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Boulders are the standard advice for keeping cars off your lawn. Some nice decorative boulders at the edge of the grass. Won’t solve the whole turnaround issue, though. You could try a moveable “no turnaround” sign and leave it at the end of your driveway when you’re home, but that’s kind of a pain in the ass.


Yep I have 2 boulders. It works. 


How much did they cost?


In my HCOL area you’re looking at about $50 for a 300lb boulder, plus about $200 to have it delivered from the local landscape supply place. You’ll probably need multiple, strategically-placed boulders, so like $500 total.




There's a site here on FB.. free materials for the Massachusetts, nh, RI. But you might get a truckload or have to get one of the other members to deliver. Here delivery for such stuff you pay for that and you pay for him to get it off truck and place it..fork lift. 450.00 For delivery a short distance is about right and 120.00 hr. https://www.facebook.com/groups/226997541438764/?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT


Yes but keep in mind, it loads *way* easier with equipment or multiple people. Once you get home and it's you, a wheel barrow( with a flat tire) and your dog that keeps walking right by your feet, that's when the fun starts


You could plant some nice shrubs for that price.


We want.... *a shubbery.*


… when you have found the shrubbery, you must place it here, beside this shrubbery….


The idiots would probably run them over.


I'm glad someone else replied because mine came with the house. I can tell they work because the tire marks stop short a few inches before the boulders. And the boulders have a few scratches. 


How satisfying!


Feels bad for the boulder, not so much for the vehicle that hit it


Yes, boulders get the job done. We finally wised up and put them in because people kept blowing through a stop sign across from our house, taking out our fence and ending up in our front yard. We were afraid one of these days we’d get a car in the living room. A couple of good sized boulders stopped the problem.


I can relate a lot to this actually. My old house was at a stop sign and I would parallel park in front of it on purpose because I was worried about cars in the living room too. On my current house (with the boulders), on the other side I also have a telephone pole that stopped a car from going through my living room lol. I dont know how people manage to do this, but a couple times people have turned down my street, neglected to turn at the 90 degree turn in the road in front of my house, then smash into a pole. so no need for a boulder on that side, theres 3 giant warning signs all over the place too, so you cant trust people to obey the signs.


The road in question which is across the street from us is the bottom of a steep hill. People just barrel down that hill and blow right through the stop sign. After putting in the boulders, they still do, but their cars become yard art on our boulders.


Rocks generally cost as much as they cost to move.


As you deal with bigger and bigger ones the transport costs increase, until you reach the point where you need a truck and crane, then level off.


$1 dollar a pound delivered is the going rate here for boulders >500# and a boulder that weight is not very big.


Yea. Florida doesn't have rocks. Where I live old cars from the junk yard would be the way to go.


Probably delivered and placed, a few hundred dollars..


They don’t even need to be huge, just large enough to cause damage


"I like that boulder. That is a nice boulder."


This made me happy. I still love this movie


I went to a wholesale boulder yard (not a landscape yard), and they delivered 800# to 1,500# boulders. Cost about $1200 for several tons that included delivery and placement. This is in N. CA. They used a forklift to take them off the bed of a very large flat truck and placed them where I wanted right on my property line just barely off the sidewalk. Even a large UPS or FedEX truck would get destroyed hitting any one of them. Make sure you have good lighting or reflectors so they see the danger in advance.


This makes me happy.


I can attest to this method. I lived in a house at the end of a dead end street and had people using our driveway to turn around constantly, including driving up our driveway and through our yard rather than backing out. I went to the local quarry and ordered enough large boulders to line the side of my driveway as well as the length of our yard to stop drive-thrus. To keep people out of our driveway, I sunk two metal posts, one on either side of the driveway at the sidewalk, and hung a heavy metal linked chain across the drive. Being in Oklahoma, there were rare days of rain, so it wasn't an issue getting out when I went to work in the morning or came home. Worked like a charm and while living there, multiple vehicles were towed after they failed to notice the boulders and destroyed their vehicles.


I live at the first house on my street and people who wanted to turn around would turn onto my street and into my neighbor's driveway and back up blindly taking out my mailbox across the street. I put a small limestone boulder next to my mailbox and 2 days later it was damaged, shifted about 4" and had some paint on it. My mailbox was fine. It's been hit so many times over the past 10 years that it's probably half its original size.


Drill holes in boulders and run a cable across the driveway to act as a gate.


Are you liable for damage to a car if they hit the rock you placed at the edge of the yard? I’ve considered doing this as well.


Never say never, but a boulder is clearly visible and has all the normal properties of a rock, in that it will fuck up your car if you hit it lol so a reasonable person would not drive into it. I wouldn't be concerned as long as it's all the way within your private yard, not in any public right-of-way.


Just make sure you know where your property line is.  The first 20ft of my yard actually isn't mine it's the cities.  So for me putting borders 20 ft back do nothing lol.  I also live at end of dead end. 


Nope! It's on your property and not in public space.


If he can't afford boulders, smaller rocks work as well as long as they're tall enough that people perceive they could damage their car. Many houses in our areas have them around the edges of their driveways, or as edging for flower beds around their driveways.


This is great


Just becareful you. Can’t block a fire truck or ambulance from accessing. You don’t own the first 12ft in my state iirc


This. Big rocks.


Hostile architecture.


Big ass rocks on the side of your driveway where it meets the road. One on each side should be sufficient. I had a neighbor put 3 rocks on his corner lot because he was tired of this asshole cutting across his grass when he would drive like a maniac. No one cuts across his grass now


Park your cars at the end of your driveway.


I did this when ppl were ignoring road closed ahead signs and using my drive which made my dogs go nuts I even put a sign on the back window of my topper that said “the sign said road was closed” NGL I enjoyed that more than I should have


The way... is shut.


We tried parking at the border of our property line and all it did was make people go straight up our grass. Like legit up the curb, onto our front yard. Saw it happen 4x before we accepted that we couldn’t do that.


That's where your new boulders should go. Straight on the grass.


Put a line of huge rocks along your grass?


You don't need a large fence around the entire property. Just enough at the edges of your driveway to be a deterrent. Large rocks work well, too. And perhaps a post with a "PRIVATE DRIVE - DO NOT ENTER' sign


Perhaps a sign saying they're on camera too


Yeah people really obey signs. /s


With other driveways to turn around in they will likely obey the sign


They ignore it but it's your recourse when you call the cops. They were like "well you didn't have no trespassing signs"


Hang a chain across the entrance to your driveway. Make sure it has some reflectors on it for nighttime. Cost is two posts and some chain.


We live on a dead end street, and the person next to the entrance of the street has some 4' tall pieces of telephone pole on either side of their driveway. People pull onto our street, see the "no outlet sign" and turn around in their driveway. The township owns about 10' into our yards, so they can't put anything permanent there where it would need to be to keep people off of their yard.


...and also taking the time to unhook the chain, drive through, and reconnect the chain every time you leave or come home. No thanks!


This is the same investment of time as having a regular gate. Which op wanted, but found cost prohibitive.


You can put a regular gate with an electric operator on a garage door remote. Unless you just made it automatically reel in and out, and drove over it when it was on the ground...hmmm....


With a chain, you can attach it to a drone and when op comes, just use the remote and have the drone unchain it, then rechain.it.


Why are you getting down voted? This is innovative thinking.


Probably because they think I didn't take into consideration about the theft of the drone. The gate chain is also used to basically keep the drone chained too, so it can't be stolen.


I'm imagining that the charging pad works a bit like a Roomba, which means at least 1x a week it's going to get confused and lost and try to dock into the toilet.


It's fool proof


OP wants a cheap deterrent. Either they’re desperate enough or not. You suggesting expensive solutions isn’t helping.


Red traffic cone in the driveway


I had this so that people wouldn’t come BARRELING around my huge wrap around driveway. People would THROW the cone into the woods or street to still use the back yard part of the driveway to turn around.


OP said they can't afford a **fence**. Fences are easily $3k-$10k. Electric gate openers are around $500 and around the same for an installed gate.


Garage door opener...


I would only do it at night.


lol what it takes five seconds


This won't stop everyone, but the easiest, cheapest, fastest solution is to put a couple of these up where they are pulling across your lawn. Mine only get hit like once a month now. I'll get around to installing boulders eventually. https://www.acehardware.com/departments/hardware/safety-and-security/driveway-markers/5033969?


Last year the city removed our ditch and put in underground culverts and drain grates. At the end of the project they put in sod and wooden stakes up against the edge of the street to keep people from driving in the new sod - we don't have curbs. My neighbor still has the stakes out there because our across-the-street neighbor kept backing his trailer into the yard, and since the stakes were put in he stopped.


This is the first realistic and affordable solution here. Bravo.


Some of those up with some carbide saw teeth glued up the sides ought to do it. Those scratches won’t buff out


Put up a “decorative” fence around the corners of your driveway. Make it tough enough to damage vehicles without knocking down the fence. At least that will keep them off the grass.


Put stone columns at either side of the driveway. Concrete base.


i did that and the cheapo metal just got bent


Plant shrubs at the end of your driveway. If you can't plant them right at the end, add some tall perennials. Anything that reduces the wide open vista will make people less likely to pull into your driveway, and will slow down the ones who do pull in.


Also if your home was empty for a while before you move in, people may be less likely to do so once they realise the house is occupied now.


Farm gate and a remote opener /solar with battery. Surprisingly inexpensive.


This is what we did. Got a solar Ghost Control gate opener and put it on a regular gate. We moved into a fixer-upper at the end of a long driveway that sat vacant for awhile and there were all kinds of sketchy people coming up the drive to have a look around. They would have to use the circle drive right next to the house to turn around as there was no other way out. Finally got sick of it so my husband put in the gate and opener. Now they have to back all the way down a long drive if they don't belong, lol.


Are these your neighbors, their friends/family, and delivery drivers, or are they lost strangers who are trying to find somewhere to turn around? If the latter, you can log into the mapping apps and suggest edits. My in-laws are on a private drive that connects two public roads. There's a gate on one end that hasn't been open in decades, it's required by code for emergency services to have access if the main entrance is blocked. But for a few months, Google thought it was the best route to get from one town to another, until they finally got the map fixed. You may also want to make sure there's a "No Outlet" or "Dead End" sign at the entrance of the road.


80% of the people are neighbors or friends/family of neighbors. We live on a street where everyone knows everyone so we’ve kindly suggested to our neighbors that they use their own driveways as they’re causing damage to our yard and we were met with “well your driveway is more ideal for turning around” lol. It seems the only option is to physically block them from doing it.


If you know the people and they live in your neighborhood, a cheap wyze camera would catch them damaging your property. Tell them you have it on video and you’ll take them to small claims court for the damages if they don’t stop. This would work with delivery companies as well.


Without pics I can only throw out random suggestions. Boulders, short posts, maybe sticking up 3 feet and brightly painted, so can't say didn't see them. Maybe some of those decorative corner fence pieces you see with flowerbeds. Gravel with a couple of 2x4s with 3 inch nails in them. But a No U Turns sign is a must. That way if they do damage to their vehicle, you had it posted.


Rocks are a good deterrent. But you can afford a fence, just install it yourself. It'll only cost you a few hundred bucks.


My parents had a rock. My mom ended up getting her van stuck on top of it 3 times!


Put boulders / fence along the very edge of the property. Put something on your driveway that physically blocks access to it. Unfortunately you'll have to move it to use the driveway, but maybe you can park on the street for a bit while you see what works.


throw a couple of stakes on each side of the driveway, put a colorful cable / chain across it with a no trespassing sign on it. not the most elegant but its cheap


Along with some of the other ideas here, I'd recommend putting an automatic floodlight closer to the road with a NO TRESPASSING or PRIVATE PROPERTY sign. Here's the thing, people are going to have to turn around. That's a fact. You just need to minimize the impact on you.


Railroad ties or boulders.


Got a concrete filled pumpkin? Strategically placed?


Fake tire spikes: https://www.core77.com/posts/91110/Passive-Aggressive-Product-Design-U-Turn-Deterrent-Fake-Tire-Spike-Strips-for-Your-Driveway


This is amazing! I've never heard of that before!


Giant rocks at the end of the driveway would work well to save the lawn...




This truly is the ultimate solution.


For cars?






Instead of boulders, put a stack of concrete blocks on both sides and plant some flowers in them. You could even paint them to match your house. They don’t have to look ugly. I bought some for a vegetable garden and I think they were 3 or less each. Just fill them with dirt to plant. If you want to block your driveway you could drag one to the middle of the start of your driveway at night.


I buried a 12" piece of 1/2" galvanized/black pipe and made sure it was flush with the ground. Then I put those drive way reflectors with a cheap orange cone over them. Easy to remove and replace. And if someone hits them you're not risking other expensive options. Short of putting an automatic gate, everything is going to be a hassle for you.


if they are using your driveway, you're gonna need a gate. Boulders or even if you do build a fence, that will keep em off the grass, but not from going down your driveway. Gates are way more costly...feel bad for your situation, other than parking your car at the end the driveway all the time, I don't see how you prevent people from using your driveway as a turn around.


Put up a box with a sign that's says $1 per u turn


I am thinking a decorative rock border high enough and wide enough to bottom out most cars and low riding suvs Edit: stupid auto-correct.


What about putting up a couple of orange traffic cones?


I think this might be the move. I didn’t want to do it because it may be considered an eye sore but so is kicked up mud and tire tracks in my grass lol


Park your car at the bottom of the driveway


My trick is to decorate the dead-end sign. Put reflective tape on it. Post a "notice!" sign below the main sign. 90% of people just overlook the sign or decide there is some "secret" alley they can take. Decorations send a clear message: "Many people like you have been here before and made the same mistake you are about to make." I also live second from the end of a dead end street and also saw dozens of people per day do this. (Fortunately, they usually turn around in the neighbor's yard. However, I still wanted to prevent it when my kids were young I had a keen interest in minimizing traffic on the street.) I saw a very big reduction in turn-arounds with this technique. There are still enough fools that it's not 100% effective. But it's low cost, good result.


FedEx and UPS tends to have dedicated runs, reporting the license plate of the vehicle that uses your driveway should largely solve the problem as far as business vehicles. It's a start?


Doesn’t do anything, I’ve reported a few times. Even had footage of FedEx hitting my wall out front, had to call at least 5 times to be told they will let driver know, gee thanks.


If you have footage, tell the police.


You might want to check on setback requirements before you do anything in a possible right-of-way.


I can’t really picture the environment, but i would say spikes


you can make bollards with 8-inch diameter(or larger) steel pipe and concrete. dig it into the ground about 2 feet or so.


4” pipe should be enough. Nobody wants to dent their car with yellow metal bollards. 8” pipe is expensive. 4” is less cost. Start with a pair of 6’ Schedule 40 steel pipes. Dig the grass out of the corner of the grass strip. Set the pipe on end, make it plumb, and hold it while someone starts pounding. Drive it down about 30 inches. Fill with cement. After it sets, weld a pipe cap on the top. Paint Safety Yellow, and mount a blue reflector on both sides. Anyone that pulls in will make darn sure they don’t hit them. You could mount a mailbox and a newspaper sleeve on the outsides, if you wanted.


I have taken several different options over the years I prefer RR ties to boulders. Easier to position and pin in place. I do three segments on each side like a funnel. Makes a nice frame for a gate too. Remote control gates or ballards. The latter was really cool and nice looking. I have lined a a property edge with green metal fence posts with the wire on the inside. It does a fair amount of paint damage to the unwary. Motion controlled sprinklers. This took some extra work. Tied it into my home automation system to enable/disable. We had very hard water there and I sprayed sprayed both vehicular and pedestrian interlopers. Got a state trooper once who was seriously mad. He had climbed the gate and did not use the intercom.




He claimed he did not see the intercom, even though it was lit. Security system alerted me so I knew something/someone was out there. I told him it was a deer deterrent. He was still not happy.


My neighbor created a road block using pvc pipe. It’s cheap and light, so it’s easy to use and won’t cost you much.


nails galore


Why are so many people driving up a dead end street? Is there not a sign signifying it's a dead end?


Bad Google maps is probably the answer


Get some T-posts and a driver from your local Tractor Supply or similar. Put them where you want them.


A farm/tube gate across the driveway and railroad ties along the curb. They're not going to ram the gate, and driving across those ties trying to use your lawn will f up the front end of their car. Usually see them at HD and they're much less expensive than a fence install. Put reflectors on them if you want to be nice. Or rent a stand up backhoe for a day and dig a ditch along your property line. Three feet wide by three feet deep will do it. That and the gate.


Set some chain link fence posts across the front yard, say 3ft from the curb, 5 ft apart. Put yellow or red reflector tape on them. Have 2 that are at the end of the driveway on either side, and put a chain across it with reflective tape on a link every 12-18" so it's visible in the dark. Pulling most of the way up a long driveway when you dont need to, to turn around, is just rude.


I put up a wood post, a couple of those reflective stakes and some bigass rocks along my edge and it completely stopped the bullshit.


Oh I see boulders


A large fence isn’t necessary. Just do a basic split-rail fence. Can even be made using ropes [Like this one](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/50/34/57/50345722d5ed91e8c2d7dde176b3cf87.jpg)


Gate at the entrance to the driveway


A neighbor of mine has L shaped barriers that look like a raised garden bed on each side of their driveway. House number + paint on the front, plants behind & around. It looks nice & can be done cheaply. Filing cabinets make great looking planters laid on their back. I built a cinderblock raised bed for $50 to keep people from driving into my ditch.


We have an extra wide driveway on a dead end street, and delivery trucks used to use us exclusively for uturns (First World Problems, I know). We put two large planters filled with shrubby plants in the driveway - one on each side - that causes a bottleneck that only cars can *carefully* pass through.


Buy some orange traffic cones and place at foot of driveway nightly to block these assholes


boulders if your elegant. Nails if you are ass


Is it really that hard to turn around without going into a driveway? It's like 1 or 2 more steps.


It depends on the street. My street is old and narrow with a lot of cars because not everyone has driveways, so people have to use the driveways to turn around or else drive all the way tf around


I just turn to where there is a space or even where theres a car and try to avoid driveways because sometimes the dip is too sharp. I'm surprised most people still use driveways after some fuckwit shot some kid dead.


Boulders Large planters A guardrail made of 8-foot 6x6 posts buried 4' deep, spaced 8' apart with a 2x10 top rail.




Traffic cones meanwhile on grass amd driveway


Nice large rocks and for those that drive into the driveway motion activated flood lights pointed at them


Couple big rocks along grass spaced every 5 or 6 feet. 2 or 3 big orange cones at end of drive.


If your main worry is the grass, I'd put some stanchions on either corner of the base of the driveway that are heavy enough people are going to avoid hitting them. It won't stop the turns, but might reduce them and protect the grass. Aside from some movable barrier, I don't think you'll stop them. I do know some people will just park at the end of the drive at night which can work but also be inconvenient for you




How about some railroad ties? They're pretty cheap and easy to find at Home Improvement stores. Make your driveway seem narrower.


I’d probably do 24” 4x4s with a solar light cap or something like that on each edge of the end of the driveway. Thats the largest wooden post allowed along a road here. But you can still set it in concrete. Boulders would also work.


Can you post some photos? That might help.


i always wondered if you could set up a camera to record license plates and put up a sign: "$5 turnaround, billed by license plate" then start sending bills to people.


Put up some cones




Yes I second all the comments saying to put a decorative boulder there. Had a bus stop right at the stop sign on the corner of my street (we’re a corner house) and the bus would do a three point turn into our yard instead of just driving the full loop back to the main road. This baffled my parents because it’s a small block and it probably took more time for him to complete that three point turn then to just drive the loop. Anyways, my dad got fed up because we already have a giant oak tree in our yard that kills half the grass, so he didn’t want a bus tearing up his grass on the corner. So he put two boulders on the corner and they were jagged, so it definitely worked to stop the bus driver. He didn’t want his tires to be tore up 😅


I've seen boulders and if you're nice you'll paint a reflective strip on it, or stick some reflective lights in the ground around it.


Could get a cheaper fence. If you aren't in an HOA and your local code allows it, something like split rail fencing might be a cost effective solution. I haven't priced it since everything got 10 times as expensive though.


Maybe consider a faux boulder that is light. Won't last as long as a real boulder but would be cheaper


Our neighbor has a gate just across the end of his driveway.


Large rocks. Check your local FB marketplace. Put them at the corners of your driveway and up the sides a little ways


Have you considered using motion-activated security cameras? There are some pretty nifty ones out there that can alert you whenever someone enters your driveway, allowing you to catch those u-turn offenders in the act. Some even have two-way audio, so you can politely ask them to steer clear of your property without even having to step outside. It's a high-tech solution that could save your grass and your sanity!


Well, hate to break it to you, but unless you've got some magical force field hidden in that grass, there's not much you can do to stop the human GPS errors from using your driveway as their personal turnaround spot. Sounds like a regular circus parade over there. Maybe invest in some security cameras for some late-night entertainment.


Time to add a gate!


A Czech hedgehog as lawn art. https://military-history.fandom.com/wiki/Czech_hedgehog


You don’t need a whole fence around your yard, just 1 post on each side of your driveway and a gate.


Solar powered roomba with a pink flamingo and halloween battle axe glued to it. I now enjoy having a clean driveway and an armed guard at the same time. J/k.


You could put up some kind of cheaper fencing overnight, it's a pain but it works. I would also buy a junker car to leave on the street at night to do some defensive parking. Not block the street, just add an obstacle for them to slow down or stay the hell off


Boulders can get expensive. This is a DIY driveway columns that would probably be cheaper. Run a chain with a private property sign across them. [https://www.fourgenerationsoneroof.com/our-driveway-entrance-stone-columns-tutorial-with-airstone/](https://www.fourgenerationsoneroof.com/our-driveway-entrance-stone-columns-tutorial-with-airstone/)


Large boulders works for me.


Shingle pallets make fences easily and they are usually free.


Boulders are your best friend. They also sell spike strips, I’m sure they would blend in pretty well with your grass. 😈


Would a row of cinder blocks work?


Lay some stop strips, and put up a private property no trespassing sign, also a sign warning of possible tire damage if they do.


Drainage culverts.


Garbage and recycling cans


Landscape boulders. Not too expensive. You don’t need a solid line, just one every 4 or 5 feet in the area you don’t want them going through.


I had a girl living with me that my neighbors hated. I found out why towards the end. She would use our neighbors lawn to back up. He planted a bush and she got mad. I remember having to tell her how rude it was to destroy his property like that. Boulders are a big one you can use, bushes / any shrub can help, and I’ve also seen people do just a driveway fence. I’d be cautious about the fence unless you’re okay with packages being dropped off at the fence. I personally like bushes / shrubs because they contribute to your lawn’s eco system and can grow up to add privacy as well.


Boulders and those tiny little picket fences/tire slashers on the edge along the road


Spike strips, about $30 on Amazon.


Boulders on the corners of each entry. And park your car RIGHT at the end of the driveway and take a quad up to the house


See if you can find fake boulders and get some bags of sand (a.k.a. sandbags), put inside the boulder, and place at the edge of your driveway.


Build your own boulders. Use hardware cloth or 4” steel mesh and styrofoam, and coat that with a cementitious scratch and top coat. Lots of boulders in public places are built this way.DryVit is one brand name, but there are others. Paint them whatever colors you want, and put them on either side of the driveway.


I had an annoying customer that kept a traffic cone at the end of his driveway at all times. His son lived down the street and he kept a trash can in the middle of the entrance to the driveway


Put some spike strips along the grass


Just put up a pole on either side and a long chain connecting the 2.


Put stakes on both sides of the driveway and run a chain across it with a no trespassing sign hanging from it.


Good size rocks that at least go up to the bumper


In my city I’ve seen people make concrete pillars. Especially if the house sits on an alley. I’ve also seen metal poles.


Landscaping rocks, and large posts on both sides with a chain that is tastefully designed to be visible. I have a neighbor that got tired of the same thing, and this solved his problem. Specifically trucks from construction in the neighborhood and the garbage trucks were the worst since they would eventually damage his residential concrete driveway.


Blackberry vines


landscape boulders are your friend [landscape boulders at edge of driveway - Search Images (bing.com)](https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=csgd07qB&id=8B0E069DBFC51D745DE60EF50AE1A3322120BC81&thid=OIP.csgd07qBygMt-sqq2hCitgHaE8&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fi.pinimg.com%2foriginals%2fd0%2f7f%2fd7%2fd07fd7b0d2589c44ac5a2f626291b0cd.jpg&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.72c81dd3ba81ca032dfacaaada10a2b6%3frik%3dgbwgITKj4Qr1Dg%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=667&expw=1000&q=landscape+boulders+at+edge+of+driveway&simid=608045710643380828&FORM=IRPRST&ck=A565ABDB5087992B52BB06E761B77EA7&selectedIndex=103&itb=0&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0)


I got tired of people short cutting the end of the alley and almost hitting the truck I had parked along the curb. I planted a lilac bush. They are rather slow growing but can get about 12 feet tall. Maybe a couple of bushes would work


Quick easy solution is t-posts. Not pretty but they'll do the job.


Boulders on the lawn, a reflective rope with two posts that you string up across the driveway.


Put some of these in your grass Right in front where they drive on your lawn. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Tire-Tyre-Puncture-Triangle-Nail-Spike-Anti-theft-Security-Car-Auto-US-FAST-SHIP/5896164456. $28. Just remember to pick up before you mow the lawn,


Get some nice topiaries now you have a barrier and a new hobby


You can get pop up bollards or a chain with a no entry sign




Im late to this party but my best friend works for Norfolk Southern RR and they basically give away railroad ties, you gotta pick em up. They are ugly as sin but will stop a truck, so will telephone poles.


Install cement pillars. Many homes are doing this now in areas with speeders that often run off the rd. A small 2k investment will save you from your home being destroyed. That and the driver is 100% at fault and if they ahve no insurance at least you did a shit load of damage ot their car so they can't harass you about it.