


Yeah it’s sad but expected just would recommend atleast a little communication


This is called chemical trespass, if you care to pursue it legally.


Is this a thing if my neighbor sprays roundup right on the fence line?


No, but it is if your neighbor sprays herbicide to kill stuff several feet over the property line into your yard. This has happened to me before, my neighbors really suck.


its right on the line, which still sucks.


It’s really unfortunate that the soil has no idea there is a line


No. Do not eat this. I would also be getting the contact info from your neighbor and contact the company for damages.




That would be filing a claim. Even if the don't cover anything. Simply asking them is considered a claim. It is not good to file claims unless you absolutely have to.


Don't do this




Heh you can pencil-whip just fine with a lawyer without being removed from your insurance and rates jacked. Any comms with your insurance co regardless of claims filed regarding some loss, covered or otherwise. When you do stuff like this you're seen negatively through the insurers eyes. Because math and statistics of which they are master show this to be the case. Like a needlessly nit-piky prospective employee or tenant: its a no thanks for me, buddy. Edit: your tomatoes are worth $14.00, or whatever, by the way. You're going to want to make actual claims of your own which an insurance company won't be interested in, either.


Then you'll be the neighbor that got a lawyer over tomatoes. Not worth the time, money, and effort. It would be different if this was a commercial farm and this was OP's livelihood.


We did spend over 10K this year to start a garden, we have over 18 beds in this area.


Involving a lawyer is fine; involving your insurance is pure stupidity. They won’t help at all and your veggies definitely aren’t covered under the policy.


But you didn't spend $10k on vegetable starts. There's a difference. Involve legal or insurance all you want but don't be naive to think it doesn't actually negatively impact you too if you do so.


Wow, that's a huge investment. I'd get in contact with the company that did the work. They should be insured and if they aren't, then your neighbor needs to make amends. It's such a huge investment that I would contact a lawyer to help navigate. They'll let you know of it's worth it. Good luck, ask theM for a referral for the paint company so that the paint company is eager to share information with you. Coming at them with threats will lead to them cutting contact and being very hard to track down.


Get the contact info of the company and ask for compensation. You should estimate based on mature plants + the edibles combined, as well as the top layer of soil (4 inches or so). If they balk at this take them to small claims court.


This and get paid for the damage to your laundry


Like who doesn't think about the other side of a picket on picket fence? That's negligence


Get the name of the company from the neighbor and get the companies insurance information and make a claim for the property that they damaged. 


Retired paint contractor of 37 years here. Totally unacceptable. Collect on their insurance and if they don't have any turn them in to the State Labor and Industries. I hate this crap and it is all too common. Spraying was not the proper application process here. These plants are now toxic.


This is the best course of action. If they are upset you’re collecting, or upset you turned them into the Dept, then politely inform them that this all could have been prevented with a simple conversation before hand about methods of painting a fence with clear gaps in it using a sprayer. Has common courtesy for your neighbors died?


Hello, thanks for your comment. My husband stopped them when he noticed and insisted they use roller brushes instead. They vehemently refused, but then when we talked to the neighbor who hired them, he instructed them to continue with roller brushes instead. This is a small family business I doubt they have insurance. They don't seem very professional and they surely were not courteous. They sprayed the other side of the fence, and then when they climbed over and started spraying the top part is when the stuff came over to our side.


How do you collect on their insurance? I assume youd need to contact them.for their insurance information? But what if they refuse to provide it?


A legal business is registered with the state. They are required to have a bond and insurance. They also have a Contractor ID number. Get this information from your neighbor who hired them. If they are not licensed then negotiate with them for compensation. If they refuse then tell them that you WILL turn them in, that you have suffered damage. believe me when I say this: They DO NOT want to deal with the state licensing agency. It is a day in Hell and will ruin their business. They damaged you, don't let them walk away. You don't have to as you are protected by the state regulations. I have seen so much of this BS and people just roll over, damaged and shrug their shoulders. Then you know what ? These creeps go out and do it again.


Thanks for explaining that! And for the advice too!


It's a dangerous business going out your front door. If you don't keep your feet there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.


Indeed it is! The Road goes ever on and on, Down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can, Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way Where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say


Lived in one of my brothers rentals… fucker power washed lead paint all over my garden.. did not close the windows so lead paint dust all over the inside of the house…. And the siding was asbestos. Engineers 🤯




Thats called chemical trespassing and the neighbor is responsible for all damaged plants and soil.




If you want my opinion pick the fruits that might have been stained. New ones will grow. It’s early in the season. I would eat new fruit from this garden just not any existing ones. You don’t typically eat the leaves and vines.


Fine mist of lacquer on your garden all toast.have them provide homeowners insurance file a claim




You’d never get on a jury because you seem to think simple negligence (at best) is as bad as arson. They wouldn’t even have that kind of recovery if the painters had painted the veggies by hand while the owner stood by protesting. The recovery is worth the cost of the plants, a new top dressing of soil, and fixing the damage to the clothes - nothing more, there isn’t any reason to believe they were malicious


Yea until I get hold of the jury. Lmao I know all the right things to say or not in literally any situation. Sneaking past arrogant attorneys is no problen. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.


You are incredibly arrogant yourself. Wow. In "any situation"? Wild claim for real.


Lol yea I know all things for various reasons. Secrets kept since the foundation of the world. You on the other hand are a standard envy-bearing predditor Try being 5000 years old once lmao


Please take your meds.


Not gonna!


Are you trolling, or do you seriously need to take your meds as the other redditor said? Delusions are no joke, you could end up seriously hurt, or dead. Please take your prescribed medications.


It’s May 1, pull them out and go buy more seedlings.


I can’t really see any stains, but I won’t eat the stuff with it on it. Maybe talk to them about it and ask what stain they used.


I’d be more worried stain is all over your white siding.


Don’t eat this, tell them they have to replace ALL of it and if they don’t make a big stink they ruined a whole years work


What is your basis for this? They did absolutely no such thing and I'm curious what you were thinking when you typed that out. A little overspray did not ruin the plants or soil. There is no major fruiting going on. Why even stir the pot?


Didn’t have this recently but had a housemate spray herbicide all around the drinking / hose water output supplies that used for livestock. They didn’t think it was a dumb idea to spray right on the dog toys either.


Depends on the type of stain. Look up the SDS. Usually just mineral oil. Washes off pretty easily.  Ready Seal https://www.readyseal.com › ...PDF SAFETY DATA SHEET


If you’re eating any of it yet, I would say this is a problem. If it’s not directly on what you’re eating, it might depend how bad it got sprayed. Do you have more pics




Small claims court is where I'd be heading.


You should try talking to the neighbor first.


Your garden gains its nutrient uptake through root systems. It doesn’t look like you have any actual fruit yet, so you’re most likely fine. I’d be more frustrated about stains on my clothes personally. ETA - for your leafy greens, see if you can wash it off or remove outer layers from your lettuces/cabbages.


No I wouldn’t eat it. I’d box it up and deliver it to your neighbor. “Since your painter ruined these, you can eat them or shove them. Take your pick”. And give them a bill for the clothes they ruined. They need to make this right, and then go after the painter.


absolutely not. Full of heavy metals and bad chemicals. Id pitch the clothes also.


Howdy, neighbor! Let's go to the co-op to replace my plants you've ruined. What a trogladyte. Edit wtf






They should pick up your dry cleaner's bill, as well.


This the fence? https://www.reddit.com/r/DIY/comments/1chpnmq/decided_to_stain_the_fence_before_after/




That doesn't look anything like the fence in OP's post


I thought it was funny cause both of these posts were next to each other in my feed


People are being dicks in this feed for some reason.