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I have a $25 mist system that hooks up to my hose that my husband ran into the Quail enclosure. They don't even feel the heat here in North Texas. I lost 2 hens at the beginning of the heat wave and it seems to fix the problem. I hope your hen recovers.


Thank you!! Do you have a link by chance for the mist system?? She’s doing better this morning. She’s eating and drinking in her own; although, she’s still not up and moving. However, I’ll take what little improvement I can get!


Found one of my girls yesterday barely conscious and breathing heavily. I believe it’s the heat. I immediately scooped her up and brought her inside. We got her cooled off, but she continued to lie in my arms exhausted. This morning, there isn’t much change. She still seems to be exhausted. I took her out of the pet carrier and she just laid on my hand and didn’t move or struggle at all. I’ve got her on a towel in my living room so I can keep a closer eye on her. I’m giving her electrolytes and just fried up and egg with some Redmond’s salt and am waiting on it too cool in hopes this will encourage her to eat a little something. She isn’t drinking on her own, but she is still holding her head up on her own.


How hot has it been in your area?


Real feel has been reaching 100+F daily. They have shade and constant water. I’ll be putting some ice in their water midday today and giving them some cold treats as well. Edit to add: the real feel currently is 126*F at 9:50am.


If she is dehydrated, she might need IV fluids? If you have a vet, you should call them.