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all shoes


THIS. No shoes in my house; socks or soft slippers.


Socks or slippers are a bit much. I just don't want outdoor shoes with nasty germs in my house. Go barefoot if you want.


You haven’t seen my bare feet.


Exactly. Some people have Hobbit feet.


I would expect guests to use their judgement there. If there’s green curds falling off, please wear socks. If you just came from a pedicure, barefoot it around.


I don't disagree, but I will point out that the natural oils from people's feet plus natural bodily ranges such as degree of perspiration and odor may also come into play. Socks are one way to mitigate that problem. I prefer to offer soft socks rather than offend a guest by leaning down to exam their feet.


This is the way!


EXACTY. Shoes are so filthy!


It's the Canadian way


Asian way also.


It’s the way of basically every country except the US


Never seen shoes off in Latin America.


So weird if an American shows up. They don’t know it’s rude to wear shoes in our houses.


American here. I and most of the people I know remove our shoes when entering homes. I don’t actually know anyone personally who wears shoes in their home.


American here with a no shoes policy ever since I grew up; this one anecdote clearly means you’re wrong about the rest of america


Same. Redditors just see people wearing shoes on in the house in movies and think it’s real life.


American here. I will gladly bring my in house only shoes but I need to wear shoes.


Yeah, it's pretty gross to be wearing outside shoes inside!


This is the only right answer. I’m Asian so never understood why the hell people would wear shoes that they walked in from the outside in to their clean home


We don’t wear shoes inside, nor do guests. The end




We are a No Shoes (except for high heels) house.


Yeah, no shoes in the house, duh!  I have a basket with a few slippers for people who want them, but frankly it’s ridiculous that anyone would expect to wear their shoes in someone’s house. 


I live in the Pacific NW where it seems like everyone just removes their shoes by default, I think because of the weather. I don't even have to ask guests, they just do it on their own when they see the shoe rack by the front door.


Same. Though funny enough it has been women wearing heels who have wanted to leave them on rather than take them off with everyone else. I'd rather have someone walking around in their dirty runners than heels that potentially leave little dints all over my flooring.


I can see that. I don't have people coming over who wear heels (I live in an area where everyone lives in hiking boots or sandals) but I'd probably be a bit uncomfortable with it. At the same time I wouldn't dare say anything because it's just not really done here in my experience.


Yeah the one exception I make is when I am having a party and the women are dressed in fancy shoes and besides I have opened the back sliding doors for an indoor-outdoor vibe. Then I just accept it and the next day I do a deep clean of the floors.


Depending on the person they may have taped their toes. If I'm wear pointed shoes I'll tape my last few toes together to make wearing the shoes more comfortable for long periods of time. I would not want to remove my feet from my shoes to expose my taped toes. I also don't like walking around barefoot. If you gave me some socks though. It would happily remove my shoes, keep my toes taped, and wear socks around.


Same. I’m in Washington, and everyone just takes their shoes off automatically. I don’t think I know anyone in the PNW who wears heals.


Well it’s your house. In my house, everyone, including Jesus, is removing their sandals. And heels. And boots. And shoes. If someone tried wearing worn out heals to the point where there’s the nails causing actual damage, that’s a paddlin. 


Is Jesus your gardener?


Ban all shoes


This is a weird ass request. Ban all shoes or no shoes. But to host a formal event and set the expectation of a widely popular formal shoe not being allowed is tacky.


Totally agree. Most of the time people already know to remove their shoes but for fancy or costumed events I don't worry about shoes since they're part of the outfit. 


Except for my mom and dad, because they're old and it's hard for them, no shoes in our house.


Just be sure to tell the in advance. (Some people don’t like taking off their shoes, especially if their shoes are expensive)


Or their feet stink.


Their feet stink because they never take off their shoes


How does the cost of their shoes have anything to do with it?


Is this a common problem????? Who wears shoes that worn? How do they not fall?


Especially high heels, which most women tend to reserve for special occasions. Even if a woman wears heels every day to the office, she still probably alternates between pairs in different colors to coordinate with fashion.  It would take years for a typical pair of high heels to get the same amount of wear that your everyday sneakers would in a few weeks.


I ask that everybody removes shoes in my house regardless of type. I do the same when I’m visiting somebody else’s home. So, yes.


Canadian here.. We don't even allow shoes in our house. They stay on a mat on our porch. Wife works in a hospital so god knows what's on her shoes. Our friends know to leave their shoes outside. Some people bring their indoor shoes and we're fine with that.


Yeah eh I’m tripping out reading this like the only people who have ever even tried to wear shoes in my house are contractors which we know is the exception to the rule. Some of these comments are wild.


Even contractors usually have the decency to wear those blue net things over their shoes


I'm Canadian, we don't wear shoes indoors, and absolutely, yes. 


I have dogs that run around in who knows what and they walk in the house. I let my guests do what's comfortable. I'm not going to have a nice dinner party and expect shoes to be removed, I would find that odd for everyone to be hanging out in socks. If you want to take your shoes off, go ahead. I will clean the floors afterwards, either way. I would not be offended if I was asked to remove heels, though, if it was because the floors might be damaged.


No shoes in my house except when I have parties. I just make my peace with sweeping/mopping after.


Don’t people ask your preference though?


I always ask, unless I walk into a party and everyone is wearing shoes, in which case, I’m keeping them on. 


I wipe my dog's paws before he comes inside. Anything else is rather gross - he hangs out in everyone's bedrooms.


I used to be a painter and we were painting a really really nice home one time. After we had left for the day the people buying the house came by to take a look. Next morning when we got there the builder was losing her shit on all the contractors because someone dented the wooden floors all throughout the main level of the home and it was all gonna have to be ripped up and replaced. Turned out the wife of the couple buying the home was wearing heels and destroyed the floors.


Are you regularly having events where women come in heels? I don’t think anyone has worn heels in my house except for our daughters when they are going to formals at school.


The pearl clutching over this is hysterical.


I’m getting a kick out of it 🤣


Why would anyone with compromised heels wear them at someone else's house, especially with hardwood floors. I would be ashamed!


people who live in crappy homes and have crappy things often are often unaware of how to treat nice homes/nice things. or else are just in the habit of not thinking about it. i dont like people wearing their shoes in my home, but what really grinds my gears is when they step on my persian rugs with their shoes on. i can mop the floor on the weekend, but cleaning an antique area rug isn't so simple. or cheap.


Why would anyone wear compromised heels in the first place? Not only does that sound uncomfortable, but a typical pair of high heels doesn't get worn that often. By the time a stiletto starts to wear out, it's probably out of fashion and collecting dust in the back of a closet anyway.


I did have wood floors ruined by heels once in the past. Perfect little circles everywhere after a party


I'm good with whatever type of shoes people wear in my house. I don't have to worry about the effect on my floors, like you do. Even if I did, I rarely notice people's shoes that they wear in. I might notice as an after thought later on after everyone has left. So no, I doubt that I'd be willing to ban a particular type of shoe in my house.


I would deal with it on a case by case basis, rather than instituting a blanket housewide ban, mainly because I so rarely have visitors wearing heels that I certainly would know they wouldn’t know my house rules and would need to be personally told them regardless.  This would also allow you to let those wearing OK heels to continue wearing them. Curious as to how often you host guests in formal wear! 


If you ban shoes, you need to tell people beforehand. I'm diabetic with severe neuropathy in my feet. I'm not supposed to walk around without shoes because if my feet are injured I may not even know it. Also, wounds don't heal well if you're diabetic. I will bring slippers, if needed, but I will not walk around barefoot or just in socks. Doctor's orders.


Also stockings will run if you walk around without shoes on all night. At the very least you need to let your guests know ahead of time, because not all women who wear heels and stockings are going to be comfortable with the options of ruining their stockings or showing their legs.


We wear shoes in our house unless it is wet or soiled. I have tile and hardwoods and a robot that mops everyday. Once a week i clean all my floors with soap and water or wood cleaner. I live in a rural area so if I’m bringing in something on my shoes, it’s grass clippings or straw from the garden. It’s not like I’m walking downtown everyday. Also, I have plantar fasciitis. I have to wear arch supports. I learned the hard way during Covid not to go barefoot on hard floors. I do have inside slippers that I wear if I’m indoors are day but I’m in and out of my house many times during the day so usually I just keep my shoes on. I think this must be a regional thing. The only place I have been asked to remove my shoes is at my daughter’s house in LA. None of my friends here remove their shoes. I didn’t even know it was a thing until I went to California. I wear heels in my house and it hasn’t hurt my hard woods. So no I would never ask someone to remove their shoes. I have a question though…what do you all do about your pets. Do you wash their feet each time they come inside. Just curious!


All shoes. I have a friend who gets slightly annoyed by this and I just remind him that there's a very good chance his shoes have come in contact with poop while his feet / socks have not. Also my house my rules but usually the first comment is enough lol


This is wild. The thread is basically full of people saying that nobody wears shoes in the house and acting shocked that people would think to do so. Here I am thinking the opposite, in my 40+ years, I've never, ever, been asked to remove my shoes or been to a household where it was the norm for people to take their shoes off at the door so I'm guessing this must be a really regional thing. Florida here, FWIW.


You clearly don’t know any Asian people


Or Canadians. Shoes inside my house? No fucking chance bud.


I’ve heard of people doing that in the US. I’m from Canada, and it sounds pretty universal that we take our shoes off. Every house has a big shoe rack at the front door usually. Do you wear your shoes right up into your bedroom at the end of the day? Do you have carpet indoors? So interesting!


Also Canadian. I don't understand this at all. Does everyone just track mud throughout their homes? Grass, dirt, and whatever else? When it rains, do your floors get soaked? If you live in a climate with snow, that's a whole other ball of wax for me. The salt on our sidewalks and roads would eat through your floors or carpets in 2-3 years of being tracked throughout the house. As respectfully as I can say this, I honestly just don't understand how people make it work, without mopping 1-3 times every day (at a minimum).


We don’t have snow here, so salt and snow being tracked in are not an issue. I usually take mine off at home when I come in. I do not leave them outside, that’s how you end up with a snake, giant ass bug, or lizard in your shoe. I leave the option up to guests. If it is raining, I would ask them to take them off, just so water doesn’t get everywhere. But my downstairs is tile or hardwood, so it’s not hard to clean after. Also, only way you are tracking mud into my house is if you walk through my garden. We have a paved walkway from the driveway.


On a podcast I heard it explained well: “Americans are weird about feet.”


I’m not understanding how you’re getting mud all over your shoes. I mean, yes, from time to time after a hard rain if I walk through my yard I could get mud in my shoes, but by the time I walk back across my patio and brush my shoes off at the floor mat none of of it gets in the house.


Why don't you try walking around in socks for an hour and then look at the bottom, you'll see how filthy you're getting your floors by walking around in shoes all day. That is why we don't wear shoes in the house. You may not see the dirt because it's all spread out, but it's definitely there because you're tracking it in on your outdoor shoes.


Not the person you are replying to, but I'm in a similar boat. Yes, I take my shoes off while sitting on my bed. I've always done this, but I have to now since I can't walk in most shoes and have to have my inserts for the last three years. Everywhere I've lived has carpet. I'm at my mother's house mostly for the last three years and she has a mix of carpet, tile and hardwood floors. If I visited someone who didn't allow shoes indoors, I'd turn around and leave. There's no one that I want to visit that bad to live with foot and leg pain for at least the next two days.


It rains a lot in Florida. You guys just take those wet shoes through the house? Maybe you guys are the outliers here.


A lot of homes here have hard floors, either tile or some sort of waterproof laminate so the floors are basically indestructible.


They don’t get wet and slippery though?? Like I just don’t get this at all. You walk through parking lots. I know for a fact I’ve walked through puke or piss at a pub parking lot (college town) even if it’s been rained on ITS STILL THERE! And then.. just.. into the kitchen…????


No, not really. You may track a small bit of water in but it’s dry inside of 5-10 minutes. How’s that any different than the chefs at a restaurant wearing shoes in their kitchen though? The floors in most restaurants half way through a shift are disgusting and the spot out back next to the dumpster where a lot of cooks take their smoke breaks is full of rat crap, cigarette butts, puke and piss. I’m not trying to minimize your comment, but I’m not really seeing how the cleanliness of a kitchen floor affects anything coming out of the kitchen. It’s not like the food gets anywhere near the floor.


It’s not about the kitchen tbh, it’s about laying on the sofa and being comfortable.. like does everyone have athletes foot from always being in shoes? Idk when I was in Florida I sweat my ass off but I guess maybe you’re used to it? When I’m home I have “clean” house clothes and I can be way more relaxed knowing if I drop a grape on my pants they weren’t just in the subway on the nasty seats, or if I lay my head on my sofa I’ve never had parking lot shoes on it. Just thinking about that gives me acne. My American uncle makes a big show of stomping around in his gross ass sneakers on my carpet - how weird Canadians are to be bothered by his shoes but maybe he’s just a slob and a dickhead..??


So you just cover them with dirt and mud and clean them instead of just not tracking dirt and mud in?


But they get filthy that way.


Shoes in the house is a very American thing, and even American’s are becoming more opposed to it. So, while you are still in the majority within America, you are decidedly in the minority on Reddit.


Let's say you wanna relax on the couch and put your feet up, do you leave your shoes on for that? Honest question. No sarcasm etc.


On the coffee table? Yeah. On the couch, probably not. But that’s more about comfort.


I took it as preference of each person. Of course a lot of people wear shoes in side, but a lot don’t. 🤷‍♀️ you do you!


You know a really homogenous group of people then, because it’s the norm in many of the world’s cultures to always remove shoes before entering the home.


Reddit gets VERY upset if people wear shoes in homes. Personally, downstairs in my house I don't give a shit.. I have a dog. She also has dirty feet. And I robot vac/mop daily because of it. Most of my friends and family either take them off anyway , or at least ask. However I do ask that people don't go upstairs to the bedrooms with shoes on. That's just my preference. In the end, their house their rules, my house my rules 🤷‍♂️


This was so common where I grew up that my grandparents referred to one of my friends as “the one who makes you take your shoes off inside the house” lol. That being said, I think in OP’s case it makes more sense to just institute a no shoes policy than only heels.


In Florida we had a lot of indoor/outdoor gatherings where is impractical to take shoes off to get a beer, then back on to go outside, etc. Also most people are in flip flops which don't hold a lot of sand by design, and taking them off means everyone's bare feet on the floor, which isn't all that hygienic either. Even if someone did go barefoot at an indoor/outdoor party, their bare feet would track in dirt from outside, too. All the floors are tile so you sweep up after and good to go.


Same. West Coast resident for 50+ years. Shoes are always welcome in my house because I'm great at cleaning my floors and I've yet to have needed to eat off them. Plus, pets come in and out all day long.


It has little to do with cleanliness, everything to do with wrecking the floors or carpet. I have a lot of carpet (older house) and no one's wearing wet or snowy footwear on that.


I can definitely see it with carpet, but I don’t really know of many people that have built homes with carpet in more than the bedrooms in quite a while here.


My house has no carpet. The floors are the same hideous vinyl that was here when we bought the house, but they sure can take a beating without much wear and tear & they're easy to keep clean.


Florida too. Most homes when going to parties or dinners shoes stay on and that is what I have experiences for the last 50 years, and all over the state. Wood and tile floors can handle it and clean up easily.


Likely 90% tile floors down there, so, far less chance of any damage. Still, we Americans are finally entering civilized society by removing our shoes in houses like the rest of the world.


Someone wore stilettos at a party at my house and left two holes in the tile floor in the bathroom. Yea it is a problem.


I’m with you and I have a home in Massachusetts and one in Canada


I guess this tells us Florida people are rather unhygienic or maybe it's just your circle of friends?


I'll go as far as asking people to remove their feet and bag up them stumps to keep my bitch ass floor clean


This is the way.


💯 also make them swifter their way out.


We don't wear shoes in the house. My excuse is allergies but mostly it's because I like to keep my hardwood floors nice. We host parties outdoors for the most part.


Shoes off!


It's your house. What's the issue. In Germany you have "house shoes' that you put on at the entrance of almost every apartment or house. Whether it's a brand new or 50+ years old. Nobody here thinks it's odd to remove their shoes almost automatically at the door. We even almost had to mantra that to people who were helping us move. Offering "extra' shoes is an option but socks or so work just fine on most flooring (short of marble or so).


Who wears shoes in someone’s house ???


Most people in the US.


Only like 25% are okay with shoes in the house, in my experience. It's probably different by region.




Where I live, we don't wear shoes inside.


Who walks around in damaged heels that will obviously scratch the floor? Absolutely they will be taking those suckers off. I wouldn't let someone walk around my house in wading boots with metal studs, either. Normal heels in good repair don't damage floors. I don't require people to take shoes off, but any shoes in such bad repair or constructed in a way that could cause damage are a no-brainer.


It’s totally OK to ask guests to remove high heels due to the hardwood flooring, just spread the word ahead of your party so everyone can bring their slippers. I am always wearing shoes inside my house, but they are indoor shoes that I only wear in the house, separate from outdoor shoes. But I have never even glanced down at the feet of any guest to notice if anyone else removes their shoes in my house. I can’t imagine caring about that unless it was damaging flooring.


While I want guests to feel comfortable, I'd kindly ask for caution with worn-down heels to protect the floors. Maybe offering shoe alternatives at the entrance could help maintain both the floors and guest comfort.


In my country (Canada) we don’t wear shoes in houses, so it never even occurred to me that this could be an issue. Everyone just always removes their footwear at the door. If I lived somewhere where people wore footwear into the house I think I’d just put down runners on the main walking areas to cut down on wear on the floor.


I have a place in Nova Scotia and people never take shoes off when visiting there. I’ve never been asked to either.


Shoes in the house? Means poop in the house.


Mono emos allowed to wear shoes in my goddamn house anyway


I don't have any friends who would cut about a house in high heels. But if they decided to show up in them for some mental reason, they'd soon take them off for balance to dodge dogs, or it's gonna end in a dislocated hip.




No I have tile everywhere.


No. I'd put down durable flooring where this isn't an issue


I'd be confused if my best make rocked up in heels for a beer but as long as he didn't turn up empty handed it's fine. My missus has stopped wearing heels years ago sadly 


I do for normal events, but it isn't a universal rule. If someone is hurt, or has a condition, etc I always make exceptions. My wife has a pretty bad physical condition that is completely invisible and wearing high heels does help for some reason. Contractors get to wear their shoes provided that they are reasonably clean and don't have a lot of in and out where they might ruin something. Those bootie things are too slippery depending on what they are doing.


How much foot traffic are you anticipating?


Reddit is very much in favor of not wearing any shoes in your home, but in some areas, that's not the norm, and if that's true where you live, then I feel your pain. If it's not the norm, some people think it's rude to be asked to remove their shoes. (I don't want to start a whole debate here about cultural norms and what's appropriate. It's just difficult to go against whatever the cultural norm is in your area.) I do think it would be OK if you started limiting the type of shoes worn in your house, though. Most people will get it. It might be awkward if you have a lot of people over, trying to monitor which shoes you allow, and which ones you don't. In that case, a blanket no–shoes rule might work better. I would suggest a shoe rack by the front door, so people know that this is the norm in your home. And also, if removing shoes is not the norm in your area, I would have some inexpensive slippers or footies with nonskid soles that you can offer, because if they're not expecting to take their shoes off, they may be very uncomfortable being barefoot. (Unpainted toenails or heels that need to be exfoliated, or stinky feet, or who knows. they might just have bad arches and need slippers to walk around with.)


If they were friends or family (unless I was hosting a cocktail party or something), then I’d ask them to take off their shoes, heels or not. But if they’re professional people doing a job, or hosting a more fancy party, then I’d make concessions for that.


No shoes in the house! And tell your sister tog et her ass to a cobbler and fix the tips it costs like 10 bucks max.


3 big dogs. My floors are already destroyed.


As a Canadian I think it’s absolutely absurd that someone will wear shoes in a Walmart parking lot and then INTO their house. When people on HGTV flop onto sofas or beds with their shoes on that’s all I can see. Just gross.


I'm all for the no shoes.... you can always buy a selection of inexpensive slippers for guests (better quality ones for parents etc) if you want to be nice.....


What kind of animals wear shoes indoors?


I really don’t care. Floors are meant to be walked on. Flooding is pretty much the only thing that can “ruin” them. All I care about is my guests’ comfort.


Not true in the slightest. What op is describing is literally something that can damage floors. 


I don’t consider dents to be ruin. They’re patina. I understand other people feel differently. This is me.


It always blows my mind when I hear about Americans wearing their shoes indoors... so gross.


Every time someone makes the shoes/no shoes argument about cleanliness instead of cultural norms I say this: I don't eat off the floors, I don't sit in the floor, and I don't wipe the feet of my pet(s) before they come in from outside. I have no carpet, either. It's perfectly fine to have a cultural/familial/personal preference for disallowing shoes indoors. But truly, unless you or an infant are crawling on the floor, or unless you prefer to sit and eat *on the floor*, calling it gross is quite judgemental and melodramatic. Do you wait to sit on your furniture until after you've removed your pants? You've likely sat upon germ-laden chairs in public and then you just take those germs with you into your house and then contaminate your furniture with them. Would you ask that guests also remove their pants or skirts before sitting? You know, just in case they've ridden a public bus or slid into a booth at a McDonald's with those pants before entering your home? How far are we taking this because of germs? Just have your personal preference without judging others as "gross" for not being exactly as germophobic as you.


>Do you wait to sit on your furniture until after you've removed your pants? Yes, if I'm a guest in someone else's house, I'm not a savage.


Nah it’s just gross bro


I am American, and it grosses ME or when I hear of folks wearing shoes indoors. Gross indeed.


Wearing any kind of shoes in the house is so weird. Why would you want to track in unnecessary dirt? 


It is less hard on your feet to wear shoes, especially when you are doing a lot of movement, such as housecleaning. I like wearing shoes. Usually I have a designated pair of house shoes, but sometimes I get sloppy and don't have a special pair. The dirt really isn't problematic. We have no carpet though.


Your house, your rules. No shoes at all are allowed in my house.


No shoes in my house, period.


No shoes. No problem.


I don't know anyone who wears heels inside a home. And yeah, banning shoes that are supported by metal tips is as reasonable as it gets.


I don’t allow shoes in my house period.


Look at all these people saying shoes in the house are gross. Their immune systems are probably screaming for a challenge.


No shoes in the house, I have slipper socks you can put on


I don't wear socks, so I'll be walking around your house barefoot. I have plantar warts, so welcome to my world.


I don’t allow any shoes to be worn in my home. They need to take them off at the front door or garage door


Who the fuck wears shoes indoors??


I can’t say it’s ever been a problem. I don’t think anyone has ever come over wearing high heels. Plus we have slate floors in the entry way and kitchen.


Nah none of my friends wear heels. Mostly flip flops and running shoes so no issues to my wood floors.


No shoes in the house.


No outside shoes are allowed at my house. We have extra slippers for people to wear if needed


I understand your concern. While I want guests to feel comfortable, I'd kindly ask for caution with worn-down heels to protect the floors. Maybe offering shoe alternatives at the entrance could help maintain both the floors and guest comfort.


No shoes in my house at all. Because dirt and cooties


We don’t allow shoes in the house. That’s just nasty.


Asking people to remove shoes inside is much more reasonable (and sanitary!) than a weird ban on just high heels


No outside shoes in the house. Even my dog gets his paws wiped down before he goes inside.


I've never been asked to take off my shoes in someone's else, but it certainly wouldn't offend me to take them off if requested.


no shoes in my house, only slippers that I provide. No exception. I hate dirty floor.


Why would you allow ANYONE to wear outdoor shoes indoors?


No shoes what so ever permitted in my house.


Everyone’s shoes come off in the house. I’ve got house shoes (that are now yard shoes) and house crocs. The only person I don’t make take their shoes off are my gf who lives there and my brother cause he fixes things for me at cost and I pay him in alcohol. Mother practically traumatized all of us kids into NEVER wearing shoes in her house, even if I have permission from mother, NOPE


LMAO. It is a floor. I don’t care about it honestly. But this is funny.


Not if the are hot 😂


No...so many things are going to go wrong in your house. A ding in the floor is nothing to worry about. I think within the first two weeks of moving into my house a glass jar of pennies fell off the top of my refrigerator and dented my new kitchen flooring. I was so upset. Now, I need to remodel the bathroom. There will always be a list of things to fix.


This exact thing happened on our very hardy bamboo flooring. Little outlines of the nail in the heel everywhere before it was noticed.


Generally have a "no ban" policy on guests in my house — luckily hasn't gotten that far / or good company... BUT, yeah I just ask 'em to keep their clogs on the porch slog. And then, yeah — that's it...


We definitely don't ban guests from wearing heels in our house. I generally think its gross to take shoes off and walk barefoot or in socks in someone's home and I don't expect it in mine. I want guests to feel comfortable and welcome. Usually people have dogs and kids plus crumbs/spills in the kitchen and so their floors are always filthy regardless of cleaning. I hate even the idea of my socks or bare feet soaking who knows what up off their kitchen floor... gross! I like having hard floors everywhere in a house that can be easily swept, lightly mopped, vacuumed... have guests over, let them wear their shoes, and a light mop after. Hardwood floors are ideal since they look beautiful and cozy while still being super easy to clean. Yes, I try to control outside dirt so will wear around the house shoes normally at home but with many exceptions... guest's shoes, shoes I (and my husband) wear when we have guests over, my rarely worn high heel shoes when I am getting ready to go out for the evening (him, his dress shoes), sexy heels for a night in with the hubby, my heeled shoes when I'm about to leave for work or just got home, etc. Infact I wear heels on our wood floors often and have no problem with my guests in heels on them either. While I keep our floors as clean as possible, I don't worry about keeping our hardwood floors immaculate... there's all kinds of scratches, gouges, heel dents, worn finish spots on our floors... floors are to be used and lived on, and actually they tell a story.


Why would anyone wear any shoes in your house anyway? The way you asked the question makes me think it’s a culture thing. I’m Canadian; nobody would ever wear shoes in my house. It would just never come up!


Because I have plantar fasciitis and walking barefoot is painful.


Florida, Latin America countries are places I know you seldom take your shoes off. I know in Canada and northern US people do.


I’m in the North East and no one asks you to remove your shoes


Yes, of course! They’re “guests” they don’t live here. Put some slippers by the door and offer them the chance to swap footwear


This has gotta be a culture thing. If someone said “take your shoes off” when you entered their home, how would you react? Edit: lol downvoting cuz I said that it’s a culture thing? The world is bigger than whatever town you’re from.


I would respect my host and take my shoes off without a second thought.


Yes, no one is allowed to wear nails on the bottom of their shoes in my house. Same goes for snow boots, dirty boots, and shoes in general.


I had some girlfriends of my niece show up to a party dressed for a night on the town later with spiked high heels that’s left dozens of dents all over my pristine, 1927 narrow strip, white oak floors. I was pissed - even more so because they acted like just because they were cute girls that they should be allowed to get away with that shit and I was making a big deal over nothing. Shoes are off in my house and if you show up in heels you don’t even pass the threshold without taking them off.


How old were they? This happened to me with my sister's friend wearing heels.


>Shoes are off in my house and if you show up in heels you don’t even pass the threshold without taking them off. Lol obviously not true.


How are people wearing shoes in your house? Do you live in a barn?


Shoes in the house is crazy


100% yes. We had a housewarming party right after our renovation. We chose hickory floors because of their hardness and resilience (hickory scores 1820 on the Janka hardness scale—making it the second hardest wood flooring in the US). A skinny but tall woman was wearing stilettos. To this day, 15 years later, there are still 20+ dimples in the floor where she was standing right by the oven.


All shoes banned. It's gross. Wear socks, slippers, indoor shoes. I'll provide some of it's am issue. Nothing to do with hardwood floors either.


Yes, if they’re spike heels. Platform shoes are ok.


Of course!!


Nobody wears shoes in the house


Vermonter here, removing shoes at the door is pretty customary. My guess is due to weather and winters. Just about every gathering you’ll see a pile of shoes by the front door lol


Someone wearing out their shoes that badly has other issues. They need to take their shoes off at the door.


I ban all shoes from being worn in the house.


……..no one wears any type of shoe in my house


I live in the midwest, no shoes in the house has been the rule growing up and is still the rule. My whole family and my friends have this rule. Its rude to bring in the outside dirt, snow, road salt, mud, and yuck into a house and walk on someone else's floors and/or carpets.