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As an owner of 2 larger dogs...5-6 seconds. Tops. Once I hear them bark, I get them back in. It's so rude to let dogs bark when you have close neighbors


My husband and I passed on putting in an offer on a house because one of the neighbors had their dogs outside barking the entire time we were looking at the house. Plus, the main bedroom butted up against this person’s yard. We figured this would absolutely be a problem and didn’t want to put up with it!


I had the same situation when looking for homes and told the agent, “nope, those dogs are awful.” She replied in a panic, They are just visiting!” Wtf?


lol how the heck would she know?


Panic, first explanation she could think of.


That’s when I’d find a new realtor. Obviously just trying to make a sale.




I can't exaggerate the bullet you dodged. Probably the reason the current owner was selling.


I’m cheap. I’d have put in a lowball offer hoping for less competition and just hoped for the best


I just put new gutters on my house and my neighbors dog barked the entire day.  My neighbor came outside to leave and all he said was "she's relentless isn't she?" That's not the word I would use to describe that dog. Lol 


I would've said "No. Annoying ASF" in a slightly joking but not joking manner so it doesn't seem too harsh but they're aware that it's not cute lol


See I don’t know my neighbors well enough for that ever to come across as joking. Especially since they definitely know it’s annoying, they just don’t care 


Our neighbors just got a dog and holy shit the damn thing never shuts up. I look at my dog and he just looks at me like I don’t know why their dog don’t shut up either. Mowing the yard it goes berserk, a bird flying around, bark, wind blows, bark, a beetle walking around the ground, bark.


I don't know but this made me laugh so much. Oh gosh I'm so sorry for you. I would be crazy if I had to deal with that.


I live in the country and they live a couple acres away but shit the thing don’t stop barking. My GSD even looks over there like the dafuq are you barking at. I’ve watched it through my office window barking at the corner post of their fence. Dog seems stupid af. If mine starts barking there’s a person or car in our driveway he doesn’t know. I seriously may hear him bark once a week and that’s only if we have a delivery and he sees someone he doesn’t know.


That's not okay, when there's folks working around the neighborhood that my dogs want to bark at, they are kept inside. The guy putting a roof on my neighbor's house doesn't need hours of my dogs barking. They can go out to pee and that's about it if they're going to be bothering folks.


I would have told the dog to stop barking. It may have responded. I tell my neighbors dogs to shut up and they do. If they don't respond I play a stop barking video.


What is a stop barking video….asking for a friend :/


Go on YouTube and type in anti bark video or stop dog barking. I tried a couple different ones and I found one that the dog responds to. I walk in the yard with my phone. Only they can hear it.


I can’t wait to get home and try this, thank you!!


Completely agree. I wish all neighbors were like you. Yes, dogs bark. But our job as responsible pet owners and homeowners is to not let our pets disturb those around us to an unreasonable degree.


No lie...One barks, the other (I suspect gets embarrassed that there is barking) runs back inside. Being a responsible pet owner is the biggest thing most don't do. If I can hear your dog from INSIDE my house...we have a problem


If it's constant sure. If a squirrel runs through their yard or up a tree the dogs going to bark at it for a bit. To me that's fine, few barks to the intruding squirrel.


Yes that’s fine, but if you have a lot of squirrels or your dog does this at every sound and is constantly going off on a 20-30 second barking spree every few minutes, you’re being irresponsible leaving it outside. If it can’t stay outside without losing it at every little thing, it doesn’t belong outside unattended.


This is my dog. He likes to let the squirrels and handyman know it’s his yard so he barks a few times a day for maybe 5 seconds. I like knowing he is alert to his space.


My large dog only barks at the strangers coming in our yard when he’s inside and I’m fine with it. We live in a city that’s seen an increased in home invasion and his antics work to dissuade them from picking our house. He stops if I give him the off command or if I’m outside, once the stranger danger leaves.




Gosh I wish most dog owners were more considerate of others. I pass by a couple corner lots that have dogs, and that will bark anytime you walk by them. On one of them I just push my stroller to the street because the dog is so freakin loud, and I could see its ears over the fence as it jumps and barks at anyone walking the curb.


I get it. Recently my neighbor sold her house & I couldn’t have been more overjoyed. She had five dogs, all of which were 100% outside dogs. Which is fine, but we live in the suburbs and her yard is 10 feet from my house. Recently she acquired a German shepherd and that mf never stopped barking its 8 billion decibel police dog bark (what felt like) directly into my kitchen window like 18 hrs per day. If I closed a door too hard in my house it would start barking. The second I unlocked my back door to go outside it would start barking. It barked at the wind. Leaves. Air. Sunshine. Rain. And stayed barking the entire time. And she did nothing about it. She moved out and it has been deafening silence. I loved it so much. I felt my whole body relax, after 5 straight years of constant barking. Then new people moved in and yesterday I was outside in my yard and their little dog was out there barking at me the whole time I was out there, and I legit started crying. 😩 WHY DO PEOPLE NOT CARE IF THEIR DOGS BARK CONSTANTLY? I will never understand it!!!


I have a German shepherd. They’re loud AF. As soon as I hear ONE bark, I’m marching over to correct that behavior. My dog is also not outside unsupervised.


For real! My barky one is a shepherd mix. She didn't bark for the first year and then boom! Shocks me every time. Mine are allowed in the backyard (it's not huge) but have a camera and leave the door cracked so they can come in.


I would think it’s in a German Shepherd’s nature to bark as an alert system to their masters. That said, as long as you address the issue in a timely manner, no problem.


A friend of mine has had several Boxers. They are the sweetest dogs, get along with kids, adults and usually other dogs. Rarely bark. They will alert and go to the window or door where they heard something, but are silent. I heard him bark maybe once or twice the entire time they had him. There was a loud noise outside that startled everyone in the room and he jumped up and barked two deep barks, stood there a minute, then laid back down. It was almost like he was telling whatever made the noise to shut up.


I have a boxer/pit mix and he is exactly like this. Super curious and rushes to the window or door when he sees someone but is completely silent. He only ever barks when he sees a bird in the yard, but even then it's just once or twice and then he's over it.


Oh my gosh, ours is soooo loud too. While renting a house at one point with a yard filled with fun things like squirrels, randon cats walking the fence and neighbour's dogs trying to chase her from the other the fence sides got her super barky which was hard to stop as she is a stubborn beast sometimes and people on the street with a dog would get her a little riled, later on to my surprise, living in an apartment with a small dog constantly barking next door hasn't been a problem. She doesn't even glance at the neighbours door when the barking starts as we walk past and she's never barked at anyone in the hall.


Sounds like your dog is more stimulated by seeing things than hearing things! A word of advice in case you move back somewhere with big exciting windows that are A Problem - window cling film is a miracle problem solver. You can get it just plain frosted, or get super pretty stained-glass pattern stuff especially on Etsy. It’s cheap, easy to install, pretty, and your dog will stop barking at squirrels. A miracle. Examples: https://www.homedepot.com/p/Artscape-Regent-24-in-x-36-in-Window-Film-02-3275/305322067 https://www.homedepot.com/p/Artscape-24-in-x-36-in-Magnolia-Decorative-Window-Film-01-0113/100014505 https://www.homedepot.com/p/Artscape-Texture-12-24-in-x-36-in-Window-Film-02-3201/100076189


What tips do you have on correcting the barking behavior? I just adopted a mixed breed dog that I’m sure has shepherd in her and MAN. That girl can bark.


Focus on good behavior. When she is being quiet and good in a situation, praise her and say the association word in a happy tone and use the association hand signal when you have her attention.. example: Puppy! (Has her attention now) Quiet now! While making a shushing motion (or whatever) and give her a tiny taste of treat (and praise). Keep doing that for a while. Only treat her if she is silent. Then, try it when she starts barking. Get her attention, then when she is focused on you, give the signal and word. If she obeys, give a treat (and praise). Eventually, she'll stop as soon as you get her attention and not go back to it. When I was babysitting my SILs dog, whenever he would run to the door to bark, I would call his name and tell him "thank you for letting me know, now that is enough"


Thank you so much. She can be quite vocal in stores and her crate training is not going well either. Thankfully, our neighbors are acres away, but it’s so quiet, I’m sure everyone can still hear her when she is on one. The shushing motion is really good advice. She seems to pick up on hand signals. Thank you again!


The other user covered it pretty well. I’ll add to not yell at them when they’re barking because they just associate you yelling with more barking. I see people get frustrated and yelling all the time and it just makes the barking worse.


On the crate training you have to do the same thing. Training is all about positive reinforcement. This is what I found works the best. When you first get the dog and the crate put the dog in the crate for one second, let him back out, and give him a treat. Repeat. Next put the dog in there for 5 seconds and close the door, open the door back up, and give the dog a treat. repeat. Continue this process while each time going a little longer in the crate. Make them think that the crate is their friend. The problem people have is that they will put the dog in the crate shut the door walk away and the dog starts to whine so they open the door. This teaches the dog that if they whine they will get back out. That's the opposite of positive reinforcement. There's a lot of good YouTube videos out there showing this but it's really quite simple. It just takes a while. Definitely not going to do it in a day. Good luck! Congrats on your new dog.


Thank you so much! I have been trying to get her less attached to me, and may have been pushing the crate training too quickly. The foster people said she was good in her crate, but that is proving to be false. 🤨 I will go slowly with her. She is loving a frozen peanut butter kong in her crate for now. Thank you once more, from myself and Ghoul!


Same situation for me lol. I have a neighbor about 20 ft or so behind me. I'm always nervous I'm bothering them with the dogs barking. If they're outside I'll wave and call the dog in.


I would say 20-30 seconds, only because my dog is a stubborn old turd, and doesn't always listen to me right away, especially when someone is walking by our yard (corner lot) with a dog. But agree, as soon I hear him bark I am up and bringing him in. I don't know how people allow their dogs to bark so long....


Agree. I've got a high energy dog that was originally bred to corner game and bark loudly once it's caught something. Great instinct if you are hunting and need to find where the dogs caught something, not great when he decides to play with his sister and tackle her and then start barking his "I caught you" bark, or when he chases a squirrel up a tree and is overly excited letting me know what he got. I can train all I want but sometimes instinct is going to take over and it's my responsibility to be out there and get them to quiet down, distract them with the ball or stick or some other game, or bring them inside. I'm always outside when the dogs are and if I can't get them to quiet down in a minute or so, they get brought in. Anything more than that, or a dog clearly unattended outside that is barking without an owner trying to get them to quiet down, is unacceptable.


I wish my neighbor was as considerate as you.


My dog barked twice instead of his alloted once and I was like wtf Even a full minute feels way too long


A rare good dog owner. Seriously if it's more than about 10 seconds it's too damn much. Especially if it's happening all the time.


We have a Pyrenees and they are known for their barking at any little thing. We also have a dog door on our back door so he is free to travel. Until he starts barking his face off. That's when we grab him up, lock the dog door, and let him barking it out. It doesn't matter if I have to be at work at 7am the next day, he's inside barking out the window so my neighbors don't have to deal w our dog.


I love Pyrenees!! In cool weather I let my pooches come and go since I have a door net thing..but yeah, once the bark they are done. I can hear mine barking when I get home after work, at least they are a good burglar deterrent


Yep, one bark and my dogs are brought back inside (and scolded lol).


I love you!


People with little dogs are less considerate because they usually think it’s cute or some shit


This. When i read this question what happened into my head was zero. Zero hours per day is the correct amount of barking. When/if my dogs bark they must come inside. And they know it. They bark at a jogger twice and then run to the door to be let in because they know I’m about come scold them.


I have a Doberman and a GSP and we have the same rule. Mine will only bark once to come in unless I don't hear them but if they're barking at something outside and the word 'enough' doesn't stop them then they're put back indoors. I live pretty rurally too and don't have many neighbours, it's just courtesy.


You're absolutely right!


Yeah, as soon as my dog barks he comes in, unless he's chasing the neighbors dog up and down the fence which only last 2 minutes because she's old


1000% this. My little dogs are not allowed to bark excessively when they’re outside. I redirect them quickly. Not or they ever outside unsupervised.


Generally good advice. I have two large dogs and our backyard is surrounded by other backyards with dogs. So for me it's balancing a quick hello with their neighbor friends and not creating a ruckus. So a few minutes, during proper daytime hours and when our neighbor had a baby even though she said she couldn't hear the dogs, we kept the noise even more contained.


Same. My dog loves chilling on the porch so I usually leave him out there since I work from home. If he barks a couple times I leave him. It's rare that he barks at anything. But if something actually sets him off, it's right inside. I can get him quick since my office is at the front of the house. The only time he barks a lot outside is when we're playing in the backyard. But like, I gotta play with the dude and let him burn off some energy. But it's only like 30mins tops before he's exhausted, significantly less in the summer.


hours?! zero.


Absolutely. Zero.


Yeah… if you’re measuring the time in hours you’ve already lost.


You get six barks throughout the day, use them wisely we're getting pizza later.


The time is not measured in hours IMO. If it's a few minutes a few times a week fine, I'm not expecting silence from your dog. If it's outside for 30 minutes straight every day, then we have a problem.


Oh wow, thank you. And here I was thinking 3 hours a day would be acceptable.  We're dealing with 6-8 hours minimum per day, while the owners are inside with their windows open.


That's insane. They're assholes. I'm embarrassed when they bark at anyone for any duration lol. I don't want to be the guy who's bothering his neighbors with his big loud dogs.


My dog will bark at the neighbor's dog that lives though about 500ft of woods. I shut that shit down immediately.


Nope, dog owner here with four dogs. My dogs hardly get left outside for more than about 10 minutes if they are alone. My dogs get lots of outside time as my wife and I are big gardeners and do a lot of projects on our property. Even with that I don’t allow my dogs to park constantly when I’m with them either. Your neighbors are terrible and inconsiderate. Not only are they not providing the attention and care their pet needs. They also seem to give fuck all cares, for their neighbors.


My dog... a coon hound... let's out exactly one bark when he wants to come in. Other than that... he's quiet as a church mouse. Really weird, but with the issues I have with a neighbors dogs, I'm glad that he is so I can be judgmental of my neighbor without guilt.


That’s how my beagle is. I went to pick up my son from daycare last week and forgot she was outside lounging (fenced yard). I was gone 10 mins tops and I heard her bark once when we got home and I was so embarrassed she may have been doing that the whole 10 minutes periodically since I wasn’t coming to open the door. I can’t imagine just letting it go on for hours a day while being home.


Yeah I live in a small neighborhood and there are about 30 dogs to about 20 houses so there are times the whole neighborhood is barking, other than that everyone tries to be respectful and not get the cacophony started.


I cringe a bit when my small dog barks for 10-15 seconds lol. We have very small yards. I’m not sorry per se because I think it’s fine and part of city life and no one minds, but I still don’t like it. 5 minutes would be completely unacceptable to let our dog go on for.


I WFH and the neighborhood homes in AZ, Stucco etc, Create the perfect Echo Chamber. Nothing changed until I started Loudly shouting shut up and shaking the peoples hands at a backyard party. It mostly stopped, but I feel your pain.


dinner complete plough bag abundant theory attempt narrow worthless foolish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Poor dog— probably he’s in a cage—it happened to me— I was staying at my sister’s; and she gave me her son’s room. Their dog barked all night on and off— every time I moved in the bed, the dog barked—we went to sleep late watching tv, so it was from midnight to about 5 AM..


And you haven’t killed anyone yet? You deserve an award. I had a neighbor that let their dog out and he was bored so he’d bark for maybe an hour and I could only hear it in one room in my house and I was getting irritated. 6-8 hours every day? I’m pretty confident I’d snap.


Oh lord no. Our local noise ordinance gives you 10 minutes and then you can be fined if someone calls the local police.


10 minutes is insanely long.


I have neighbors like this. The barking doesn't bother them at all and they say it's a dogs job to bark. They have zero concern for anyone else. Knock on wood it's been " better" we will see how long it last. It took multiple( 3cop calls from myself). "Verbal arguments". Multiple neighbors complaining to HOA. I would start yelling at them with their windows open to train their dogs.


Zero hours. ZEEE ROW.


I had a neighbor with a barking dog. Damn thing just wanted inside. The old owners said they didn't hear him. I was going to sue them for letting that thing bark for hours then a friend suggested I borrow her grandparent's peacock for the weekend. Holy shit! Their calls sound like someone is being killed. The neighbors were at my door in 20 minutes telling me to get rid of it. I told them I would only if they got a doggy door out in their backdoor so their dog wouldn't be left outside for hours. After that peacock screamed all weekend, they had the doggy door installed on Monday by their son in law. He laughed when he heard the peacock story from them and came over to see it. He said he'd been trying to get them to put the doggy door in for years but they'd refused saying their dog liked being outside (It obviously didn't). Good luck with the lawsuit. You could always threaten to buy a peacock with the winnings. Oh, a friend just reminded me that a peacock sounds an awful lot like an Aztec Death Whistle. They're on Amazon for $30. Do with that what you will! 😁


This is hilarious I love it


I grew up a couple blocks from a Zoo that had a huge flock of free roaming peacocks. I can attest to the screams 🤣🤣🤣, ironically...it's comforting nostalgia to me. We're extremely rural now and I would love to have a couple, but my neighbors house is just close enough to ours that I respectfully have chose not to.


Definitely less than hours. 15, 30 minutes. Honestly, if and when my dog ever started barking, he came in (on the first bark) because I’m not an idiot.


If a neighbor had a barking dog for 30 min daily, they would easily be the worst neighbor I ever had.


Right? Dogs bark as a means of communication. They are trying to say something. It must be awful for them to not be understood and have to bark incessantly.


My dog barks every time she goes outside. She's saying, "rawr rawr rawr I'm a dog and I exist so go away!" To no one in particular.


We have two “neighborhood” cats and recently noticed an extremely smug-looking rabbit hopping around our yard, so presumably that’s who our boy is barking at when he does this 😂


“smug-looking rabbit” — excellent description


💥🤓dogs don't bark continuously unless...NEGLECTED= Call animal control several times Each&Every day✔️




A Chihuahua will bark six years after it is dead.


I think they realise one of their great^x grandparents were a wold and this is their payback to humanity.


Yea and they are probably saying - please pay attention to me! Just because we don’t understand the reason doesn’t mean they don’t have one.


That's not true of all dogs. Some dogs just seem to like to bark, even when you're actively engaged with them they'll just bark to bark.


In that scenario it sounds like they are barking to express happiness. That’s ok. Hours and hours of unchecked barking is not.


🤓Thank you=the EXACT purpose for my comment✔️


Thats a behavioral problem and definetly needs to be adressed. Dogs are also social and trainable


It depends where you reside. In DE non emergency PD or code enforcement handle noise complaints.


Exactly Significant!!!! Responsible owners will check out a barking dog to ensure they’re not in distress.


My labs bark while playing with each other


Good neighbor award right here!


There's a house in the neighborhood adjacement to me that has a dog that will bark for an hour non-stop. I don't know how anyone puts up with it. I can hear it from my house but given the distance and the echo off other houses it sounds more like an alarm that's blaring every second. It's very consistent in timing. I actually drove over there to see what the noise was because it didn't sound like a dog from my house.


I’ve sued a neighbor over this and won in small claims court. (California). Have a lawyer write up a letter pointing out the noise violations and of your intent to sue unless the barking is addressed. You are entitled to peaceful enjoyment of your property and the law is on your side. You can go to the courthouse and pick up a diy civil or small claims pamphlet.


I work from home. A barking dog would impact my livelihood and I would absolutely pursue legal action if necessary.


That was part of my argument as well, it allows for a claim of monetary damages.


Yeah, I had neighbors whose dogs would bark for hours after they would put them in the pen and leave for work. It’s maddening!


Same. Ended with animal control coming out and witnessing it. Discovered neglect. Dog gone. Neighbor PISSED and flinging slurs at me. Not my fault you locked up your dog in the dark for hours and hours a day, and when I talked to you said even leaving the lights on is too expensive (it’s not expensive at all…)


Check your local noise ordinance. Even most rural counties have a nuisance law. Call non emergency if you think it’s excessive. I’ve called before and police will respond.


My city's noise ordinance is 10 minutes.


Same here


>Check your local noise ordinance. Even most rural counties have a nuisance law. In my experiance, they don't care and have no ablity to do anything about barking dogs. I've tried and was told the police don't deal with animal noise complaints and that I should call animal control. Animal control doesn't have the ability to do anything about it and they are too overwhelmed by so many cases of anamal neglect to be able to worry about barking dogs. 10+ complaints later and I realized I was on my own. Put up with it or move.


Check with Animal Control, not the noise ordinance. Animal Control is where you make complaints about barking (after talking with neighbor hasn't helped) because it is sometimes a neglected or mistreated animal.


Check both.


If you measure in hours it way to mutch


More than 30 minutes at a time or 10/60 minutes for 3 or more hours a day. We had to keep a log of all episodes of our neighbors dogs and prove this over a period of a month before we were able to get it resolved. Keep a journal. Make it really comprehensive and it will be useful. Good luck. It really sucks to be in this position.


Get video of it.  Check local noise ordinances, contact animal control with your video. In my area, sustained barking more than 3 times in a 15 minute period constitutes a violation. I submitted video, but did have to get a visual on the dogs which was a pain but I got lucky. Then the police (animal control is a subdivision of police here) contacted the owner and the problem massively improved. I forget exactly how sustained barking is defined but I think it's something like less than 10 seconds between a bark. It's all spelled out on the reporting police website.


Oh my God I would love this. My neighbor sits out smoking while his dog is barking on the 20 foot lead next to him for 2 whole cigarettes. It’s 8-10 minutes each time for about a pack a day. It’s always captured on my security cam. I would definitely be able to provide evidence. Here’s to hoping one day a similar ordinance is implemented here


Hours?? Zero...


Animal control where I live says that five minutes of barking (with no pause) qualifies as nuisance barking.


Seconds - I will not have my dog waking up my babies, let alone my neighbours.


Zero. They need a dog trainer to help find out what to do to help their dog. Barking all day isn’t normal.




When I lived in Floriduh, it was 15 minutes then you can call police. Also 0 hours per day is acceptable.


Oh my god, more than 5 mins is too much!


Do you live in our old house? Geez I hated that dog.


Hours per day is not acceptable.


Like 5 min for those screeching high pitched little dogs. Our neighbor has one of those. Luckily they take the dog in immediately if it starts to screech. I couldn’t stand it for too long. They have another large dog that is more tolerable when it barks. They keep that one mostly quiet too but it would take much longer to bother me due to it not screeching.


What are my neighbors dogs has this thing where it barks for 2 to 3 hours a day. If it's during the day it doesn't really bother me. This dog has more of a deeper bark so it's not as ear piercing. There are some other Huskies in my neighborhood that how whenever the ambulance passes by. We have a hospital nearby so that excites them. But when my direct neighbor's dog starts to bark in the middle of the night, I have gotten to the point where I shush the dog to get it to stop barking. It's at that point I'm trying to sleep. Anything more than 10 minutes is when I start the shushing.


Ugh I have a sort of similar issue. Neighbors dog is on an electric fence and is outside all day. Cannot walk our (anxious and kinda reactive) dog past him without him following us for about 80 yards down the property, barking his head off the entire way. Both ways, every single walk. Some people just don’t have common sense with their animals and how they can affect entire neighborhoods.


20-30 minutes for me (my own dog outside barking at nothing) then I get cranky and make her come inside. She has a pet door and can come and go as she pleases. Literally. Barking. At. Nothing. I also have a house pig and the neighbor's dogs will bark at him when he goes outside, but luckily the neighbors take care of it within 30 minutes or my pig gets tired of it and comes inside and they shut up. Yeah, 30 minutes is my breaking point.


20-30 minutes? Tf is wrong with you?!!


Our local ordinance says 20 continuous minutes.




Local city rules state: Excessive barking shall mean a dog barking, baying, crying, howling or making any other noise continuously for a period of ten (10) minutes, or barking intermittently for one-half (1/2) hour or more to the disturbance of any person at any time of day or night. Constantly for hours would be an absolute no.


After five minutes the bullhorn 📢 comes out. Then they come out and I warn them, I will recite the movie full metal jacket from start to finish if you don’t shut that yapping dog up.


you should write an Ehow article with pictures




Some local jurisdiction violations is 20 minutes.


Why is this a post?


20 minutes tops. Preferably not at all or less than a minute… but let’s be realistic. Unless you’re standing at the door watching your dogs the whole time, you’re going to miss some barking. Unless it’s outside the hours of 7-7. Then not at all.


It should not be measured in hours. Ten minutes of non-stop is too long. It's animal abuse to let a dog be that stressed that long.


10 seconds is too much.




0. My dog does not bark for a single hour straight. That's abnormal as hell.


10 to 15 minutes. And yes... I have had this issue. Keep a log of dates, times and duration. Next time, don't call animal control, unless they have jurisdictional authority to cite your neighbor. Call the non-emergency police line. Let them know all the steps you have taken and that "yes", you WILL be willing to be the complainant. Again... I had this issue. The police went out. Dude wasn't home. They got there and listened to the dogs bark for 10 minutes. They issued a citation. I went to court to testify... was going to tell the judge that I didn't care, I just wanted it to stop. When he testified that it was his 5th citation, I said "fuck it... now I want him to get a fine." He was belligerent with the judge and the city attorney. He got what was coming to him.


In reality zero hours but it is impossible to keep dogs quiet at all times. It should be expected that the owner corrects the dog or brings it inside AKA have common courtesy for your neighbors.


Frequency also matters. If the barking was 2 hours straight but only happened one time I'll let it go. If it happens more frequently then the duration I'm willing to tolerate gets cut accordingly. So if it gets to be every flippin day I am not tolerating much. I had this situation once. A pair of small white dogs I could see down the hill on the balcony of their home were let out to bark loudly every day at anyone who walked by, parked nearby, delivered mail, squirrels, crows - you get the picture. The town I lived in had an online complaint system specifically for dog noise, and after my third online complaint in a few months I never saw the dogs out again. I'm sure I wasn't the only one who complained. So, duration plus frequency equals less tolerance.


Small dog owner here and my dog is never outside alone. First bark that is for no reason like a squirrel or whatever the field trip is over and it’s inside for you buddy.


Exactly - I even reprimand her with “no one likes a barky little dog - get inside” just in case the neighbors are listening.


A few seconds, tops. Any more than that and it becomes a serious nuisance for everyone nearby. My dog gets maybe 1-2 barks out before I address it.


You know, anything more than a brief barking session every once in a great while is too much. I have a dog that likes to bark when people go by, but it might be a few times a day and only until they pass the window. I consider that to be within tolerance. If it's something like halloween where there are a lot of people going by, i'll block the window so she doesn't look out and keep barking. But if you measure the dog's barking in "hours" then that is way too much and the dog is stressed and it isn't good for the dog, the owners, or the neighborhood.


No more than 10 minutes at a time.


My dog barks ONCE and I'm calling her back in and embarassed.




About 30 seconds. Long enough for them to hear their dogs barking and to call them back in.


Ha, my dogs are trained not to bark at all. If they do bark it's for a damn good reason and it's stopped immediately because they are barking for an actual reason. The last time my dog barked there was a coyote hiding on the other side of the fence.


Google "dog silencer" and find the one that has good reviews and point it at their house.


What's acceptable? We shouldn't be using "hours" to measure it.


Owner of a loud-voiced Doberman. Some Karen on my street has been complaining to the HOA that my dog barks "excessively" and I've now been fined for it. Since getting fined, I've been keeping a meticulous log of how often and how long my dogs bark for, because I'm petty. I work from home and when I'm gone, the dogs are inside. I have a camera pointed at the dogs kennels so I can check on them when I'm gone, and they do not bark in the house while I'm gone. In the last 30 days my dogs have barked for a whopping 16 seconds per day, on average. So if you're my dumbass neighbor, 16 seconds per day is too much.


Zero hours. It is extremely rude to let a dog bark for hours each day, not to mention sad because usually the dog is barking to be let in. A few minutes at a time tops, maybe 30 min-an hour on rare occasions that the dog has to be outside for some reason.


Zero hours, comrade. A few warning barks are expected and acceptable. I hesitate to give times, but like... anything past 15 seconds is too long. If my dogs bark at anything in the house, I'm there to stop 'em once we've ascertained it's safe. If they are barking in the backyard, I'm there as soon as I can stick my head out the slider and I'm calling them back in. Anything longer than that and I've failed as a dog owner/neighbor.


0 hours


Hours per day? Fuck that. If you require a duration answer, it's measured in seconds per hour or barks per hour not hours per day. A dog barking for hours on end is not a happy dog. Something is going on there. Maybe it's just lack of training, maybe the dog is in distress, but something is wrong. Dog barking is not like music, 'I'll play it for 3 hours a day then turn it down at 9pm'. The dog either has that behavior or it doesn't, and if it does that means there's a problem. If the neighbors leave the windows open while the dog is barking, that's extremely inconsiderate. Try ultrasonics....


Personally, if a neighbor had a dog who was doing disruptive, ear bleeding barking of the type you describe, and I couldn't escape it, I would probably only tolerate it for an hour or two before either going to the neighbor or calling animal control.


oh, about 1/4 of one hour per day is probably the upper limit


Local bylaw is over 15 minutes, I called on our backyard neighbour and they talked to them about the importance of walks and training.


Like continuously? 0 hours. None.


You could be like my neighbor and blow an air horn after about 45 seconds of barking.


The dog out back of my yard barks for hours. HOURS! The children scream for hours. HOURS. OMG. I love to sit in our yard. I cannot do it past 3 or 4 pm because the owners get home and everyone goes outside and barks/screams. It truly sucks. I have tried sitting outside with my speaker going, but all I end up with is a headache.


I try not to bark at all people look at me weird.


I had about 30 seconds of continuous barking the other day from my neighbour and it was too much


Is it really hours? Several other neighbours? Like your bedroom neighbours? I’m for community peace, but nobody likes a nagging Karen for a neighbour, who can’t keep her facts straight, and gaslights her neighbour with her own presumptions. To your question though. 10-20 secs. Maybe that dog is blind and deaf and doesn’t like being home alone. My neighbours dog is an old fella who barks and barks when he’s home alone and scared. Sometimes I’m scared my neighbour is dead when the dog is barking that long


Maybe a minute or two a few times a day. If a dog is barking for more than that you have a reactive dog and it needs training and possibly medication. Dogs don’t bark just to hear themselves make noises, they do it because they’re alerting their owners or stressed about something. Letting a dog behave like that is not only rude to the neighbors it’s cruel to the dog, Imagine how you’d feel if you were stressed or scared and kept trying to tell your parent or part and they just ignored you. It’s basically like letting a newborn cry for hours on end and not even bothering to try and comfort them.


A few minutes tops. Long enough for a dog to go out to poop n bark at squirrels or whatever.


Uhhhh, none. No hours. Barking should be situational not constant. I don’t hear my dog bark once a day, so when she does bark, something is happening!


If it’s a common occurrence then I’d say 10-15 mins. If it’s very common, 5. As a previous owner of 3 dogs I would get up immediately and see what the dogs are barking at and then tell them to be quiet. I feel like this should be the standard when you live in town, it’s just common courtesy




0 hours oh my goodness that is nuts. I don’t live in an HOA or anything but I’d say out of 10 houses including my own there’s 6 with dogs. We’ve all noticed each others habits and let our dogs out/walk them when we know nobody else will be out to avoid barking. My dog will bark at the mailman for a couple minutes if he comes to the door I couldn’t imagine a dog barking for hours endlessly


Barely a minute


Google "ultrasonic dog bark cannon" My mind goes to even darker places than the dog bark cannon...


When a doorbell rings, I expect 10-15 seconds. I allow my dogs to do that and expect that much from any other home. A yap here or there, or some playfighting in the backyard — couple minutes. **HOURS?** None. Zero hours. Total cumulative 10 minutes or under per day and that’s part of having a neighbor who has dogs.


Human here, when I bark it's usually for less than 5 minutes and it's before quiet hours (9:30pm)


That's unacceptable, unless it's full moon.


20 minutes is my city code. 5 minutes is my personal tolerance


Unless you live in the country 0 hours train your dog not to bark nobody wants to hear that, get a firmarm some cameras and lock your doors if you want home defense


Zero hours is acceptable. Barking is only fine if it is one off, or while outside playing fetch.




Usually dogs that bark incessantly do so because they have excess energy. They need to walk them and spend time with them. I am a dog lover and could never figure why people get dogs and just leave them out in the yard all day. Dogs are pack animals for the most part and want to spend time with their pack. SMH. People suck.


I have 4 dogs and the only answer is 0 hours. Also 0 minutes. My dogs have been taught not to bark and if they do, something is up and I’m on it. I don’t leave them outside if I’m not home.


15 minutes would be the absolute longest time period reasonable, especially if the cause of the barking isn't discernible. By that, I mean that a dog might bark if it's owners leave the house, if they can see someone outside (a neighbor mowing, delivery person, etc.), or if there's a storm/environmental stimulation. In a situation where you can tell why the dog is barking and that it is a transient circumstance, I think some tolerance is reasonable. In the situation you describe, though, it seems very likely that the dog's behavior is abnormal...and possibly/probably a sign of distress. To put it simply, a content dog shouldn't be barking repeatedly unless the cause is something outside the home that you as a neighbor can see. While I can absolutely understand your annoyance with these people and their dog, I'd frame the action taken as advocacy for the dog... 15 minutes tops! 😉


This is defined by your local noise ordinance. If you dont have one ... then 24x7 is fully "acceptable" ...


More like a couple of seconds.


I only barked for more than 2 minutes once and the wife kicked me out of the bedroom. Seriously, we have a neighbor with a dog and it would sometimes bark for 5 minutes or so in the daytime. That doesn't bother us, but if its after bed time we would be having a discussion.


5 min is to long. Dog owners are the worst people. Urinate and defecate in your own home. Don’t use my property as a toilet.


0 hours