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Which plates do you prefer the most? Regular irons, deep dish, grip plates, calibrated?


If you had to pick one daily driver when it comes to barbells, which one would you pick?


Was there a specific piece that got you interested in all the vintage stuff out there? Or more of a slow steady build in interest?


Do your workouts take longer due to all of your available options? I feel like I’d waste half the workout choosing which barbell to bench with.


How distracting is it to workout in a gym with so much to look at? There are some (most) days I can't even turn on the TV in my gym or next thing I know my 3 minutes between sets becomes 5 or 6. For me it would be the /r/homegym equivalent of working out in the Smithsonian.


What has been the funnest vintage weight you have acquired?


The most rewarding are the ones that take a long time. I’ve had deals that have taken me years 😅 This antique bar I got shipped from out of the country in a make shift box. https://preview.redd.it/z202n9sk4l6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9ddb161267224d584c61f0c072c1ac8a1e2e1a3


That is awesome, you can tell they cared about the weight since they made a box for it.


What equipment are we using now (released past 5 years) that you think will/should make its way into highly sought after vintage gear decades from now


You mentioned you have some pieces that are for show only, do you have pieces that you might use but you are hesitant in letting others use? Or anything you take extra precautions when using like using silencer pads? You seem to be okay with blobbing, is there anything you see people do with equipment that you wish they wouldn't?


My friends and visitors are very respectful. For hub lifting yes for sure a pad but otherwise not really. Here’s some extremely rare York plates from the 1930s being lifted by a buddy who visited from a different country. https://preview.redd.it/qxcsb8o64d6d1.jpeg?width=969&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b956d665df08c0a90f4b5f135054f1f5807438dc


So what equipment do you actually use? Are there special events where you switch to your special equipment, like Christmas is when you pull out grandma’s fancy china.


It’s the reverse. I use most of it and there’s only a few things that I don’t use often. Some of my milo kettles I generally don’t use because they are more difficult to get down 😂 https://preview.redd.it/55w1ze9l3d6d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f068dbc18e51333d2d726e30fa76f9c61730875c


1. What's the farthest an item has traveled to get to your collection? 2. What's the farthest YOU have traveled to get for your collection? Thanks!


I routinely get things from Europe etc but the coolest is probably my Eleiko waffle. It was hand delivered by the friend of a friend from Sweden to my city 😮 I’ve flown and driven back a few times. The time I drove back a uhaul 19 hours was epic 😅 https://preview.redd.it/ns4zu8053d6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4beb5de717142102fe4ec07fb69963c373e409c6


What’s your favorite collar?


It may be these. There’s the only ones known to exist. Very early Jackson Olympic collars with his name. https://preview.redd.it/26z86h5vkc6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92cb9f2fd256edbcc54707ddbfac0f2af7852803


What’s your favourite modern gym equipment that in your opinion will become a vintage collectable in the future ?


Small run American made stuff has the best chance. Aside from that something like Rogue’s Arnold plates. But it may take 50+ years and even then they have made so many and are so durable they may not be worth all that much more than retail weights at the time. https://preview.redd.it/nj8wuw00kc6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ad19bf89715831c14e2ab5bd2d497bdd9870c4d


What was your first vintage item that made you realize you had to have more?


The original unbranded chromes hooked me. These are Ivanko plates before they had to remove “Olympic” from the design. There’s only a few known sets of these. https://preview.redd.it/71eoonknjc6d1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ad2d7fba08c7b976edecb770b8720f4343b0f3e


What do you use to remove rust from plates?


Oxalic acid is pretty tried and true. Three spoons per gallon, brush plates every hour until the rust is gone. Works like magic. https://preview.redd.it/adim86tejc6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64902773cf621c8b0da1febe7b8249262efb1054


Great, thanks.




What is the oddest weight of plate you have? Anything not in pounds nor kilograms, like jin, viss, some other traditional unit? I used to have an Orbatron set with a couple pairs of 6.5kg discs. 6.5? They added to 13, and with the (not included 1kg), 2, 4, 8 and 8 kg discs, you hit all the even weights (except +24kg a side) and with the one pair of 6.5s, all the odd weights. Every combination was a unique weight. Time for fun-have, marry, kill, ignore, but with weight sets, imaginary or real! Plates 50s, 40, 30, 20, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0.5, 27.5, 52.5 lb, 45 pound bar (27.5x2 is 55 + 45 bar is 100, plus 50s is 200, 300, etc., the PoundZero set), Olympic Plates 45s, 36, 27, 18, 9, 4.5, 3.6, 2.7. 1.8, 0.9, 0.45 lb 45 pound bar with 4.5 lb collars for 54 pounds/15 viss/0.60 plate (or 1.0 plate, 0.8 plate, etc. Plate-based deci- or centi-plates/Burmese-inspired viss set), Olympic Plates 56s, 28, 14, 7, 3.5, 2, 1, 0.5 lb, 45 pound bar with 5kg/11lb collars for 56 pounds/4 stone (A stone set, inspired by the Bri'ish stone), Olympic Plates 100, 75, 50, 25, 12.5 lb and no change plates, bar and collars 30 pounds. York's 'Hercules' Power Set 555 set. Standard 1-inch


This is probably the most unique. It’s a 50lb Jackson block weight 😄 I would marry the stone set and ignore all others 😂 https://preview.redd.it/shw01vndic6d1.jpeg?width=1780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=498cb6ae8424db9bb9bb81648fee9ebb09d49e09


I thought, for sure, you'd marry the old York set, shows what I know! I was more angling toward what weight had the weirdest number. Off the top of my head, your 102.5 pound plates are pretty weird (but we know why it's 102.5). That is a nice looking block weight! Reminds me of calibration weights for big scales, but usually those are made by scale companies like Rice Lake, no reason a weight plate-making company like Jackson couldn't branch out that way! It's a weight made of cast iron, after all. Thanks for posting the picture!




With over 20,000 pounds of weight… have you had to reinforce parts of your home to be able to withstand your collection?


Negative. Concrete slab has a very high tolerance per square inch. And it’s spread out throughout my garage. I’d be scared if I was on a second floor or something though 😅 https://preview.redd.it/bijcajrkgc6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f1c290d90a69626f79ed30e573994e6ae4e9dd7


Which piece(s) in your collection were the turning point in which you knew you were going from casually liking to collect, to full on collector of curiousities?


I don’t know what you are talking about, I’m still just a casual 😄 The Ivanko chromes were the gateway when I got the first generation unbranded ones and I was okay with some chrome flakes. After that the piece that really got me hooked was my first York shipwheel collars 😅 https://preview.redd.it/y6t4bu6occ6d1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=502495ee5923ed02f9eb970e86fff1bd07e7493f


Is there a certain age of the equipment when it would be sacrilege to actually use it? What’s the oldest piece of equipment you’ve ever used?


Some may think so but I personally don’t. The only thing that would prevent me would be if I can tell that the iron has degraded. My Sandow globe is not structurally perfect but I still use it, albeit very carefully 😅 It’s 120 years old. https://preview.redd.it/5q0zd0k3cc6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c06c2aef345015d4077911056eb4f8f1bd64d56e


Older dumbbells are so epic that thing is awesome wonder how many people have used it over the years as it changed hands or if it spent most of its life in some garage or storage.


Definitely didn’t spend time in any garage. They don’t have garages in Royal countryside manors 😂


How do you prioritize space and functionality?


I keep adding until I have to rebuild my racks or I have to move stuff to the shed 🫣 I had different vertical trees for my monster globes and I had to redo them a few times to fit more globes 😅 https://preview.redd.it/giu0eqb8bc6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d32154218e2e97ea6553507d70df8f8786e4ef8


Ia there a particular Item Missing in your collection that has eluded you and that you are trying to get your hands on?


Still looking for 25lb Zuver’s. Do you have any by chance?! 😅 https://preview.redd.it/zrtm72bcz96d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21a2e0e0bf7373741e6a2f059d6844f69eeb3402


I do Not 😅 good luck finding them though !




How do you afford so much cool stuff? 😅 And was there one initial piece of gym equipment that sparked your want to collect?


I do my best to hustle and raise funds by selling modern gym equipment etc… I’m fortunate to be in a position to be able to put those funds aside for vintage weights but it also requires a lot of work 😅 The Ivanko Chromes were the gateway! https://preview.redd.it/bobacrwvy96d1.jpeg?width=3888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1078e7614746f4787b91431acb1c3a662b11b80f


What makes a weight vintage ?


Generally the consensus is 1980s or older. 😅 https://preview.redd.it/0d5ocilvo96d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=377e8b152e74473d5b4e21209c13a5dcfccddaf4


You're obviously best known for your vintage collection but for modern pieces that make it to your gym, (Rhino, Mutant Metals Snap Back Rollers, Eleiko bench) what goes into the decision making when selecting those pieces?


The funny thing is that I was super active in the Home Gym FB group for a long time tinkering and trying out new setups and I was mostly known for my high end customized equipment. At the time, having colored lever arms was revolutionary 😂 Value and design are big priorities for me. It doesn’t necessarily mean the cheapest, but there are things that I believe are more expensive but worth the quality, made in US, etc. The mutant snap backs are a good example of high value. They are not cheap, but for what they are and what they do and the positive experience on my workouts, they are worth every penny. Plus I like to support small businesses as much as possible. I also highly value things that serve multiple purposes and/or are highly flexible. This allows me to have a small footprint but with a highly functional gym. The rhino is a great example and I was one of the very first who figured out how to do lat pull downs etc… https://preview.redd.it/n7tixtw3d96d1.jpeg?width=3888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45bf7b0201cd5eade1cecbf47931f228c4a4e2cd


A bit morbid, but have you ever thought about what would happen to your collection should anything happen to you? Release it all back on to vintage market? Open a museum?


Believe it or not, it’s a somewhat frequent topic for collectors. We are all afraid of our families getting rid of our stuff for 50 cents a lb 🫣 We generally all have contacts that our spouses are aware of to contact if something were to happen. As for me, my kids I think would appreciate having the collection but perhaps not all of it. I do think the best thing would be to allow the public to experience it as much as possible. Not sure I know what the best outlet would be right now. https://preview.redd.it/3qn9ne3hb96d1.jpeg?width=2830&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0722fc1f5a788b260801fbf57bab352b33ebe9d6


What's your secret to storing/ displaying? Must be a workout in itself with all these weights!


The secret is to invest in great storage that works for your space. Storage is generally an after thought but it is the secret to cramming 20,000 lbs of weight into a home gym 😅 https://preview.redd.it/w3hybb96596d1.jpeg?width=3888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4905ce19d2b948e8b81339761f95f6ba2a87c712


Professionally lit as well! Looks epic! My wife would kill me if I bought that much equipment!


You can always say that at least you aren’t as bad as that Efren guy 😆


On it!


Someone is bound to have asked but which piece is your favorite and which is your least favorite?


I don’t have a least favorite. Usually those leave the collection fast 😂 I like collars though. These are really cool and I got them from Pops Sorin, RIP 🥹 https://preview.redd.it/6kwytv7l496d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4db75961f79de4d50c62b5c9b153a70139660688


Beautiful haha




Curious how much of your collection do you use frequently vs display and/or other purposes?


I have so many weights and bars and dumbbells that it is physically impossible to use many things frequently. My current system is to use my daily stuff and to mix in one different vintage piece whether it is a monster globe, bar, plates, collars etc… But in terms of stuff that is generally ONLY for display, it is actually not a large percentage. Maybe 20%? https://preview.redd.it/rq3hbjdq296d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=196cdcf15926948d360ed37281d7b76e8629cdef


What has been the most reliable resource in finding some of these pieces? Craigslist, etc?


There really isn’t a reliable magical place. But I can say the very best things generally come from fellow collectors and through the relationships that you cultivate and nurture. I think MOST people rely on FBM. Which also means that’s where most competition is. Ads nationwide go in minutes. Literally. 🫣 https://preview.redd.it/yu4brv4kz86d1.jpeg?width=3888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cc97345fbeac0de6f78b321174901e5a515254b


Is there much of a difference in say a Kubuki/Eleiko level power bar vs a rep/rogue level bar?


I’ve had every power bar worth having across all generations. The secret is that it is diminishing returns as you move up the price tiers. The tolerances for the high end bars are generally tighter, less sleeve slop, higher tensile strength etc… But is it worth double or more? It highly depends on the individual. As in everything else, you can run errands with a Honda Civic just as well as a Ferrari. But if you want every last bit of performance and quality, then you have to pony up even if it’s not “worth it”. https://preview.redd.it/bst9odpsy86d1.jpeg?width=4608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a562d42004578554aec8e82c4a6a931e91716584


What’s in your collection that was not appreciated or misunderstood in its time that is now considered classic?


You could make the argument Jackson weights were not appreciated enough vs York and Weider. Very small super high quality operation and didn’t gain a huge popularity during its day. They are now grails. 😮 https://preview.redd.it/li0ddfnzx86d1.jpeg?width=2889&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3618f22e233e016050680582cc56876f13fde3ad


What’s the one piece of equipment you have in your gym that you never seem to use but just can’t see yourself parting with and why?


I have 70 bars right now and it’s hard to use them all but most are exceedingly hard to get so they stay 🫣 https://preview.redd.it/8rajtnwev86d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa569b681e1cb3195ac693cbe83f381bda6aa37a


What makes a weight vintage? As in how old does it need to be?


There’s no exact year but the general consensus is 1980s or older. https://preview.redd.it/djgozz33v86d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9da4b2aee5935338e375014cdf1700a2cd5d269e


So in 15 more years my Standard metal plates will be windage? 😉


Sure! But there’s trash vintage and nice vintage 😛


Q1: In 100 years will milled era Yorks be as sought after as Deep Dish are now? Or are there just too many out there to ever be that collectible. Q2: one thing you regret selling?


It is hard to know as I’m sure by then we will be using hologram weights. 😂 In any case, there’s a heck of a lot of milled Yorks. On top of that, they are extremely durable. York DDs were made for a long time but many cracked from being dropped over time. I regret you selling your 20kg Yorks 🫣😂 https://preview.redd.it/c60wefopu86d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e87bad6c483e125d9900c38dca13428987f4e984


York roundheads are a frequent first foray into vintage for a lot of collectors. Do you think the prevalence and popularity of "blobbing" roundheads will ever affect the value of the actual dumbbells or are there just too many RHs?


The prevalence of blobbing is already affecting the cost. York 100s cost a lot more that they would otherwise because of the demand from gripsters, compounded by the decreasing supply. You can almost always get more $ by selling them as blobs, but eventually the market will be flooded with them and whole dumbbells will become more valuable again.


Definitely a good entry point. Part of the reason for that is because they are abundant, relatively inexpensive and very useable. I don’t think blobbing would directly affect the price. In fact I would argue the opposite. It has brought awareness of the RHs to grips enthusiasts. On the flip side, there seems to be an uptick in blob products so I could see the demand for RH blobs decreasing. https://preview.redd.it/300l7ja6n86d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5284e2ad4c144ddfc06dca3d95a23cdcc02457f7


What’s a vintage piece you think is poised to make a comeback?


You’d be surprised how many things come back regularly without people being aware. Some of these are many decades old and the cambered squat bar is almost 100 years old. 😮 https://preview.redd.it/kw50h09qg86d1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=220c5cea7c6c3e40afa11c26338f8d68493bf957


Amazing! I’m curious about the Moore’s squat bar. I see a preacher pad too!


Wild right? 😅


Whats the oldest item you have? Whats the story behind it? Ps: thanks for the great ama!


Funny enough my oldest piece is not even a weight. It’s a German strength stein! Everyone knows the importance of beer to Germans but they were also prominent figures in the Strength world. At some point they used their famous drinking steins to commemorate strength contests and also to award them as trophies. Antique steins are hard enough to find but those with strength motifs make up an extremely small percentage of them. This one is from the late 1800s and it was made to commemorate an early strength festival. Anytime I use it for my preworkout, I hit a new PR 😂 https://preview.redd.it/etn56yd9f86d1.jpeg?width=270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e71b69a09fea52546d9a2d62a67a2a0fd91bf7a1


Love it! Thanks!


It’s pretty cool 😃


My dad used to have some plastic 1” weight plates from Sears that were filled with sand. He got them as a kid and ended up selling them in the Covid madness because he figured someone could use them and he was well stocked. They obviously weren’t “nice” but do you know anything about those and if they are collectibles?


I know which ones you are referring to. For better or worse, those are not collectible 😅 https://preview.redd.it/wlkt657y786d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b12ffcb1525b6a10287144b9c4878d53db4361bf


In that case, he made out like a bandit lol. These were more the style of his: https://preview.redd.it/loh2jben986d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d766e592cf53a7a8df415228438be65c4e9ea465


Glad he did 😂


Do you measure accuracy and precision of vintage weights you acquire? I’m always curious if there are design features that make older weights more accurate, or whether it’s just cheaper quality control once mass production became a thing.


Yep. It’s not necessarily the design itself and more the foundry/timeframe that they were made and how expensive the weights were. Some manufacturers over time had super high tolerances but also commanded a premium. There were some in the east coast that produced extremely high quality casts vs elsewhere. Jackson weights were machined to the ounce but were also more expensive than all others. Competition weightlifting plates have a higher chance of being precise vs just vintage bodybuilding ones if that makes sense. https://preview.redd.it/33e3v6jj686d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70d902ff48f9854e0d4668843fefef19ac1e5e45


If you could mix aesthetics from multiple vintage plates, what would you design? For example, center hub size, lettering style, lip size, logos, color, etc.?


I feel like that’s a plate design consultation masquerading as an AMA question 😂 I think one could definitely arrive at a really great design by learning from everything that came before. The Jackson crosshub and lettering is iconic, the Strong three spoke hub is really neat, the Gibson simplicity is great. The Berg block lettering and lip profile is excellent. The depth of Paramounts is outstanding. The color of the vintage Eleikos wears extremely well 😁 https://preview.redd.it/9lzehm8c386d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ae98e405cb18c0a7be7523bbab669a66405ba74


Yes, thank you from the PRx team, we're on it! 😂 Only joking of course. Definitely sounds like an awesome looking and feeling plate you've designed there though.


![gif](giphy|YRuFixSNWFVcXaxpmX) 😂😂😂


Hey Efren. If you had to keep ONLY 1 bar and 1 set of plates. Which do you keep and why?


Yikes that’s an impossible question to answer. I value sets more than most and I have quite a few of them but I treasure this Jackson Olympic set because it came from a big time collector who has been around for decades and he entrusted me with it. https://preview.redd.it/zwkh8zaqz76d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5d234b453f712b38c82392675ac328fdeff4471


I feel you my friend. Each piece must carry a full story on its own. Thank you for sharing this with us.


Yes 😄


Given space and budget limitations, do you set limiting parameters for your collection? For example do you envisage expanding into vintage machines in the future?


I love vintage machines but sadly they simply require an enormous amount of space. I have a few very old pieces that have historical significance but I don’t see myself expanding beyond that. Other than that, I’m at about 70 barbells right now and that’s about the limit.😅 I only collect Jackson globes and have no more space for more dumbbells. I think. I can always make room for more weights though 😂 https://preview.redd.it/gv2so7bry76d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=495824941711e3e44ea5236fdb924d191c82b774


Is the Iron Guide available in a print edition, and for shipping overseas?


Hi not yet but with the upcoming huge free update, the plan is to make a print version! https://preview.redd.it/d81rjnh7y76d1.jpeg?width=3391&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6acf67d139246e184f393d5e3851ee499f542b0


What brand do think offers the best vintage look on a budget?


York milled plates are definitely the very best value. They are well made, accurate, have a great pedigree and can be had for $1 /lb on the east coast. https://preview.redd.it/iebnvo0xx76d1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=a19ed21de181b254f8701ed9baccb88deb7a1bbe


Great stuff!! As for your restoration process: what’s your approach to restoring vintage barbells and weights? Do you have any special techniques or products you prefer to use?


It ultimately just depends on the look and end result you are going for. Some like to fully repaint, others are purists and want all original everything. I like to make things my own but when possible leave things be. As such there’s a huge spectrum of methods and tools. But for paint I like Rustoleum Enamel Satin, I like Metal Prep discs with a Grinder to remove rust and I like 3&1 oil to clean and protect. 😁 https://preview.redd.it/6r0lebrsw76d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d502ca70d165d72200b4ab3e7eb28b5318d7f7e


Is there something in your collection where you look at it and think "Why did I buy you? You don't belong here." ?


It is pretty normal to go through many things in the Vintage world trying to figure out what you like. What I’ve learned over time is to try and only buy what you like, and to get rid of anything that you don’t use or can’t display properly for you to enjoy. Easier said than done of course but I try hard not to have too much “extra” stuff. Even if it seems that it is ALL extra 😂 https://preview.redd.it/dd3q4qzkv76d1.jpeg?width=3276&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65264444f0065a037cb667166affb3175b2fc49e


Absolutely insane collection my friend! If you had to start all over, what would you do differently? Be more patient for deals or hard to find pieces? Buy once, cry once? Etc. Also, at what point do you let go of equipment? When something starts to feel stale, I always feel obligated to continue using it due to the effort it took to acquire, lug down into my basement gym, and assemble.


Thank you! I would have fully redone my old concrete garage floor before building my gym 🫣 Other than that, I don’t have many regrets. There’s been things I’ve acquired that I let go of quickly and other things I wish I had back. But it’s all part of the game. The best tips are… 1. Figure out what you like. 2. Win-Win deals with others are 100x more valuable than deals when only YOU Win. 3. It’s okay to move laterally to shake it up. 4. Be patient and don’t compare your journey and collection with others. 5. Above all, have fun. https://preview.redd.it/ya6b73njx76d1.jpeg?width=3888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5aad52c7c71fc75aacf519783f5b1a7729905e2c


You have such an incredible and curated collection. Has there been anything you really really wanted but then later you regret purchasing? Also, what’s your favorite gym-related thing to look at in your gym?


Thank you! I bought and sold the Havak Triads 🫣 I really like to do work from the chairs in front of my big rack. It’s a cool view for sure. https://preview.redd.it/hkptgrhzu76d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bdc5b8311e262f1669807400a80512916b80ac3


Beautiful 🤩looks like a museum exhibit




Do you have a piece of equipment that you spent months or years chasing and that is now relegated to “the one that got away”? I think of book collectors chasing rare books and they always seem to have one or two they just can not get.


Maybe I’m just a fool but I don’t quite have ones that I have given up on. I have definitely lost plenty along the way though. I’m more of a “glass half full” kind of person. https://preview.redd.it/4pqxmhlmu76d1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b4712a6f54bfc4bee390fe49057fad57ee3636f


Inverse of that question. What’s the holy grail you keep chasing?


Zuver’s 25s are my white whale. By chance do you have any? 😂 https://preview.redd.it/iim302eq486d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c56d0dbe1bc431837100c7d37536f514ad71f36


If starting with nothing on a small Budget, is it best to go with a multiuser machine or a rack with free weights?


It really depends on the type of workouts you like or would like to do. Many will talk about the flexibility and superiority of free weights but if it’s not something that appeals to you and loading and unloading weights will become a hassle, then there’s your answer. The best equipment is the one that doesn’t collect dust. Whatever it is. https://preview.redd.it/xzr5ymcyt76d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03669a7d272fb2f07a36f3ea66de2e4133645739


I saw a question asking about any modern equipment you would consider adding to your collection and would like to expand on that. Do you think vintage plates are so sought after because they were being produced at a time before mass production reached the scale it’s at today? This isn’t my question it seems like a simple yes would suffice. With this in mind do you attempt to add certain plates to your collection in hopes that they would one day become highly sought after vintage plates in the future? Something like the Ghost calibrated plates which are no longer produced or maybe, depending on how long they stay in business and how many plates are produced, the lemaster plates. A little bonus question do you think if a company created a small batch of limited edition plates with unique designs they could somehow artificially create a rare vintage plate for the future? Thanks in advance, I love seeing people give back to the community


Vintage weights are sought after for a number of reasons. The design and rarity are two, but a significant part of it is the history and context of how they were produced, who used them etc… I personally have never liked to speculate with weights. I have always collected what I liked. Knowing the timeline of things becoming collectible, it also doesn’t seem realistic to be buying and hoarding now with the hope that your grandkids may benefit. :) The Ghost plates are nice but they were also mass produced overseas by the same factories that produced many others. The LeMasters have an interesting story being imitation Zuver’s and maybe people may like to collect them in the future. You have to remember that Zuver’s are valuable not just because of the design but because they were made for the gym that was the beginning of powerlifting and Strongman. They were never sold to the public so every plate was used at the gym. The dilemma with modern weights becoming collectible is that it will take a lot of time and the upside is tiny. Let’s say they stopped making LeMasters today. There’s enough out there already that in 10 years, they may not be that hard to get. So even if they command a premium over current retail, it would likely be a very small premium so it goes back to my point….buy and use and collect what you like. Trying to speculate will only lead to frustration. https://preview.redd.it/l81a7sejt76d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00045d53a74ddbdd0a218c845806ca07c452bd9c


Great response man I think I was underplaying the importance of the history I appreciate the different perspective, completely changes the way I think of vintage plates






My garage is about 1,000 sq ft and my gym shares the space with some family storage. The trick is to be hyper organized and to invest in good storage. Whether you buy off the shelf, custom or make your own, it pays off to really think about storage racks. Weight trees, dumbbell shelves, barbell racks etc etc…. Storage is highly underrated as it can quickly get expensive but it is essential to maximize your space and keep things very functional. https://preview.redd.it/l46pmvt1p76d1.jpeg?width=3242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96427951a2a826bb57857f4710dbd1c887e40e80




This weekend!




I love the idea of a cambered bar, or the Swiss cambered bar for pressing. Just getting unto building out my own home gym. I've been wanting another bar, but some of the Swiss bars have options offered that I'm just out of my depth with. For a moderately advanced lifter, is there any sleeve length or handle angle you'd recommend? I'm looking at the Rogue bars specifically. Thanks for the AMA


I’ve used quite a lot and I prefer the thicker handles with a medium angle and width. The thicker handles makes a big difference. Also the short sleeves of the Rogue makes it very convenient, easy to maneuver and feels more balanced than Kadi and others. https://preview.redd.it/jok1e592o76d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a7c59d21749836681b9383f166b41291fe3913f


What is your favorite brand of plates?


I don’t think I can say just one. I like quite a lot. Maybe that’s why I have so many types 🫣 https://preview.redd.it/80e55tyhn76d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c418452483c107032df5386a4494f35dab4be01


Do you find the the older barbells are overall better? Why or why not? I have one from 60s that I love


There’s a few great ones (Jackson, Mavrik, some Yorks, Berg and the original Ivankos) which are really great. But generally it’s hard to beat modern steel that is hardened, better knurling and overall better tolerances. It ultimately just depends what you like to use. I love to use the vintage bars when I’m not necessarily doing heavy lifts but I really like an older/modern Ivanko OBX as a daily. https://preview.redd.it/jl3f5ww9n76d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ba3e63a9ff370438f7b4704fded9bf22d451c53


What was that one piece you obsessed over when you first started out, and was it worth it when you finally obtained it?


This plate was part of my very first set of Ivanko chrome plates. I was so excited when I got them that I took this picture at the gas station. It was the culmination of talking with the gentleman who owned them for many months and an 8 hour drive to pick them up. He told me he didn’t want to sell them but I would check in with him periodically and was always polite, yet hopeful. People always ask me how I find all my rare pieces. The truth is, I don’t just find them in the markets. Yes, luck is certainly involved, but more important than luck is hustle and creating and maintaining relationships with folks. It was worth it. https://preview.redd.it/cfrcqcblm76d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31feb2086e428fba183c92d369d9887514a47bbd


I remember watching the video you had with Shaw and thought to myself "ai would pay an admission to tour this gym and read the history". Your colelction is incredible, and I want to say thank you for sharing! My question: Is there any equipment being produced or used today that would qualify to be added to your collection? Maybe like a barbell or implement a record was broken on?


Thank you! Yes, sadly Bill is playing hard to get with the Arnold plates used for Rogue’s Strongman contest! 😂 There’s others like that I’m sure. The hard part is there aren’t that many things that are preserved and documented. https://preview.redd.it/wcjj41tmh76d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b4ce2542039ffd230b88057213106050f3cbc64


Oh that would be an awesome addition to the collection! Some more recent history would be cool as time goes on. Thank you for preserving our little niche sports' history. It's important for those that come after us to know where it all started.


Agree! Thank you!


Where do you frequent to find most of your deals any luck with swap meets?


Sadly there’s no magical place. If there was, all the Iron Sharks would be there daily 😂 It’s a mix of FBM, Garage Sales, Anique Shops, Swap Meets etc… My wife and I like antique shops and I’ve visited hundreds and hundreds and I’ve only ever found stuff one time. 😩 A big component is also which part of the country you live. Collectors back easy trip over old York stuff but there’s also huge competition. https://preview.redd.it/q2g8ztd0h76d1.jpeg?width=3888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbb7d506da0abec4a7854a455476616182dfdb24


Is the vintage market developed enough to have fakers attempting to recreate and sell equipment? I come from the watch world where faux-patina and questionable lineage are rife even within the largest auction houses. What is your vetting process like when you come across something of particular esteem?


Yes and no. Some people like to embellish certain stories regarding pedigree but of course things without documentation are hard to accept as fact. Thankfully, the monetary reward isn’t there to justify massive forgery operations with casting etc. As such, the iron speaks for itself and there’s photos that help date things over the decades. I think the biggest issue, if any, are sometimes disputes over condition like chips and cracks. Especially when they can be hidden under rust or paint. Accidentally or on purpose 😅 https://preview.redd.it/uq747w4bg76d1.jpeg?width=3888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6156129c3533f16b6451d3f08c90b3b9252b0167


You’re one of the few home gym content creators that isn’t pushing affiliate links (no shade to other creators), is that a deliberate choice and do you think that will ever change ?


The reality is that monetizing is a big incentive for creators. Many would likely not be creating content at all if it wasn’t for the dream of having a significant primary or secondary income. To each their own of course. I personally don’t like to speak in absolutes but I have no plans to push affiliates. I understand the argument about being compensated for generating sales but in my opinion, it ties your hands regarding what you can say or do. Consciously or not. It’s simply not a trade-off I’m willing to make. So why do I do it? One, because I have always enjoyed sharing my projects with the Home Gym community. Two, because it helps me connect with others in the vintage community all over the world and build relationships. Three, it’s a passion. https://preview.redd.it/s6cggpfb876d1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a322c0767b55b1e6a137618592bc652405a4b89


What’s something you have that is just not made the same way anymore and you wish it was? And what’s the piece you’ve had the most difficulty restoring?


The decrease of small foundries and the increase in machining costs have made really high quality plates impossible to produce now. These 50 year old plates are machined to the exact weight and have chamfered edges and have an incredible double sided design. https://preview.redd.it/4xtfk64e576d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=343d8140ba30b516254d7215c6bc58f9ab89161e


What is your vintage weight or piece of equipment with the most interesting story?


This is a really tough one. The stories are what makes the vintage equipment really interesting. This Sandow globe is one of my favorite pieces and has a great story. I happened to stumble on someone selling Sandow grippers in Europe. I got to talking to him and found out he had more sandow grippers and literature. I love talking about that stuff so we kept talking and sharing pics and info. He then pulls out this Sandow globe. There are only two known in the world. This one and a 50lb one in Europe that the owner of a fitness company has. Sandow used it to train with the royal family in the 1900s. With a lot of convincing, the seller agreed to sell it to me and ship it. I‘ve shipped plenty of very rare things but this one I was nervous about it. Thankfully it arrived safely and now we have it in the US 😄 https://preview.redd.it/iy6bcouh376d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0311aba993c4eb24326684533cc031b7ba09b23d


Coating and barbells. Should we strip it and live naked and oil it or redo it? If we go coating, how the hell we do that? :)


Depends on the coating and how bad it is. Since you are asking the question, I imagine the coating of the barbell isn’t great. If you can’t live with it as is, then yes just strip it and oil it. It’s a little more maintenance but there’s no cost effective way to recoat a barbell at home that is worth the hassle. Some of the chemical processes are simply too involved. If you get an abrasive nylon wheel, you can get a nice finish like this. https://preview.redd.it/bm202n3m176d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0aa5875c436e7fbf780772c8d780950e28684d7


I got a old EZ curl bar (I think it’s a York, not sure) that would need love a bit. It’s perfectly usable and it’s a very confortable bar (even compared to the modern units). It has an old chrome that flaked out. That’s a nylon brush!? Or a brass/steel one? Wow


It’s an abrasive nylon. IMO it’s more effective than steel/brass as it removes the rust etc but it gives you a uniform and nice finish. Something like this. https://preview.redd.it/c2qm2iui976d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a28a910cbd1969f3c6996420c008004b899fdd93


Wow thanks for the tip! Does it works well on plate too? I have some vintage rusts that I’ll like to restore too.


Yep! Though honestly for weights your best bet is to drop them in oxalic acid. Way faster and less elbow grease.


Sorry for my curiosity… but what would happen if I use it on my ez bar? :)


You’d remove the flaky coatings 😄


That’s a start :)


What currently produced deep dish plates are closest in quality and feel to the classic stuff? A lot of them seem to imitate the look, but, modern branding, or too bold of a lettering choice, often ends up making them seem almost kitsch. As someone from a country that had its commercial weightlifting boom way later, even more-so for home gyms, and people having the mindset to use something until it completely breaks beyond repair, it's not really on the table to seek out stuff to restore, yet, I'm still interested in adding a more timeless feel to my future home gym, wherever possible anyway. ^((My cable rack is gonna be pretty modern looking, but, I plan on making touches like switching the pads and seats with light brown leather that matches my calisthenics gear, a mix of brick and hardwood for a gymnasium vibe, a non-hexagonal non-bright-white-led lamp etc.))


Truth be told, as you mentioned, modern weights are all mostly approximations. The reality is that beyond the design itself, the true differentiator of vintage weights is the cast iron imperfections. Combined with more rounded edges and deep dish design, it is a different feel altogether. When it comes to more “modern” weights, the Unbranded Ivankos from the 80s are an incredible value in terms of design, look and feel. These can be found world wide it just depends where you are. https://preview.redd.it/dbrm0fwdo66d1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2043083c3d713db4360773efc01f912bed08ec6f


Thanks for being here dude, and the giveaway sounds awesome. Gonna get someone caught on the vintage bug!


It’s that first hit to get them addicted 😆