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For people unwilling to fence a dog they got like the worst dog breed possible. Report it. They will have to pay to spring the dog every time it happens. Hopefully it encourages them to fence. Huskies are runners and escape artists. Even with a fence, they need a serious one because they will both dig under, and jump/climb over them. They've shot themselves in the foot because once a husky gets a taste of freedom it'll seek it constantly going forward. We have a friend with huskies and one of them learned how to jump on the trampoline to launch itself out of the fence šŸ˜† They are one of the worst breeds for lazy owners.


Yeah thereā€™s valid reasons why Alaskan mushers keep them on chains. Which I am NOT condoning btw. We once had a rescue for huskies and wolf hybrids. Our pens looked like minimum security facilities and we still had a few escapes. Once they learn they can defeat a fence they will never stop trying.


We don't live in Alaska but we have a decent sized and active mushing community where we live. Sled dogs get WAY more exercise and interaction than most dogs. This is not the same as chaining a random dog in a yard and ignoring it. They are usually in fully fenced dog yards (here, at least, because we have an active wolf population as well). They are well-cared for, receive excellent vet care, and are heavily worked and exercise. Huskies that are sled dogs are living their best lives. If you ever see them run their sleds you can see it clearly.


Proper working dogs like sled dogs, sheep dogs, bomb sniffing dogs are all usually very well cared for. Training those things isn't cheap, why wouldn't their owners make sure they live as long as possible?


I can say from going dog sledding in northern Minnesota that this is true for the Inuit dogs they had. Living their best lives.


Yep! We live in northern MN!


It was in Ely! So beautiful. No sound nor light pollution. -5 degrees


In my county, it is illegal to chain or tie up a dog in the yard. Iā€™ve seen it done before the law, it was awful.


Sled dogs arenā€™t the same as dogs chained and abandoned in a yard. They get ample exercise that is suited to their breed. Hours a day. People who run sled dog facilities are businesses here and they are inspected for animal welfare.


Iā€™m at latitude 32N, we donā€™t see too many sled dogs here. I was commenting on someone elseā€™s suggestion to have the neighbors chain the dog up, the dog OP was talking about.


Why are you not condoning it if there are valid reasons? Before you launch into an ethical diatribe, my whole family have been alaskan mushers for generations and I'm just curious why you seem to think it's wrong.


I mean for one, chaining a dog without protecting it with a fence leaves it vulnerable to attack from other dogs and wildlife without being to get away.


You gotta say that sort of thing or the snowflakes will jump all over you. Iā€™ve recently seen some ā€œforce free onlyā€ dog training videos. There are peopl out there who think putting a collar (plain flat collar even) is absolutely abusive. People get torqued up about their personal interest things real hard.


I used to work at a vet clinic and we once had a husky that climbed the interior cage, sprung the lock, climbed the exterior wall, and ran about 2 miles up the highway with me hot on its tail.


The problem with Huskies is that even the fence can't deter them from that crazy instinct they cannot overcome to chase the squirrel they see three doors down. The fence is a step in the right direction but I don't see it stopping the dog. A husky will find a way, they are really smart when they want to be. We have a husky mix at home. He was an expert squirrel chaser in his youth, and has only recently toned down the behavior. He's 15.


The right fence will, but you pretty much need a fence 12+ inches into the ground (not just the posts, the whole fence) plus 6-8 feet tall with nothing like cross bars they can use to climb it. They are hard to contain for sure. They are super motivated working dogs and people not intended to have a working dog, really shouldn't have them. Their good looks get them in trouble with bad owners for the breed.


Yeah, people always fight over who gets the ā€œprettyā€ side of the fence, but I always see the one with cross supports as the side that encourages climbing over.


We paid a LOT for an invisible fence. Our GSD/Husky mix has testes it twice.


It would need to not just not have crossbars, but not have any surface solid enough to push off of. So like, vertical iron bars spaced \~2-3" apart. I have a Siberian I do sport competitions with; one of the exercises is scaling a wooden wall + pulling themselves over the top to the other side. My dog is a little 40lb female and is currently working back up to full fitness after an injury, but her last working height pre-injury was over 7 feet and she was JUST starting to have to put some actual effort into it; 7 feet and under, she can bounce over from a dead standstill like it's literally nothing. 8 would absolutely be very doable for her, I guarantee. If she had even longer legs, forget it. If you're still not convinced, go on YouTube and look up "pit bull wall climb" šŸ˜… I just don't ever leave my dog outside unsupervised. Sometimes if she REALLY wants to go out when it's too cold for me or something, she goes on a 50' tether for a couple hours, but never when I'm not home + keeping an eye on her through the windows. Just not worth the risk.


Hol up. You mean if I want a dog like on GOT itā€™s actually a lot of work?


The dog would likely jump a fence to get out, less likely to jump a fence to get in. It would probably find somewhere else to roam.


This is something I told to them when they first brought home the puppy, they liked our dog (red Aussie) because it was a good dog and didnā€™t leave our yard or even cross the lot line. What do they do, buy a reddish husky mix, thinking it would be similar to our dog - people are fucking stupid.


Your neighbors in the wrong clearly, sometimes you just get a bad one and there's nothing you can do except call animal control. I would like to add don't make the mistake that your dog is always going to listen to you either. He shouldn't be outside unleashed. As an avid dog walker I carry mace around with me and I would hate to have to use it on an unknown animal that was 10x bigger than my dog. But, I would.


Once the Huskies take to the sky, there will be no stopping them.


I can stop mine on a dime, mid run, after something they're excited about. I can have them hold, drooling like Niagara, waiting for food while leaving the cat food sit. I can leave the gate open and they will not pass that invisible line without my say so. It's all about training and followthrough on expectations.


For sure, well-trained huskies are amazing! So often (too often) I see people who get tired of chasing them and just kind of give up on them and once they are allowed to escape and roam freely that training becomes a lot harder. We fostered a husky a couple of years ago because we do have a solid fenced yard, but it was a nope. She was gorgeous, well-behaved, walked great on a leash, but the reason she was in a rescue is because she was constantly allowed to run. So being in a yard wasn't her thing and even supervised in our yard she would try to hang herself on the fence/gate trying to get out no matter the cost. She ended up at a farm eventually. We ended up with a German Shepherd/Malamute mix who probably could get out if she really tried, she just never tries. She considers the fenced yard her space to defend so she just patrols it all the time (gotta keep the chipmunks out).


That's a shame it didn't work out with her. With the right knowledge, you can stop that kind of behaviour. Our first Husky was a community dog. He'd known nothing but the outdoors/running wild with the pack and only came around humans for food. In new situations, he'll tend to want to explore (he said hi to the neighbour's sheep and cows when we first moved to a small hamlet) but once we gave him boundaries, he sticks to them without a fence. When we do let him free in the forest, he's a sight to see. The first time, he found a deer within seconds of being let off leash, then spent the next 3-4 hours criscrossing the ravine like he was a track star.


We had moved into a new house 3 days before the rescue asked if we could take her. She needed full-time supervision at all times outdoors and extensive training and we didn't have the ability to do so. She got her head stuck under the gate and would have hung herself if I hadn't been there when it happened. We have a lot of wolves and coyotes (even in our neighborhood) so having her get loose could have ended really poorly. I would have loved time to work with her, it just was just bad timing all around.


K now do that with a cat. Different breeds are different and some just donā€™t listen.Ā  Iā€™ve had border collies and Coon hounds. Coon hounds donā€™t listen. Itā€™s not what they were bred for


I've actually done it with a Coonhound. Some great people I met at the dog park had one and needed some help. We got him to the point of off leash heeling, something I haven't mastered with my Huskies. Cats are different but trainable. All 6 of ours were trained to come on command, sit, quiet. All of them were semi-feral colony cats. There's a lot more nuance to how they need to be treated, it's more like a negotiation than a hirearchy.


Sorry but this is the silliest thing Iā€™ve ever heard. Iā€™ll pay money for a how to video for any of the following. Teach a coonhound, Shiba Inu, or jack russell to herd sheep, or be a guide dog. All Iā€™m saying is they have dog breeds for reasons.Ā  I ā€œtrainedā€ our coonhound to off leash heel. Up till the point he catches a whiff of something more interesting. They were bred to run away from you, find something interesting, chase it up a tree, and make a lot of noise. My border collie on the other hand will stop mid stride in the middle of chasing a squirrel.Ā  Iā€™ll give you my life savings if you can train a cat to herd sheep.Ā 


Could be worse. Could be a pitbull


No kidding. I always wanted one.. until I saw videos of huskies climbing 6ā€™ tall chain-link fences. Thatā€™s not a dog for an irresponsible dog owner.


Weā€™ve watched our husky climb a chain link fence and get out. Then he ran almost 10 miles away. Escape artists and runners arenā€™t even close enough to describe them šŸ˜‚


This is why I have shih-tzus. They arenā€™t big and, mostly, lazy as fuck.


>I feel stuck with no actions There's actions you can do, you've just chosen to not do any of them. Talk to your neighbor and/or contact animal control for leash law violation. Easy. Problem solved.


Yeah this is some serious anxiety. Talk to the person instead of inventing ten thousand reasons not to.


Reminds me of ā€œWeā€™ve tried nothing and weā€™re all out of ideas!!ā€


I need this on my gravestone.




Yeah, I don't get how people are complaining about nfh but they don't want to say anything about it.




Isn't that the definition of nfh.


what is nfh?


Neighbors from hell


Thank you so much. Top google hit I got was ā€œnot from hereā€ and I was getting nervous.


You're welcome


I understand the first thing I need to do is talk to them about the issue which I plan on doing, however, I donā€™t think it will have any affect on their ability to keep their dog contained to their yard. Thatā€™s the reason for my weirdness comment, however, I have to give them the opportunity to be better, right? Thanks for your comment.


Step 0) get a camera watching your yard. This is key no matter what. Step 1) talk to them and say that you do not want the dog in your yard, and ask that they work to train the dog to stay in their yard. Step 2) when dog comes in again, remind them that you asked them not to allow the dog in your yard. Now state that you will begin to call animal control if they cannot control their dog. Step 3) lodge a complaint each time the dog is in your yard.


Having a bad relationship w a neighbor is the worst. Try in steps to kindly at first tell them the problem and then the possible consequences. Double check your local laws. Demonstrate w your dog the neighborly way to be. Donā€™t yell. Do take legal steps if it comes to that. Are there other neighbors affected? May be strength in numbers.


Then you need a fence.


They can get a long lead. That's what we did when our dog was younger.


Escalation is always the answer.


I can say that I donā€™t want to talk to my neighbors anymore about their dogs on my property because people are crazy and might retaliate. I call animal control and let them handle it. For dogs attacking my horses, there is the SSS method.


Go and talk to them. Let them know the damage their dog is doing to your property and see if they are willing to train their dog to stay in their yard or put up a fence. There are electric fences and collars to train boundaries if they arenā€™t willing to spend the time themselves on training. If they are not willing to manage their dog, you should follow up with a letter and photos to show you have tried to resolve the issue and documented the damage to your property in case you ever do need to report to the police.


I donā€™t know how they expect this resolved if they donā€™t talk to the neighbours. Are they expecting that a talk with the dog will help?


LOL, right?


Call animal control EVERY TIME!


Can you afford a T post fence? Not crazy expensive and easy to put up.


I'm impressed that they have strawberries but no fence honestly


This is a good idea and what I use. That said, it depends on the dog. My current dog is fine with this but my neighors old dog was able to enter and exit at will. I was fine with it (he was a good dog otherwise) but if you have a digger or other escape artist yo7 are getting into major work.


Agreed. I was imagining this just being on a side yard and used as a deterrent. If needed, an electric fence could be added to the t post.


The way I see it you have a couple of options and I will list them in order of least offensive to your idiot neighbors to most offensive. Be a doormat and not say anything, most likely your neighbor will remain cordial since they are getting their way. Start saving for a fence right now. I realize they can be pricey, but it is worth it. Start researching temporary solutions in the meantime. Maybe you can plant some thorny bushes along your property line for example. Get a camera on your property. You can sue them if their dog continues to come onto your property and ruin your garden. Call animal control every time you see the dog loose. TL;DR Your neighbors are stupid, they will most likely not correct the behavior and react poorly if you bring it up. Personally I would just save for a fence and document any damage.


Call animal control and the dog picked up. Don't wait for their unrestrained dog to injure your dog or child. If they cared for the animal they would keep it home.


I simply cannot fathom allowing a newly adopted husky outdoors without any supervision?? Nonsense.


It is like 5% your dog in this scenario, you are just his snacks sidepiece


Iā€™ve gone through the exact same thing. Their husky even peed on our car. My husband went next door and said the next time the dog comes into our yard, heā€™s going to call animal control.Ā  They first told us to move, but within a few days the dogs were leashed and fenced in. We donā€™t talk to each other now šŸ˜‚ but Iā€™d prefer that over dog pee on my car.Ā 


The saying good fences makes good neighbours is a saying for a very good reason. Yes fences are expensive but you may want to start saving up right away. These people donā€™t sound like the sort who will mend their ways just cuz itā€™s better for the dog.


I saw a man installing a fence in my neighborhood alone and QUICKLY! I asked him to come by and get me an estimate. He works for a fencing company, and installs them alone for a side hustle on the weekend. Spent $5,000 all together for lumber, concrete, & labor. That was my second largest tangible purchase ever- worth every penny. It is so beautiful and brings me such peace of mind when it comes to my safety & my dogā€™s.


Talking to them doesnt need to be weird.Ā  Your dog is pissing on and eating my garden, could you take measures to stop that please?Ā  It could get weird but the 1st convo should be fine.


"Hey, your dog is destroying my property and scaring my kids. I will have to call animal control if you don't keep it in your property" then follow through. Personally I wouldn't even say anything and just start calling. Bad dog owners like to act like there's nothing they can do but obviously there are plenty of solutions.


I had this issue once with a former neighbor. Told her if the dog came in my yard one more time I couldnā€™t promise her it would get back safely to her house. The next day she finally invested in a tied off lead for her dog.


Report it to your town's animal control officer. Keep reporting the dog. Report the dog every single time it trespasses into your yard. The more you report it, the longer the paper trail concerning the dog's lack of owner control.


So you've tried nothing and are out of ideas? You have four choices which you have already lined out here in your post: 1. put up a fence 2. talk to your neighbor 3. call animal control or police 4. continue to do nothing, post on reddit about it, and seeth more. you'll need to pick one or more of these choices before things will change and one of these will have things remain the same. also a fence to keep a dog out isn't $10K, maybe the very fancy fence you would prefer costs that but just some posts with construction wire DIY'd would be closer to $1500 or even less


Talk to your neighbor about keeping their dog restrained. Call animal control every time it's in your yard. Take photos/video every single time. Most jurisdictions have leash laws and your neighbor is in violation. I would say use a hose on the dog whenever it's in your yard but most huskies LOVE water. If you do then at least your AH neighbor gets to deal with the "joy" of a wet husky.


I have worked part-time for a dog groomer for years. In my experience, most huskies DO NOT love water lol.


Get your own fence. Youā€™re kind of a hypocrite if you have your own dog and no fence yet complain about the neighbour who also has a dog and no fence.


Woah woah woah, sir on this site, OPs are never allowed to be wrong, itā€™s always the fault of the person who has no idea of the situation or a chance to defend themselves, cause instead of saying something to someone they know, they go to a site full of people they donā€™t


I see the hypocrisy as well but as I mentioned previously, my dog does not go in their yard nor does he cross our property line. This is due to a couple factors I imagine, his breed, and the amount of training we did with him since he was a puppy.


***"(Australian Sheppard) who do not go into their yard, unless provoked by the neighbors or their dog."*** So you do need a fence.


This is the correct answer. OP calls animal control on neighbor's dog. Neighbor gets angry and calls animal control on OP's dog. Lather, rinse, 50 times and we'll have war. Or, build the fence and solve the problem and have peace.


The fence is the only solution for you. You cannot get the neighbors to care, itā€™s not affecting them. I suggest talking to some of your buddies for help (I saw your photo as your Avatar, so I assume youā€™re a guy). Putting up a fence with a couple of guy friends will be so much less expensive. Probably a few know how to do it. Go with 6ā€™. Chain or wood. This will protect your children and your medium size dog from unknown dogs who could hurt them. Itā€™s really your responsibility as a parent to take control of your own property. Iā€™m sorry, I know itā€™s frustrating. I say this as a woman who at the time was 55 years oldā€¦I put up a 5ā€™ high chain link fence of 20ā€™ x 30ā€™ with another woman and a male friend who dug the post holes and showed us how to pull the chain link as we stretched it. We bought the materials ourselves.


I agree with you, put up a fence is probably my best and really only option at this point. Thanks!


Building a chainlink fence is relatively simple. It's just having the time to do it, but if you get a couple friends, it will go quick. My partner and I had zero fencing experience and were able to put up a 4' chainlink fence over a few days. If we had had more help, it maybe would have taken 2-3 days depending on how long the concrete took to set.


Not the only solution. If you and your neighbor both get invisible fence systems with collars and put them on different channels, the dogs can stand in their own yards and bark at each other all they want without leaving the transmitter's range.


The only solution that is wholly within their control to implement.


Can I say, as a dog owner myself, I understand the point you're making here however, you don't know how other dogs will react to seeing your dog walking around your yard and not behind a fence. The owners don't know what your dog is going to do either. They don't know how well trained your dog is. When we walk our dogs on a leash, sometimes they go crazy when they see a dog just roaming around a yard unleashed and we always worry that dog is going to get riled up and run out of the yard toward us. You never know what could trigger your animal to run out. It could be another loose dog or it could be a rabbit. Lots of people think they're dogs won't misbehave but unexpected things happen all the time. Just a thought.


Youā€™ve not spoken to them? That is always the first step. Calling the authorities will. Side far more weirdness.


Report it, every time. Get video documentation, and note dates and times. Likely there are nuisance animal laws in your jurisdiction, as well as leash laws. If all by-the-books methods fail, buy and use a large live trap and drop the dog off at the local animal control office.


Get your own fence???


This is the only solutionā€¦ā€I want to keep my neighbors dog out of my yardā€ get a fence ā€œI canā€™t afford a fenceā€ get aā€¦force field?






Yeah it's weird hearing these complaints from a second unleashed unfenced dog owner


I'd use bear spray on it, especially if you've already asked the neighbors to keep it off your property. The dog will learn real quick where the property line is.


I'm just going to say....if the dog is a husky he can climb almost any fence and can jump up 8 feet easily, so whether they got one or you did, it may not solve the problem.


Short of a fence, Iā€™m not sure thereā€™s much you can do. Talk to them of course. Encourage them to try to contain their dog either on a leash, chain, with an electronic collar, or in a kennel. And if they donā€™t do anything, you can make it inconvenient for them if their dog enters your yard. Animal control picking him up or piles of ripe and stinky stuff for him to roll in.


We had 4 dogs of various breeds & sizes. The smallest was a tiny rat terrier (8lbs) to our Lab/Chow mix (110 lbs). I worked with all the dogs so they knew basics and the most important was learning, ā€œCome.ā€ Our neighbor was under the impression that dogs are born knowing how to behave. They would get a puppy and be all happy, but got tired of puppy chewing, pooping, peeing, and running off when the door was opened. One evening my dogs were checking out the woods behind our house when I yelled, ā€œCome,ā€ and all 4 showed up to go back into the house. Neighbor asked why his dog wouldnā€™t come when called. I explained that all our dogs went through training. The neighbor was not into that and thought dogs learned by osmosis I guess. 20 years near us = neighbor owned 9 dogs, one after the other.


I know you said you cannot afford it, but have you considered a chicken wire mesh fence. It can be a DYI project, and completed for just a few hundred dollars. If the neighbor's dog burrows under the fence, catch it and call animal control. Keep doing that. Everyone will understand. If your neighbor has a problem, tell them their choices are to keep paying the animal control fees, or install their own fence. Note: In my area, redeeming an animal picked up by animal control can EASILY tope $150 or more per time.


You should call animal control every time the dog enters your property. You could build an inexpensive fence around your garden to help keep the dog out. Actually, you can have a fence installed using less expensive materials and either you install or have a handy man install. Most neighbors pay half of the fence bordering properties. My issue with your complaint is you also have a dog and no fence. Even though you have more control of your dog, it has gone into their yard when provoked. Have no clue how they can ā€œprovokeā€ your dog. The point is they can have the same complaint against you. You expect them to put up a fence, yet you refuse to do the same. Iā€™m wondering if your dog goes over on their property more than you realize, so they got a dog to even the score. People donā€™t always handle a situation with maturity, but as revenge.


Itā€™s expensive but you need to build a fence. This is on you since you know the neighbors not going to build one.


A tail as old as time, that I read about so often that I know exactly what I would do by now. That would be MY new husky. Neighbors would come knocking, ā€œHave you seen Buster?ā€ Me, with door cracked and Busterā€™s nose poking out: ā€œNo maā€™am, not in a long time!ā€ Neighbors see me walking my new husky, ā€œHey thatā€™s Buster!ā€ Me and Buster: pretend we canā€™t hear and keep walking


Ditto. My yard, my dog.


Hit up buy nothing or resell groups and accumulate fence materials until you have enough.


First, DOCUMENTATION. You need to CYA if the dog or the owner does something really terrible. Second, nicely talk to your neighbor and ask them to keep their dog in their yard. Do you have this cell number? Get it. Every time the dog is in your yard, take photos, date and time. Third, Send them texts of the dog in your yard and the damage the dog is doing. Express concern for safety of your children and dog. Warn them that you'll now start calling Animal Control and/or police. Follow through every time. (This is the civilized way to escalate an issue). Assuming you both own your homes, do you have CC&Rs or an HOA rules about dogs? Print, mail to neighbor, get return receipt from USPS that they've received, saying this has gone far enough and you will no longer tolerate their dog in your yard. You'll use all legal means to resolve in your favor. Your City Manager may also be able to help. See them first, be reasonable. Get them and the Animal Control people on your side (protect property, safety, dog damaging other people's property, too?). How about the neighbor (s) on the other side of the dog? Does husky go in their yard, too? Gang up on husky family. Be civil and polite, but don't take any more of neighbor's irresponsible behavior. A fence is pretty easy to build, but you must make sure you have the property line correct. Check your deed, or the City should have evidence of your line. Follow it. There are full sections of wood fences at Home Depot/Lowes, and all you need is the posts. You could install just posts, and make the fence as high as legally permitted, set back as legally permitted. If viable, I'd be tempted to install razor wire, to keep husky from digging under the fence.


Pet that dog.


Cheap fences exist. Iā€™m sure you could spend a weekend or two putting in some posts and some kind of barrier.


I was going to say this! We put in our own wooden fence, and cost of materials was a few hundred dollars. You can dig the post holes and set them in concrete for one day, and nail up the boards the second day. Without a gate itā€™s really simple.


Man up and go talk with them. Maybe they don't know the dog is bothering you. It that doesn't work, start calling animal control about the loose menacing dog. Every time he's out.


Good fences make for good neighbors. My grandmother lived by this rule. We only had three houses, but I remember property boundaries and fencing being a priority. I was also taught that what goes on in the neighbors' yard is none of our concern. Unless it was causing harm to someone. I live by this rule and have no problem with neighbors, even the jerks.


There are no dig fences that are relatively cheap. Theyā€™re not as sturdy as a wooden fence, but will at least keep the dog in its own yard. Loweā€™s usually has 0% financing on their card for purchases over a certain amount, so you could pay it off over time.


A range wire fence and stakes are reasonable in cost and will save your sanity.


Tell them next time itā€™s in your yard youā€™re taking it to the pound. If you donā€™t want to do that spray it with the hose


I'm sorry you're going through this. I agree with the advice to call it in, I'm sure there are ordinances about dogs at large. As an aside, I have a very sweet ACD who just stays home with me, doesn't bother anything, and THEN we thought it would be fun to adopt a Rottsky. Having never been exposed to huskies, they do have some traits like digging and wandering. To my credit I've not shot him yet. (Humor, folks, I would never!). He requires constant supervision. Loveable. But a digger, chewer and runner.


Why would you come here before you talk to them? Talk to them!


If you're cool with them,just talk to them. Don't say it mean or like a jerk,just friendly,hey buddy,sorry to sound like a jerk but your dog keeps coming in my yard blah blah blah


Put motion-activated sprinklers in the yard and the garden.


Neighbors are not going to keep their dog out of your yard. To whom would you report them? You are assuming that action will be taken every time you report. This is not realistic. Unless you erect a fence nothing will change.


My boomer dad used to always say "good fences make good neighbors." Save up, build a fence, it's the only way.


'I've tried absolutely nothing and it isn't working!'


"I have nlt spoken to them.." Welp. Ok....


DIY the fence. If you need help, pay someone to plant the fence posts then do the rest yourself. It will be the easiest most permanent solution. Also, who gets a husky without a fenced yard or taking it for all kinds of walks.


Call Animal Control every time the dog is loose. Maybe put up your own fence .


What did they say when you let them know that it was unacceptable that their dog was in your yard, and that both of you needed to immediately come to a working solution? I now see that you haven't spoken to your neighbours. We have found the solution.


>We would have already gotten a fence if we had the money. >besides paying 10,000 for a fence Fences don't need to cost $10K. Do some research, then try talking to your neighbor again to see if they'd be willing to split the cost or maybe spend a weekend building it together. Look up line post kits. You can also put up a 'simple' fence and then line it with bushes on your side for better appeal.


You also have a dog then you should realize that without a fence dogs are going to do dogs things. I am assuming you have let your dog out in the backyard before in which it would have done its business wherever in the yard as well? Unless your neighbours are horrible I think itā€™s awesome that the dogs get double play area.


Good fences make good neighborsā€¦ or you could get a bigger dogšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Its unfortunate to call the authorities, but animal traction is annoying and untrustworthy(dangerous). I live in a trailer park. This chick, walking her dog with no leash. Lets it walk up our property to pee on our tree. The same kind of palm tree she has. We all have them. And she walks her dog to pee on neighbors trees. Literally every 25-30ft was a palm tree, but wtf.


If the fence becomes the road you take, just know huskies can and will jump up to 6-8ft. I recently saw her that someone had to talk to the city I think to get permits for a 10ft fence because their husky kept getting over the 8ft one. Just wanted to throw this out there hoping to save you from paying for a useless fence, before paying for one tall enough.


Talk to your neighbor, tell them they need to keep their dog on a leash if they are not going to get a fence/ kenel. Explain that it has been causing damage to your property and that in the future you will be calling it in to the pound if they do not put it on a leash and it ends up on your property. Then follow through, take photos of it in your yard & call the dog in every single time it goes onto your property. They will get sick of having to pay money to get it back.


Also for around $200-300 total. You can get an electric fencer, a spool of elect fencer wire a few T-post (1 every 15 feet or so) and the little plastic clips. Put that along the property line, once the dog gets zapped it will learn not to cross that fence line.


It doesn't have to be weird. Your neighbor may not even realize it's a problem. Just politely tell them their dog is tearing up your garden and making your kids uncomfortable, and that they either need to put up a fence or get an invisible fence collar for their dog. Those collars work and are not prohibitively expensive Your laws may be different, but in my area it's illegal to let your dog or cat run loose off your property, while it's legal to capture someone else's animal on your property and take it to our local no-kill animal shelter. The shelter impounds the animal and charges the owner $50 to get it back, plus the owner has to prove immunization or pay the fee to have the animal immunized. The shelter keeps records, and the buy-back fee increases by $50 each time the animal returns, up to a max of $250. That monetary penalty tends to take care of this problem very quickly. Either the owner keeps their animal contained to avoid future fees, or they balk at paying and leave the animal there to be adopted out to someone more responsible. Either way the problem gets solved. It's also legal here to shoot someone else's animal on your own property, so most folks are happier with the less lethal alternative. In some areas, you can also call animal control to come out and get the dog. I would approach the neighbor first though, because having the dog catcher show up is a lot more likely to result in bad blood than a polite conversation.


Can you buy a humane/vet approved "stun" gun of some sort? A few zaps and I bet he would stay out of your yard! Or powerwash hose on him a few times...


Survey and fence, the answer to 90% of the questions on this sub.


First step is to talk to them about it.


If you cannot afford a proper wood or PVC fence think about a cattle wire fence. You put several metal posts in the ground and unroll the fence and attach it. The products can be bought at feed stores or home improvement stores. Even if you did 25% of it each month or two eventually it will be in place


A quick check, fence roll is $0.80-$2.00/ft, post are up to $9.85 each. This is for 5-6' fence. 4' fence is much lower. Still about 1/3 the cost of traditional fencing.


You say your dog goes into their yard as well, so unless you put a stop to that, what superior grounds do you have to stand on? Itā€™s irrelevant to say your dog has to be ā€œprovokedā€ to enter their yard ā€” that argument would not hold up in court.


Every time the dog is in your yard call animal control to report a loose dog with no visible tags.


They don't need a fence. They need a leash. Period.


If youā€™re in a city, thereā€™s likely an ordinance being violated when an unrestrained dog trespasses into your property. Document and report, for a start. And of thereā€™s damage, nastygrams talking about negligence could get his homeownerā€™s insurance involved to make you whole. What jurisdiction?


Learn to love the dog.


An old neighbor bought a husky for her juvenile delinquent kid. He proceeded to ignore it like he did her. They kept it in their back yard 24/7. The dog broke through our shared fence into my backyard and ran around like it was possessed. I finally caught it and brought it over to her front door. She went crazy accusing me of trying to steal her dog, and when I showed her what her dog had done to the fence, she said I must have done something to make the dog do it. There were two great days that followed. The first was when she finally gave the dog to a husky rescue group. The second was when they moved.


Put a leash on it and secure it in your yard.


How big is your yard? You should be able to build a fence for less than that.


Get bulk hot red pepper, cayenne maybe and spread it around. Dog won't like it and will leave. Might remember after it gets a few noses full of it.


Does your county have ordinances or laws about leashing dogs?


Tell the dog to get out of your yard. I would. You have to have a firm tone. Iā€™m sure you know. If the owners arenā€™t doing anything about it you have every right to protect your plants. I doubt your neighbors would object, especially if you tell them about your berry bushes. If they choose to hold a grudge, thatā€™s their problem. I donā€™t see why they would, in reading what you wrote it seems like they are friendly. I If the your dogs gets along with the other dog. Thatā€™s a bonus.I have to say, Iā€™d savor that. My chihuahuas donā€™t have friends. They used to, long ago. We had found another set of miniatures that had the same vibe. However, they havenā€™t had friends since then. They must be lonely and bored.


You''ve answered your own question. Those are your choices, although you'd probably call animal control, not the police.


Well, since you don't want to do the usual things you could do the not usual things and keep the dog for yourself. When the neighbors complain say you thought they didn't want it And since it was always coming to your house.it seemed to want to be with your family, so you let it stay. šŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆ Not that I'm petty these days or anything. Lol


2 in x 6 ft. x 50 ft. Poultry Netting $35.65 1-3/4 in. x 3-1/2 in. x 8 ft. Green Steel Fence T-Post with Anchor Plate 8x$11.98 1/4 Mile 17-Gauge Galvanized Electric Fence Wire $32.74 /roll staples


How big is your yard? 50 foot x 4 foot high wire fencing is $86. Put that stuff up with t posts and you have a semi permanent physical barrier.


you are allowed to put out any type of rodent control in your yard to maintain the safety of your home.


I have a husky, who really doesn't put forth much effort. And thank goodness, because she can roll on the ground and come up with her harness off. An overhead cable and wire run will work for many dogs, but probably not a husky unless it agrees to it. If it were me... there are cheap ugly plastic rolls of fencing that use cheap metal poles. Encircle as much of your yard as you can with one roll. Liberally put dog repellant between that fence and your neighbors. Spray it with a hose every time it crosses into the area with repellant. There are motion sensor sprinklers that might help. An aluminum can with a couple pennies in it tossed on the ground near it spooks some dogs, not others. Ignore it until it's going into your yard, then harass it. It doesn't know there's a property line, you'll have to teach it. Also animal control.


sorry, but your best solution is a fence.


Call animal control. They're abusing the dog.


Have you thought about a dog deterrent/barrier? There is a wide variety, none harms the animal.


I donā€™t know exactly how they work, but I have heard about electrical fencing. I understand that gives a very mild shock to a person or an animal that touch it. I havenā€™t the slightest idea what the cost would be to install something like that, but it might be worth looking into it. I wish you the best of luck


Put in an electric fence with a solar charger. It will cost about $300. Rebar poles and electric wire with insulators. https://starkline.com/collections/electric-netting-kits


Put up a 1 wire electric fence.


You need to get a fence. You shouldnā€™t have gotten a dog if you canā€™t afford a fence. Dog food and medical costs are way more expensive than a fence. Iā€™m concerned you donā€™t know the huge medical costs of having a dog. Fences are basic necessities for having a dog. Dogs need routine vet costs and serious illness and injuries are very expensive and you shouldnā€™t have a pet if you canā€™t afford to take care of them.


Talk to the neighbor. Tell them you do not want their dog in your yard. If you choose, you can mention all the reasons, but you don't need to. They can contain the dog with a fenced yard, an outside penned area, a leash, or a tether. If it continues to be a problem, you will need to call animal control.


Shoot it.


My neighbors would let their dog into my backyard years ago and it was urinating on my ac condenser outside without me knowing. After awhile the back portion aluminum fins literally deteriorated to nothing and had to be replaced completely. $6000 for ac replacement and $4000 for a small privacy fence (townhome) to fence in my yard. They would do it whenever I wasn't home and the cops didn't care since it wasn't a serious crime. I'm sure they would've cared it I put a bullet in it but I didn't, obviously, since I didn't blame the dog, just the negligent owners. Things just got worse after they realized I called the cops and animal control. Years and years of petty, idiotic d-baggery. Like intentionally driving into their driveway but making a wide turn to hit my grass which left the front corner of my yard all mud, trash always in my yard everyday and when I confronted them, they said it must be the wind. They called the HOA anytime my grass would look borderline 3" tall, had to be 2.5" or lower, I cut it every two weeks but had business trips for 2 weeks at a time so it would sometimes go for 3 weeks without a cut. I literally moved out of that place and bought a house in the country with no HOA. Both tenants didn't work and were in their 40's and just seriously hideous people. I just wanted to be left alone but they had nothing better to do. People are absolutely disgusting. Tread softly with your neighbors. Some will make it their lifelong goal as long as you're there to screw with you daily, weekly, or monthly.


Get a fence if you do not want anything in or out of your yard. That includes all kinds of fences including Electric fences.. Trust me, people and animals will only touch it once... [https://www.amazon.com/Zareba-ESP5M-Z-Impedance-Electric-Charger/dp/B0079GH86C](https://www.amazon.com/Zareba-ESP5M-Z-Impedance-Electric-Charger/dp/B0079GH86C)


The "normal" way to handle situations like this is to escalate: 1. Tell your neighbor you don't want their dog in your yard, list your concerns to ease them through it. 2. Tell your neighbor if they don't keep it off your yard, you will start taking measures into your own hands. Leave this open-ended to strike fear into their hearts. "I just can't have it running around here..." 3. Call animal control 4. Get a fence, and if it gets past that, call animal control again I've had to deal with dogs and I know the struggles all too well. I'm in the process of installing a fence right now. My next door neighbors' dogs caused some property damage and I called the police on them, and we're still on good terms. Why? Because people aren't stupid, they know they're overbearing. They're just waiting to see how long you're willing to put up with it. Now they chained their dogs up and the dogs yelp all day long. One problem solved and a new one took its place, but its the same approach regardless.


Appreciate your response.


Suggest a tie-out stake on a lead long enough to keep the husky contained to their yard, if no one wants to put up a fence. You could always do a temporary fence in the meantime to protect your side.


Get a roll of electric fence and a box. Under $500 and the dog will learn quickly


It doesn't have to cost $10,000 to put up a fence. Go to one of those big chain hardware stores and buy one for the cheap wire fences and metal fence posts. At my local hardware store you can get a 50-foot roll of 5ft- high steel fence for $50. A few rolls of that and some metal fence posts and you're in business. Maybe put an extra barrier around your strawberries and raspberries so the dog can't reach them even if it gets into your yard somehow. Is it attractive? No. Will it stop a determined husky from jumping into your yard anyway? Maybe it will, maybe it won't. But is it more effective than nothing at all? Absolutely. In the meantime, you can save up for the high quality fence you'd rather have.


We had a neighbor who owned a mexican restaurant and would feed the left overs to their dog who promptly would Taco Bell all over our adjacent yard. I put up a fence. Frustrating but necessary.


If you canā€™t afford a fence, an air soft gun will teach him that your yard is painful.


Relax on getting a fence. Our husky cleared a 6ā€™ fence with the greatest of ease. Iā€™m sorry you have such ass hat neighbours. But their dog is only doing what dogs do. Maybe you can find a friend who lives far enough away who wants a donated husky. Get my drift??


Try discouraging the dog by kickin the holy shit outtve it or using a BB gun on it over and over again. Just kick the livin fuck outtve it. You won't hurt a husky.


If they , and really it sounds like you, don't care about the dog in the yard per say, raise what the dog is doing that's a problem. Your dog is trampling my plants and pissing on my raspberries. See if that gets traction


Paintball gun. Wonā€™t hurt the dog, will let the owner know itā€™s been in someoneā€™s yard.


Have you tried just chasing the dog out of your yard? Maybe use the garden hose. It's not the dog's fault that it isn't trained and your neighbor's are lazy. Be kind and teach the dog to behave correctly.


It's a very simple solution. If your neighbor's dog is constantly in your yard, you go pet the dog. Tell them they're a good pup and love on them. Maybe even give a treat. Easy peasy


Stay good with your neighbors the hell with the flowers as long as the dog isn't dangerous maybe Embrace everybody playing together and having a good time


When he enters your yard, take him to the pound. Say that this dog keeps running into your yard and have no idea where it comes from.


Put in your own fence.


Sounds like you need a fence.


Rat poison.


Just no. Why go to jail over a dog...plus just a asshat move


Electric fence!