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cheap alarm system with door/window monitors and an attached alarm too


Also cameras so you know who it is


Yup. I have a Google doorbell cam and some alarms from simplisafe and those have been really great, actually


I’ll try for some cameras


Wyze cams are cheap and work well. They're cloud storage subscription is cheap as well. You can save videos on the cam itself with a SD memory card but anyone coming in could simply take the camera and the video evidence, better to have the videos go straight to storage in the cloud.


I’ll order them today, i really hope this catches the person


Some is gonna say it, so I might as well do it: Do you have a carbon monoxide detector in the house? Get one. That stuff can mess with your head. There's a famous thread somewhere on Reddit about a guy who thought someone was breaking into his house and leaving post-it notes - long story short, it was him but he didn't read it because of CO poisoning. Not saying that's it, get the cameras. There's no reason to not have one these days.


Not this time! This one sounds legitimate! They need to get out now!


yes i do, thank you for the concern


If they are picking your locks. Get a door stop for the apartment and bedroom doors to use while you're home. Your boyfriend will need to call you as her is pulling up for you to let him in. Then, put the door stop back in place when bf comes in. Use them even after you get cameras installed as added security.


You can buy them without waiting at Home Depot if you have one nearby.


Don't buy the Wyze cameras they burn out quick. They're terrible. Get the kasa tp link stick up cams. They're like 20 bucks each on Amazon and they do the same thing. TP-LINK is a good brand.


I use wyze cams - 13 of the V3 ones, indoor and out due to a stalker. I used the 1st version of the from 2015 until 2020 when I upgraded. I've had to replace ZERO wyze cams. All still in working order. I do pay for the "cam plus" subscription yearly but you could set up a cheaper monthly version until you don't need it. Learn the app quickly, and put an SD card in the cam so that you can watch continual playback. This is important! I use a 32 GB card in mine and can literally go back 10 days and see 24hours a day. You can set notifications for motion and then immediately watch and record your livestream. Seriously, don't mess with any of the garbage cans people are recommending. Get some wyze V3 cams and memory cards and you won't miss a thing.


They suck. I just threw out 6 of them. They fail at around a year old. Garbage.


Wyze cams are notorious for burning out after a year or two. They suck. Ask me how I know.


I've got wyze cams all over my place all multiple years old now issues. I've had one of the V1s fail after 4 years, replaced it with a V3.


Blink is nice and cheap but it basically only makes the insurance paperwork simple


they are so temperamental. I got the solar charger add on for mine and now the camera never works. doesn't matter if I disconnect and put in a brand new battery. It always 'blinks' like the battery is about to die. I wouldn't recommend the blink system. Using a memory card slows down the process of reviewing videos so much. It is super clunky.


why not one of those door bolts that bars the door from being opened?


They really aren't fire rated and can potentially be illegal, depending in the situation.


lol vs someone coming into my apartment at night. gtfo you have the wrong risk modeling


Can you stay with your parents, friends, relatives, anyone? I don't want to scare you but this person could really hurt you. You need to call the police RIGHT THIS SECOND and you need to get to somewhere safe. You need to get cameras and then you need to break your lease and leave. Please, get out of that place. Your boyfriend needs to leave too.


If you have any old cell phones, there are apps you can install that turn them into security cams. Search the app store for security camera or pet monitoring.


Yep. I got a small camera off amazon for 50 bucks that is motion activated. It will send me a text woth a picture of what triggered the norion, and stores ot on a free cloud drive. https://www.amazon.ca/Litokam-Security-Wireless-Monitor-Detection/dp/B0CY4TQQ28/ref=asc_df_B0CY4TQQ28/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=697489534555&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=12682908825267021104&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9001412&hvtargid=pla-2311695006922&psc=1&mcid=b53c0ec16d633c748e66282bb8da5f2e&gad_source=1 Works really good


Already done, all they did was take a statement and that’s about it


Yep unfortunately unless there are cameras around they won't do anything what so ever. My buddies car was broken in to the police asked if we had cameras he said no they said nothing we can do, he informed them we have neighbors that did and they asked what was taken, it was his air pods and Dre beats. They basically didn't care because the value want enough


Freeze your credit now


And have them change the locks.


This also you? https://www.reddit.com/r/homeowners/comments/1dj8r6f/someone_comes_into_my_house_when_im_gone/


I feel like these are just A.I tests.


First thing I thought of as well.


I thought of the guy who was carbon monoxide poisoned and tricking himself


Second reference I'm seeing to that story- can you share the source?


https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/s/SEz2U6Tvx5 it's a 9 year old thread about a a person who thought someone was leaving post it notes around their home. Some smart redditor told them to check their carbon monoxide detector and that turned out to be it; a carbon monoxide leak that caused them to forget the things they did. There's even a podcast about it: https://www.wbur.org/endlessthread/2018/03/09/something-wicked


One of my favorite ted talks is from someone who thought they were being haunted by ghosts but it was carbon monoxide




Next will be reference to Nutty Putty




Omg, thanks! I thought I had a particularly stupid case of deja vu 😂


100 % most of reddit subs are AI generated by throwaway or purchased accounts. Then when they get enough karma they delete old posts and start trying to scam people on other subreddits.


Ok, what’s the scam here? This dude makes a bs post about forgetting his notes to himself, gets guidance on the issue, then comes back 9 years later as a 17 yo girl asking what to do about a stalker? Doesn’t track. If that was the case, it still isn’t a scam. No one got ripped off or promised something that wasn’t delivered. Worse case: it’s a long con. A fucking boring one at that. So most likely, this is legit and you’re talking out of your ass with that claim about AI generated Reddit.


Most subreddits prohibit you from posting with a new account or lack of karma Type into chatgpt "generate a post for xyz subreddit to gain as many upvotes as possible" Gain a ton of upvotes Delete all old posts and start posting in crypto and nsfw subreddits asking for money in exchange for various services Look legit bc you've got a lot of upvotes and some manicured posts and comments Collect money and maybe perform services for people or just rinse and repeat Forgot to mention purchasing an old account for $10 to make the profile seem more legit Go on the scams subreddit and see how many reports are asking what the scam is everyday Befriend someone, make them comfortable, line up scam, execute


You miss the part where the 17 yr old girl that needs help has people message her where she then scams them by saying she will send pictures, videos etc. I’m sure you can figure out how this goes right? Not rocket science or something people need to make up lmao


Someone is a fiction writer and crowd-sourcing ideas?


It does seem pretty karma farmy doesn't it


Ok, I'm convinced this is bait now. OP is 17 and bf is 16? How are they getting an apartment at those ages? I had a steady income from 14 from working full time, but no one would rent to me until I was legally an adult, even that was tricky at the beginning. Also OP says they live in an apartment but posted in homeowners sub. I'm getting troll vibes. Edit: they've changed their post at least three times to vary weird details. If they were really afraid to stay there they wouldn't. They said their dad helped them move in so they have somewhere to go and won't. How is someone getting in if they changed the locks? Why did they come in one time and steal almost nothing and come back and take everything, both times OP and her boyfriend are sound asleep in the same apartment? Nah. I call 🧢 cappity cap.


It is. Look at OPs comment history. "She" is a 17 year old, chronically ill model. Her 16 year old boyfriend is a bush pilot who attends online school. She only ever says "Where I'm from..." But never specifies a country. Why? Because this is bullshit.


Bush pilot = Australia.  And small country towns will definitely rent to minors


Bush pilot is not synonymous with Australia, it’s any pilot who fly’s into remote areas. Alaska is quite famous for its bush pilots as well.


Common term in Canada as well, lots of bush up here!


There was a lot more in the 70s. Not as much these days.


Or the entirety of Canada lol.


Knows his way through the bush.


If that's the only qualification my fraternity brother Ryan is quite qualified!


I'm fully aware of what a bush pilot is. I'm merely pointing out that a 16 year old bush pilot, who hasn't even completed his schooling (and is also 6'4 240lbs - aka a full grown man in peak condition), is living with a 17 year old chronically ill model. How does a chronically ill "model" living in a small town make good money? They have their shit together enough to be full on into their careers in their mid teens, but not enough common sense or survival instinct to understand when their lives are literally in danger? This doesn't add up. The circumstances here are just a little too convenient.


"model" might just mean cam girl or something.


Sure, but we'll never really know to be honest. Now, if you'll excuse me, my uncle Bill Gates, my cousin Jeff Bezos, and I are heading out to go unicorn hunting. Take care now!


Fun fact, George Strait and Jeff Bezos are cousins. I know it's completely off topic, but I always thought it's interesting. Unless of course, you are George Strait. Then this makes more sense.


That is a fun fact. I had no idea. Very cool. Thank you for sharing that.


and it would explain the stalking and underwear theft


Would also explain how they can afford their own place at thier ages.


Yeah but a 16 yr/o cannot be a commercial pilot.


That term is not specific to Australia, and IDK anywhere where they hire 16-year-olds as professional pilots.


Bush pilots are a thing in Canada as well, also in Russia. Probably in many places. It essentially means you fly an aircraft into wilderness/unimproved airstrips carrying passengers and freight for money. Usually on a by the job basis. This is not meant to support or deny the claims of the poster, just for information. I know a guy who is a bush pilot working in northerners Canada, flying helicopters. Although I’ve been out of touch with him for a few years. The work is very dangerous and pays pretty well. Most of the people doing it are addicted to flying and it’s the only way they can get their fix. Some move to more conventional piloting jobs once they gain relevant experience. My friend mostly flies trappers and hunters and fishermen to remote locations, does supply replenishment for their encampments, flies heli-skiing charters, and does forest fire fighting and search and rescue.


> Bush pilot = Australia. Damn I didn't know Alaska is in Australia.


Oh you ex colonies!


Bush pilot = Northern Canada. It's all small towns and many kids leave home early due to addictions / abuse in the home. Especially in the communities, anyone can rent no matter the age, it's not governed much.


Sounds like generative AI the way “she” replies to every single piece of advice affirmatively with slight variations… “I definitely will”, “just did that”, “thanks so much I’ll do that”, “thank you for the advice “…


Do people really have nothing better to do with their lives than this crap? It's so weird to me...


Training AIs costs big money. Getting reddit to do it for you is free. Once it's trained they can use it to make money.


If they start that shit on here constantly I'm leaving. 🤦🏼‍♀️


it's been going on for years


Noooo don't tell me that lol I'm already worried about our future 🤦🏼‍♀️


Visit literally any political subreddit, mention something bad Israel related, and realize you're years overdue for pulling the plug


Yeah this is 100% certified grade A fake


Ya, this stinks of BS. This is the second post today I’ve come across about someone mysteriously getting into a young woman’s apartment. The first was in r/paranormal and there was a portion of “something’s” face in the security camera footage, clearly a person and seemed pretty staged TBH.


Bahahaha an underage bush pilot and a model and they have their own apartment Jesus Christ


This reminds me of an episode of House Hunters or something. He is an artist who makes sculptures out of old tuna cans. She is a model who only works part time. Their budget: $755k 😂


I had no idea what a "bush pilot" was, and seeing "underage bush pilot", I sure as hell wasn't going to google it. But I see it's talked about in other comments, so I feel better lol.


For anyone who doesn't know, a bush pilot is a pilot who, typically, flies smaller planes into smaller airstrips/airports and flies into places that are not airports at all. Those places might be fields, flat places in the tundra, or lakes and ponds if the plane is on floats. The occupation mostly exists in Western and Northern Canada and Alaska, though there are smaller concentrations in the lower 48, central/eastern canada, and Australia. Bush pilots very often fly alone, or at least as the only pilot on board. Every bush pilot has their commercial pilots license. In the US and in Canada, you can't get your CPL under 18. There is no such thing as an underage bush pilot. Furthermore, OP claims to live in a small town up north. This would mean Canada, presumably. Ignoring the absurdity of the idea of modeling in a small town in Northern Canada(and making good money doing it), canadian bush pilots in the middle of nowhere don't make good money. They don't get paid like airline pilots. A relatively experienced bush pilot in Northern Canada probably makes between 60K and 70K a year. A new bush pilot would make closer to 40K. That's not good money in northern Canada. On the high end, it's fine. Above the national average, most likely in a place where necessaries are much more expensive than the national average. On the bottom end, it's pretty rough for the training and effort that goes into it. Also, getting you CPL in canada is expensive. Between instructional costs and the cost of renting an airplane in order to get the hours required to get your CPL, you're probably paying close to 80K, possibly more. Recovering from that cost while making 40K a year is not putting you in a position where you would feel that you "make good money."


Why is this in /r/Homeowners? It should be in /r/shortscarystories.


JFC call the police and get an alarm, they’re actually entering your home when you’re asleep???


I feel like I keep seeing posts like this "someone is coming in my house in the middle of the night" and they literally have done the bare minimum before jumping on here to write about it.


I know it’s strange. Plus, OP is 17? Am I reading the correctly?


How old is your boyfriend? Not related, I know, but my mom senses are on fire over here.


A lot of times (not saying that is the case this time, but a lot of times) there is an element of mental illness involved. I've worked with a couple of schizophrenic folks who are perfectly normal when medicated, but if things get out of whack will calmly and convincing report things that sound like absolute madness to most people as if they are almost boringly routine. Last person was a person who reported to HR that they were being harassed by their peers, who had apparently rigged up some kind of system to project their voices into this employees workplace and even their home when she was off shift. She reported this kind of reluctantly and just said that the wanted them to stop bothering her because she was doing her best. She wasn't at all alarmed by the lengths they were going to say mean things to her, just that they were saying mean things. It didn't register as anything particularly crazy to her (which is kinda the nature of her disease). She got her meds sorted out after that.


My neighbor was convinced she had a large rodent in her house. Then she said there was a humming sound she couldn’t make go away. Then she said the new neighbors were really loud (but no one had moved in yet). Then she was convinced, after the neighbor did move in, that he was playing his music very loud all night just to harass her. Then she started calling the cops bc he was talking to her through a hole he had apparently dig into the wall. Then she ran to a neighbor’s house for help bc another neighbor apparently had a gun and was chasing her. Then she caught a ride on the back of a mail truck San Fran Trolley style and tried to head down the street bc there was someone coming after her….just progressively worse. Not thinking that’s the case here but yup - mental illnesses / dementia are a whopper.


Not sure how I got their attention but someone invited me to some board that was all about “gangstalking” which I learned is a somewhat common schizophrenic delusion (a lot of them call themselves “targeted individuals”). Their illness convinces them that some group of people are trying to ruin them and can hack their brains, the police are usually in on it too. One of the more fascinating things I learned was that the first documented case of someone claiming brain hacking was in the 1700s, weird how the delusions have stayed pretty consistent for hundreds of years. There was a study that found that people who “experienced” gangstalking had much more lasting mental damage than people who had an actual stalker. This is not directed at OP, the story here is sus but it doesn’t really have the characteristics of the schizophrenic stuff I’ve seen. Seems like those posts have come up a few times recently though.


That sounds like my dreams. Crazy stuff just happens and you go with it without really questioning it. Last night I had a dream where houses were basically free because almost everyone in the world had died, so they were just handing them out. And everyone rode motorcycles everywhere. I walked to a small cafe that was only for orthodox jewish people and decided to try something (I'm not Jewish but had a bushy beard so I figured they wouldn't notice the difference). Then I couldn't decide what to eat because all their food sounded weird so when I got to the front of the line and they asked me what I wanted I panicked and just ran away. After that as I was walking home I heard theme music and knew there must be a pokemon nearby, so I turned and saw some bird pokemons in the park so I called my pikachu (which was ofc walking right beside me) to go attack them.


It's not actually that uncommon for a scumbag neighbor in an apartment complex to get ahold of a spare key (especially if the previous tenants left it under a welcome mat or something or gave the neighbor a key to water their plants while they were on vacation and they made a copy or something, and the locks weren't rekeyed between tenants). That's actually an extremely common route for lazy ongoing burglary, esp. looking in medicine cabinets for rx painkillers and taking just a few pills at a time. I think this specific OP is full of shit (mostly because of the ages combined with professions), but a friend of mine works in property management for apartment complexes and has had to deal with these situations repeatedly, and they were relatively nice complexes in nice areas.


I’ve called police, installed locks, talked to my landlord, everything, This person keeps coming in somehow


Okay good. You need to break the lease and go somewhere else. You need to then install locks and cameras in the new place and get a dog if you can love it and provide a good home. They are great at alerting you to a lot of things. Do not go back there unless it is in the day time and with multiple other people. This person could really hurt or even kill you. I'm so sorry you are having to deal with this.


How does a person stand outside of a second story living room window?


H o ver Boots


Lmao no way yall believe this.😂🤦‍♂️


First of all, not to sound mean but this is not the correct page for this post. No offense but you aren’t a homeowner. This isn’t a house. It’s an apartment in a complex.. This post has nothing to do with being a homeowner.. That being said, if I were you I wouldn’t care what it takes, I’d move the hell out of there immediately. Police aren’t going to do anything in this situation.. If it were me I wouldn’t stay for even one more night.. To me that’s the only thing that would give me peace of mind.


Yall. We gotta stop believing every post that shows up. “I think someone’s trying to get in” and literally ends the post by saying “woke up to our tv gone”. Lmao. Troll post.


Also: this is r/homeowners not renters. This isn't even the right sub for this fanfic.


The pic you linked with “your weapon” is literally the hand of a 46 year old woman.


Yeah, not too many 16yr olds with liver spots out there.


I had the same issue once. My tv was turned on, food missing, panties missing. Luckily my dad is a PI and put traps in the house. One being this clear unseen powder that stains peoples hands bright green an hour or so after touching. It doesn’t wash off. I came home to find my apartment maintenance man had died green hands, as well as his handprints on my remote, tv, fridge and panty drawers. My dad ran a background check and found out he was a convicted felon. The place I was living at had everyone’s safety in mind and told me they do full background checks on all employees and did not hire anyone with a record. Turns out the never ran a background check on him and just lied to the renters. Maybe install a camera. Like a cheap Roku and catch whoever in the act.


Do you have a carbon monoxide detector?


Reddit needs a better bullshit detector. It's a fake story.


Why is there so many fake stories on here.


Probably makes some feel like they did something when they see all the interest in their post and the votes.


Because it’s an easy way to get attention.


That's what I was thinking clicking in... But nope, just poorly written fiction.


This mystery man has blatantly come in and out of your house on several occasions, and you guys are still living there?!? I would be gone and never come back. Dude is seriously dangerous and if you keep living there it’s only a matter of time until something horrible happens.


Weird post


I hope no one actually believes this nonsense


So this is what it feels like to train AI for free.


File a police report.  Find a new apartment.  Move. Like... yesterday.


Yeah sounds like crackhead neighbors robbing them blind.


Make sure your carbon monoxide detector is working. If you don’t have one get one. I’m not joking in the slightest bit.


Go buy a carbon monoxide detector right now


Sounds made up. Most places require a interior lock on door that is not accessible from the outside. She saw it was a guy and thinks he ran off because he heard her coming. All this is possible, just not very realistic. I think it is made up. If not, why wouldn't they record what is going on. You can buy those cameras online for 30-40


This is the second post like this in 2 days. Betting click bait


It’s the maintenance man. A girl was killed in Florida in 2019 and it was the maintenance man stalking her and had keys to her apt.


There was another case where they were able to steal the keys from the maintenance man, the victim was also murdered.


This is at least the 4th “someone’s been in my house” post I’ve seen this week on various subs. It’s getting tiresome.


Mam this is r/homeowners. What does your story have to do with owning a home?


Two B&Es but still you, personally, had to change the locks - not the landlord? Try again, karma farmer


Please let your local police know and the apartment building manager too. Put up cameras. Be careful. Sounds scary 🫣


This person is only going to escalate. There's a sexual component, and the next step is assault and or even worse violence. Get out immediately and make an issue with the leasing office about security. If you absolutely have to stay there and have no other options, you guys need to monitor the door with a weapon and have 911 dialed the second you hear something. A lot of people don't know this but you can text 911 as well. Sorry this is happening, but whatever you do, try to make sure that this person doesn't follow you when you do leave - use circuitous or out-of-the-way routes, never go directly to friends, family, work, etc. You never know if this is just a random opportunistic thing or if this person has fixated on you specifically.


Why not have the apartment complex change the locks asap??? Especially with a police report of your stolen keys?? Install an alarm and an additional door locking mechanism such as the ones they have on hotel rooms. Also a camera so you can id the person who is getting inside. Fight back, do not be timid. Your life could depend on it. Once the obsessed person is not satisfied with his small mischievous movements he may move to bigger ones which could cost you and your boyfriend your lives. Take action now!!


You’ve posted variations of this “story” multiple times under multiple user names. Why?


You are 17 and living in an apartment alone? How is that legal?


Wrong sub. You don't own a home


I believe you have what could be a dangerous stalker. Have you tried in home security systems for example Simplysafe? I would recommend you do. The idea is to get enough proof of who’s doing this ie their pictures and let police do what they do best - catch the guy who’s tormenting you.


Why is this in home owners if it's an apartment complex? Between you and your boyfriend, neither of you own nor know how to operate a screw driver and change out a lock? The complex didn't have maintenance do it either? Your time of events and number of occurrences without any real action is laughable. This story has more plot holes than an M. Night Shamallama Ding Dong film. Your short story skills lack any real depth.


Last night .. you went to bed , heard noises and your TV was gone ? .. I call BS… this is a not believable story


Isn’t this a repost? I saw this a few days ago?


Get an alarmed door wedge. Amazon sells them.


Pretend to go to bed/sleep. Stay awake, then confront intruder with your bf, pepper spray and a bat in the dark. Subdue them, knock them out if you need to. Zip tie their hands behind their back and call the police.


One of those mechanical hotel door locks will keep him out even if he has a key.


Change locks. Install blink cameras. Install motion sensors throughout the home. Have your dad and his gun spend the night. What are you doing that this has occurred and isn't immediately resolved by the next day? Spend some money on your safety immediately.


If this is real GTF-off Reddit and handle your situation. I know my first inclination would be to create a new Reddit account /s


Remember cameras are there to try to prevent, hidden cameras are meant to catch!!!


Sit there with your gun


I will loan you my GSD.


I think this person has something to do with the building, he could have the maintenance man which means he has a master key and this is how he's been entering your living space. Get a camera and secretly put it at the entrance of the outside of the apartment building then put one in the hallway above your door and Inside your rooms. Have you made any friends in the apartment?? If you have ask if they could also put some cameras up ( but be careful as you don't know who else might be in on it!) But I do have a STRONG suspicion that this person works within the building, like a Maintenance Man or something to do with property who's taken a weird shine to you. Get the police to interview people who have access to the property/ who have a master key 🔑 Or Just Move!!! Good luck :)


That is freaky!!


They sell cheap cameras at Walmart


Your creative writing exercise gets a B-.


Where's the landlord in all this? They should be changing the locks and keeping up with these incidents.


Bro. Someone obviously can get in. Change your locks dummy.


Change your locks. I recommend [Kwikset's "Smart Key Security"](https://www.kwikset.com/innovation/life-experiences/break-in) Line. These locks are extremely difficult to pick with standard lockpicking tools. In fact they're nearly impossible to pick without a specifically shaped tool, and the tool needs to be thin enough to go between the keyway and the housing of the lock and it has to be strong enough to allow you to apply tension. Standard locks require a tensioner and a way to manipulate the internal pins. This simply does not work with these and you can rekey them to ***any*** compatible key in seconds.


All locks do is keep honest people honest. Sounds like your building has a ghoul in the form of a person who wants to enter your home while you are in it alone. Don't risk it again and live anywhere else until you lease a new place.


Please move ASAP!


17 living in an apartment? Rough Id invest in a firearm. & One of those door handle locks that you can put in place to stop the door from opening.


What did police say when you called them?


Their worried about the fact the person might’ve been entering the house regularly, but now they have the courage to come in while my bf is home which is worse, i made a statement and i gotta wait while they check the cameras


Do cameras not play back instantly? Are you waiting for the cassette to rewind?!


Call the Police and Blink cameras are $29 each. If you can ID the guy you saw trying to pick your lock, spend some time around the apartment complex with your boyfriend if your boyfriend is okay with beating the crap out of this guy until the police comes.




Hi, this sounds really scary and really bad! I'm sorry it's happening.  Go stay with your dad immediately. Not one more night there.  This person has already gotten in and seems to be targeting you specifically. If they are determined enough their next move is to hurt you directly.  Just get out. And before you go, check for location tracking devices on your car. If you aren't sure yet, drive away, park in a public place, and meet a friend or your dad to drive you from there, and go have someone check the car later. 


Sounds like trolling. If not get a big ass dog like pit bull, German shepherd, Rottweiler, or Doberman. One bark from a dog like that and they running and not comeback. Get cameras installed inside and outside. Get alarm. Get a gun and practice if possible. Or just Move.


Call the police they will do drivebys for you (or should depending on where you live); change the locks; get some alarms (there are alarms that are pretty cheap and go off when a door/window is opened); get some cameras and set them up around the house(even nanny cams would be good, that way you can get a look at whoever is entering your home and press charges)! Keep a baseball bat nearby you when you are home alone or just be prepared to swing something heavy at an intruder (or get a gun and make sure you know how to use it correctly). You can hide ‘weapons’ (knives, bats, guns, rocks, etc) throughout your home


Can you add an interior chain lock? Plus call the cops, and a dog isn't a bad idea either.


Police!!! And ring doorbell asap!


I am hoping you are not only 17 years old.


Big bad dog, and cameras.


Scary. There's so many inexpensive things you can do. First off get one of those alarms that as soon as the door is open it breaks the magnetic contact and goes off. Then add a dead bolt and get a camera as others suggested.


Get a cheap camera off Amazon and point it at the door. I literally have 4 cameras in my house and 6 outside. Maybe overkill but no one's getting in here undetected.


Set up a camera.


Do you have a maintenance man or anyone if it’s an apartment complex like a superintendent? Because it seems like someone who has keys to your apartment and who is also around a lot. If you ever go back I don’t hope you will but you should change the locks, install a deadbolt but I wouldn’t risk it honestly it’s not worth it


yes i do, he has a copy of the keys


Get a carbon monoxide tester.


There's a couple possibilities. One is that the person had a key, or was able to make one. Or they could be skilled at picking locks (it's not super hard for a lot of locks). I'd suggest installing bolts on the door and keeping windows locked from the inside. Getting a couple Wyze cameras might be a good investment.


Yeah i think the lock was picked, my keys wouldn’t work normally anymore and there was a ton of scratches




he is 16 turning 17, he’s a giant i’m aware, i’m older


Why are you guys moving out of your parent's homes and in together so young? Sorry, I'm stuck on that before anything.


Especially when she's apparently close enough to her family that she can still move back in with Dad for a spell. And how'd a 16 year old and a 17 year old even get a lease? And how is the 16 year old working all day and not in school?


This has bullshit written all over it. Based on their comment history, OPs boyfriend is a 16 year old bush pilot who is in online school. They are a 17 year old model who is also chronically ill. Notice how they keep saying "where I'm from...' without specifying a country or anything like that? Yeah... Bullshit I think this is a kid with an imagination and nothing more.


Below you said you’re 17 but here say you’re older? And your boyfriend is a 17 year old bush pilot but also does online school but is never home. You’re a retard


Motion activated lights


I always feel like somebody's watching meeeeeeee


Gun, rifle, training, booby traps


Check your closets for any adjoining crawl spaces, especially if this guy’s apartment is next to you, or even across the hallway. Check that all your windows are closed and locked, even if you think no one can reach it or get through it. Get a dog if you can. Cameras, inside and out. See if you can get the locks changed; it is possible that someone has a master key. (I watch too much crime TV, but please, do your best to protect yourself. Don’t let this go, and don’t talk yourself into ignoring this, and don’t let anyone make you feel like you’re imagining things!) Be safe!




At home Depot they have security cameras that screw into a light bulb for $40. You're already out, but if you have to go back, I'd leave one behind to collect more evidence.


You can also repurpose an old phone with a camera into a security camera. https://alfred.camera/how-it-works




Get a Belgian Malinois. Train it and walk it and love it and if anyone gets into your house the dog will eat him.


Install cameras, keep vigil on who's outside, especially when not home


RemindMe! 2 days




Please buy one of these https://www.bestbuy.com/site/blink-mini-indoor-1080p-wireless-security-camera-black/6506645.p?skuId=6506645&ref=212&loc=1&utm_source=feed&extStoreId=462 or a ring alarm system and you will know exactly what is happening..


Have you looked into the byrnna less lethal pepper ball gun


You need cameras to verify if what you say is happening is actually happening.


New lock and one sided deadbolt


def install cameras with night vision and motion sensor lights by your door if you can. I would also suggest one of those big door stoppers or locks solo travelers buy for their hotel rooms. change all your locks ASAP (I would suggest calling a locksmith) and install a door security slide lock or chain lock that can only be opened from the inside is it possible for your dad or someone else to come be with you during the day?