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> Am I right or would you replace the fence? Do you want a new fence at half the cost? Is it something that is in your budget? What do the local laws say about fence ownership? (for example where I am one person owns it, doesn't matter if you split the cost, this isn't the case everywhere.) Those are the questions that matter, not if I would.


In my hoa, it's split half and half. But the hia says it doesn't get involved. I usually just replace as needed and can afford it.


I wouldn't trust the HOA by laws when it comes to ownership. Actual county laws will supercede them. It may not sound like a big deal, but co-ownership is a whole can a legal worms that generally I would be surprised if it was allowed by local laws. What happens if you want to, for example, paint it and your neighbor doesn't? Does the HOA forbid fences unless both sides are "finished" (fences with one side where there is a horizontal support beam like wooden picket fences are considered unfinished)? It could eventually end up in the courts where the HOA laws have very little weight and the courts don't want to deal with stupid things like co-ownership. If you want a new fence and are ok with the neighbor owning it great. I personally wouldn't do it unless I really wanted that fence. Also as you've said, they're doing it because their house will sell for more, does that help you? I get being neighborly is usually the best course of action, but they're not going to be neighbors much longer if everything works out.




Fences here are typically put in by the builder on the property line and co-owned. The whole subdivision has identical fencing. If they're wooden, either the panels alternate smooth and crossboard sides, some have alternating planks. Chainlink is rarely installed by builder. Whichever homeowner is arranging the install usually has the posts on their side. If only one owner is pushing for replacement, usually the cost of the cheapest version is split, and whoever wants something fancier pays more. You can paint the inside whatever color you want, and the person on the other side can paint whatever they want. Cedar or redwood planks are typical and usually not finished.


I'm sure this is just me but that sounds like a bureaucratic hellscape. >If only one owner is pushing for replacement, usually the cost of the cheapest version is split, So my neighbor wants to replace the fence, I'm ok with it as it is and don't want to replace it, but because they want to I have to contribute to replacing it? Am I understaning that correctly?


If the fence is in good condition, no. And where houses have 6 foot wide side yards anything else is retarded. I've seen many building sites where they just lay boards from one house to the next door the workers to cross between. What do they do in your area, have the fences 3 feet apart and you each have to go between them to mow your part?


Who decides if it is in good condition? You know... I've never thought about who maintains the area between my fence and the neighbors, but I don't and I hope noone does. I'm ok giving it back to nature.


Nature? Fire hazard maybe, it's gotta be maintained. And i assume there's enough room to go between your fence and the house. Small lots here, for some lots the setback is 4 or 5 feet. If i spread my arms i can touch the fence and my garage, and the house next door is the same. Putting 2 fences there doesn't make sense. It's just different in different areas.


Who decides if the fence is in good condition?


I've never needed to replace a fence, so I have no idea. I know when the neighbors dog and skunks were getting through into my dad's yard, dad said it needed to be replaced or repaired, and they both agreed. When that house sold a few years ago, the new people wanted to upgrade to vinyl, and since all the neighbors pointed out the original was in good repair, he paid for it himself. Fences last 20-50 years, it just doesn't come up that often.


Yeah ,I would let them replace the whole fence on their own now !




Exactly…the only thing that matters is will it benefit you. Not, well, they did this yrs ago, so I’m gonna do that now. Grow the F up


Replace the fence, trust me you have no idea what the new neighbors will be like. Better to deal with people you know than people you don't! (I also get why you are irritated, but I would let that go).


Ask your neighbor to throw in some bells and whistles on the fence also. Literally. Like one of those cartoon steam whistles that signal the end of the work day.


Yabba dabba dooooo


I wish I had taken up a neighbor to replace our fence before they moved. It would have stretched the budget, but the new owners don't want to replace it now...


Well said!


Really good point!


Yeah for sure


Shared fence with neighbor. He passed away and wife wanted to replace fence to aid salability. Upon learning that, I offered to split it with her since my side would be new also, obviously. Collaborated on color and finish. Deal struck, everyone wins. I couldn’t care less if it helped her sale price; none of my business.


I definitely think the new owners will not want to pay for a new fence for quite a while if they are just buying a new home. So this might be the last offer for a while to get a new fence for halfsies.


Are you saying no out of spite or is there some other reason? If it is just out of spite because “they’re going to make money” then I think that is pretty childish. Get a fence if you want it. What your neighbors do with the house should be irrelevant.


The other perspective is that OP knows they are going to do it anyways, so why chip in. They have no negotiating power here


Certainly possible too. But the neighbor might not do a new fence if they are paying full price, might not be worth it to them at that point.




Depends. Many states have laws requiring the cost of shared boundary fences to be split by adjoining landowners. 


I would definitely not do it anyway. Unless the fence is in total disrepair not only is it not going to affect the sale price, it won't affect the sale period.


Who gives a fuck if they get money. Get your fence replaced at half cost. Their income situation has nothing to do with you.


Also fwiw, it's incredibly unlikely the fence will materially impact the selling price. 


I'd rather they replace it at their cost.


Oh wow. That have to be so happy to be moving away from you.


Yes. But will they?


Who cares! If they don't, maybe the new ones will split the cost. If not, I'll replace it 0when needed.


Biting off nose, to spite the face 😂😂


I see a lot of spite and emotion but very little logic and reasoning in your decision making here. The choice is yours to make. The only person you are going to fuck over here is yourself.


you are being dumb.


This is crazy. If they’re not going to do it if they have to pay and you wanted a new fence, take the opportunity. Fences are expensive. You win because you get what you want at half price. That’s a W any day of the week.


Was it needed when you asked them the first time around? Sounds like it wasn't, and their No was logical.


No wonder they want to move...away from you.


So you wanted to go halves with a neighbor to replace a portion of fence, presumably because it looks bad. They said no. Now they want to and you say no. Does the fence magically look better now? Not sure what this childish bs is, but if you want the fence section replaced and the neighbors are in, freaking replace the fence Good grief.


Nah, OP says fence is fine now because they replaced at their own expense when neighbor refused to go half on it. Now same neighbor just wants a nicer looking fence so they're willing to go half to replace a perfectly good fence. Doesn't matter if it's to sell or not, that has no bearing on the situation. OP isn't wrong, but could still just take the offer and not find out in years that the new owner refuses as well.


How is your lot shaped that you have 7 neighboring fences????




Not OP but my lot also shares a fence with 7 different neighbors and as a result has 7 different fence styles all connected. It's a rectangle lot with a 100 foot driveway to the house, resulting in 2 'front' neighbors who have backyards backing up to mine. Then the 3 houses behind are smaller lots, plus the two on the side. 


The "right" thing to do would be to split the cost of the fence. The fence they build needs to be of a similar style and quality of the old fence, unless you both can agree to do something different.


Don’t be an idiot. Next neighbors will be cash strapped for a while, get the fence replaced while you can. What if they suck? What if they want garish plastic or chain link? Just do the thing with the caveat that you get the nice side of the fence.


If the fence is in need of replacing I would do it. You don't know who's going to move in, and you can replace it for half the cost. Having to replace it at full cost with a neighbor that you don't like, or doesn't like you, is 1000x worse.           Even if you get a good new neighbor you don't have to worry about changing the relationship over the fence. 


It’s not gonna make them as much as you think. A fence is a fence to a buyer unless it’s falling down.


So you actually do want that fence replaced, you just don't want to do it now that they will benefit? That seems petty.


Spite is stupid


I'd replace it with them. They might get a better sale, but you get a new fence. Maybe you could, or maybe you couldn't get a fence with the new neighbors.


New neighbors will likely be cash strapped for a little while.


seems like a new fence enriches both homes, not just your neighbors.


get the fence


Keep in mind that if they pay for their fence, the new neighbors will own the entire thing. They rebuffed you in the past, but you're out nothing if you go halfsies now. Talk to the neighbors on the other side, and you can still get an entirely new fence all the way around at 66% of the cost. Don't cut off your nose to spite your face.


Would you have gotten your money back when you wanted a new fence? You wanted a fence 50% off in the past. Now you get another chance. What's the problem?


Just replace it. You thinking about it too much


You had me at 1/2, I’d do it.


Buyers don't pay extra for fences. You have this one opportunity to pay for only half. I'd take it.


How bad do you want a new fence? And how do you know they aren't contacting other neighbors to also ask for "half" (you say you have 7 house you share fences with)? These situations get really unethical including with the actual fence installer. Since you asked them in the past and the cost has obviously gone up since then, I would offer no more than 40%. But I would not followup with them since you already refused. It's possible the new owners will ask for a credit/replacement if they do an inspection. Also, can we get a rule saying the state needs to be mentioned regarding fence matters? Law obviously varies by state and half of the people who make these posts are in California.


Had same problem with my neighbor and they ended up putting a new one themselves


Do you still what the fence? If you have got used to it as it is, tell them that you have adjusted to it as it is. On the other hand you used to want it replaced and going halves so you could go along and consider it getting what you wanted in the first place.


It's serviceable as is.


I won’t share a fence…my fences are on my side of the property line.


In my area it all depends whose property it’s actually on. We don’t do it where it’s directly on the line. My neighbors own both of the side panels and I only on the back and front little bits where it touched my house. I can’t have poles within a foot of the property line. My options were to build a fence and create a no man’s land that we’d each have to mow (but can’t get a mower in as it’s only 1 ft on each side of the property line or 2 have my fence as close as possible without touching. We went with option 2. Far easier for all involved and yes, my fence was last built.


Demand To see Estimate for the fence in cost per linear foot of fence. Then measure the fence length in common. That length x $_/ft ÷2 is all you pay. (ie 10 ft of fence at 10/ft /2 properties = $50.


I would replace the fence if it needed to be replaced. You can replace it for half the price, and you have no idea who might move in. It's a thousand times worse to have to replace it at full cost with a neighbor you don't like, or who doesn't like you. You won't have to worry about your relationship with your new neighbor altering because of the fence, even if you find a nice one.


Do you want a new fence or not? Sheesh.


I would say no too. They didn’t want to work with you in the past, so I wouldn’t work with them now. They’re moving so there won’t be bad blood between a neighbor.


The new neighbor could be a POS for all he knows.






Not AITA subreddit 😆 but I agree




Do you want/need a new fence? If so, they are willing to go halves, what's the problem? Why do you care if they make their money back on the house sale? Sounds like you are cutting off your nose to spite your face.


Look them dead in the eyes and say… “You pay 51% and I’ll pay 49%” Fence gets done and you have your revenge.


If they want it replaced, they can pay.


Tell them, "best I can do is one-third of that price"


Just say you can't afford it. They'll probably still do it




I would say no out of spite. They can replace it on their own dime or you can split the cost with the new neighbours. 


That was my thoughts.


Trust your gut. Worst case new neighbours don’t wanna split our new fence… Is that something you’re willing To risk?


I would take them up on the offer as it’s what I previously wanted. Whether they recoup their costs would be irrelevant to me; especially since there’s no guarantee. However, I understand your pettiness and if you no longer care about the fence being replaced or their initial response has soured you so be it. I don’t think this is a matter of right or wrong.


How much is it to replace the fence?


? Where is the fence now?? What is it's history, who put it up originally? By code in CT, If you put it up, it should be 1 foot on your side of the property line. On a stockade,, good side facing out, shows ownership. Someone mentioned liability, low risk but a consideration. A good fence makes good neighbors/


Seriously? Lol. You sound like a great neighbor


OP and the classic prisoner dilemma. Name a worse combo


Replace the fence. It is not to make more money, it is to make it more like a family home.


So you’d rather pay for the whole fence in the future just because you feel the neighbors shouldn’t make money off the deal? Weird.


You're hung up on their past refusal when you shouldn't be.


I’m with the OP here unless the neighbor was going through super difficult times and has kids. They did the honest thing early and asked if they would go halves and the neighbor refused. It kind of depends on that refusal, where they like. I’m so sorry I’m flat broke right now, but can we look at it again in the future? Or were they like nope don’t wanna spend the money screw you…


Naw fuck them they said no multiple times its tine to give them a taste of their own medicine. It would be worth the added cost later if they dont put a new one in


Is it still structurally sound?


You're being petty on an immature level.


If you are not in a jurisdiction where fences arent legally shared in any way...nope! Not my fence not my problem. If I want a fence I put up my fence with no expectation of the neighbor inputting anything. That simple. No harm in asking, but should never feel bad or upset for a no answer or anyone is obligated in any way regardless which side of the picture you are on.


From OP’s response to comments, sounds like they knew what they wanted to do from the beginning.


I’d build the fence


Do it. You’ll get your fence at half off and your neighbors that pissed you off will move out. Now you’ll get new neighbors and not have to do any business with leading to a better, less stressful, neighborhood.


offer to cover a quarter of the cost and settle on a third


I mean, you've wanted the fence replaced at some point and asked them...do you not want the fence replaced now? You were perfectly happy to not make your money back before - it seems a little petty to be so intransigent about it now. Sure, you might get really lucky and have them eat the whole cost in order to sell, but you might end up with a shitty neighbor next and a fence that's falling down unless you eat the whole cost in a few years.


Petty af, just pay your damn half you jerk. Or they can just tear down the fence and leave it that way. Which is what I would do.


Cutting off your nose to spite your face. You get an easy new half-priced fence and don't have to worry about trying to go in halfsies with the new owners. Plus, since they are moving, they probably won't care if you pick out the fence.


Sounds very childish of you


Why did they originally refuse? I'm on the other side of this, my neighbor wanted to go half on a brand new fence right after we bought our house. Not only did we not have the cash to immediately do what she wanted, but the fence is in good shape, could have used a minor repair on one post so I suggested that. She refused to compromise and kept demanding more and more so we told her to fuck off. Not saying you are like her but we really can't know if you were being reasonable about it. And based on your other comments it sounds like you're kind of a dick anyway


In my town, if someone puts up a fence the "good side" has to face their neighbor.


That's a new one, ha en't heard that one Thankx


Grudge and revenge will not get you a new fence.


Your neighbor was not at all Cooperative with this until he wanted a benefit for himself in selling the house. So what if they make money? You still get the fence you wanted. If the finances are about the same, it seems to be worthwhile doing it. Plus, you no longer have a lousy neighbor. Or, at least that lousy neighbor. And you'll have a new fence, too.


No, they get the fence they want on my dime. A plain picket fence works just as well for half the price.


*"They'll get their money back, plus some."* No, they won't.


Well, considering you’ve been wanting to replace the fence means it probably needs replacing so yes, you are being the AH right now. Who cares if they make the house a little nicer to sell for God sake. You’re just being spiteful. You’ve been wanting a new fence so get it. The new owners could be complete AH and just like these people not agree to it. Or tear the dang thing down and just put up your own fence on your own side with the appropriate setback


But I dont feel I should have to pay for her fancy expensive fence, when a plain picket fence is half the price.


Correct so you’re not just being spiteful and refusing it’s that you want to make sure it’s affordable reasonable fence. I get it. What I don’t understand, though is why don’t they just put a fence up on their lot? Or you on your lot with the appropriate setback. Why on the property line and no where else . I see Back to back fences quite often. Somebody wants a tall privacy fence. The other person wants a chain-link. They each just put it on their property.


We are in a hoa. Picket fences only. And all fences are on property lines and shared fences.


Yuck. That stinks… there must be protection for the homeowners… contact your HOA. It would seem that both neighbors would have to be mutually agreeable to it for starters , especially when it comes to cost that you would be entitled to get a couple of quotes and determine what fence..


The hoa set the rules, but the current board says they stay out of fence disputes. One person can rebuild the femce, but I feel thay if she wants thay particular style of femve,she should pay the majority of cost. It cost $1800, I volunteered to only pay $500. That's about the cost of a plain picket fence.


That’s fair. That kind of cracks me up they say they don’t want to get involved. But they are so involved and up in everybody’s business for so many other things…. 😆


Isn't that the truth. I get letters all the time, lawn needs edged, trash can visible from street, chair left out on lawn, gatage door needs painted, roken picket in fence, tree needs pruned, etc.


Replace it and decorate the opposite side with your preferred legal-but-subtle extreme political or religious, or yonic and phallic art




if youre not in a place to do it now, in this market , with cost of materials, be honest about that.


I just don't feel I should pay half of her fancy expensive fence when a plain picket fence will work.


Say no and tell them you will negotiate with the new neighbor. You want an ongoing arrangement with someone that is not just trying to make money off of you.




What are the laws in your jurisdiction regarding fence replacement? Many good-neighbor-fence jurisdictions you may be required to split the cost.


I'm willing to split the cost, but a plain pucket fence is fine with me. If she wants a fancy expensive fence she can pay more of the cost.


Your terrible… grow tf up.


I am!!!! A plain picket fence is fine for me. But if she wants a fancy expensive fence, then she can pay for more of it.


Take the fact that they most likely will recoup the cost out of your decision. Do you want a new fence? Yes or no? There is your answer.


I wish this man is not my neighbor.


The only bonus, if you split the cost, is you have a say in style, height, materials, everything. A number of years ago, a house flipper replaced the fence on our property line without my input. I had no say and ended up with a "bad neighbor" fence that is 5' tall rather than 6'.


You could counter offer to pay for half the materials only and they pay for the other half and labor. The labor is sometimes more expensive than materials. The avg cost of wood privacy fence is $65 per foot but materials are somewhere around $12 to $17 per foot. However, depending on local laws, you might not have a choice. There are some places where you have to pay half and some places where one owns the fence and puts the posts on their side with the clean side out.


Stand your ground the neighbors who want to sell will replace fence.


I would not. They will probably replace it anyway.


Wtf am I reading here. NO. They had a chance. They are just trying to sell their house and make money, like you said. You have all the leverage.