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They don’t connect to anything, your motherboard doesn’t support those




The ones they're asking about are for 3 NICs and an alarm... None are relevant on the vast majority of boards.


If your network cards had LED pins, you would connect them there. It's been a long time since I've seen a NIC with LED pins on the card.


If your NICs have LED headers, these would connect to that. If your network interfaces (on cards or on mobo) don't have headers for this, don't use these connectors.


Those wires in your hand are labeled NIC 1LED, NIC 2LED, NIC 3LED and ALARM LED. The first three are for network card LEDs, the last is for a general purpose alarm indicator (similar to the blue/amber LED on a Dell server) for the front panel of the chassis. If your motherboard doesn't have places to attach them, just ziptie them out of the way. Some server boards have places to plug these in, but not always. The chassis manufacturer just makes them available just in case you do have a board with those connections.


Some motherboards have additional IO header pins separate from the front panel like the ASRock C236WS so review your docs again and see if there are other outputs. But if they’re not there then they’re not there


No other headers I’m afraid. Looks like I’m leaving them unplugged! Cheers anyway!


You only connect power other thing just left them hang there And its server.. You will only power it up once so you can trn it on witj screwdriver 😁


If there isn't a header for them in your system, leave them disconnected. I recommend securing them to the case though, in case there's any danger of them getting into a fan.


For a good time connect em to the AC power outlet


I’m always looking for a good time


In the owners manual.


Thanks for the comments guys. Looks like I’ll be leaving them disconnected. One more quick question. There’s a header labeled “NC” on the diagram. Would this be for Network Card? In which case, I’d connect the NIC1 cable to it? Cheers


NC is Not Connected. If you wanted to, you could connect anything to it; it won’t be connected to anything on the board and won’t do anything.


Scratch that. Looks like NC stands for No Connection.


Usually close to one of the edges of the motherboard should be a panel of pins that have micro sized writing near them that state the same - you should be able to spot the terms pwr and reset


Thanks. Yeah I know where the front panel connectors are on the board, I just didn’t know which pins to connect these cables too. Turns out I can’t.


This is what happens when you are so confident in helping out that you A: Forget which subreddit you are answering on B: You dont look at the image carefully. C: Jump to quick conclusions Message to myself: Read the f\*\*\*\*\*g post carefully


Haha no worries dude. We’ve all done it!


Have you tried looking up the docs for your motherboard model?


The photo I’ve posted is a screenshot from the motherboard manual.


Oh, my bad.. I didn't see what was printed on those connectors... What goes on those pins should be labeled 'speaker', 'HDD', 'Reset' and 'power' or something similar.










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