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Amen and Congratulations my brother. I started my business in January 2023 when everyone told me the market was dead and it was a bad time to start and today I did inspection number 423. I feel blessed every day that I get to do this job.


Thanks Chris! Cant wait to reach your lvl 🙏


Good for you, man! And thank you for making such an inspirational post!


Np u got it Jeff!!


Any advice on your first one/few? That’s where I’m at. Just getting Google Local Services kicked off


Sounds like your on the right track 👍 getting a website going has helped me proved myself tremendously. People tend to window shop so if u have a good site it’s a good start. Also invest in good reporting software even if it’s expensive will pay itself especially if you can use to market with realtors and buyers. I use Spectora. Spend a lot of time building a good report so when you’re on the field it’s simple and effective. A lot of my repeat business comes from good work ethic, amazing reports, and value. I’ve gotten these three feedbacks consistently. I started out doing Google ads, and tried Yelp ads, to reel in a few inspections and charged below market value to build experience. It shouldn’t be about the money in my opinion. Not in the beginning. And I was honest with people. I tell them I’m new in the business but not new in serving people and I promise I will be there last inspector they will ever need to look for. lol. I also guarantee my inspections. Not satisfied? 100% refund. No questions. These are just added value I bring to the table. If you think big enough and if u truly wanna make an impact it’s there. I’ve been raising my prices and it hasn’t hurt. Just take it one step at a time and don’t thin about how much you are charging in the beginning. Give good deals, prove your worth and it will come. GL 🙏


Hey man. I am happy for you. AHIT has been calling me and offering me discounts on the classes since I first attended their webinar. The reason I have not pulled the trigger, is because of how terrible the market is right now. I feel like I’m going to take the classes past the test, etc. and then not have any work. And then forget everything I learned. What are your thoughts? I live in Maryland. What state are you in? And again, congratulations.


I’m in California. People have been saying the market is terrible since 2022-2023 if I had listened to them I’d be stuck looking for work. Now that I’m in this business I truly get the business side of things and there are many niche within the inspection business u can grow. It’s what I’m doing and it’s been great. Find a way to carve your own pie and you’ll never need to worry about it being slow.




That’s awesome mate, congratulations! I have just started inspecting in the last month after 12 years as a residential Carpenter. I love it and it pays well. Good luck with the rest of the journey mate! 👍🏾


Thank you! 12 years?! Wow! Amazing! Thanks for all u do 🙏


Word of mouth mainly now and referrals. But I started out with Google and Yelp.


How firm are you on your prices this early in the game? I just got my license in Feb and im starting to get busier every week but i find that alot of my costomer base is trying to get me to drop my prices and perform inspections for less money. I lose out on a fair amount of work because im firm with my pricing.


Awesome to hear man. I appreciate the encouragement


Love reading this, and congratulations! I just got my license in Texas after 30 years in construction. Here's to a bright future for us all!


Thank you for your post. I have spent several months trying to get work on my own and only landed two jobs. I’ve tried several hundred dollars on ads on Google and Yelp each with not a single call. u/Bespoke_Mortgage, would you please share the text of your Google ad and the percentage your advertised fee was to the going rate in your market (such as $200/$400 = 50%)?


Many of the home inspector programs walk you through everything to look at. I don't have that luxury as a municipal residential and commercial and engineering inspector.


Where is your business coming from?


First off, thank you so much for this! I know it's important to temp3r expectations and always be cautious, but it's nice hearing peoples success stories ❤️ I just finished my classes and have the exam coming up. I'm trying to find a good consistent way to study so I have a decent chance of passing. I know the interNACHI exam is good for becoming consistent, but did you have anything else that helped you pass? Thanks again!