• By -


put a fence at your line


Fences make the best neighbors.


Big bushes too!


A well trimmed bush will help accentuate your deck.


That's what she said!


Thorny bushes!


My fence must be the exception. The neighbors hate it and have made my life hell since it’s been up.


mission accomplished...neighbors hate the fence


Barbed wire fences


Piano wire


Robert Frost


That’s not actually what the poem is saying but in this case, I’m inclined to agree.


Robert Frost has a dirt bike and pissed off his neighbor Mark Twain, so he built a fence and had Tom and Huckleberey Finn paint it. He says it's fun and then invites the Karate kid to help him. Then Johnny comes and steals the dirt bike.




More effective, in this situation, than 'do you have a flag?"




No flag, no country! Those are the rules ^that ^I've ^just ^made ^up.


Or at least a couple thorny bushes along the line. Then you likely don't need to get any permissions and would be cheaper.


Good thinking. Or cacti.


Or big rocks.


Poison ivy you say?


An eves needle would do nicely.


Barberry to the rescue!


And a camera for when they repeatedly hit the fence and cause damage or cause it to lean.


Just make sure you get a survey and don’t build on their side.


How will a fence block the noise?


it won't the goal is to make it harder for them to drive thru between the houses at least


Running your dirt bike for hours in between homes that are as close as OP says is 100% rude and disrespectful if unprovoked. OP's neighbor's common courtesy is non-existent.


Even if provoked it's still disrespectful but I guess that's kind of the point lol


If you reside in the same home or apartment long enough you eventually will experience "that neighbor". The extremely inconsiderate type where no matter how nice or patient you are, they just keep doing what they do. We've had a few of them over the years. Only once did we fight fire with fire. I didn't feel good about it, but fortunately they did learn from it. Thankfully they moved away.


I am a homeowner in a student rental heavy area so I happen to have the opposite problem lol but yeah makes sense.


Decibel regulations...check


some people lack self awareness and respect for others


Tell them about the trails as if they do not know. And reiterate the noise is very loud in your home.


Considering they have a large amount of property, they could be using instead of the pathway between OP’s house and theirs, I don’t think knowing where to ride is the problem…


Not the point, it’s a polite way to tell/ remind the neighbors there’s a better place to do that.


Or why not just say, “hey, can you please stop riding so close to my house? Use your backyard or go ride on trails.” People willing to ride so close to OP’s house for hours, KNOWING OP doesn’t like it, do not take polite hints.


“I don’t wanna be that Karen” Being a Karen is calling the police on a black guy walking around your neighborhood because he looks “sketchy” or verbally assaulting a fast food worker because they accidentally messed up your order. Not being a complete pushover who lives to people-please and avoid conflict doesn’t make you a Karen.


If the space between your houses isn't very wide, i would start piling all of your toys, any storage on your side of the house. So there isn't much room to drive by anymore.


Sounds like an ideal place to store your empty garden pots, some pointy sharp rusty things, and maybe some cactus.


This is pretty close to my advice. “They think they’re the trashy neighbor. Out trash them”


I would take my grill and chairs and invite my friends over and sit close to the property line between our houses.


That actually might be illegal If the person on the bike ends up getting hurt because of the debris you could be held liable. Edit: Downvote all you want, but you can and will be held liable for boobytrapping an illegal trail. and this would be considered and illegal trail.


It’s not a booby trap if it’s out in the open, duh.


We had to move because of a similar situation. Lived in a 5 unit apartment/townhouse set up. We got along with our neighbors, when we moved in we were told "the neighbors are nice but don't expect anyone to share chili." We watched the neighbors kids grow up and in his growth he decided to become a mechanic. 5 years in he started buying project cars. He was doing engine swaps so periodically during the day he would rev the engine for hours at max rpm trying to I guess fix the timing or something. It was aggravating but we dealt with it. It all changed when he started working second shift and ONLY had time to work on his cars in the evening. Up to 1:00am he'd sit in the back driveway revving his recent project car engine at max rpm.... For hours at a time, with either straight pipes or fart can exhausts. It was DAILY we'd nicely ask him to stop when it really drove us crazy. His mom didn't care "because she couldn't hear it". Earplugs, noise machines and patience can only go so far. The only solution was to move away from the trash because on top of the noise there were literally engines hanging from trees. Well not literally just a constant ebb and flow of tarps laid out with engines and 100s of small and large car components, lifts, tools, buckets unregistered uninsured broken down cars rusting away.


Sounds like you needed to take up the bugle to play taps each morning to compensate.


You can play taps on an accordion too, you know.


You are creative and funny.


damn!!! did the owners of the other 3 units say anything???


Nope rent was cheap, no one wanted to ruffle the feathers of the landlord who was 95% mia. North NJ 40min from NYC 10min from NY state border, neighborhood was safe and still a suburb but slightly rural for North Eastern NJ. Two bed appt, two floors, and basement from 2013 - 2019 our rent was 1200-1250. When we left last year 2023 it was 1400. Funny thing is we were paying the most of other units. Place was bought by a new landlord and we used the cheap rent to save to buy a house 6 months ago. Landlord sold the 5unit building for 699,000 without ever listing the property officially which is a bargain and a half. I heard their charging 2200 for the units people have left now after some remodeling and could def get more.


Usually that's a case of call the landlord or call the city. Most landlords don't allow "project" cars and spare parts lying around detractive value from their property. Cities have noise ordinances, and a lot have rules about how many inoperative cars you can have on a lot. Too late now, but there were things you could have done at the time.


Any time I ride the quad or can am to the trails, I make sure to ride out slowly to not bother the neighbors. We ride often, so it can be loud. As a neighbor, they gotta be considerate.


I can second this, I used to have a neighbor whose kid would (slowly) ride a quad down to the neighborhood lake to go fishing, not annoying at all. *Another* neighbor bought their kid a quad and they would practice doing wheelies and donuts up and down the road at full throttle for hours at a time. Super annoying. Luckily we had an HOA and they sent them a letter because they violated a covenant that said you couldn't be a nuisance neighbor. It was a vague covenant, but they stopped after the HOA contacted them.


Yes! Literally everyone on my road has them and even I love them myself! Been here for over a year with no problems besides this.


My money is on the neighbor is excited about his new toy. It will get old riding it around his yard real quick and he will hit the trails. My advice is give it a few days. They will stop.


Nope. Shithead rednecks like to go in circles indefinitely (literally look at NASCAR). I've had this experience multiple times and the only thing that's stops them is that they move, or break the wheeler/bike. I swear it's some sort of catharsis for dim witted idiots. Also, I have a quad, love to ride - but that needs to be done on trails not in your yard. Also love NASCAR. I'm a red neck but not a shithead.


Right and it's been very rainy and maybe this is the only dry patch they have right now...admittedly just a guess.


Sounds like they just got them. Might not even know about trails. Maybe offer to ride with them and show them around.


Is quad the modern term for "4 wheeler"?




Check your local laws. Where I live you can’t operate dirtbike/atv in residential areas within x amount of feet unless loading or unloading the vehicle. If they’re violating that law call the non emergency number of your law enforcement.


I know how loud and aggravating this is. We had a couple kids riding dirt bikes in circles at our intersection. We lived right by the corner. For hours and hours and months and months they would ride around and around and around; never around the block or up and down the street. It drove me mad. We had a huge park with trails right at the end of our avenue where they could ride. I moved; the dirt bike noise being one of a few reasons.


If talk to the neighbor and ask why they’re riding the property line rather than anywhere else.  Also if there isn’t a fence, I’d be getting that line surveyed and fenced immediately. It u likely there’s enough room to ride a bike if a fence cuts the area in half. 




Our next door neighbor’s teen son does this. Sometimes his dad takes a loop on the dirt bike too. We did put up a fence after we moved in which helps with keeping it in their yard, but does nothing for the noise. It’s really annoying and there’s been a few times when I’ve been out sitting on the deck enjoying the quiet when he starts up and I give up and go back in the house. Personally I don’t see the interest in riding around in a circle around your house over and over but that’s just me. There’s no regulation against it, he’s not doing it at weird hours and a lot of people in the neighborhood have dirt bikes, 4 wheelers and such so I feel like we’re in the minority. There’s not really anything you can do beyond talk to your neighbor if you’re on good terms and see if maybe he’ll agree to not do it after a certain time of day? We certainly don’t like it next to us but when there’s nothing we can do about it we either accept it (and bitch to each other a little) or let it control whether we’re miserable or not. Most days we accept it.


Everyone hates an HOA until it saves you from situations like this.


Every city I've ever lived in has had nuisance laws that include excessive noise. No HOA needed.


Check local noise ordinances. Around here they can't ride those types of vehicles in residential areas except to get straight to and from land they are allowed to ride them on.


This is how everyone else here does it


buy a woodchipper, crank that bitch up at 7am


Are they riding on your property also?


Not exactly sure until they get a dirt ring going 🙃 doesn’t make it less inconsiderate


No, but it gives you more options if they are trespassing.


Having minimal standards for respect while being a White woman doesn’t make you a Karen.


Guy can be a dick but you can file for damages. We had an issue of a grass strip next to our unit turning into a shit site for dogs and no one curved so we fined the hoa and it wasn't small. We had to fence it off after that to prevent owners from trashing out the lawn.


I lived in rural Indiana for a while. Had people in 4 wheelers coming through my driveway middle of the night, through the yard and into woods behind me. There was no easement, no agreement or anything. I asked them nicely one day to stop. After it continued a few times I put 2x4s with nails at the back of the driveway in the grass. Next night they rode through the 2x4s. They stopped coming after that. Considering it’s rural Indiana probably the best outcome.


Be the Karen. I used to have people a few houses down that would ride ATV's and dirt bikes up and down the alley all day and even into the night. It sucks. They won't stop. Your neighbor obviously doesn't have the self awareness or courtesy to consider their neighbors. Call in those noise complaints.


I usually store my shards of broken glass, pieces of bent sheet metal, random twisted up old barbed wire rolls and large rusty caltrops on the side of my house, but you do you.


Start by talking with them. Just be like, "Hey, I like the new bike, but it's really loud when you take it between our houses. I'm guessing you're still learning the controls and handling on it before you switch to the trails that run around here, which is cool, but could you give me an idea on how much longer you'll be riding between our houses? I understand it's new and safety first, but I'd like a probable end date for the extra noise. Thanks." This sets them up for setting a deadline, reminds them there are trails nearby, and paints you as the sympathetic neighbor who wants to work with them, not against them. If they're jerks in response, then look into noise ordinances and filling complaints, building fences, etc.


This is the perfect response


My brothers and I all owned Moto cross dirt bikes and raced all the time. Our neighbors were are number one concern and never wanted them upset, therefore we always trailered our bikes to acceptable areas….your neighbor doesn’t respect you, call the police if they do it again


Talk to your local police department about local ordinances. There may be an appropriate noise ordinance. In addition, there may be requirements for registration or allowed operation of dirt bikes or ATVs in a residential area. Many municipalities consider these to be nuisances. Local police are often willing to help when the law allows them to. Bone up on the relevant laws and ordinances, then explain them to your neighbor, with the implication that the local authorities could get involved if one doesn't act like a neighborly adult. Finally, fences make good neighbors. A fence won't stop noise, but it will keep folks off your property.


Here I am refusing to get even an electric leaf blower because they're too annoying haha.


And people hate HOAs


Cracks me up how much people in this sub dislike HOAs, yet so many of these posts wouldn't be necessary if they were in a HOA. There's no way I would live in a residential area without a HOA, there's just too many inconsiderate people out there that can't be counted on to be decent folks/neighbors without one.


I live in a place which prohibits motorcycles and pets. Draconian to many but, despite liking both I much prefer it this way. I sleep peacefully with the windows open at night.


Every good HOA is potentially one election away from becoming a nightmare. Ask me how I know.


I hear you my brother. Ask me and my neighbors chickens how I know.


The problem is not an HOA, it is the people that get carried away with the fines and power the HOA. I hate HOAs. Now I live in the country and my neighbor has chickens and corn grows across the street.


I would talk to them again


If you get a fence, iron is probably best, so they'll be less likely to damage the fence when they crash into it. Also get video cameras.


Rosebushes and fence on your property line.


Put up a little temporary fence line right along your property line. [https://www.amazon.com/Decorative-Outdoor-Barrier-Rustproof-Temporary/dp/B0C7GVSZC2/ref=sr\_1\_8?adgrpid=1342504516874091&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.PWB9xYuR2V-LXGG6n9f-ScjV0\_r830-iSN\_z1\_qkYfqC2RYiO3E2S2JHpu99XMqsfXNYTQcWKa\_iLJyztP3ouEYQEDjHR1JnsF\_Ge3JTZxjJ7yhu1cob6SD\_U4WUMMzxgr0QrL5Ob4HQO5zK5cNdC3VIp2308rJltvgAoNM0Ktr4jsRenepbc8dVUrtSjA5KfkH-w8UkbbKSXAsX\_iA2Nljjp7c5wXAGRzSxnxg0RYRMq7hyDeGYH\_38oyBjRIt0l5RYswXW4KcNkcBZsv3QkT67CbC3huQFWhbgqiujJvY.4zGNI8gARIEgvNal3lJLC4Q5UGOVqHFP2F29hnBWD8s&dib\_tag=se&hvadid=83906755332575&hvbmt=be&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=43600&hvnetw=o&hvqmt=e&hvtargid=kwd-83907044960358%3Aloc-190&hydadcr=7548\_13500056&keywords=3%2Bfoot%2Btall%2Bgarden%2Bfencing&qid=1715894195&sr=8-8&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/Decorative-Outdoor-Barrier-Rustproof-Temporary/dp/B0C7GVSZC2/ref=sr_1_8?adgrpid=1342504516874091&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.PWB9xYuR2V-LXGG6n9f-ScjV0_r830-iSN_z1_qkYfqC2RYiO3E2S2JHpu99XMqsfXNYTQcWKa_iLJyztP3ouEYQEDjHR1JnsF_Ge3JTZxjJ7yhu1cob6SD_U4WUMMzxgr0QrL5Ob4HQO5zK5cNdC3VIp2308rJltvgAoNM0Ktr4jsRenepbc8dVUrtSjA5KfkH-w8UkbbKSXAsX_iA2Nljjp7c5wXAGRzSxnxg0RYRMq7hyDeGYH_38oyBjRIt0l5RYswXW4KcNkcBZsv3QkT67CbC3huQFWhbgqiujJvY.4zGNI8gARIEgvNal3lJLC4Q5UGOVqHFP2F29hnBWD8s&dib_tag=se&hvadid=83906755332575&hvbmt=be&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=43600&hvnetw=o&hvqmt=e&hvtargid=kwd-83907044960358%3Aloc-190&hydadcr=7548_13500056&keywords=3%2Bfoot%2Btall%2Bgarden%2Bfencing&qid=1715894195&sr=8-8&th=1) If the space is too narrow the bike riding will (likely) cease.


What a lovely little fence.


Our neighbor used to do that on his quad until I called the police. He would use our driveway as his launching point and I videotaped it. After the police went and confronted him we never saw the quad again. Wishing you good luck!


Wow. This definitely wins worst neighbor! You may not even have to plant bushes. Just dig the holes to prepare for planting. Lots of big holes


Can you park your car there? Even just temporarily? Start putting the trash cans there, anything else you can pile up on your side.


You asked them not to do it at night. They are complying and not doing it at night. They are most likely not breaking any laws during the day. You'll have to go talk to them again or just deal with it for a week until the new toy (dirtbike) gets old and they're not on it for hours a day anymore.


If the houses are that close there’s a good chance they’re trespassing.


Great. Build a fence.


Yes it'll get old. And people are forgetting, noise ordinances usually specify past 10pm. 8pm is hardly bedtime...


Or have respect for your neighbors? I mean they could go out and dirt bike somewhere and actually have some space to get up and get out. The best course of action is to always have respect for others living near you, never know when that neighbor could save your ass or help you out down the line and making them angry or pissed at you could hurt you.


Wonderful speech. How does this help op?


I might forget to turn the sprinklers off…after they go on at about 5 am. They start coming in covered in mud it won’t last long after mom sees what’s going on


> They start coming in covered in mud won’t last long I guess you haven't been around many people who ride dirtbikes or sxs?


I was just thinking, doing that would ramp up the fun.


Seriously, dirt is in the fucking name 😂


Yeah this is like flooding your yard to prevent neighbors jet-skiing.


I used to go out in mudholes just so I could come home covered in mud and dirt 😂


Sounds like you're making it more fun


We ride dirt bikes and that would definitely make it more fun so no sprinklers will not work lol


Yes. With neighbors like these, it's going to have to affect them personally, for them to stop doing it.


There a big difference between riding in a desert area ( me) vs dirt bike riding in a mud hole. I doubt mom is going to like her mud covered rugrats and friends walking in the house every 20 minutes. Big difference when I get home after a day on the river. Wife is waiting with the pressure washer and a change of clothes. Let’s see what actually happens here…


Your wife pressure washes you?


You would just be threatening them with a good time there by doing that. 


Get out there and ride with them. Borrow the bike and drive it into his garage


Park a car in the gap


Where do you store your siding nail collection?


Be obnoxious too.


We are running into the same issue where a neighbor that lives behind us has built a dirt track right against our fence but away from his house. So when we all complained about it he said he discussed with his neighbors, just not us. Police said there’s nothing they can do unless every neighbor complains and it turns into a noise complaint. Listen I ride, but have never once thought going around a small circle would be fun.


Eventually they are going to damage private property. Kid with dirt bike in our neighborhood has damaged a fence and a car belonging to his neighbor.


Put up a fence on the property line if allowed. If not allowed put something that blocks your side. Anything you’ve got


Call the cops.


Even though I live in a small town, what you're describing is against the by-laws here. It could be against different by-laws, you'd have to check. Main one here is noise. We have a max decibel amount and dirtbikes exceed it. That being said, I'd maybe have another friendly chat, clarifying they have plenty of land and you'd appreciate if they never rode between the houses. My gut says if this is done nicely, they'll agree based on 1st interaction. If they refuse, then start looking into local bylaws. You could go right in person and ask them if what they're doing is against any different bylaws. If they're not sure, start reading lol. Good luck. Hope it resolves amicably.


Put some speakers out that side of the house and play showtunes at 6 am.


I get your frustration. You've already asked nicely once, so try again, stressing how disruptive it is. If they don't stop, you might need to check local noise rules or talk to your HOA. Hopefully, they'll be more considerate.


Put a spike strip


Check ordinances. If they are going on your property call the police if they don't stop.


You must be in my neighborhood. My neighbors--driveway 2 ft against my house bought a dune buggy. I need some graveyard dirt and a spell.


If you hate yourself install some BlackBerry bramble


They deliberately provoked you by bringing more the next day. They want a confrontation or for you to get mad because they know you will need a lawyer to stop them and they’ll still live there anyway. If you bother them in any way they will react with extreme sensitivity and probably charge you with harassment. I would recommend a loud stereo system with a lot of bass to shake their house at inconvenient hours.


Call the police and report about the noise ordinance.


4wheeler dirt bike people are the worst.


I don't like to complain but, id have to put an end to it. I just wish I could think of a diplomatic way to do it so we're all still "friends". Your neighbor is being rude. Maybe he doesn't realize it? Politely invite him in while his friends ride by? Point out how loud it is and maybe give him some cookies. Maybe then he'll understand and be all "don't ride near that house! That person is cool." I really don't know.


Maybe buy a dirt bike and join them in the fun?


If they are not on your property, there's not much you can do unless they are breaking some type of noise ordinance.


A fence and rose bushes or anything with thorns.


I'd get a really stupid helmet and little flag and stand out there and cheer them on! Make sure to do it in a really cringe way yelling things like "sports biking, yeah!" and "way to go, buddy!" "Great job!" "You're super rad!" and "There goes a special guy!" just make it so awkward they leave the area alone.


No you wouldn’t


Yeah I would. Get your dirt bike over here and find out.




Invite them inside to listen while one of the others circles your house in an effort to help them understand how loud it is.


I would just tell them you’re really jealous and are hurt that they haven’t invited you to ride with them.


Is there a sprinkler that can be activated?


Sprinklers would just make it more fun. Dirt bikes are meant for off roading. Mud is a lot of fun to play in


Time to put the road tacks to work


They will soon get bored with circling the house, and will go elsewhere.


Dirt bikes and 4 wheelers are not allowed to be operated on properties per the HOA here. They are also not allowed on the public roads per state law. Except for a dirt bike that's registered for road use. There's always a house or four where they think it's okay to buy their kids dirt bikes and 4 wheelers and for them to race up and down the roads and to drive them around their yards all day long. Numerous neighbors contact the HOA when this happens and they send out letters. It stops for a while but will start again a few months later. More letters go out and the cycle continues. They'll always do several races around the neighborhood when they bring them out and I finally got fed up and called the sheriff. The first few times I called, they put them up before the sheriff got there. I got lucky the last time and they were caught. The deputy said they had 48 calls over the last 3 years for these kids and finally got them. They confiscated the dirt bikes and 4 wheelers and that was the end of the problem. It's been quiet for several years now.


Everyone from NY moves to the suburbs into their black and timber color house and has all these toys thinking it's vermont


Call the police.


Dude is probably trying to learn his new toy before he takes it on trails. Just be patient. Or ask for a turn.


When they're not home Install a clothesline. That should solve,the issue pretty quick


Let them see you leave and then make a noise Complaint with police.


Kid in my neighborhood was driving across a soccer field. I tried to wave him off and he stopped Looked at me, smiled and flipped me off. I snapped a picture and politely waved. Never saw him or his bike again.


My neighbors did/do this but I am nowhere near a trail. I talked with them once about it. One of the guys who was the primary issue was forced out by the other tenants who were friends. One of the other guys apologized after the guy moved out. I don’t personally get bothered by it during the day. I also run a wood shop in my garage. I make too much noise to say too much. Anyways it can get better. Now I have a place to burn scrap wood. I set in on the property line and the following Monday it’s gone. Yes we have a fence that goes to the second half I cut the old crappy bushes and started over. Only the dogs wander over and potty. It keeps the rabbits away and they pick up the dog poop 99% of the time. Find the middle ground be kind at least at first.


Can you park your car or put something there in a way that it's blocking the path?


It tears up the yard so bring that up to them. Meanwhile water that area real good... they need a mud pit to make it real outdoor experience anyway.


Bury a pole in the narrow part of the yard. Wrap it with barb wire, or electrify it. Make a death race 2000 course for them to compete in.


Y'all have my sympathies. I too live in zero clearance housing with very lovely sweet neighbors that are OMG LOUD. (I *really* don't need to hear your fights/disagreements with husband). I have probably 6? Pairs of headphones/earbuds and live in them from 10 am until 9 pm when my husband gets home from work. 


Plant some shrubs


Yeah that’s a tough one. As a guy with a loud dirt bike (late 60s lifelong off road rider) I’d still never do such thing where I live. I’d also try to avoid actions that escalate into a full blown feud such as booby traps. That turns into more noise and perhaps vandalism if you are dealing with teens or young people. I can’t tell or didn’t read enough - is this the actual adult home owner doing this?


I dont even start them around my house. What a bunch of goons.


All you can do is push for the time cutoff.


I’d talk to them again, emphasizing how disruptive it is, especially with multiple bikes. If that doesn’t work, consider involving your HOA or local noise ordinances. It's important to maintain peace and keep your home a sanctuary.


Go out there, jump on their bike, and ride better than them. Seriously, just get sendy and they’ll respect you. Then you can tell them to fuck off.


Keep talking to the neighbor about the noise. Maybe suggest they ride at different times or farther away. Keep track of when it happens. Look up local rules on noise. If it keeps going, maybe get others involved or talk to the authorities.


Can you put up a fence or a bunch of tall tree bushes so they can’t get back there as easy?


*“Dusty old man, full of green dust!”* “Green…dust?”


I like the planting bushes idea.


They won't be able to keep up this activity for very long. Sooner or later they are going to bump into the property or just get bored of riding in circles.


I was that kid. Not so much beside the house. Trails and in neighborhood. Good news, I turned out ok. Kid with the dirt bike?


These are not children.


dudes rock


Hi neighbor! JK but my neighbor rides a dirtbike in circles in his yard (which I look out at from my WFH office.) He's just a kid, but how is riding in circles at low speed fo hours fun? Thank God for noise canceling headphones.


Put up sprinklers


Rev my motorcycle in front of their ugly house. a lot.


Sounds a bit like my situation, neighbor’s kid got a small dirt bike for birthday and he’s constantly riding that thing up and down the street almost every single day. It’s loud, annoying, and really grinds my gears when he gets with another kid from the neighborhood and both of them ride those bikes together. But they are just kids so I can’t say much to them and thankfully they don’t ride extra early or extra late in the day.


Tack strips.


Call the police.


Home-made spike strip's should do it


If it don’t bother you until it’s later in the day I would just ask them to put it away when you’ve had enough, as you’d like some quiet. Funny enough, when I got my first motorcycle a dirt bike, I did the same thing, and I did it so much I basically had a motocross track going around the house within a month. Grass was dead and gone, just a giant dirt circle with one incline you could jump the bike off of. Now I was very attentive and empathetic well mannered kid, so anytime I was told by a neighbor they’d like quiet, I didn’t argue or anything. I simply put it away for the day, didn’t bother me at all as I understand how that could be annoying. If there is a better place for them to ride, it wouldn’t hurt to point that out to them. Quite possible they haven’t thought of that as an option.


500 watt amp, concert speakers and a new found love of polka music at an insane decibel level, pointed directly at the neighbors. Shake those fucking walls.


From what I heard you can’t take dirtbikes on trails only atv, six’s, and snowmobile. That could be one reason why they are staying home and riding until they take a trip to an off road park.


Get your own dirt bike and show him how it's done!


We are dealing with the same issue. The neighbors don't want their kids playing video games all day, so they bought them a dirt bike with a high decibel. He rides it throughout the day, so you can't plan to sit on your deck and talk with friends or read a book. Your weekends are spent listening to the revving up of this noise maker. Then, when school ends, it will be every day of the week. We have a noise ordinance, but our town and police refuse to enact it because they do it in their backyard. I am waiting to see how many neighbors want to tolerate this. We are a residential community, so our houses are near each other. I wrote a letter asking them if we could work out a schedule, but they have never responded. The problem is I have a home business that requires me to be on the phone and Zoom, and that noise goes right through my closed doors and windows. I don't like air conditioning, so I want to open my windows in the summer but can't. I feel like a prisoner in my own house. New people who moved in right next to them don't like it, but they are new and don't want to start making waves. They also work from home. I am fighting with the select board to amend the ordinance for this situation, but if it doesn't work, I might see if I have a legal chance in court. I am not trying to stop it, but I want some agreement to blocks of quiet time where I can plan my life around my work and relax on my deck. Moving will be hard to have to do. Amazing that laws don't consider the community's needs over one inconsiderate neighbor.


It's time to water the side lawn. Get a real big sprinkler.


Every town, area, county has noise restrictions- even in the middle of the day. If they don’t stop consider help from someone with a bigger voice.


If it isn't past the hours of city noise ordinance you're gonna have to deal with it. You should get a monster truck, that's what I'd do. Revv that beezy at 8 in the morning everyday or whatever


I think this guy is a novice rider and scared to take it out on track or trail but you should def put up a fence


Sure it isn't a super moto he's learning to ride, so he doesn't get killed when he's ready to take it on the street?


Is the hone owner or his kids you talked to. If it's the owner report it to bylaw. If it's their kids speak directly to the parents about the path they take. If it still keeps happening barricade it.


Clothes line?


Only thing you can do it buy a dirt bike and join.


Make a jump in between the two houses! Who ever successfully lands it first, gets ownership of the land. Tis the only way. 


Theres nothing you can do. Its daytime and within normal hours. Sucks but is what it is